65 research outputs found
The Role of Oxysterol Binding Proteins in Macrophages
Biological membranes consist of several types of lipids that have important structural and functional roles. Moreover, these lipids can act as signaling molecules or affect the function of cellular proteins. Regulation of lipid homeostasis is critical for the maintenance of cellular physiology, and disturbances in lipid metabolism aspects are key components behind many diseases, including atherosclerosis.
Macrophage cells play central roles in the development of atherosclerosis. The excessive uptake of modified lipoprotein particles in the vessel subendothelial space results in a proinflammatory response and the formation of macrophage foam cells. Oxysterols, oxidized cholesterol derivatives that primarily are taken up along with the modified lipoproteins, act at the crossroads of lipid metabolism and inflammation, and are important signaling lipids involved in atherogenesis.
In this thesis the functions of three members of the Oxysterol Binding Protein (ORP) Family were studied in the macrophage cell type. Their role was studied by knocking down the proteins individually using lentiviruses. Moreover, the general function of these proteins was studied using other cell models.
In the first part, the targeting of late endosomal protein ORP1L was investigated. ORP1L was shown to affect the motility and function of late endosomes in a sterol-dependent manner by mediating interactions between late endosomes and endoplasmic reticulum. Similar contacts between cellular compartments are also demonstrated for ORP3 and ORP8.
In the second part the role of ORP8 in the macrophage was investigated by transcriptomic, biochemical and functional assays. ORP8 knockdown was shown to result in activation of several nuclear pathways and to affect cellular migration.
In the third part, the lipid composition of macrophages was studied in conditions relevant for atherogenesis. The analysis revealed complex and profound changes in the cellular lipidome in the absence of ORPs, with implications for the inflammatory response, suggesting that ORP proteins modulate inflammatory processes.
This work provides information on the cellular functions of macrophage-enriched ORP members, and reveals novel aspects in the function of the proteins. These data suggest that the modulation of ORP levels and/or function represents an attractive target for prevention or treatment of atherosclerosis.Biologiset kalvot koostuvat erilaisista lipideistÀ eli rasva-aineista, joilla on tÀrkeitÀ rakenteellisia ja toiminnallisia tehtÀviÀ. Lipiditasapainon sÀÀtely on erittÀin tÀrkeÀÀ solujen fysiologian kannalta, ja sen hÀiriöt ovat keskeisessÀ asemassa monien tautien, kuten valtimonkovettumataudin, taustalla. ---- Makrofaagit eli syöjÀsolut ovat keskeisiÀ soluja valtimonkovettumataudin kehittymisen kannalta, sillÀ ne poistavat kolesterolia valtimoiden seinÀmistÀ. Liiallisena tÀmÀ prosessi voi johtaa tulehdusreaktioon ja makrofaagien muuttumiseen vaahtosoluiksi. Kolesterolin mukana makrofaagit ottavat sisÀÀnsÀ oksisteroleja, hapettuneita kolesterolijohdannaisia. Oksisterolit ovat tehokkaita signalointilipidejÀ, jotka sÀÀtelevÀt solun tulehdusreaktioita sekÀ rasva-aineenvaihduntaa, ja niiden mÀÀrÀn on havaittu kasvavan valtimonkovettumataudin edetessÀ.
TÀssÀ vÀitöskirjatyössÀ on tutkittu kolmen oksisteroleja sitovan proteiiniperheen (ORP) jÀsenen toimintaa. ORP1L, ORP3 ja ORP8 proteiinit ilmentyvÀt makrofaagi-solutyypissÀ erityisen runsaasti. Proteiinien toimintaa tutkittiin makrofaagi-solumallissa hiljentÀmÀllÀ proteiineja yksi kerrallaan kÀyttÀen hyvÀksi lentiviruksia. LisÀksi proteiineja tutkittiin yleisemmin kÀyttÀen hyvÀksi muita solumalleja ja tekniikoita.
