28 research outputs found

    Application of DInSAR techniques to the monitoring of ground deformations

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    The aim of the present thesis has been to test the applicability of the innovative Advanced DInSAR techniques in the natural risk mitigation related to subsidence phenomena. In particular, two test sites have been chosen, both located within alluvial plains and affected by subsidence phenomena: Telese Terme (Italy) where no monitoring network has been installed in spite of the great amount of damaged buildings located in the urban area; Murcia city (Spain) where subsidence has caused damage to structures and infrastructures with an estimated cost of more than 50 million euros. In this second case, the institutions have required studies since '90. For this reason, 20 years of monitoring data are available which have allowed the implementation of an integrated monitoring system based upon satellite DInSAR, conventional field techniques and geotechnical data. Therefore these two areas have been chosen to test different approaches in the use of DInSAR results which can complete a monitoring network where available (as in the case of Murcia city) and replace it where it does not exist (as in the case of Telese Terme). In Murcia case study, the correlation between the temporal evolution of ground surface displacement measures (radar and in situ) and the piezometric groundwater level variation has been analysed to determine mechanisms and critical states of failure; this has permitted to implement a finite element model (FEM) of the phenomenon. Therefore, two models have been carried out: one (called "deep") up to the end of the gravel layer (where the pumping takes place) and one (called "shallow") up to the extensometers' base. The results of the deep model have been compared with DInSAR displacements time series which represent the whole deformation of the stratigraphic column. These comparisons have allowed the individuation of local anomalies of the stiffness values, and have permitted a best model calibration. Moreover, the shallow model results have been compared with the extensometers measurements. These comparisons have showed the occurrence of vertical anisotropies of the permeability. This hypothesis has been verified, analysing the available Lefranc's tests and the most detailed stratigraphic columns and a new model has been proposed. The geotechnical model results have been interpolated through the Ordinary Kriging Radar Errors (OKRE) technique. The achieved deformation maps have been used in the SAR images processing to allow the algorithm to better estimate the no-lineal part of the interferometric phase. In Telese Terme case study, radar measured displacements have allowed to understand the phenomenon spatial extension, its magnitude as same as its historical development. This has permitted the individuation of the causes which provoked damages for some "test buildings". For one of them, a structural model has been implemented; in this case, radar data have been used to verify if its structural response to the displacements detected by SAR corresponded to the overpassing of the limit states. The model results have turned out to have a good correspondence with the forensic analysis achieved in situ. All the proposed approaches could be applied to other scenarios affected by similar phenomena.El objetivo de la presente tesis ha sido probar la aplicabilidad de las técnicas innovadoras de DInSAR Advanced, en la mitigación de los riesgos naturales relacionados con fenómenos de subsidencia. En particular, se han elegido dos sitios de prueba, ambos ubicados en llanuras aluviales y afectados por fenómenos de subsidencia: Telese Terme (Italia) donde no se ha instalado red de vigilancia, a pesar de la gran cantidad de edificios dañados ubicadas en el área urbana y la ciudad de Murcia (España), donde la subsidencia ha causado daños a las estructuras e infraestructuras con un coste estimado de más de 50 millones de euros. En este segundo caso, las instituciones han requerido estudios desde los años 90.Por esta razón, se dispone de 20 años de datos monitorizados los cuales han permitido la implementación de un sistema integrado de vigilancia basado en el satélite dinSAR, técnicas de datos convencionales y datos geotécnicos. Por lo tanto, para probar diferentes enfoques en el uso de los resultados de DInSAR, se han escogidas estas dos áreas de modo que se pueda completar una red de monitoreo donde esté disponible (como en el caso de la ciudad de Murcia) y reemplazarla donde no existe (como en el caso de Telese Terme). En el caso de Murcia, se ha analizado la correlación entre la evolución temporal de las medidas de desplazamiento de la superficie del suelo (radar in situ) y la variación piezométrica del nivel de las aguas subterráneas para determinar los mecanismos y estados críticos de fracaso. Esto ha permitido poner en práctica un modelo de elementos finitos (FEM) del fenómeno. Teniendo en cuenta estos estudios, se han llevado a cabo dos modelos FEM: uno (llamado "(deep) profundo") hasta el extremo del nivel de grava (donde se lleva a cabo el bombeo) y uno (llamado "(shallow) superficial") hasta la base de los extensómetros. Los resultados del modelo de profundidad han sido comparados con las series temporales de deformación DInSAR que representan toda la deformación de la columna estratigráfica. Estas comparaciones han permitido a la individuación de las anomalías locales de los valores de rigidez, y han permitido una mejor calibración del modelo. Por otra parte, los resultados del modelo superficial (shallow), se han comparado con las mediciones extensométricas. Estas comparaciones han mostrado la ocurrencia de anisotropías verticales de la permeabilidad. Esta hipótesis ha sido verificada, analizando las pruebas disponibles de la Lefranc y las columnas estratigráficas más detalladas y se ha propuesto un nuevo modelo. Los resultados del modelo geotécnico han sido interpolados a través de la técnica "Ordinary Kriging Radar Errors" (OKRE). Los mapas de deformación obtenidos han sido utilizados en el procesado de imágenes SAR para permitir al algoritmo una mejor estimación de la parte no lineal de la fase interferométrica. En el caso de Telese Terme, los desplazamientos radar medidos han permitido comprender la extensión espacial del fenómeno, su magnitud y su desarrollo histórico. Esto ha permitido la individuación de las causas que provocaron daños en algunos edificios "de prueba". Para uno de ellos, se ha implementado un modelo estructural; en este caso, se han utilizados, los datos radar para verificar si su respuesta estructural a los desplazamientos detectados por SAR correspondían a la "superación de los estados límite". Los resultados del modelo han resultado tener una buena correspondencia con el análisis forense conseguida in situ. Todos los aproches propuestos se podrían aplicar a otros escenarios afectados por fenómenos similares

