343 research outputs found

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    "Declaration of Immortality" – Inspirations Derived from Creative Documentaries by Wojciech Wiszniewski

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    In his documentary Declaration of Immortality, Marcin Koszałka intentionally refers to the style of Wojciech Wiszniewski. Visual creativity is strongly exposed here, both in the style of fi lming and the presentation of the hero. Th e main character in the fi lm, Piotr Korc zak, reminds of the monument-like heroes from Wiszniewski’s fi lms, like protagonist from Wanda Gościmińska. A Weaver Koszałka fi lmed the scenes in the Potocki Palace in Krzeszowice in the manner of Wiszniewski’s long tracking shots. Visual creativity in Koszałka’s and Wiszniewski’s fi lms encompasses the staging, precise frame composition, and their intentional artifi ciality, which does not nullify the documentary their nature. Form in the works of the directors of Primer (Wiszniewski) and Declaration of Immortality (Koszałka) interacts more or less with the spirit of Stanisław Witkiewicz’s art. Koszałka, like Wiszniewski, ‘dismantles’ reality, exposing the illusion of cinema to present a guru of mountain climbing (Korczak) as a ‘hostage of immortality’. Th e lonely hero from Wiszniewski-like staged scenes in Declaration of Immortality is presented as an ‘outgoing star’ whose fame has passed, giving way to alienation or a sense of failure. Th e tension from Declaration of Immortality emerges from the contrast between the way of fi lming (heroic style), and the meaning of particular scenes. Th e cinema of Wojciech Wiszniewski includes symbols, metaphors, and allegories. Th is artistic conception goes well with Marcin Koszałka’s concept of cinema, which – since the making of Existence (2007) – has become more and more symbolic, incorporating Baroque-like formal ideas based on strong contrasts to evoke ‘cognitive discomfort’ in the viewer.

    A comparative analysis and implementation of indicators for sustainable water management - An application in Cascais

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementThis research aims to identify and assess relevant indicators that follow a municipality's water management system's current state. Moreover, this paper will use the design research methodology to create a monitoring system's conceptual model that displays these identified indicators. Contemporary problems in water management are characterized by increasing complexity. Uncertainties due to climate change provide new challenges that humanity needs to tackle. Therefore, cities need to implement monitoring systems with clear indicators, clean data, set targets, and goals to successfully achieve their long-term sustainable development plans. The creation of a conceptual model is eventually to make this implementation more accessible to different municipalities. The defined indicators should meet the criteria to increase the usefulness and understanding for city managers and decision-makers from diverse backgrounds. Eventually, the goal is to apply this conceptual model to the Cascais water management case, where the local water indicators will be displayed in a Power BI report to see if Cascais' set climate action goals are on their way to being met


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    Cisza, duchowość i doświadczenie kontemplacyjne we współczesnym malarstwie abstrakcyjnym. Analiza wybranych przykładów

