1,336 research outputs found

    After-school Child Care Projects Administered by Public School Districts in Seven Selected States

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the administrative structure, staff qualifications, and staffing patterns of selected school-age child care projects administered by public school districts; and to develop guidelines for planning future projects. Nine research questions were considered to be relevant to the study: (1) What types of administrative structure were demonstrated by after-school child care projects? (2) Did the projects surveyed require similar staff qualifications for initial employment? (3) Did the projects surveyed utilize similar staffing patterns? (4) Did the literature indicate prescribed staff qualifications? (5) Did the literature state prescribed staff qualifications in behavioral terms? (6) What was the adult/child ratio of projects surveyed? (7) Did the projects surveyed utilize a staff development program? (8) Which of the states included in the study required prescribed standards for after-school projects administered by public school districts? (9) Were there similarities among states of prescribed standards for after-school projects administered by public school districts? By contacting the child care licensing agents of the Departments of Human Services, and/or the Departments of Education of the states of Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, after-school child care projects administered by public school districts were identified. The directors of these projects were mailed a validated survey instrument along with a cover letter requesting their participation in the study. In addition, on-site visitations to three communities having after-school child care projects administered by public school districts were conducted. A total of 19 directors representing 45 projects responded to the survey instrument of which 42 projects were found to meet the research limitations imposed on the study. Project directors from five of the seven selected states participated in the study. Data from the survey instrument responses were analyzed. Guidelines for school-age child care projects administered by public school districts were developed from the survey of related literature, analysis of survey responses, and on-site visitations. Recommendations based on the findings were given

    Death Before the Sin of Adam: a Fundamental Concept in Theistic Evolution and its Implications for Evangelical Theology

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    Charles Darwin established theoretically that evolution cannot operate without struggle and death. Therefore, evolution presupposes the presence of death on earth for aeons prior to the appearance of Homo sapiens. This means, for theistic evolution, that a long history of death preceded the appearance of Adam, implying that death is not connected to Adam\u27s sin. The purpose of the dissertation is to discover how this latter notion impacts evangelical theology with respect to the atonement and other areas in terms of possible theological implications. After reviewing the literature on the topic in chapter 1, the dissertation discusses the historical background (chapter 2) showing that the problem has been pondered by thinkers throughout the Intertestamental and the Christian eras. The survey in chapter 3 shows that the concept of death before Adam\u27s sin is currently being advocated, among others, by evangelical scholars in North America, and that in so doing, evangelical scholarship has been influenced by theistic evolution. Chapter 4 examines the biblical data concerning the problem in the light of contemporary biblical scholarship. It surveys the relationship between human sin and death in the world of nature in the Old Testament, and offers exegetical considerations on New Testament passages, particularly in the Pauline corpus, where a cause-effect connection between sin and death seems to be prominent. Chapter 5 critically analyzes scholarly affirmations of death prior to the Fall, which result in serious problems for evangelical theology. This is the case, above all, with the evangelical theology of the atonement because the concept of death before sin undermines the biblical cause-effect connection between sin and death thus challenging the basis for Christ\u27s work of atonement understood in a substitutionary sense. Other important theological areas negatively impacted include the goodness of God and the goodness of the creation, the authority of Scriptures, the doctrine of man, and eschatology. The dissertation concludes (chapter 6), that the theological implications in these areas are of such significance that the concept of death before sin cannot be incorporated within evangelical theology without altering the soundness and theological integrity of the system

    Is All Death a Consequence of Sin?: Theological Implications of Alternative Models

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    Modelo general para la coordinación de las compras, de productos no perecederos para artículos tipo a, bajo una política continua con restricción de capital

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    Este modelo busca despertar el interés del entorno logístico de proveeduría, mas aun de los miembros del departamento de compras que están relacionados con la adquisición de elementos de oficina y papelería por los procesos de coordinación de existencias para productos no perecederos, previa clasificación de sus inventarios y selección de los denominados como tipo A, afín de identificar sus indicadores de desempeño logístico que permeen la mejora continua, exponiendo las funciones internas del área funcional en consideración y su dinámica empresarial, bajo una mirada eminentemente académic

    El voto hispano en la precampaña electoral norteamericana 2007-2008

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    El presente análisis intenta describir el voto de las comunidades hispanas en la precampaña de las elecciones presidenciales en EEUU. A partir de los últimos datos demográficos de las comunidades hispanas en EEUU, el porcentaje de hispanos que tiene capacidad de participar en la elección presidencial y la posible cifra real de votantes hispanos en la misma, el análisis pone de manifiesto la relevancia de los hispanos en el panorama político norteamericano, sus preferencias políticas en las últimas décadas y el cambio de actitud electoral en la precampaña presidencial actual. La ventaja inicial de los Demócratas entre el electorado hispano no implica certeza sobre lo que finalmente los hispanos decidan en la votación presidencial, muy condicionada por el índice de participación de los jóvenes hispanos

    El Monasterio de Santa María de Rioseco

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    Imaging and modelling in acute ischemic stroke:Quantifying thrombus and residual blood flow characteristics

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    This thesis focuses on one of the most devastating conditions the brain can suffer from: acute ischemic stroke. An acute ischemic stroke occurs when a thrombus occludes one of the major intracranial arteries in the brain. The lack of blood supply quickly turns into a rapidly growing infarction, which requires immediate treatment. Currently, there are two treatments aimed at restoring cerebral perfusion. Still, patients often end up requiring lifelong care. Quantifying the characteristics of the occluding thrombus and how these characteristics influence treatment and patient outcome can improve our understanding on stroke, and therefore, may lead to better treatment of stroke patients. Currently, the most straightforward way to assess thrombus characteristics is via radiological imaging, which is part of the standard-of-care to diagnose stroke. In this thesis, we aim to quantify thrombus and residual blood flow characteristics extracted from radiological imaging data of acute ischemic stroke patients, as well as to identify differences in these characteristics associated with better treatment and patient outcome. In addition, with the emerging use of in-silico models in stroke and their potential use for the optimization of patient-specific treatment, we aim to show how accurate models are required to correctly model the interaction between the thrombus and treatment device