Tutkimuksissa havaittiin, ettÀ ORP1L proteiini sÀÀtelee myöhÀisten endosomien liikettÀ ja toimintaa solun kolesterolistatuksesta riippuvaisesti muodostamalla vuorovaikutuksen soluelinten vÀlille. Myös ORP3- ja ORP8-proteiinien havaittiin muodostavat vastaavia vuorovaikutuksia solun eri kalvostojen vÀlillÀ. ORP8:n havaittiin sÀÀtelevÀn eri tumankuljetusreittejÀ, ja vaikuttavan makrofaagien liikkuvuuteen. Kolmannessa osatyössÀ tutkittiin ORP-proteiinien puuttumisen vaikutusta makrofaagien lipidikoostumukseen olosuhteissa, jotka ovat olennaisia valtimonkovettumataudin kehittymisen kannalta. Proteiinien puutos aiheutti huomattavia muutoksia, mm. tulehduksellisissa lipideissÀ. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, ettÀ ORP-proteiineilla sÀÀtelevÀt makrofaagien tulehdusreaktioita.
Tutkimus on antanut tÀrkeÀÀ uutta tietoa ORP-proteiinien toiminnasta sekÀ niiden vaikutuksista solujen fysiologian kannalta. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, ettÀ ORP-proteiinien tasojen ja/tai toiminnan sÀÀtelystÀ saattaa olla hyötyÀ valtimonkovettumataudin ennaltaehkÀisyssÀ tai hoidossa
Gender, Contraceptives and Individual Metabolic Predisposition Shape a Healthy Plasma Lipidome
Lipidomics of human blood plasma is an emerging biomarker discovery approach that compares lipid profiles under pathological and physiologically normal conditions, but how a healthy lipidome varies within the population is poorly understood. By quantifying 281 molecular species from 27 major lipid classes in the plasma of 71 healthy young Caucasians whose 35 clinical blood test and anthropometric indices matched the medical norm, we provided a comprehensive, expandable and clinically relevant resource of reference molar concentrations of individual lipids. We established that gender is a major lipidomic factor, whose impact is strongly enhanced by hormonal contraceptives and mediated by sex hormone-binding globulin. In lipidomics epidemiological studies should avoid mixed-gender cohorts and females taking hormonal contraceptives should be considered as a separate sub-cohort. Within a gender-restricted cohort lipidomics revealed a compositional signature that indicates the predisposition towards an early development of metabolic syndrome in ca. 25% of healthy male individuals suggesting a healthy plasma lipidome as resource for early biomarker discovery
Roadmap for implementing environmental DNA (eDNA) and other molecular monitoring methods in Finland â Vision and action plan for 2022â2025
Roadmap for implementing environmental DNA (eDNA) and other molecular monitoring methods in Finland â Vision and Action Plan for 2022-2025
Technological development in molecular methodology has been extremely fast in the past two decades, and groundbreaking new approaches have been introduced. It is now possible to detect and quantify DNA or RNA of target species or even map the whole species community in environmental samples of water, sediment, soil, air or assemblages of whole organisms. Moreover, the costs of high-throughput sequencing and other advanced molecular methods have decreased and methodological pipelines from sampling to data analysis developed sufficiently to allow large-scale, routine application of the new methods in environmental monitoring. This presents a huge opportunity to improve the coverage, accuracy and cost-efficiency of monitoring, enabling a much more complete picture of biodiversity and the state of the environment and their trends. As the new European Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and other international policies to halt biodiversity loss and the degradation of habitats are translated into concrete measures, the quality of the monitoring data will play a crucial role in determining their success or failure.
In this roadmap commissioned by the Finnish Ministry of the Environment, we assess the state-of-the-art in molecular monitoring methods in Finland within the international context, identify challenges and development areas that remain to be addressed and propose an action plan for promoting the coordinated implementation of molecular methods in national monitoring programs. Apart from the most recent scientific literature, our analysis is based on survey results, direct enquiries and interviews. Participation of the national community of experts from different sectors was enabled and invited at several stages of the roadmap preparation.
Internationally, molecular monitoring methods are being actively developed and are routinely implemented in monitoring across different taxa and ecosystems. In Finland, molecular monitoring methods have been tested and piloted by all major institutions responsible for environmental monitoring, and the methods are already applied routinely in the monitoring of individual game species such as the wolf and European and Canadian beaver. However, other areas such as the monitoring of biodiversity, threatened species, non-mammalian invasive species or emerging plant or animal pests remain less developed, and national efforts and expertise are scattered across different organizations. Funding and know-how are perceived as the most important factors limiting molecular monitoring method implementation.
