88 research outputs found

    Les espaces alternatifs new-yorkais, nouvelles instances de légitimation artistique

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    Through the close study of Artists Space, this article aims at understanding the role and status of New York’s alternative spaces, as they appeared in SoHo in the early 1970s. As new spaces of exposure for New York’s avant-garde artists, alternative spaces rapidly succeeded in offering new legitimacy to experimental art forms, as well as in launching the career of innovative artists. Through a detailed analysis of the urban, economic and artistic identity of Artists Space, I will show how the notion of marginality became alien to the concept of avant–garde, in the context of an increasingly dynamic art market

    Algunas consideraciones sobre lo grupal y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en educación superior

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    El ingreso de las denominadas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs) ha generado notables cambios, avances y continuos replanteos en el campo de la educación y la capacitación. Los supuestos teóricos que sustentan la mayoría de prácticas educativas con dichas herramientas tecnológicas provienen de la corriente neovigotskiana o del aprendizaje colaborativo (Dillenbourg, 1999; Dillenbourg et. al., 1995; Koschmann, 1994, Pérez- Mateo & Guitert, 2009; Roselli, 2008). Se promueve la participación y la negociación de significados entre los alumnos y los docentes, desarrollando espacios informáticos que permitan este intercambio y la elaboración conjunta del conocimiento

    Rendimiento y calidad de las interacciones sociocognitivas en díadas que trabajan colaborativamente en forma presencial y por chat

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    This work examines the performance of a group of university students who solved in collaborative form tasks of formal reasoning with and without  interaction. The sample N = 83 was conformed by students from two universities (UNMDP and UAA) who were assigned to two conditions: experimental with interaction (n = 40) and a control group without interaction (n = 43). The reagent employee was a number of items from The Raven’s Progressive Matrices, general and advance scale. All participants had to solve these tasks for several weeks: first individually (pretest), then face to face and by Chat (the experimental group performed this stage in collaborative natural dyads) and the last stage again individually (postest). The interactions that carried out the participants were registered through videofilm and Chat logs. The performance was assessed according to the condition assigned: individual or group and in this latter the quality of the interactions was established by interjudges assessment. The results corroborated the superiority of dyads over the individual performance; the repetition in postest phase of those items incorrect solved plus the addition of new exercises highlighted two zones of progress or internalization of progress. And about the quality of the interactions match the achievements and these results open new questions about the sociocognitive conflict and its role for the group – individual advancement..En este trabajo se examina el rendimiento de estudiantes universitarios en razonamiento formal con y sin interacción social. La muestra N = 83 estuvo conformada por alumnos provenientes de dos universidades (UNMDP y UAA) quienes fueron asignados a dos condiciones: experimental con interacción (n = 40) y grupo control sin interacción (n = 43). El reactivo empleado consistió en una serie de pruebas del Test de Matrices Progresivas escala general y avanzada. Todos los participantes debieron resolver dichas tareas durante varias semanas: primero en forma individual (pretest), luego en forma colectiva presencial y por chat (díadas, condición experimental) y en forma individual (grupo control), y finalmente en forma individual (postest). Se registraron las interacciones que llevaron a cabo los participantes mediante videofilmación y logs del Chat. El rendimiento fue evaluado según la condición asignada: individual o grupal y en los últimos mediante una evaluación interjueces se estableció la calidad de las interacciones. Los resultados corroboran la superioridad de las díadas por sobre la performance individual; la reiteración en la fase de postest de aquellos ítems incorrectamente resueltos en el pretest más el agregado de nuevos ejercicios pusieron de relieve dos zonas de avance o de internalización de los progresos. En cuanto a la calidad de las interacciones, las mismas son coincidentes. Estos resultados abren nuevos interrogantes acerca del conflicto sociocognitivo y su papel para el avance grupal – individual

    La comunicación deshinibida durante las interacciones de los pequeños grupos de trabajo en canales mediados

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    Los estudios pioneros de las comunicaciones grupales mediante las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), señalan el surgimiento de ciertos fenómenos vinculados con el anonimato y la falta de señales contextuales y paralingüísticas en estas interacciones. El efecto desinhibidor que posee el anonimato, fue objeto de numerosas investigaciones (Alonzo y Aiken, 2004; Martínez Martínez, 2001; Orengo et al, 2000; Siegel et al., 1986; Turnage, 2007). El objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en analizar los contenidos comunicacionales y más específicamente las alocuciones desinhibidas de los estudiantes universitarios quienes, en grupos de trabajo, resolvían tareas de tipo intelectivas (toma de decisión y recuperación de memoria) a través de canales presenciales y mediados por computadora. Los grupos en todos los casos estuvieron compuestos de 5 miembros cada uno; las alocuciones fueron evaluadas y clasificadas en forma de interjueces. Para ambos reactivos se confirmó la hipótesis clásica acerca de la superioridad de emisiones desinhibidas cuando las interacciones son no presenciales. Se discuten los alcances y las implicancias de estos hallazgos, destacando el valor funcional que deben poseer alocuciones de tal índole para el normal desarrollo de las interacciones

    Post-stroke depression: psychological, neuropsychological, HHA axis, localization of stroke aspects and treatment