    Subsidence activity maps derived from DInSAR data: Orihuela case study

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    A new methodology is proposed to produce subsidence activity maps based on the geostatistical analysis of persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) data. PSI displacement measurements are interpolated based on conditional Sequential Gaussian Simulation (SGS) to calculate multiple equiprobable realizations of subsidence. The result from this process is a series of interpolated subsidence values, with an estimation of the spatial variability and a confidence level on the interpolation. These maps complement the PSI displacement map, improving the identification of wide subsiding areas at a regional scale. At a local scale, they can be used to identify buildings susceptible to suffer subsidence related damages. In order to do so, it is necessary to calculate the maximum differential settlement and the maximum angular distortion for each building of the study area. Based on PSI-derived parameters those buildings in which the serviceability limit state has been exceeded, and where in situ forensic analysis should be made, can be automatically identified. This methodology has been tested in the city of Orihuela (SE Spain) for the study of historical buildings damaged during the last two decades by subsidence due to aquifer overexploitation. The qualitative evaluation of the results from the methodology carried out in buildings where damages have been reported shows a success rate of 100%.The European Space Agency (ESA) Terrafirma project has funded all the SAR data processing with the SPN technique. Additionally, this work has been partially financed by DORIS project (Ground deformation risk scenarios: an advanced assessment service) funded by the EC-GMES-FP7 initiative (grant agreement no. 242212), and the Spanish Geological and Mining Institute (IGME). This work has been also supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Research (MICINN) under project TEC2011-28201-C02-02 and EU FEDER

    Regional subsidence modelling in Murcia city (SE Spain) using 1-D vertical finite element analysis and 2-D interpolation of ground surface displacements

