450 research outputs found

    Analisa Perencanaan Suksesi pada Perusahaan Kayu

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    Rencana suksesi dalam bisnis keluarga merupakan hal yang sulit untuk diabaikan. Bisnis keluarga, baik di Indonesia maupun di dunia sekalipun, akan menghadapi masalah suksesi. Suatu bisnis keluarga tidak dapat menghindari masalah suksesi yang pada akhirnya menghasilkan kebutuhan akan perencanaan suksesi dalam bisnis keluarga. Suksesi adalah momen penting dalam keberadaan bisnis keluarga karena sudah sifatnya bahwa suatu bisnis akan ditransfer dari satu generasi ke penerus selanjutnya. Adapun rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana analisa perencanaan suksesi pada Perusahaan kayu. Sedangkan tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk tahapan perencanaan suksesi dan persiapan suksesor di Perusahaan kayu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah penelitian kualitatif untuk menggali informasi secara mendalam melalui proses wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan suksesi pada Perusahaan kayu telah berjalan baik, dimulai dari tahap pra-bisnis hingga tahap kedewasaan pengganti. Perusahaan mampu mengidentifikasi apa yang menjadi dasar dilakukannya suksesi pada Perusahaan yaitu atas dasar kebutuhan Perusahaan dan kompetensi dari sukseso

    Generating Value Through Open Source: Software Service Market Regulation and Licensing Policy

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    In the software industry, commercial open-source software vendors have recognized that providing services to help businesses derive greater value in the implementation of open source–based systems can be a profitable business model. Moreover, society may greatly benefit when software originators choose an open-source development strategy as their products become widely available, readily customizable, and open to community contributions. In this study, we present an economic model to study how software licensing attributes affect a software originator’s decisions, aiming to provide policy makers with insights into how welfare-improving, open-source outcomes can be incentivized. We show that when a competing contributor is apt at reaping the benefits of software development investment, a less restrictive open source license (e.g., Berkeley Software Distribution, or BSD style) can improve welfare. On the other hand, when the originator is better at leveraging investment and service costs are high, a more restrictive license (e.g., General Public License, or GPL style) can be best for social welfare even when a contributor can cost-efficiently develop the software. The online appendix is available at https://doi.org/10.1287/isre.2017.0726

    Sekuritisasi Dalam Kerangka “R2P” Dan Intervensi Kemanusiaan: Dilema Antara Legalitas Dan Legitimasi

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    The paper sets off by discussing security concept in IR and securitization process as well as new emerging norms in the frame of “R2P”. Furthermore, this paper also tries to examine closer at legal, ethic also other dilemmas by entering the discourse of legality and legitimacy of humanitarian intervention by take a look at positivism and naturalism approaches. It is also tries to convey the discussion by elaborating the humanitarian intervention with traditional principles of just war and utilizing criteria of jus ad bellum and jus in bello. Eventually, it is inquiring the execution of the concept of R2P which is, supposedly, built upon the equivalent of state's basic right and responsibility and proviso it is so then why discrimination and double standard still crop up in implementing humanitarian intervention

    Sekuritisasi dalam Kerangka “R2P” dan Intervensi Kemanusiaan: Dilema Antara Legalitas dan Legitimasi

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    The paper sets off by discussing security concept in IR and securitization process as well as new emerging norms in the frame of “R2P”. Furthermore, this paper also tries to examine closer at legal, ethic also other dilemmas by entering the discourse of legality and legitimacy of humanitarian intervention by take a look at positivism and naturalism approaches. It is also tries to convey the discussion by elaborating the humanitarian intervention with traditional principles of just war and utilizing criteria of jus ad bellum and jus in bello. Eventually, it is inquiring the execution of the concept of R2P which is, supposedly, built upon the equivalent of state’s basic right and responsibility and proviso it is so then why discrimination and double standard still crop up in implementing humanitarian intervention

    Local Languages, Local Malay, and Bahasa Indonesia; a Case Study From North Maluku

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    Many small languages from eastern Indonesia are threatened with extinction. While it is often assumed that ‘Indonesian' is replacing the lost languages, in reality, local languages are being replaced by local Malay. In this paper I review some of the reasons for this in North Maluku. I review the directional system in North Maluku Malay and argue that features like the directionals allow those giving up local languages to retain a sense of local linguistic identity. Retaining such an identity makes it easier to abandon local languages than would be the case if people were switching to ‘standard' Indonesian

    107th University of Notre Dame Commencement and Mass Program

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    107th University of Notre Dame Commencement and Mass Progra

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Meningkatkan Partisipasi Masyarakat Bidang Pendidikan pada Sds Ulumuddin Kabupaten Kubu Raya

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    : This is a qualitative study and phenomenology approach to describe four points: the school leadership in improving community participation in education; types of community participation in education; the efforts of school principal; supporting factors and obstacles in the principal\u27s efforts to increase community participation in education. Data collection are obtained through in depth interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis can be concluded that: the principal\u27s leadership in promoting community participation in education through better coordination to all so that the community believes in school and the tendency of leadership behavior is the personal and social competence; community participation in education are dominated by direct participation using power to work; the efforts of school principal to improve community participation in education are work together with teachers to participate in the social and religious activities, have deliberation with school community, be responsible, and establish good communication and serve; the factors that support the community participation in education are community has a positive sight to all people who work at school, and Madura\u27s dialect is as the language of communication. The factors of obstacle of the community participation in education are low level of educational background and economic, and difficult to cooperate in terms of educational responsibilities of parents at home