9 research outputs found

    Ground-based and JWST Observations of SN 2022pul. II. Evidence from nebular spectroscopy for a violent merger in a peculiar type Ia supernova

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    We present an analysis of ground-based and JWST observations of SN 2022pul, a peculiar "03fg-like" (or "super-Chandrasekhar") Type Ia supernova (SN Ia), in the nebular phase at 338 days postexplosion. Our combined spectrum continuously covers 0.4–14 ÎŒm and includes the first mid-infrared spectrum of a 03fg-like SN Ia. Compared to normal SN Ia 2021aefx, SN 2022pul exhibits a lower mean ionization state, asymmetric emission-line profiles, stronger emission from the intermediate-mass elements (IMEs) argon and calcium, weaker emission from iron-group elements (IGEs), and the first unambiguous detection of neon in a SN Ia. A strong, broad, centrally peaked [Ne ii] line at 12.81 ÎŒm was previously predicted as a hallmark of "violent merger" SN Ia models, where dynamical interaction between two sub-MCh white dwarfs (WDs) causes disruption of the lower-mass WD and detonation of the other. The violent merger scenario was already a leading hypothesis for 03fg-like SNe Ia; in SN 2022pul it can explain the large-scale ejecta asymmetries seen between the IMEs and IGEs and the central location of narrow oxygen and broad neon. We modify extant models to add clumping of the ejecta to reproduce the optical iron emission better, and add mass in the innermost region (<2000 km s−1) to account for the observed narrow [O i] λλ6300, 6364 emission. A violent WD–WD merger explains many of the observations of SN 2022pul, and our results favor this model interpretation for the subclass of 03fg-like SNe Ia

    Photometric study of the late-time near-infrared plateau in Type Ia supernovae

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    We present an in-depth study of the late-time near-infrared plateau in Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), which occurs between 70 and 500 d. We double the existing sample of SNe Ia observed during the late-time near-infrared plateau with new observations taken with the Hubble Space Telescope, Gemini, New Technology Telescope, the 3.5-m Calar Alto Telescope, and the Nordic Optical Telescope. Our sample consists of 24 nearby SNe Ia at redshift &lt; 0.025. We are able to confirm that no plateau exists in the Ks band for most normal SNe Ia. SNe Ia with broader optical light curves at peak tend to have a higher average brightness on the plateau in J and H, most likely due to a shallower decline in the preceding 100 d. SNe Ia that are more luminous at peak also show a steeper decline during the plateau phase in H. We compare our data to state-of-the-art radiative transfer models of nebular SNe Ia in the near-infrared. We find good agreement with the sub-Mch model that has reduced non-thermal ionization rates, but no physical justification for reducing these rates has yet been proposed. An analysis of the spectral evolution during the plateau demonstrates that the ratio of [Fe ii] to [Fe iii] contribution in a near-infrared filter determines the light curve evolution in said filter. We find that overluminous SNe decline slower during the plateau than expected from the trend seen for normal SNe Ia.</p

    SN 2016dsg: A Thermonuclear Explosion Involving a Thick Helium Shell

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    International audienceA thermonuclear explosion triggered by a He-shell detonation on a carbon–oxygen white-dwarf core has been predicted to have strong UV line blanketing at early times due to the iron-group elements produced during He-shell burning. We present the photometric and spectroscopic observations of SN 2016dsg, a subluminous peculiar Type I supernova consistent with a thermonuclear explosion involving a thick He shell. With a redshift of 0.04, the i-band peak absolute magnitude is derived to be around −17.5. The object is located far away from its host, an early-type galaxy, suggesting it originated from an old stellar population. The spectra collected after the peak are unusually red, show strong UV line blanketing and weak O iλ7773 absorption lines, and do not evolve significantly over 30 days. An absorption line around 9700–10500 Å is detected in the near-infrared spectrum and is likely from the unburnt He in the ejecta. The spectroscopic evolution is consistent with the thermonuclear explosion models for a sub-Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarf with a thick He shell, while the photometric evolution is not well described by existing models