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    CONTEXTO: A depressão pós-AVC (DPAVC) possui uma prevalência elevada. Apesar disso, ela é pouco detectada e tratada. Muitos fatores de risco e repercussões negativas na recuperação dos pacientes estão associados à DPAVC. OBJETIVO: Revisar alguns aspectos da DPAVC como: qualidade de vida, prejuízos cognitivos, eixo HHA, localização do AVC e tratamento. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa dos últimos 10 anos da base de dados MedLine/PubMed usando as palavras-chave post-stroke depression, stroke, quality of life, hypercortisolism, cogntitive dysfunction e treatment. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de DPAVC é de 23% a 60%. Há poucos estudos sobre a incidência de DPAVC. A DPAVC está associada a pior prognóstico e evolução, agravo das disfunções cognitivas e redução da qualidade de vida. O hipercortisolismo está associado à DPAVC que ocorre tardiamente ao AVC. AVC em gânglios da base, região frontal esquerda e estruturas do circuito prefrontosubcortical está relacionado à frequência e à gravidade da DPAVC. CONCLUSÕES: É necessário melhoria na metodologia dos estudos para maior esclarecimento sobre a fisiopatologia da incidência da DPAVC. Programas objetivando o aumento das taxas de detecção dos pacientes deprimidos se fazem necessários inclusive para a redução dos impactos negativos na recuperação desses pacientes.BACKGROUND: The prevalence of post-stroke depression (PSD) is elevated. Some risk factors and poor outcome have been associated with PSD. The treatment of PSD reduced the negative impact in patients recovery. Appart from these data the PSD has been under diagnosed and under treated. OBJECTIVE: Review some aspects such as quality of life, cognitive dysfunction, hypercortisolism, stroke localization and treatment of PSD. METHODS: MedLine/PubMed database search using the terms post-stroke depression, stroke, quality of life, hypercortisolism, cognitive dysfunction and treatment, published in MedLine in the last 10 years. RESULTS: PSD has a high rate of prevalence, from 23% to 60%. Few incidence rates are investigated. PSD is associated with poor outcome, increase of cognitive dysfunction and reduced quality of life. The hypercortisolism seems to be associated with PSD in the latter period of stroke. Stroke in the left frontal region, basal ganglia and some structures of prefrontosubcortical circuits have been related with frequency and severity of PSD. DISCUSSION: Some programs can be used to assist the medical care researcher with these patients in diagnosis and treatment of PSD. The research needs to be continued with clear methodological protocols in order to understand the physiopathology related to the incident PSD

    Depressão pós-AVC: aspectos psicológicos, neuropsicológicos, eixo HHA, correlato neuroanatômico e tratamento

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    BACKGROUND: The prevalence of post-stroke depression (PSD) is elevated. Some risk factors and poor outcome have been associated with PSD. The treatment of PSD reduced the negative impact in patients recovery. Appart from these data the PSD has been under diagnosed and under treated. OBJECTIVE: Review some aspects such as quality of life, cognitive dysfunction, hypercortisolism, stroke localization and treatment of PSD. METHODS: MedLine/PubMed database search using the terms post-stroke depression, stroke, quality of life, hypercortisolism, cognitive dysfunction and treatment, published in MedLine in the last 10 years. RESULTS: PSD has a high rate of prevalence, from 23% to 60%. Few incidence rates are investigated. PSD is associated with poor outcome, increase of cognitive dysfunction and reduced quality of life. The hypercortisolism seems to be associated with PSD in the latter period of stroke. Stroke in the left frontal region, basal ganglia and some structures of prefrontosubcortical circuits have been related with frequency and severity of PSD. DISCUSSION: Some programs can be used to assist the medical care researcher with these patients in diagnosis and treatment of PSD. The research needs to be continued with clear methodological protocols in order to understand the physiopathology related to the incident PSD.CONTEXTO: A depressão pós-AVC (DPAVC) possui uma prevalência elevada. Apesar disso, ela é pouco detectada e tratada. Muitos fatores de risco e repercussões negativas na recuperação dos pacientes estão associados à DPAVC. OBJETIVO: Revisar alguns aspectos da DPAVC como: qualidade de vida, prejuízos cognitivos, eixo HHA, localização do AVC e tratamento. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa dos últimos 10 anos da base de dados MedLine/PubMed usando as palavras-chave post-stroke depression, stroke, quality of life, hypercortisolism, cogntitive dysfunction e treatment. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de DPAVC é de 23% a 60%. Há poucos estudos sobre a incidência de DPAVC. A DPAVC está associada a pior prognóstico e evolução, agravo das disfunções cognitivas e redução da qualidade de vida. O hipercortisolismo está associado à DPAVC que ocorre tardiamente ao AVC. AVC em gânglios da base, região frontal esquerda e estruturas do circuito prefrontosubcortical está relacionado à frequência e à gravidade da DPAVC. CONCLUSÕES: É necessário melhoria na metodologia dos estudos para maior esclarecimento sobre a fisiopatologia da incidência da DPAVC. Programas objetivando o aumento das taxas de detecção dos pacientes deprimidos se fazem necessários inclusive para a redução dos impactos negativos na recuperação desses pacientes

    Representationalism and the Intentionality of Moods

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    It seems hard to comprehend how, during mood experience, the ‘inner’ meets the ‘outer’. The objective of this paper is to show that a currently popular attempt at providing a neat solution to that problem fails. The attempt comes under the heading of representationalism, according to which the phenomenal aspects of mood are exhausted by its representational content. I examine three accounts of intentionality developed within the representationalist camp, and I show that they incur phenomenological and metaphysical costs. © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht