35 research outputs found

    Individual Reflection Paper – Supporting Student's Learning in the Critical Phase of Self-directed Learning in PBL

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    Supporting and assessment of students’ preparation and learning process in problem-based learning (PBL) tutorials has long been a challenge. We present a modified PBL model focussing on the specific critical phase in the PBL process, the self-directed learning phase in between tutorial meetings. The modified seven step PBL model including an Individual reflection paper (IRP) is presented as well as students’ perspectives on the implementation of IRP and information literacy, knowledge gathering, and PBL tutorial work. The assessment of PBL work is complex, and the ways in which IRPs support the tutor’s role as an examiner is beyond the scope of the current study. However, it seems that the students experienced assessment of the IRPs as part of their as a positive driving force in their learning process

    Natural formation and degradation of chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines in forest soil: challenges to understanding

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    Goal, Scope and Background. The anthropogenic environmental emissions of chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines have been under scrutiny in recent years because the two compound groups are suspected to contribute to forest dieback and stratospheric ozone destruction, respectively. The two organochlorine groups are linked because the atmospheric photochemical oxidation of some volatile organochlorine compounds is one source of phytotoxic chloroacetic acids in the environment. Moreover, both groups are produced in higher amounts by natural chlorination of organic matter, e.g. by soil microorganisms, marine macroalgae and salt lake bacteria, and show similar metabolism pathways. Elucidating the origin and fate of these organohalogens is necessary to implement actions to counteract environmental problems caused by these compounds. Main Features. While the anthropogenic sources of chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines are relatively well-known and within human control, knowledge of relevant natural processes is scarce and fragmented. This article reviews current knowledge on natural formation and degradation processes of chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines in forest soils, with particular emphasis on processes in the rhizosphere, and discusses future studies necessary to understand the role of forest soils in the formation and degradation of these compounds. Results and Discussion. Reviewing the present knowledge of the natural formation and degradation processes of chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines in forest soil has revealed gaps in knowledge regarding the actual mechanisms behind these processes. In particular, there remains insufficient quantification of reliable budgets and rates of formation and degradation of chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines in forest soil (both biotic and abiotic processes) to evaluate the strength of forest ecosystems regarding the emission and uptake of chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines, both on a regional scale and on a global scale. Conclusion. It is concluded that the overall role of forest soil as a source and/or sink for chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines is still unclear; the available laboratory and field data reveal only bits of the puzzle. Detailed knowledge of the natural degradation and formation processes in forest soil is important to evaluate the strength of forest ecosystems for the emission and uptake of chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines, both on a regional scale and on a global scale. Recommendation and Perspective. As the natural formation and degradation processes of chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines in forest soil can be influenced by human activities, evaluation of the extent of this influence will help to identify what future actions are needed to reduce human influences and thus prevent further damage to the environment and to human health caused by these compounds

    Measurements and fluxes of volatile chlorinated organic compounds (VOCl) from natural terrestrial sources : Measurement techniques and spatio-temporal variability of flux estimates

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    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and especially chlorinated VOCs (VOCls) are regarded as en viron mental risk substances in water bodies due to their toxic characteristics. Even in the atmo­sphere they highly impact atmospheric chemistry, e.g. degrading the ozone layer. Several studies have convincingly identified a number of natural VOCl sources thereby challenging the view of VOCls as only produced by humans. Yet, fundamental knowledge is still missing concerning the emission, distribution and the natural abundance of VOCls, especially regarding the high spatial and temporal variability of emissions from terrestrial sources. In the nuclear industry, Cl­36 is a dose­dominating radionuclide in some waste, and this adds to the need to better understand the processes, transport and fate of chlorine in the bio sphere. In this report 38 studies on VOCl flux measurement estimates were reviewed to summarize the current knowledge on spatio­temporal variations of different VOCls and various measurement tech niques. Chloromethane is the most studied VOCl compound and chloroform, the second most studied. A few other studies have estimated fluxes of additional VOCls such as tetrachloromethane (CCl4), methyl chloroform (CH3CCl3), tetrachloroethane (C2H2Cl4), freons (CFCs), chloroethane (C2H5Cl), bromodichloromethane (CHBrCl2). Studies were conducted in climates and terrestrial ecosystems ranging from arctic tundra to tropical rainforest but most studies focus on the temperate climate region. Wetlands and coastal systems dominate the studied ecosystems. Flux chambers are the most common method for investigation of the soil­atmosphere exchange of VOCls, but a few studies used soil gas profiles and one the Relaxed Eddy Accumulation (REA) technique. Methodological uncer­tainties are mainly related to sample contamination, few replicates, chamber design, and chamber deployment (the time of measurement) effects on the soil­atmosphere exchange itself. Despite the many challenges in measuring VOCls and estimating the fluxes, a substantial part of the chlorine in terrestrial ecosystems, and especially from wetlands and coastal areas, is emitted to the atmosphere as VOCls. In inland forested ecosystems, the release of Cl to the atmosphere could be as much as 0.1 g m–2, which is 40 % of the wet deposition and there are studies that suggest that freshwater wetlands are much larger source of chlorine in the atmosphere than previously understood.Flyktiga organiska föreningar (VOC) och i synnerhet klorerade VOCs (VOCls) betraktas som miljö­farliga Ă€mnen i vattenmiljöer pĂ„ grund av sina toxiska egenskaper, men Ă€ven i atmosfĂ€ren eftersom de har en stor inverkan pĂ„ atmosfĂ€rskemin, t ex genom att pĂ„verka ozonskiktet. Ett antal studier har hittat flera naturliga kĂ€llor för VOCl och dĂ€rmed förĂ€ndrat synen pĂ„ VOCls som endast producerade av mĂ€nniskor. Trots det sĂ„ saknas kunskaperna fortfarande om utslĂ€pp de naturliga flödena av VOCls, sĂ€rskilt nĂ€r det gĂ€ller variation i tid och rum frĂ„n terrestra miljöer. I kĂ€rnkraftsindustrin Ă€r Cl­36 en dosdominerande radionuklid för en del avfallströmmar. DĂ€rför behövs en bĂ€ttre förstĂ„else för omsĂ€ttningen av klor i ytnĂ€ra ekosystem. Klormetan Ă€r den mest studerade av VOCl och den nĂ€st mest studerade Ă€r kloroform. NĂ„gra andra studier har uppskattat flöde av andra VOCl som tetraklormetan (CCl4), metylkloroform (CH3CCl3), tetrakloretan (C2H2Cl4), freoner (CFC), kloretan (C2H5Cl), bromodiklormetan (CHBrCl2). Studier genomfördes i klimat och markbaserade ekosystem som strĂ€cker sig frĂ„n arktisk tundra till tropisk regnskog, men de flesta studier fokuserar pĂ„ tempererat klimatomrĂ„de. VĂ„tmarker och kustsystem Ă€r de studerande dominerande ekosystemen. Kammare Ă€r den vanligaste metoden för att uppskatta flöden av av VOCls, men det finns ocksĂ„ nĂ„gra studier med koncentrationsgradienter i markprofiler, och en form av mikrometeorologimetodik. De metodologiska osĂ€kerheterna som diskuteras kretsar i första hand kring kontamination, fĂ„ replikat, design av fĂ€ltmĂ€tningar och fĂ€ltmĂ€tningarnas pĂ„verkan pĂ„ markprocesser och dĂ€rmed indirekt pĂ„ flödena. Trots de mĂ„nga utmaningarna för att mĂ€ta VOCls och uppskatta flödena Ă€r det klart att flödet av klor till atmosfĂ€ren Ă€r ett viktigt flöde i klors biogeo­kemiska cykel i terrestra ekosystem. Skogsekosystem kan avge sĂ„ mycket som 0.1 g m–2, vilket Ă€r 40 % av vĂ„tdepositionen av klorid och det finns studier som tyder pĂ„ att vĂ„tmarker Ă€r en lĂ„ngt mycket större kĂ€lla till klor i atmosfĂ€ren Ă€n man tidigare trott

    Measurements and fluxes of volatile chlorinated organic compounds (VOCl) from natural terrestrial sources : Measurement techniques and spatio-temporal variability of flux estimates

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    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and especially chlorinated VOCs (VOCls) are regarded as en viron mental risk substances in water bodies due to their toxic characteristics. Even in the atmo­sphere they highly impact atmospheric chemistry, e.g. degrading the ozone layer. Several studies have convincingly identified a number of natural VOCl sources thereby challenging the view of VOCls as only produced by humans. Yet, fundamental knowledge is still missing concerning the emission, distribution and the natural abundance of VOCls, especially regarding the high spatial and temporal variability of emissions from terrestrial sources. In the nuclear industry, Cl­36 is a dose­dominating radionuclide in some waste, and this adds to the need to better understand the processes, transport and fate of chlorine in the bio sphere. In this report 38 studies on VOCl flux measurement estimates were reviewed to summarize the current knowledge on spatio­temporal variations of different VOCls and various measurement tech niques. Chloromethane is the most studied VOCl compound and chloroform, the second most studied. A few other studies have estimated fluxes of additional VOCls such as tetrachloromethane (CCl4), methyl chloroform (CH3CCl3), tetrachloroethane (C2H2Cl4), freons (CFCs), chloroethane (C2H5Cl), bromodichloromethane (CHBrCl2). Studies were conducted in climates and terrestrial ecosystems ranging from arctic tundra to tropical rainforest but most studies focus on the temperate climate region. Wetlands and coastal systems dominate the studied ecosystems. Flux chambers are the most common method for investigation of the soil­atmosphere exchange of VOCls, but a few studies used soil gas profiles and one the Relaxed Eddy Accumulation (REA) technique. Methodological uncer­tainties are mainly related to sample contamination, few replicates, chamber design, and chamber deployment (the time of measurement) effects on the soil­atmosphere exchange itself. Despite the many challenges in measuring VOCls and estimating the fluxes, a substantial part of the chlorine in terrestrial ecosystems, and especially from wetlands and coastal areas, is emitted to the atmosphere as VOCls. In inland forested ecosystems, the release of Cl to the atmosphere could be as much as 0.1 g m–2, which is 40 % of the wet deposition and there are studies that suggest that freshwater wetlands are much larger source of chlorine in the atmosphere than previously understood.Flyktiga organiska föreningar (VOC) och i synnerhet klorerade VOCs (VOCls) betraktas som miljö­farliga Ă€mnen i vattenmiljöer pĂ„ grund av sina toxiska egenskaper, men Ă€ven i atmosfĂ€ren eftersom de har en stor inverkan pĂ„ atmosfĂ€rskemin, t ex genom att pĂ„verka ozonskiktet. Ett antal studier har hittat flera naturliga kĂ€llor för VOCl och dĂ€rmed förĂ€ndrat synen pĂ„ VOCls som endast producerade av mĂ€nniskor. Trots det sĂ„ saknas kunskaperna fortfarande om utslĂ€pp de naturliga flödena av VOCls, sĂ€rskilt nĂ€r det gĂ€ller variation i tid och rum frĂ„n terrestra miljöer. I kĂ€rnkraftsindustrin Ă€r Cl­36 en dosdominerande radionuklid för en del avfallströmmar. DĂ€rför behövs en bĂ€ttre förstĂ„else för omsĂ€ttningen av klor i ytnĂ€ra ekosystem. Klormetan Ă€r den mest studerade av VOCl och den nĂ€st mest studerade Ă€r kloroform. NĂ„gra andra studier har uppskattat flöde av andra VOCl som tetraklormetan (CCl4), metylkloroform (CH3CCl3), tetrakloretan (C2H2Cl4), freoner (CFC), kloretan (C2H5Cl), bromodiklormetan (CHBrCl2). Studier genomfördes i klimat och markbaserade ekosystem som strĂ€cker sig frĂ„n arktisk tundra till tropisk regnskog, men de flesta studier fokuserar pĂ„ tempererat klimatomrĂ„de. VĂ„tmarker och kustsystem Ă€r de studerande dominerande ekosystemen. Kammare Ă€r den vanligaste metoden för att uppskatta flöden av av VOCls, men det finns ocksĂ„ nĂ„gra studier med koncentrationsgradienter i markprofiler, och en form av mikrometeorologimetodik. De metodologiska osĂ€kerheterna som diskuteras kretsar i första hand kring kontamination, fĂ„ replikat, design av fĂ€ltmĂ€tningar och fĂ€ltmĂ€tningarnas pĂ„verkan pĂ„ markprocesser och dĂ€rmed indirekt pĂ„ flödena. Trots de mĂ„nga utmaningarna för att mĂ€ta VOCls och uppskatta flödena Ă€r det klart att flödet av klor till atmosfĂ€ren Ă€r ett viktigt flöde i klors biogeo­kemiska cykel i terrestra ekosystem. Skogsekosystem kan avge sĂ„ mycket som 0.1 g m–2, vilket Ă€r 40 % av vĂ„tdepositionen av klorid och det finns studier som tyder pĂ„ att vĂ„tmarker Ă€r en lĂ„ngt mycket större kĂ€lla till klor i atmosfĂ€ren Ă€n man tidigare trott

    En komparation av regleringen kring eutanasi

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    Debatten om eutanasi pÄgÄr stÀndigt, i Sverige och i resten av vÀrlden, ibland mer intensivt ibland mer lÄgmÀlt. Denna uppsats utreder hur juridiken i eutanasifrÄgan samspelar med verkligheten, i Sverige och övriga delar av vÀrlden. Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att utreda de frÄgor som uppkommer kring eutanasi och utifrÄn svaren pÄ dessa frÄgor göra en komparation av olika lÀnders reglering av omrÄdet. Eutanasidebatten och regleringen har sett och ser olika ut runt om i vÀrlden. I vissa lÀnder har en legalisering skett, medan andra lÀnder övervÀger en legalisering och Äter andra anser, pÄ grund av till exempel religiös uppfattning, att eutanasi bör vara straffbelagt. Uppsatsen behandlar enbart den del av rÀtten till liv som handlar om eutanasi och vÄrd i livets slutskede. Viktiga och intressanta frÄgor som abortrÀtt, rÀtten till ett vÀrdigt liv m m lÀmnas dÀrför utanför. I uppsatsen redogörs för fem lÀnders reglering av frÄgorna kring eutanasi och vÄrd i livets slutskede. Dessa lÀnder har, och har haft, en aktiv eutanasidebatt och de representerar olika stÄndpunkter. De har Àven valts ut med tanke pÄ att de huvudsakligen Àr engelsksprÄkiga för att underlÀtta informationssökning och dylikt. LÀnderna Àr, förutom Sverige: - Storbritannien - NederlÀnderna - USA - Australie

    Measurements and fluxes of volatile chlorinated organic compounds (VOCl) from natural terrestrial sources : Measurement techniques and spatio-temporal variability of flux estimates

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    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and especially chlorinated VOCs (VOCls) are regarded as en viron mental risk substances in water bodies due to their toxic characteristics. Even in the atmo­sphere they highly impact atmospheric chemistry, e.g. degrading the ozone layer. Several studies have convincingly identified a number of natural VOCl sources thereby challenging the view of VOCls as only produced by humans. Yet, fundamental knowledge is still missing concerning the emission, distribution and the natural abundance of VOCls, especially regarding the high spatial and temporal variability of emissions from terrestrial sources. In the nuclear industry, Cl­36 is a dose­dominating radionuclide in some waste, and this adds to the need to better understand the processes, transport and fate of chlorine in the bio sphere. In this report 38 studies on VOCl flux measurement estimates were reviewed to summarize the current knowledge on spatio­temporal variations of different VOCls and various measurement tech niques. Chloromethane is the most studied VOCl compound and chloroform, the second most studied. A few other studies have estimated fluxes of additional VOCls such as tetrachloromethane (CCl4), methyl chloroform (CH3CCl3), tetrachloroethane (C2H2Cl4), freons (CFCs), chloroethane (C2H5Cl), bromodichloromethane (CHBrCl2). Studies were conducted in climates and terrestrial ecosystems ranging from arctic tundra to tropical rainforest but most studies focus on the temperate climate region. Wetlands and coastal systems dominate the studied ecosystems. Flux chambers are the most common method for investigation of the soil­atmosphere exchange of VOCls, but a few studies used soil gas profiles and one the Relaxed Eddy Accumulation (REA) technique. Methodological uncer­tainties are mainly related to sample contamination, few replicates, chamber design, and chamber deployment (the time of measurement) effects on the soil­atmosphere exchange itself. Despite the many challenges in measuring VOCls and estimating the fluxes, a substantial part of the chlorine in terrestrial ecosystems, and especially from wetlands and coastal areas, is emitted to the atmosphere as VOCls. In inland forested ecosystems, the release of Cl to the atmosphere could be as much as 0.1 g m–2, which is 40 % of the wet deposition and there are studies that suggest that freshwater wetlands are much larger source of chlorine in the atmosphere than previously understood.Flyktiga organiska föreningar (VOC) och i synnerhet klorerade VOCs (VOCls) betraktas som miljö­farliga Ă€mnen i vattenmiljöer pĂ„ grund av sina toxiska egenskaper, men Ă€ven i atmosfĂ€ren eftersom de har en stor inverkan pĂ„ atmosfĂ€rskemin, t ex genom att pĂ„verka ozonskiktet. Ett antal studier har hittat flera naturliga kĂ€llor för VOCl och dĂ€rmed förĂ€ndrat synen pĂ„ VOCls som endast producerade av mĂ€nniskor. Trots det sĂ„ saknas kunskaperna fortfarande om utslĂ€pp de naturliga flödena av VOCls, sĂ€rskilt nĂ€r det gĂ€ller variation i tid och rum frĂ„n terrestra miljöer. I kĂ€rnkraftsindustrin Ă€r Cl­36 en dosdominerande radionuklid för en del avfallströmmar. DĂ€rför behövs en bĂ€ttre förstĂ„else för omsĂ€ttningen av klor i ytnĂ€ra ekosystem. Klormetan Ă€r den mest studerade av VOCl och den nĂ€st mest studerade Ă€r kloroform. NĂ„gra andra studier har uppskattat flöde av andra VOCl som tetraklormetan (CCl4), metylkloroform (CH3CCl3), tetrakloretan (C2H2Cl4), freoner (CFC), kloretan (C2H5Cl), bromodiklormetan (CHBrCl2). Studier genomfördes i klimat och markbaserade ekosystem som strĂ€cker sig frĂ„n arktisk tundra till tropisk regnskog, men de flesta studier fokuserar pĂ„ tempererat klimatomrĂ„de. VĂ„tmarker och kustsystem Ă€r de studerande dominerande ekosystemen. Kammare Ă€r den vanligaste metoden för att uppskatta flöden av av VOCls, men det finns ocksĂ„ nĂ„gra studier med koncentrationsgradienter i markprofiler, och en form av mikrometeorologimetodik. De metodologiska osĂ€kerheterna som diskuteras kretsar i första hand kring kontamination, fĂ„ replikat, design av fĂ€ltmĂ€tningar och fĂ€ltmĂ€tningarnas pĂ„verkan pĂ„ markprocesser och dĂ€rmed indirekt pĂ„ flödena. Trots de mĂ„nga utmaningarna för att mĂ€ta VOCls och uppskatta flödena Ă€r det klart att flödet av klor till atmosfĂ€ren Ă€r ett viktigt flöde i klors biogeo­kemiska cykel i terrestra ekosystem. Skogsekosystem kan avge sĂ„ mycket som 0.1 g m–2, vilket Ă€r 40 % av vĂ„tdepositionen av klorid och det finns studier som tyder pĂ„ att vĂ„tmarker Ă€r en lĂ„ngt mycket större kĂ€lla till klor i atmosfĂ€ren Ă€n man tidigare trott