We estimate that extensive, routine implementation of a wide range of molecular monitoring methods is conceivable in Finland before 2030. As the primary development areas for reaching this goal, we identify (i) international coordination and standard development, (ii) networking across sectors, (iii) education, (iv) infrastructure, (v) reference sequence libraries and the mapping of whole genomes, and (vi) modelling and analysis tool development. For concrete actions in 2022â2025, we propose (1) a cross-governmental funding instrument, (2) a permanent working group responsible for national and international coordination, (3) a national network and (4) an online platform to enhance interaction and knowledge transfer, as well as (5) a national data management system with collectively agreed data and metadata formats and standards.
Kansallinen tiekartta ympĂ€ristö-DNA:n ja muiden molekyylibiologisten seurantamenetelmien kĂ€yttöönotolle â visio ja toimenpidesuunnitelma vuosille 2022-2025
Molekyylibiologisten menetelmien teknologinen kehitys on ollut ennennĂ€kemĂ€ttömĂ€n nopeaa kahden viime vuosikymmenen aikana. Uudet menetelmĂ€t mahdollistavat kohdelajien DNA:n tai RNA:n havaitsemisen ja runsausmÀÀrityksen tai koko eliöyhteisön kartoittamisen esimerkiksi vesi-, sedimentti-, maaperĂ€- tai ilmanĂ€ytteistĂ€ tai kokonaisia yksilöitĂ€ sisĂ€ltĂ€vistĂ€ kokoomanĂ€ytteistĂ€. Massiivisen rinnakkaissekvensoinnin ja muiden menetelmien kustannukset ovat merkittĂ€vĂ€sti laskeneet ja menetelmĂ€ketjut nĂ€ytteenotosta tulosten tulkintaan kehittyneet asteelle, joka mahdollistaa niiden laajamittaisen, rutiininomaisen kĂ€ytön ympĂ€ristön seurannassa. Uusien menetelmien avulla voimme parantaa seurannan kattavuutta, tarkkuutta ja kustannustehokkuutta ja siten tĂ€ydentÀÀ seurannan kautta muodostuvaa kuvaa luonnon monimuotoisuudesta ja sen muutoksista. TĂ€lle tiedolle on suuri tarve â laadukas seuranta on keskeinen edellytys sille, ettĂ€ EU:n uuden biodiversiteettistrategian ja muiden luontokadon ja elinympĂ€ristöjen tilan huonontumisen pysĂ€yttĂ€miseen tĂ€htÀÀvien kansainvĂ€listen sitoumusten toimeenpano onnistuu.
TÀssÀ ympÀristöministeriön tilaamassa tiekartassa arvioimme molekyylibiologisten seurantamenetelmien nykytilaa Suomessa osana laajempaa kansainvÀlistÀ kenttÀÀ, tunnistamme huomiota vaativia haasteita ja kehityskohteita ja ehdotamme konkreettisia toimenpiteitÀ molekyylibiologisten seurantamenetelmien koordinoidun kÀyttöönoton edistÀmiseksi lÀhivuosien aikana. Selvityksemme perustuu uusimman tieteellisen kirjallisuuden lisÀksi kyselytutkimukseen sekÀ suoriin tiedusteluihin ja haastatteluihin. Yhteiskunnan eri sektoreita edustava kansallinen asiantuntijayhteisö osallistui tiekartan valmisteluun työn eri vaiheissa.
Molekyylibiologisia seurantamenetelmiÀ kehitetÀÀn parhaillaan aktiivisesti ympÀri maailmaa eri eliöryhmille ja ekosysteemeille, ja yksittÀisiÀ menetelmiÀ on useissa maissa otettu myös rutiininomaiseen kÀyttöön. Suomessa menetelmiÀ on kehitetty ja pilotoitu kaikissa keskeisissÀ ympÀristön seurantaa koordinoivissa laitoksissa, ja yksittÀisten riistaelÀinten kuten suden ja kanadan- ja euroopanmajavan seurannassa ne ovat jo rutiinikÀytössÀ. Biodiversiteetin, uhanalaisten lajien, vieraslajien (nisÀkkÀitÀ lukuun ottamatta) ja muiden haitallisten lajien kansallisessa seurannassa molekyylibiologisten menetelmien kÀyttö on kuitenkin vielÀ kokeiluasteella, ja kehittÀmishankkeiden ja asiantuntijuuden kenttÀ on hajanainen. RiittÀmÀtöntÀ rahoitusta ja osaamista pidetÀÀn alan asiantuntijoiden keskuudessa tÀrkeimpinÀ menetelmien kÀyttöönottoa rajoittavina tekijöinÀ.