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    Subsidence is a hazard that may have natural or anthropogenic origin causing important economic losses. The area of Murcia city (SE Spain) has been affected by subsidence due to groundwater overexploitation since the year 1992. The main observed historical piezometric level declines occurred in the periods 1982–1984, 1992–1995 and 2004–2008 and showed a close correlation with the temporal evolution of ground displacements. Since 2008, the pressure recovery in the aquifer has led to an uplift of the ground surface that has been detected by the extensometers. In the present work an elastic hydro-mechanical finite element code has been used to compute the subsidence time series for 24 geotechnical boreholes, prescribing the measured groundwater table evolution. The achieved results have been compared with the displacements estimated through an advanced DInSAR technique and measured by the extensometers. These spatio-temporal comparisons have showed that, in spite of the limited geomechanical data available, the model has turned out to satisfactorily reproduce the subsidence phenomenon affecting Murcia City. The model will allow the prediction of future induced deformations and the consequences of any piezometric level variation in the study area.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and EU FEDER funds under projects ESP2013-47780-C2-2-R and TEC2011-28201-C02-02 and by the project 15224/PI/10 from the Regional Agency of Science and Technology in Murcia. The European Space Agency (ESA) Terrafirma project funded all the SAR data processing with the SPN technique

    Assessment of building behavior in slow-moving landslide-affected areas through DInSAR data and structural analysis

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    Slow-moving landslides are a natural hazard which affects wide areas in the world and often are cause of significant damage to structures and infrastructures. Analysis of landslide evolution and of their interaction with existing man-made structures plays a key role in risk prevention and mitigation activities. To this purpose, a considerable interest towards innovative approaches has grown among the scientific community and land management institutions. In this work, Synthetic Aperture Radar data acquired by C-band and X-band sensors, combined with numerical analyses, have been successfully applied as a tool to detect spatial and temporal landslide-induced effects, in terms of deformations and structural behavior of a building affected by ground instability. Such approach has been applied to Moio della Civitella urban settlement (Salerno province, Italy), whose whole territory is interested by several slow-moving landslides. In detail, performance of a masonry building aggregate and the efficacy of restoration works have been investigated through an integrated assessment of displacement time-series pre- and post-repair intervention, and structural analysis performed with numerical code. Historical DInSAR data have permitted firstly the interpretation of building displacement time-series corresponding to pre- and post-works configurations; subsequently, the analysis of interpolated interferometric products has allowed to define gradient maps of vertical and horizontal displacements and to identify part of aggregate which can suffer a greater susceptibility to damage as a consequence of deformation gradients. Finally, the comparison of satellite and numerical data showed a substantial agreement with local failures and damage surveyed, thus confirming the capability of DInSAR technique to investigate building performance where no in situ displacement measurements were available.Research funded by the Campania Region through Regional Law n. 5/2002, year 2008 – Project “La pericolosità delle frane intermittenti in formazioni strutturalmente complesse; analisi comparata dei parametri geologici, mineralogici e geotecnici” (CUP_E64G08000060002) – Scientific manager: prof. Domenico Calcaterra. Part of this work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO), the State Agency of Research (AEI) and the European Funds for Regional Development (FEDER) under projects TEC2017-85244-C2-1-P and TIN2014-55413-C2-2-P and the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport under project PRX17/00439

    Contribución de la interferometría SAR diferencial (InSAR) al estudio de la subsidencia del terreno de la Vega Media del Segura (Murcia): experiencias y tendencias futuras

