849 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Bercerita Dalam Meningkatkan Perkembangan Sosial Emosional Anak Usia Dini Di Raudlatul Athfal Ihyaul Islam Prasi Gading

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    The storytelling method is one of providing learning experiences for RA children by verbally telling stories to children. Storytelling is the process of introducing emotional forms and expressions to children, such as anger, sadness, joy, annoyance, and humor. This method is implemented because the objects to be studied are using story books. This research took place at RA Ihyaul Islam Prasi Gading. The purpose of this study was to determine how the teacher's storytelling method was applied in improving children's social emotional development. The research subjects were 2 teachers and 19 students, while the object of the research was the application of the teacher in improving children's social emotional development through storytelling methods. The approach used was descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the social emotional development of children could not develop optimally.The development indicators are expressing emotions in accordance with existing conditions, recognizing manners and manners according to local socio-cultural values, understanding regulations and discipline. The indicator points are controlling emotions in a reasonable way, giving and returning greetings, obeying the rules of the game.   [Metode bercerita adalah salah satu pemberian pengalaman belajar bagi anak RA dengan membawakan cerita kepada anak secara lisan. bercerita merupakan proses mengenalkan bentuk-bentuk emosi dan ekspresi kepada anak, misalnya marah, sedih, gembira, kesal, dan lucu.Metode ini dilaksanakan  karena obyek yang akan dipelajari menggunakan buku cerita. Penelitian ini bertempat di RA Ihyaul Islam Prasi Gading. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan metode bercerita yang dilakukan guru dalam meningkatkan perkembangan sosial emosional anak. Subjek penelitian adalah 2 orang guru dan 19 anak didik, sedangkan objek penelitiannya adalah  penerapan guru dalam meningkatkan perkembangan sosial emosional anak melalui metode bercerita.Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan sosial emosional anak belum dapat berkembang secara optimal. Adapun indikator perkembangannya yaitu mengekspresikan emosi yang sesuai dengan kondisi yang ada, mengenal tata krama dan sopan santun sesuai dengan nilai sosial budaya setempat, memahami peraturan dan disiplin. Poin indikatornya yaitu mengendalikan emosi dengan cara yang wajar, memberi dan membalas salam, mentaati aturan permainan] &nbsp

    Simpler Standard Errors for Multi-Stage Regression-Based Estimators: Illustrations in Health Economics

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    With a view towards lessening the analytic and computational burden faced by researchers in empirical health economics who seek an alternative to bootstrapping for the standard errors of two-stage estimators, we offer heretofore unexploited simplifications of the typical, but somewhat daunting, textbook approach. For the most commonly encountered cases in empirical health economics – two-stage estimators that, in either stage, involve maximum likelihood estimation or the nonlinear least squares method – we show that: 1) the usual textbook formulation of the relevant asymptotic covariance can be substantially reduced in complexity; and 2) nearly all components of our simplified formulation can be retrieved as outputs from packaged regression routines (e.g., in Stata). With the applied researcher in mind, we illustrate these points with two examples in empirical health economics that involve the estimation of causal effects in the presence of endogeneity – a sampling problem that can often be solved via two-stage estimation. As a by-product of this illustrative discussion, we detail four very useful two-stage estimators (and their asymptotic standard errors) that are consistent for the model parameters in such settings, along with their corresponding multi-stage causal effect estimators (and their asymptotic standard errors)

    Implementasi Pengembangan Kecerdasan Naturalis Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun melalui Pendekatan Ekplorasi Lingkungan

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    Ketersediaan alat peraga edukatif yang digunakan dalam kelas dan diluar ruang kelas masih terbatas, dengan jumlah yang terbatas memiliki dampak semakin sedikitnya anak yang peduli terhadap alam dan lingkungan, dan guru belum optimal dalam mengajarkan kecerdasan naturalis. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui Implementasi Pengembangan Kecerdasan Naturalis Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Melalui Pendekatan Ekplorasi Lingkungan Sekitar di RA Nurul Iman.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan deskriptif kualitatif, jenis penelitian ini dilakukan di RA Nurul Iman Ranuwurung Gading Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020, yang dilaksanakan pada bulan April sampai Juni, subjek penelitian ini guru kelas A di RA Nurul Iman Raunuwurung Gading, dan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi yang mana mewawancarai kepala RA dan guru kelas A dan B di RA Nurul Iman. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Implementasi Pengembangan Kecerdasan Naturalis Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun melalui Pendekatan Ekplorasi Lingkuangan  Sekitar di RA Nurul Iman Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020,  dilakukan dengan melakukan perencanaan yang dilakukan dengan membuat RPPH setiap hari, pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan tiga stategi yaitu belajar melalui alam, menggunakan tanaman sebagai alat peraga, dan mengamati tumbuhan, kemudian evaluasi pembelajaran dilakukan  setiap hari dengan membuat penilaian harian dn penilaian hasil karya

    Integrating the 3 Dimensions of Biodiversity: New Standards for Documenting Biodiversity of Ciliates and Strategies for Accessing and Sharing Data

