26 research outputs found

    GUIDA PSICOSOCIALE PER OPERATORI Impegnati nell’accoglienza dei Minori Stranieri Non Accompagnati

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    [Guide to Psychosocial Intervention for unaccompanied foreign minors]. The phenomenon of the so-called ‘unaccompanied foreign minors’ has become an urgent problem which does not allow any further delay or any partial and ineffective responses. It cannot only be faced as the emotional reaction to emergency situations, but it requires civil society to ensure the basic rights of the weakest and most vulnerable individuals. Our country is reluctant to give systematic responses capable of providing effective protection. There is also need of an adequate legislative tool more in keeping with the European one. It is essential to understand the various needs and to ensure that the numerous needs be met with expertise and professionalism, taking into account the psychological situation of the children and youngsters who arrive full of hope and who, at the same time, experienced maltreatment, abuse, threats and who were (sometimes impotent) witnesses of their travel mates' deaths. In this sense, the Guide to Psychosocial Interventions is a valuable tool for many workers.

    Vivre dans les dunes

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    Participación estudiantil en la educación básica regular : orientaciones para promover la participación estudiantil desde la Tutoría y Orientación Educativa

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    Promueve la participación estudiantil en la Educación Básica Regular, en el que se consignan las roles y actividades, que pueden desarrollar para promover y fortalecer la participación estudiantil alineada al Currículo Nacional de Educación Básica (CNEB) y al enfoque de derechos establecido por la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño. El documento está desagregado en capítulos específicos dentro de los cuales se presentan: un breve marco conceptual y normativo respecto a la participación estudiantil y los espacios de participación y representación en las instituciones educativas, estrategias para promover la participación estudiantil tanto en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje como en el marco de la Tutoría y Orientación Educativa; además se desarrollan herramientas metodológicas para el acompañamiento de proyectos participativos y asambleas de estudiantes, desde una perspectiva que permite el poner en práctica todos los enfoques transversales el CNEB y favorecer el desarrollo socioafectivo y cognitivo de las y los estudiantes desde una participación estudiantil auténtica, protagónica y efectiva

    Deutschland und die UN-Nachhaltigkeitsagenda 2016: noch lange nicht nachhaltig

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    Wird im Jahr 2030 kein Mensch mehr arm sein? Wird niemand mehr hungern müssen? Können alle Kinder wenigstens eine Grundschule besuchen? Konnten wir den Klimawandel abmildern, Städte nachhaltig umgestalten und die Ozeane schützen? Leben wir in friedlichen Demokratien, die die Menschenrechte zu Hause und über die eigenen Grenzen hinaus einhalten? Die 2030-Agenda der Vereinten Nationen und ihre 17 Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung versprechen die Transformation unserer Welt. Sie gelten für jedes Land, für die Länder des globalen Südens und des globalen Nordens, und damit auch für Deutschland. Angesprochen ist die ganze Bandbreite der Politik: Wirtschaft, Soziales, Umwelt, Finanzen, Agrar- und Verbraucherpolitik, Verkehr, Städtebau, Bildung und Gesundheit

    Barriers and incentives to orphan care in a time of AIDS and economic crisis: a cross-sectional survey of caregivers in rural Zimbabwe

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    BACKGROUND: Africa is in an orphan-care crisis. In Zimbabwe, where one-fourth of adults are HIV-positive and one-fifth of children are orphans, AIDS and economic decline are straining society's ability to care for orphans within their extended families. Lack of stable care is putting thousands of children at heightened risk of malnourishment, emotional underdevelopment, illiteracy, poverty, sexual exploitation, and HIV infection, endangering the future health of the society they are expected to sustain. METHODS: To explore barriers and possible incentives to orphan care, a quantitative cross-sectional survey in rural eastern Zimbabwe asked 371 adults caring for children, including 212 caring for double orphans, about their well-being, needs, resources, and perceptions and experiences of orphan care. RESULTS: Survey responses indicate that: 1) foster caregivers are disproportionately female, older, poor, and without a spouse; 2) 98% of non-foster caregivers are willing to foster orphans, many from outside their kinship network; 3) poverty is the primary barrier to fostering; 4) financial, physical, and emotional stress levels are high among current and potential fosterers; 5) financial need may be greatest in single-orphan AIDS-impoverished households; and 6) struggling families lack external support. CONCLUSION: Incentives for sustainable orphan care should focus on financial assistance, starting with free schooling, and development of community mechanisms to identify and support children in need, to evaluate and strengthen families' capacity to provide orphan care, and to initiate and support placement outside the family when necessary

    The Complexities of 'Home': Young people 'on the move' and state responses

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    'Home’ invokes ambiguous meanings for social policy; issues of safety within and beyond the home are recurring themes in criminological research and literature as well as policy and practice-based interventions. These concepts are further complicated when consideration is given to the experiences of young people who run away or go missing from the family home or alternative care. Drawing on an extensive body of research and rigorous analysis of ‘home’ in this context, the paper considers how gendered and classed youth identities affect responses and interventions. By ‘problematizing’ the universalised concept of home and the notion of ‘family’ that it implies, this paper makes an original contribution to theoretical aspects of running away and youth journeys, engaging with issues of space, place and relations of exclusion, subordination and domination in relation to family and state powers and responsibilities. Journeys from home are, interchangeably, escape routes and dangerous endeavours, but can also denote acts of resistance and quests for emancipation


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