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    XVII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección. Murcia 3-7 octubre 2017La Vega Media del Segura (VMS) se localiza en el sector este de la Cordillera Bética. El valle está relleno por sedimentos recientes (Holoceno-Plioceno) potencialmente deformables que han sido depositados por la acción de los ríos Segura y Guadalentín. La extracción de agua subterránea de los niveles permeables que constituyen el acuífero conlleva la consolidación de los materiales deformables, dando lugar a asientos de la superficie del terreno. La Interferometría SAR diferencial (InSAR) es una técnica remota que permite monitorizar de forma efectiva y precisa amplias extensiones del territorio. En este trabajo se describe las diferentes experiencias llevadas a cabo por los autores en la VMS, que han permitido avanzar en el entendimiento del funcionamiento hidrogeológico del acuífero para la comprensión del comportamiento geomecánico del subsuelo, así como para monitorizar los desplazamientos del terreno desde el año 1994 usando imágenes ERS, ENVISAT y TerraSAR-X, contribuyendo de forma efectiva al estudio, caracterización y modelización del fenómeno. Por último, se describen las tareas futuras a desarrollar haciendo uso de nuevos sensores SAR con el fin de asegurar la continuidad de la información disponible para el estudio de este fenómeno a lo largo del tiempo.Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, Universidad de Alicante, EspañaGeohazards InSAR Laboratory and Modeling Group, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaDepartamento de Física, Ingeniería de Sistemas y Teoría de la Señal, Universidad de Alicante, EspañaDepartamento de Teoria Senyal i Comunicacions, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, EspañaDepartment of Earth Sciences, Environment and Resources, University of Naples, EspañaDares Technology, Barcelona, Españ

    Comparison of water level, extensometric, DInSAR and simulation data for quantification of subsidence in Murcia City (SE Spain)

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    Subsidence due to groundwater overexploitation has been recognized in the metropolitan area of Murcia (25 km2) in south-eastern Spain since the early 1990s. Previous published works have focused their attention on land subsidence that occurred during the drought period between 1995 and 2008. This work first analyzes the groundwater recovery that has occurred since 2008 and then determines the kind of associated ground deformation detected by the new extensometric data. Subsequently, subsidence time series are computed on 24 geotechnical boreholes scattered throughout the study area by means of a hydro-mechanical finite element code and a linear-elastic constitutive law. A spatio-temporal interpolation of the numerically modeled surface displacements is performed over the whole domain and compared with extensometers and DInSAR-derived displacement maps in two different periods: the drought period from 2004 to 2008, and the recovery period from 2008 to 2012. In spite of the limited information on the geomechanical parameters characterizing the modelled geological formations, the proposed approach is able to discriminate areas where the soils have an elastic behavior (small differences in the comparisons) or an elasto-plastic behavior (large differences in the comparisons). This zonation enhances the understanding of the subsidence phenomenon in Murcia City and could prevent, from a quantitatively point of view, future severe subsidence due to aquifer overexploitation

    Implementation of DInSAR methods for the monitoring of heritage sites: Hera Lacinia in Crotone (Southern Italy)

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    Deformation and generally ground displacement can also affect cultural and archeological heritage sites: the monitoring of such ancient witnesses results to be very significant for the preservation and the conservation of the structures present within the sites. The Differential SAR interferometry is here applied to investigate the displacements occurring in Capo Colonna area (Crotone municipality, Southern Italy), a site which name derives from the only remaining column of the old Hera Lacinia temple, belonging to the Magna Graecia city of Kroton. The processing and the interpretation of SAR images has been carried out thanks to the availability of stacks of TerraSAR-X imagery, in the time span 2008-2010 and of COSMO Sky-Med acquired between 2014-2015. The results obtained show the protraction of a well-known subsiding trend, probably caused by a mix of natural causes (lithostratigraphic setting, seismic activity, eustatic sea-level changes), and anthropic causes, represented by the on-shore and off-shore gas extraction active in the area, identifying displacement velocities up to 15 mm/yr along the Line of Sight of the satellite, both in the ascending and in the descending orbits. These two contributions have been assembled in order to obtain the total vertical displacement, which has been calculated in 3 cm in two years of analysis. Moreover, the installation of 80 corner reflectors in October 2014 provided an improvement of the SAR interpretation, allowing also to focus in the future also on the coastal erosion affecting the site and the ruins and to further investigate about the relationship between gas extraction, performed by ENI, and the vertical motion