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    Title: Ciliate biodiversity studies in Italy - DIVERSITY AND BIOINDICATIVE VALUE OF SOIL CILIATE COMMUNITIES • Soil ciliate studies in Italy……from past to present! • An overview of the ongoing soil (ciliates) bioindication projects and initiatives in Italy • Two study cases: “BioPrint project” (Marche Region) and the “Soil Mapping project” (Lombardia Region) and the amazing P2R site! •A glimpse to new species/genera from soils of Italy •Exploring Soil Ciliate Diversity in Italy: A Synthetic Evaluation •What’s next


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    Literacy is learning that emphasizes language that focuses on the needs of children's vocabulary development when speaking. The purpose of the study was to describe the application of literacy in children's language learning at RA Uswatun Hasanah. The research method used is descriptive-qualitative with the type of case study research on children's language skills. The results of the study include teachers applying RPPH appropriately in children's language learning, utilizing language learning when children are able to increase new vocabulary and choosing methods that are appropriate to the child's developmental stage. Then, the supporting factors include language strengthening tools through the media, and the use of storytelling methods related to children being able to compose words so that one sentence. The inhibiting factor is related to the lack of facilities and the habit of applying literacy which is assisted by parents when children study at home. Suggestions for research in developing literacy in children's language through choosing the method of children's language skills. Then, the learning process is carried out repeatedly

    Health Policy Analysis from a Potential Outcomes Perspective: Smoking During Pregnancy and Birth Weight

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    Most empirical research in health economics is conducted with the goal of providing scientific evidence that will serve to inform current and future health policy. The use of parametric nonlinear regression (NR) methods for empirical analysis in health economics abounds. Studies that offer clear policy-relevant interpretations of NR results are, however, rare. We offer a comprehensive policy analytic framework within which the applied researcher can: 1) clearly define the policy-relevant estimation objective; 2) consistently estimate that objective using NR methods designed to account for the possible endogeneity of the policy variable of interest; 3) conduct correct asymptotic inference; and 4) offer policy-relevant interpretations of the empirical results. For binary policies, Rubin (1974, 1977) developed the potential outcomes framework (POF). We propose a generally applicable extension of the POF (EPOF) which covers a broad range of policy analytic contexts. In particular, our EPOF accommodates: a) a non-binary policy variable of interest (Xp ); b) policy-relevant counterfactual versions of Xp that are not fixed values; and c) a policy-defining increment to Xp that is not constant. Moreover, our EPOF facilitates the use of extant nonlinear regression (NR) methods that correct for potential bias due to the endogeneity of Xp . As a case in point, we consider the analysis of potential gains in infant birth weight that may result from a prenatal smoking prevention and cessation policy which, if fully effective, would maintain zero levels of smoking for non-smokers (prevention) and convince smokers to quit before becoming pregnant (cessation). In the context of our EPOF, using endogeneity-correcting NR methods, we re-analyze the data examined by Mullahy (1997) and estimate the potential effect of the smoking prevention/cessation policy described above. The EPOF should serve as a useful guide to applied health policy analysts

    Two-stage residual inclusion estimation: A practitioners guide to Stata implementation

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    Abstract. Empirical econometric research often requires implementation of nonlinear models whose regressors include one or more endogenous variables—regressors that are correlated with the unobserved random component of the model. In such cases, conventional regression methods that ignore endogeneity will likely produce biased results that are not causally interpretable. Terza, Basu, and Rathouz (2008, Journal of Health Economics 27: 531–543) discuss a relatively simple estimation method (two-stage residual inclusion) that avoids endogeneity bias, is applicable in many nonlinear regression contexts, and can easily be implemented in Stata. In this article, I offer a step-by-step protocol to implement the two-stage residual inclusion method in Stata. I illustrate this protocol in the context of a real-data example. I also discuss other examples and pertinent Stata code

    A Note from Guest Editor

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    Our time is now. It is the time to redefine our identities in our own voices, reflecting our stories, creating legacies that we are all proud of leaving behind for future generations. The valuable contributions made by Cabo Verdean women to their communities across the globe have been vast and diverse. However, if one does a search of the words or subject “Cabo Verdean women” or “Kriola”, the yielded results are of hypersexual, tightly dressed, and sensual beings. Similarly in music videos, social media and film, the Kriola is more often than not featured for her physical attributes and not for the content of her character and humanity

    D\u27NOS MANERA - Gender, Collective Identity and Leadership in the Cape Verdean Community in the United States

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    This study examines the role of gender relations in modern diaspora communities by presenting Cape Verdeans in the United States as an understudied case within African diasporic experiences. Cape Verdean communities and their organizations have existed in the United States since the 1800s. The levels of intensity with which these organizations operate have shifted over time based on the realities of the host country and the homeland. As a labor diaspora, it will take the Cape Verdean community in the US several generations to shift from labor to skilled diaspora. This study argues that three factors impact the progress of the Cape Verdean community in the United States: 1) challenges of community building; 2) collective identity and the complexities of ethnicity; and 3) women\u27s agency and leadership. This analysis incorporates the importance of gender relations into the complexities of immigrant community building and highlights Cape Verdean women as key actors in the advancement of their communities. It emphasizes that maximizing the potential of the Cape Verdean woman and her agency can lead to increased community cohesion and progress
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