    A Systematic Study of Ia-CSM Supernovae from the ZTF Bright Transient Survey

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    Among the supernovae (SNe) that show strong interaction with the circumstellar medium, there is a rare subclass of Type Ia supernovae, SNe Ia-CSM, that show strong narrow hydrogen emission lines much like SNe IIn but on top of a diluted over-luminous Type Ia spectrum. In the only previous systematic study of this class (Silverman et al. 2013), 16 objects were identified, 8 historic and 8 from the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF). Now using the successor survey to PTF, the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), we have classified 12 additional objects of this type through the systematic Bright Transient Survey (BTS). In this study, we present and analyze the optical and mid-IR light curves, optical spectra, and host galaxy properties of this sample. Consistent with previous studies, we find the objects to have slowly evolving light curves compared to normal SNe Ia with peak absolute magnitudes between -19.1 and -21, spectra having weak HÎČ\beta, large Balmer decrements of ~7 and strong Ca NIR emission. Out of 10 SNe from our sample observed by NEOWISE, 9 have 3σ3\sigma detections, along with some showing a clear reduction in red-wing of Hα\alpha, indicative of newly formed dust. We do not find our SN Ia-CSM sample to have a significantly different distribution of equivalent width of He I λ5876\lambda5876 than SNe IIn as observed in Silverman et al. 2013. The hosts tend to be late-type galaxies with recent star formation. We also derive a rate estimate of 29−21+27^{+27}_{-21} Gpc−3^{-3} yr−1^{-1} for SNe Ia-CSM which is ~0.02--0.2 % of the SN Ia rate. This work nearly doubles the sample of well-studied Ia-CSM objects in Silverman et al. 2013, increasing the total number to 28

    Resolving the explosion of supernova 2023ixf in Messier 101 within its complex circumstellar environment

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    International audienceObserving a supernova explosion shortly after it occurs can reveal important information about the physics of stellar explosions and the nature of the progenitor stars of supernovae (SNe). When a star with a well-defined edge explodes in vacuum, the first photons to escape from its surface appear as a brief shock-breakout flare. The duration of this flare can extend to at most a few hours even for nonspherical breakouts from supergiant stars, after which the explosion ejecta should expand and cool. Alternatively, for stars exploding within a distribution of sufficiently dense optically thick circumstellar material, the first photons escape from the material beyond the stellar edge, and the duration of the initial flare can extend to several days, during which the escaping emission indicates photospheric heating. The difficulty in detecting SN explosions promptly after the event has so far limited data regarding supergiant stellar explosions mostly to serendipitous observations that, owing to the lack of ultraviolet (UV) data, were unable to determine whether the early emission is heating or cooling, and hence the nature of the early explosion event. Here, we report observations of SN 2023ixf in the nearby galaxy M101, covering the early days of the event. Using UV spectroscopy from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) as well as a comprehensive set of additional multiwavelength observations, we trace the photometric and spectroscopic evolution of the event and are able to temporally resolve the emergence and evolution of the SN emission

    Resolving the explosion of supernova 2023ixf in Messier 101 within its complex circumstellar environment

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    International audienceObserving a supernova explosion shortly after it occurs can reveal important information about the physics of stellar explosions and the nature of the progenitor stars of supernovae (SNe). When a star with a well-defined edge explodes in vacuum, the first photons to escape from its surface appear as a brief shock-breakout flare. The duration of this flare can extend to at most a few hours even for nonspherical breakouts from supergiant stars, after which the explosion ejecta should expand and cool. Alternatively, for stars exploding within a distribution of sufficiently dense optically thick circumstellar material, the first photons escape from the material beyond the stellar edge, and the duration of the initial flare can extend to several days, during which the escaping emission indicates photospheric heating. The difficulty in detecting SN explosions promptly after the event has so far limited data regarding supergiant stellar explosions mostly to serendipitous observations that, owing to the lack of ultraviolet (UV) data, were unable to determine whether the early emission is heating or cooling, and hence the nature of the early explosion event. Here, we report observations of SN 2023ixf in the nearby galaxy M101, covering the early days of the event. Using UV spectroscopy from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) as well as a comprehensive set of additional multiwavelength observations, we trace the photometric and spectroscopic evolution of the event and are able to temporally resolve the emergence and evolution of the SN emission