Arviomme mukaan laaja kirjo molekyylibiologisia seurantamenetelmiÀ olisi mahdollista ottaa laajamittaiseen rutiininomaiseen kÀyttöön vuoteen 2030 mennessÀ. TÀrkeimmiksi kehityskohteiksi nousivat (i) kansainvÀlinen koordinaatio ja menetelmien standardointi, (ii) organisaatioiden ja sektoreiden vÀlinen verkostoituminen, (iii) koulutus, (iv) infrastruktuuri, (v) referenssisekvenssikirjastot ja kokonaisten genomien kartoittaminen sekÀ (vi) malli- ja analyysityökalujen kehittÀminen. Konkreettisiksi toimenpiteiksi vuosille 2022-2025 esitÀmme (1) poikkihallinnollista rahoitusohjelmaa molekyylibiologisten seurantamenetelmien kÀyttöönottoa edistÀville tutkimus- ja kehityshankkeille, (2) pysyvÀÀ työryhmÀÀ kansallisen ja kansainvÀlisen koordinaation edistÀmiseksi, (3) olemassa olevan kansallisen asiantuntijaverkoston laajentamista, (4) internet-pohjaista alustaa vuorovaikutuksen ja tiedonjaon tehostamiseksi sekÀ (5) kansallista, yhdessÀ sovittuja data- ja metadatastandardeja noudattavaa molekyylibiologisten seuranta-aineistojen tiedonhallintajÀrjestelmÀÀ
Roadmap for implementing environmental DNA (eDNA) and other molecular monitoring methods in FinlandâVision and action plan for 2022â2025
Technological development in molecular methodology has been extremely fast in the past two decades, and groundbreaking new approaches have been introduced. It is now possible to detect and quantify DNA or RNA of target species or even map the whole species community in environmental samples of water, sediment, soil, air or assemblages of whole organisms. Moreover, the costs of high-throughput sequencing and other advanced molecular methods have decreased and methodological pipelines from sampling to data analysis developed sufficiently to allow large-scale, routine application of the new methods in environmental monitoring. This presents a huge opportunity to improve the coverage, accuracy and cost-efficiency of monitoring, enabling a much more complete picture of biodiversity and the state of the environment and their trends. As the new European Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and other international policies to halt biodiversity loss and the degradation of habitats are translated into concrete measures, the quality of the monitoring data will play a crucial role in determining their success or failure.
In this roadmap commissioned by the Finnish Ministry of the Environment, we assess the state-ofthe-art in molecular monitoring methods in Finland within the international context, identify challenges and development areas that remain to be addressed and propose an action plan for promoting the coordinated implementation of molecular methods in national monitoring programs. Apart from the most recent scientific literature, our analysis is based on survey results, direct enquiries and interviews. Participation of the national community of experts from different sectors was enabled and invited at several stages of the roadmap preparation.
Internationally, molecular monitoring methods are being actively developed and are routinely implemented in monitoring across different taxa and ecosystems. In Finland, molecular monitoring methods have been tested and piloted by all major institutions responsible for environmental monitoring, and the methods are already applied routinely in the monitoring of individual game species such as the wolf and European and Canadian beaver. However, other areas such as the monitoring of biodiversity, threatened species, non-mammalian invasive species or emerging plant or animal pests remain less developed, and national efforts and expertise are scattered across different organizations. Funding and know-how are perceived as the most important factors limiting molecular monitoring method implementation.
We estimate that extensive, routine implementation of a wide range of molecular monitoring methods is conceivable in Finland before 2030. As the primary development areas for reaching this goal, we identify (i) international coordination and standard development, (ii) networking across sectors, (iii) education, (iv) infrastructure, (v) reference sequence libraries and the mapping of whole genomes, and (vi) modelling and analysis tool development. For concrete actions in 2022â2025, we propose (1) a cross-governmental funding instrument, (2) a permanent working group responsible for national and international coordination, (3) a national network and (4) an online platform to enhance interaction and knowledge transfer, as well as (5) a national data management system with collectively agreed data and metadata formats and standards
Developing a spatially explicit modelling and evaluation framework for integrated carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation: application in southern Finland
The challenges posed by climate change and biodiversity loss are deeply interconnected. Successful co-managing of these tangled drivers requires innovative methods that can prioritize and target management actions against multiple criteria, while also enabling cost-effective land use planning and impact scenario assessment. This paper synthesises the development and application of an integrated multidisciplinary modelling and evaluation framework for carbon and biodiversity in forest systems. By analysing and spatio-temporally modelling carbon processes and biodiversity elements, we determine an optimal solution for their co-management in the study landscape. We also describe how advanced Earth Observation measurements can be used to enhance mapping and monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem processes. The scenarios used for the dynamic models were based on official Finnish policy goals for forest management and climate change mitigation. The development and testing of the system were executed in a large region in southern Finland (KokemĂ€enjoki basin, 27 024 km2) containing highly instrumented LTER (Long-Term Ecosystem Research) stations; these LTER data sources were complemented by fieldwork, remote sensing and national data bases. In the study area, estimated total net emissions were currently 4.2 TgCO2eq a-1, but modelling of forestry measures and anthropogenic emission reductions demonstrated that it would be possible to achieve the stated policy goal of carbon neutrality by low forest harvest intensity. We show how this policy-relevant information can be further utilised for optimal allocation of set-aside forest areas for nature conservation, which would significantly contribute to preserving both biodiversity and carbon values in the region. Biodiversity gain in the area could be increased without a loss of carbon-related benefits.The challenges posed by climate change and biodiversity loss are deeply interconnected. Successful co-managing of these tangled drivers requires innovative methods that can prioritize and target management actions against multiple criteria, while also enabling cost-effective land use planning and impact scenario assessment. This paper synthesises the development and application of an integrated multidisciplinary modelling and evaluation framework for carbon and biodiversity in forest systems. By analysing and spatio-temporally modelling carbon processes and biodiversity elements, we determine an optimal solution for their co-management in the study landscape. We also describe how advanced Earth Observation measurements can be used to enhance mapping and monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem processes. The scenarios used for the dynamic models were based on official Finnish policy goals for forest management and climate change mitigation. The development and testing of the system were executed in a large region in southern Finland (KokemĂ€enjoki basin, 27,024 km2) containing highly instrumented LTER (Long-Term Ecosystem Research) stations; these LTER data sources were complemented by fieldwork, remote sensing and national data bases. In the study area, estimated total net emissions were currently 4.2 TgCO2eq aâ1, but modelling of forestry measures and anthropogenic emission reductions demonstrated that it would be possible to achieve the stated policy goal of carbon neutrality by low forest harvest intensity. We show how this policy-relevant information can be further utilized for optimal allocation of set-aside forest areas for nature conservation, which would significantly contribute to preserving both biodiversity and carbon values in the region. Biodiversity gain in the area could be increased without a loss of carbon-related benefits.Peer reviewe
Meta-analysis of the clinical performance of commercial SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid and antibody tests up to 22 August 2020
Background: Reliable testing for SARS-CoV-2 is key for the management of the COVID-19 pandemic. Aim: We estimate diagnostic accuracy for nucleic acid and antibody tests 5 months into the COVID-19 pandemic, and compare with manufacturer-reported accuracy. Methods: We reviewed the clinical performance of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid and antibody tests based on 93,757 test results from 151 published studies and 20,205 new test results from 12 countries in the European Union and European Economic Area (EU/ EEA). Results: Pooling the results and considering only results with 95% confidence interval width †5%, we found four nucleic acid tests, including one pointof- care test and three antibody tests, with a clinical sensitivity ℠95% for at least one target population (hospitalised, mild or asymptomatic, or unknown). Nine nucleic acid tests and 25 antibody tests, 12 of them point-of-care tests, had a clinical specificity of ℠98%. Three antibody tests achieved both thresholds. Evidence for nucleic acid point-of-care tests remains scarce at present, and sensitivity varied substantially. Study heterogeneity was low for eight of 14 sensitivity and 68 of 84 specificity results with confidence interval width †5%, and lower for nucleic acid tests than antibody tests. Manufacturer-reported clinical performance was significantly higher than independently assessed in 11 of 32 and four of 34 cases, respectively, for sensitivity and specificity, indicating a need for improvement in this area. Conclusion: Continuous monitoring of clinical performance within more clearly defined target populations is needed.</p
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