    Maltrato psicológico

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    En la obra de 1989 de Garbarino, Guttman y Seeley, el maltrato psicológico es definido como "un ataque realizado por un adulto sobre el desarrollo de la personalidad y de la competencia social del niño mediante un patrón de conducta psicológicamente destructivo y que se manifiesta mediante cinco formas: rechazar, aislar, aterrorizar, ignorar y corromper", pero es difícil encontrar un trabajo sobre la temática de los malos tratos en general, y sobre el maltrato psicológico en particular, que no haga referencia a los problemas de definición y categorización. A pesar de que ya van 30 años de investigación que ponen de manifiesto las consecuencias adversas del maltrato o abuso emocional en la infancia, las instituciones, en escasas ocasiones, atienden estos casos si no van acompa- ñados de otras formas de maltrato como el abuso sexual o el maltrato físico. Existen una serie de medidas que pueden poner remedio a la situación, pero cuando se observa que no existe una definición consistente y comprensible del maltrato emocional o psicológico, que comprenda tanto al abuso como al abandono o negligencia, cualquier decisión que intente remediar la situación es difícil de asumir. Una detección y denuncia rápidas de la sospecha de maltrato psicológico a las autoridades pertinentes, así como una intervención precoz, puede prevenir y minimizar las consecuencias de dicho maltrato.In 1989, Garbarino, Guttman and Seeley defined psychological abuse as "an attack made by an adult on the development of the personality and the social competence of the child through a repeated pattern of destructive conduct and that is pronounced by means of five forms: to reject, to isolate, to terrify, to ignore and to corrupt, but beside this it is difficult to find a publication on this subject in general, or in psychological abuse in particular, that does not make reference to the problems of definition and categorization. Despite that already there has been 30 years of investigation that shows the adverse consequences of the emotional abuse or neglect in the infancy, the institutions, in scarce occasions, attend these cases if they do not go accompanied by other forms of sexual or physical abuse. There exists a series of measures that can put remedy to the situation, but when it is observed that there isn't a consistent and understandable definition of the emotional abuse or psychological maltreatment that considers both abuse and neglect, any decision that tries to remedy the situation is difficult to assume. An early detection and accusation of the suspicion of psychological maltreatment to the pertinent institution, as an early intervention, can prevent and minimize the consequences of the abuse

    Especialización o Diversificación. Una nueva propuesta para el Solutrense y el Magdaleniense Cantábrico

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    En el presente trabajo se observan los patrones de subsistencia existentes del Solutrense y el Magdaleniense de la cornisa cantábrica, para ello se ha escogido esta región por la abundancia de datos arqueozoologicos. Con este estudio se pretende revisar los patrones de representación taxonómicos con la finalidad de poder identificar qué técnicas cinegéticas emplearon los cazadores del Pleistoceno Superior Final. De esta manera se pueden documentar la sucesión de una serie de fases que van desde unas estrategias cinegéticas diversificadas al comienzo del Solutense hasta otras más especializadas en el trascurso del Magdaleniense, en el que prima cada vez más los propios criterios de selección humana frente a otros condicionantes externos como el clima o el entorno. Por otra parte la identificación de estas conductas especializadas o diversificadas dependerá en parte de los criterios metodológicos empleados, así la utilización de un método basado en el número de restos (NR) propiciará un marco más especializado, que otro basado en el número mínimo de individuos (NMI)

    La subsistencia en el Paleolítico Superior inicial en la región mediterranea de la Península Ibérica

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    En aquest treball s'analitzen els estudis zooarqueoldgics dels jacimenrs del paleolític superior inicial de la regió mediterrània a la península Iberica. Aquesta extensa àrea ha estat dividida en tres zones: Catalunya, País Valencia i Andalusia Oriental, les quals semblen reflectir unes diferéncies en les seues dades i en la seua interpretació. Taxonómicament, quasi no hi ha diferencies entre els nivells Aurinyacians i els gravetians, peró cronlógicament s'hi observa un lleuger increment dels carnívors i la seua incidència sobre registre ossi en els estrats de major antiguitat. Paraules clau: Paleolitic superio. Regió Mediterrània. Taxonomia. Cérvids. Caprins.In this paper it is rerised the zooarchaeology studies of the Upper initial Palaeolithic in the Mediterranean Region of the Iberian Peninsula. This region is divided in three zones. Catalonia, the Valencian Country and Eastern Andalucia. These regions reflect something differences in their dates and interpretations. There are not many Taxonomic differences beween the Aurignacian and the Gravetiun levels. But in a perspective chronology there are more carnivores in the assemblages of bones of the more ancient levels. Key Words: Upper Paleplithic. Mediterranean Region. Taxonomic Representation. Faunal Remains.En este trabajo se analizan los estudios zooarqueológicos de los yacimientos del Paleolítico Superior Inicial de la región mediterránea en la Península Ibéricu. Para ello esta extensa área ha sido dividida en tres zonas, Cataluña, el País Valenciano y Andalucía Oriental, las cuales parecen reflejar algunas difernecias tanto en sus datos como en su interpretación. Taxanómicamente casi no hay diferencias entre los niveles Auriñacienses y los Gravetienses, pero cronológicamente es observable un ligero incremento de los carnívoros de su incidencia sobre el registro óseo en los estratos de mayor antigüedad. Palabras Clave: Paleolítico Superior. Región Mediterránea. Taxonomía. Cérvido. Cápridos