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    In recent decades, there has been increasing interest in including the spirit­ual dimension in artistic practice and in discourse on art. This phenomenon seems to be universal but is definitely not homogenic. I examine it by referring to meaningful examples of abstract paintings from different cultural and reli­gious backgrounds. I analyze artworks by two contemporary bicultural paint­ers: the American-Japanese artist, Makoto Fujimura, and American-Iranian artist, Yari Ostovany. The Polish non-figurative artist Tadeusz G. Wiktor is also considered. Their oeuvre can be set within the larger context of great reli­gious and spiritual traditions. I stress the influence of Oriental legacy in con­temporary examples of abstract art. I investigate how the selected artworks refer to an invisible reality, and I focus especially on the silence they evoke. My aim is to show how contemporary non-figurative art can influence the viewer by creating a contemplative experience. I also place the selected artworks in the theoretical contexts presented by the artists themselves and refer to classi­cal and contemporary texts.Tekst koncentruje się na problematyce duchowości we współczesnym malar­stwie abstrakcyjnym. Ten złożony fenomen obecny w sztuce i dyskursie krytycznym od wielu dekad można badać w wielu perspektywach. W propo­nowanym ujęciu uwydatniony został przede wszystkim aspekt ciszy i doświad­czenia kontemplacyjnego, przy czym rozważony został on przy uwzględnie­niu przenikania się dziedzictwa Wschodu z zachodnią spuścizną malarstwa abstrakcyjnego. Przedmiotem analiz stały się prace dwóch artystów repre­zentujących zjawisko dwukulturowości, amerykańsko-japońskiego mala­rza Makoto Fujimury i amerykańsko-irańskiego twórcy Yariego Ostowany. Następnie kieruję uwagę na wybrane, najnowsze prace wybitnego polskiego abstrakcjonisty Tadeusza G. Wiktora, zestawiając je z wcześniej omawia­nymi dziełami. Artykuł rozpoczyna się od syntetycznego szkicu ukazującego zagadnienie duchowości i koncepcje ciszy w malarstwie niefiguratywnym. Kolejne części poświęcone są poszczególnym artystom, których twórczość zostaje osadzona zarówno w kontekście kulturowym, jak też religijno-ducho­wym. W dwóch branych pod uwagę przypadkach wskazuję na oddziaływa­nie orientalnych inspiracji wynikających z pochodzenia twórców. Głównym celem artykułu jest ukazanie, w jaki sposób analizowana sztuka oddziałuje na odbiorcę poprzez wytworzenie doświadczenia kontemplacyjnego oraz uzmy­słowienie wartości ciszy w otoczeniu kulturowym współczesnego człowieka. Tłem rozważań są wypowiedzi samych twórców oraz klasyczne i najnowsze propozycje podejmowane w literaturze przedmiotu

    Visibility of Whiteness: Analyzing White Privilege among Female Counseling Trainees

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    Interracial dialogues about racial issues are often accompanied by anger, anxiety and guilt. For example, the notion of Whiteness as a privileged status frequently provokes strong negative affect and denial in White persons (Sue, David Rivera, Capodilupo, Lin, & Torino, 2010; Powell, Branscombe, & Schmitt, 2005). McClelland and Linnander (2006) found that interpersonal contact is an important factor in changing racial attitudes among White counseling trainees. The current study sought to examine white female counseling trainees’ written reflections following a personal one-on-one dialogue with culturally different interviewees. Seventeen graduate counseling trainees who self-identified as White and were enrolled in a moderate sized university in the southeastern United States during the years 2003-2008, were participants. Their ages ranged from 23-45, with a mean of 29.94. Using constructivist theory as research paradigm and consensual qualitative research analysis as methodology, the 4 domains analyzed were: a) counseling trainees’ acknowledgement that their Whiteness was “limiting” and resulted in their personal biases, b) counseling trainees’ awareness of the fact that White privilege and racism are experienced differently depending on other social group memberships one holds, including gender, sexual orientation and socio-economic status, c) a heightened awareness of their emotional responses in the interview context such as shock, denial of racism, sadness, guilt associated with being White and privileged, sympathy for what their interviewees have experienced, gratitude for their interviewees’ openness, and amazement of their life stories, and d) owning White Privilege coincided with a heightened sense of resolve to be multiculturally competent


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    This research aimed to determine the construct of the teaching skills of the students of Primary School Teacher Education Program. The method used in this research was a survey. The sample of this research was taken through proportionale random sampling technique with a sample size of 640 students Primary School Teacher Education Program Open University during their teaching in the real teaching at primary schools. The data were collected by using an observation method. The data were analyzed using the applications Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The results of this research showed that the construct of the teaching skills were developed through the lesson plan, conducting the learning activities, creating the classroom climate, demonstrating mastery learning materials, conducting assessment, and reflection. In conclusion, the six factors are empirically proven to be accurately, consistently, and precisely to measure the construct of teaching skills of primary school teacher education program student

    Loneliness in Older Adults: The Unspoken Pandemic Under COVID-19

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    Project of Merit Winner Loneliness in older adults has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, even though loneliness has been a prior public health concern for this population. Loneliness is a perceived lack of social interaction when an individual desires more (Wong, 2017). COVID-19-related social isolation causes older adults to be vulnerable to the effects of loneliness, including increased risk to physical and mental decline, anxiety, depression, and an elevated likelihood of mortality (Levy et. al, 2018; Eldercare Locator, n.d.). Barriers to caring for lonely older adults are the effects of ageism, the increased vulnerability of this population during COVID-19, and the lack of access to digital interventions during a time when they are the safest option. Ageism contributes to negative self-perceptions in older adults and increases their vulnerability by being disproportionately displaced by COVID-19 (Center of Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). Social isolation has increased the prevalence of elder abuse and neglect, and it is challenging to meet older adult mental health needs through digital interventions (National Center of Elder Abuse, n.d.; Fang et. al, 2019). Clinicians and researchers can advocate for older adults suffering from loneliness by developing the current literature, addressing hindrances to health services, reviewing treatment efficacy, and building older adult resilience. All people can support lonely older adults by combating ageism through education and destigmatizing both loneliness and the aging process

    A Clifford analysis approach to superspace

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    A new framework for studying superspace is given, based on methods from Clifford analysis. This leads to the introduction of both orthogonal and symplectic Clifford algebra generators, allowing for an easy and canonical introduction of a super-Dirac operator, a super-Laplace operator and the like. This framework is then used to define a super-Hodge coderivative, which, together with the exterior derivative, factorizes the Laplace operator. Finally both the cohomology of the exterior derivative and the homology of the Hodge operator on the level of polynomial-valued super-differential forms are studied. This leads to some interesting graphical representations and provides a better insight in the definition of the Berezin-integral.Comment: 15 pages, accepted for publication in Annals of Physic

    Obrazowanie Dekalogu. Abstrakcyjne malarstwo Stefana Gierowskiego wobec biblijnych treści

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    The cycle Painting of the Ten Commandments (1986-1987) by Stefan Gierowski was created as a visual interpretation of the Decalogue, ex- pressed in the abstract language of color and form, characteristic of the artist. I present the views of the recognized classic of Polish art con- cerning the possibility of relating nonfigurative painting to the sphere of spirituality, which is a kind of continuation of the tendencies started at the beginning of the XX century. The idea of the artist is to touch viewer’s emotionality. I analyze all ten works of the cycle in their re- lation to biblical precepts and prohibitions. The simplicity and clarity of the compositions together with the emotional, psychological and symbolical influence of colors correspond to the simplicity of the fun- damental moral laws. I describe the discussed work of Gierowski as an example of contemporary iconic art which I characterize following Anna Grzegorczyk’s views. The iconic art is a kind of support for the renascent humanities of presence.Cykl Malowanie Dziesięciorga Przykazań (1986-1987) Stefana Gierow- skiego powstał jako wizualna interpretacja Dekalogu, wyrażona zna- miennym dla artysty abstrakcyjnym językiem formy i koloru. W tek- ście przybliżam poglądy uznanego klasyka sztuki polskiej dotyczące możliwości powiązania malarstwa niefiguratywnego ze sferą ducho- wości, co stanowi swoistą kontynuację tendencji pojawiających się od początku XX wieku. Zamiarem artysty jest w tym wypadku porusze- nie emocjonalności odbiorcy. Analizie zostały poddane poszczegól- ne prace cyklu w ich relacji do treści biblijnych nakazów i zakazów. Prostota, klarowność kompozycji wraz z emocjonalnym, psycholo- gicznym i symbolicznym oddziaływaniem barw odpowiada prostocie fundamentalnych praw moralnych. Omawianą realizację Gierowskie- go umieszczam w obrębie współczesnej sztuki o charakterze ikonicz- nym, którą charakteryzuję podążając za myślą Anny Grzegorczyk. Sztuka ikoniczna stanowi wsparcie dla odradzającej się humanistyki obecności