647 research outputs found

    Big-bang nucleosynthesis revisited

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    The homogeneous big-bang nucleosynthesis yields of D, He-3, He-4, and Li-7 are computed taking into account recent measurements of the neutron mean-life as well as updates of several nuclear reaction rates which primarily affect the production of Li-7. The extraction of primordial abundances from observation and the likelihood that the primordial mass fraction of He-4, Y(sub p) is less than or equal to 0.24 are discussed. Using the primordial abundances of D + He-3 and Li-7 we limit the baryon-to-photon ratio (eta in units of 10 exp -10) 2.6 less than or equal to eta(sub 10) less than or equal to 4.3; which we use to argue that baryons contribute between 0.02 and 0.11 to the critical energy density of the universe. An upper limit to Y(sub p) of 0.24 constrains the number of light neutrinos to N(sub nu) less than or equal to 3.4, in excellent agreement with the LEP and SLC collider results. We turn this argument around to show that the collider limit of 3 neutrino species can be used to bound the primordial abundance of He-4: 0.235 less than or equal to Y(sub p) less than or equal to 0.245

    Anisotropies in the gamma-ray sky from millisecond pulsars

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    Pulsars emerge in the Fermi era as a sizable population of gamma-ray sources. Millisecond pulsars (MSPs) constitute an older subpopulation whose sky distribution extends to high Galactic latitudes, and it has been suggested that unresolved members of this class may contribute a significant fraction of the measured large-scale isotropic gamma-ray background (IGRB). We investigate the possible energy-dependent contribution of unresolved MSPs to the anisotropy of the Fermi-measured IGRB. For observationally motivated MSP population models, we show that the preliminary Fermi anisotropy measurement places an interesting constraint on the abundance of MSPs in the Galaxy and the typical MSP flux, about an order of magnitude stronger than constraints on this population derived from the intensity of the IGRB alone. We also examine the possibility of an MSP component in the IGRB mimicking a dark matter signal in anisotropy-based searches, and conclude that the energy dependence of an anisotropy signature would distinguish MSPs from all but very light dark matter candidates

    Development of non-antibiotic-resistant, chromosomally based, constitutive and inducible expression systems for aroA-attenuated Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium

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    Live-vaccine delivery systems expressing two model antigens from Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, F2(P97) (Adh) and NrdF, were constructed using Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium aroA (STM-1), and immunogenicity in mice was evaluated. Recombinant plasmid-based expression (PBE) and chromosomally based expression (CBE) systems were constructed. The PBE system was formed by cloning both antigen genes into pJLA507 to create an operon downstream of temperature-inducible promoters. Constitutive CBE was achieved using a promoter-trapping technique whereby the promoterless operon was stably integrated into the chromosome of STM-1, and the expression of antigens was assessed. The chromosomal position of the operon was mapped in four clones. Inducible CBE was obtained by using the in vivo-induced sspA promoter and recombining the expression construct into aroD. Dual expression of the antigens was detected in all systems, with PBE producing much larger quantities of both antigens. The stability of antigen expression after in vivo passage was 100% for all CBE strains recovered. PBE and CBE strains were selected for comparison in a vaccination trial. The vaccine strains were delivered orally into mice, and significant systemic immunoglobulin M(IgM) and IgG responses against both antigens were detected among all CBE groups. No significant immune response was detected using PBE strains. Expression of recombinant antigens in S. enterica serovar Typhimurium aroA from chromosomally located strong promoters without the use of antibiotic resistance markers is a reliable and effective method of inducing a significant immune response

    APS Neutrino Study: Report of the Neutrino Astrophysics and Cosmology Working Group

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    In 2002, Ray Davis and Masatoshi Koshiba were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics ``for pioneering contributions to astrophysics, in particular for the detection of cosmic neutrinos.'' However, while astronomy has undergone a revolution in understanding by synthesizing data taken at many wavelengths, the universe has only barely been glimpsed in neutrinos, just the Sun and the nearby SN 1987A. An entire universe awaits, and since neutrinos can probe astrophysical objects at densities, energies, and distances that are otherwise inaccessible, the results are expected to be particularly exciting. Similarly, the revolution in quantitative cosmology has heightened the need for very precise tests that depend on the effects of neutrinos, and prominent among them is the search for the effects of neutrino mass, since neutrinos are a small but known component of the dark matter. In this report, we highlight some of the key opportunties for progress in neutrino astrophysics and cosmology, and the implications for other areas of physics

    Direct X-ray Constraints on Sterile Neutrino Warm Dark Matter

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    Warm dark matter (WDM) might more easily account for small scale clustering measurements than the heavier particles typically invoked in Lambda cold dark matter (LCDM) cosmologies. In this paper, we consider a Lambda WDM cosmology in which sterile neutrinos nu_s, with a mass m_s of roughly 1-100 keV, are the dark matter. We use the diffuse X-ray spectrum (total minus resolved point source emission) of the Andromeda galaxy to constrain the rate of sterile neutrino radiative decay: nu_s -> nu_{e,mu,tau} + gamma. Our findings demand that m_s < 3.5 keV (95% C.L.) which is a significant improvement over the previous (95% C.L.) limits inferred from the X-ray emission of nearby clusters, m_s < 8.2 keV (Virgo A) and m_s < 6.3 keV (Virgo A + Coma).Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, minor revisions, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Primordial Nucleosynthesis: Theory and Observations

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    We review the Cosmology and Physics underlying Primordial Nucleosynthesis and survey current observational data in order to compare the predictions of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis with the inferred primordial abundances. From this comparison we report on the status of the consistency of the standard hot big bang model, we constrain the universal density of baryons (nucleons), and we set limits to the numbers and/or effective interactions of hypothetical new "light" particles (equivalent massless neutrinos).Comment: 25 pages, latex, 4 ps figures, to be published in a special memorial volume of Physics Reports in honor of David Schram