    Chlorine Transport in a Small Catchment

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    De senaste decenniernas forskning har pĂ„visat att en omfattande bildning och nedbrytning av klororganiska föreningar sker i mark. Bildning av sĂ„dana föreningar sker genom att klorid binds in i organiskt material. Denna naturliga bildning har rönt uppmĂ€rksamhet dels för att mĂ„nga klorerade Ă€mnen Ă€r giftiga och dels för man tidigare trott att alla klororganiska Ă€mnen uteslutande kommer frĂ„n mĂ€nsklig verksamhet. HuvudmĂ„let för föreliggande avhandling var att (i) uppskatta transporten av klorerade föreningar i nederbörd och avrinningsvatten, (ii) diskutera de klorerade föreningarnas ursprung med utgĂ„ngspunkt frĂ„n hur deras förekomst varierar i avrinningsvatten, (iii) undersöka hur transporten av klorid (salt) pĂ„verkas av olika faktorer och (iv) studera hur frisĂ€ttningen av flyktiga klorerade föreningar frĂ„n mark pĂ„verkas av kvĂ€ve. Avhandlingen bygger pĂ„ en klorbudget som konstruerats utifrĂ„n fĂ€ltstudier som genomförts i ett litet skogsbeklĂ€tt avrinningsomrĂ„de i sydöstra Sverige. Dessutom har laboratoriestudier genomförts med jord som inhĂ€mtats frĂ„n samma omrĂ„de. Resultaten visar att lagret av klor i marken Ă€r betydligt större Ă€n flödena och att det frĂ€mst bestĂ„r av organiska Ă€mnen medan flödet domineras av klorid (salt). Detta tyder pĂ„ att en stor del av kloriden deltar i en biogeokemisk cykel vilket strider mot gĂ€ngse uppfattning att klorid rör sig opĂ„verkat genom mark. Hypotesen Ă€r att de översta marklagren fungerar som en sĂ€nka för klorid genom att omvandlas till organiskt bundet klor. De djupare jordlagren fungerar dĂ€remot som en kloridkĂ€lla genom att det klorerade organiska materialet transporterats med regnvatten frĂ„n de ytligare till de djupare liggande lagren för att sĂ„ smĂ„ningom brytas ner, varvid klorid frisĂ€tts. Ovan beskrivna hypotes stöds av laboratoriestudierna dĂ€r man kunnat notera att det sker sĂ„vĂ€l en fastlĂ€ggning som en frisĂ€ttning av klorid i mark. Resultaten frĂ„n avhandlingen tillsammans med resultat frĂ„n tidigare studier tyder pĂ„ att en stor del av den klorid som finns i avrinningsvatten kommer frĂ„n förmultnande organiskt material och att klorid med andra ord inte följer regnvattnets vĂ€g genom marken, vilket man tidigare trott. Studierna tyder alltsĂ„ pĂ„ att klorid till viss del ”gör en omvĂ€g” med en tidsfördröjning pĂ„ troligen Ă„tskilliga upp till hundratals Ă„r. Vidare tyder studierna pĂ„ att flyktiga klorerade föreningar som kloroform och tetraklormetan bildas i mark och att tillsats av kvĂ€ve orsakar en minskning av kloroform och en ökning av tetraklormetan. Avhandlingen visar tydligt att det Ă€r nödvĂ€ndigt att rikta uppmĂ€rksamhet mot klors biogeokemi i mark och dĂ„ inte minst mot de processer som pĂ„verkar transporten av klor frĂ„n de övre marklagren till grundvatten och ytvatten om vi ska öka förstĂ„elsen av hur klorerade Ă€mnen som tillförts naturen genom mĂ€nskliga aktiviteter beter sig.It is generally known that chlorine compounds are ubiquitous in the environment. In recent years, researchers have concluded that chlorine is part of a biogeochemical cycle in soil involving an interaction between chloride (Clin) and organic-matter-bound chlorine (Clorg). Even though there is indisputable evidence that Clorg is formed naturally, there are actually few simultaneous field measurements of Clorg and Clin. Previously stipulated conclusions with respect to underlying processes and transport estimates have thus been deduced from rather few concentration measurements. It is well known that the chemical composition in soil and runoff water varies widely over time and in space. The main objective of the thesis is to investigate the on-site variation of Clin, Clorg and VOCls in runoff water in order to (i) construct a chlorine budget on a catchment scale to visualize the relative contribution of Clin, Clorg, and VOCls; (ii) more reliably estimate how and why the concentrations of Clin, Clorg, and VOCls in runoff water vary; and (iii) analyze the influence of various environmental variables on the transport. The present thesis highlights the on-site variation and fluxes of Clin, Clorg, and VOCls in a small forested catchment in southeast Sweden. Field flux data collected during a twoyear period and a constructed overall chlorine budget were evaluated. The results show that the storage is dominated by Clorg whereas the transport is dominated by Clin and that the storage is far much larger than the transport. Still, input and output is nearly in balance for all investigated chlorine species. It is interesting to note that these observations resemble observations made for carbon, nitrogen and sulphur; i.e. a large storage, small transport, complex biogeochemical cycling processes at hand but still close to steady state conditions with respect to output-input balances. It appears as if topsoil acts as a sink for Clin, while deeper soil acts as a source of Clin. In addition, the results of the thesis suggest that on-site variation depend on seasonal variations. These variations are to some extent caused by water discharge, but also by water residence time, internal chlorination/dechlorination of organic matter, and different soil water origins. Furthermore, both a net retention and a net release of Clin were observed in laboratory studies. The study indicates that simultaneous retention and release of Clin takes place in soil, which probably has an impact on the Clin import and export fluxes. Finally, the results show for the first time that tetrachloromethane can be emitted from laboratory incubated soil, and that soil nitrogen concentrations has quite different effects on the emission rates of chloroform and tetrachloromethane. The results of the thesis, considered together with results of previous research, suggest that the turnover of chlorine in soils is extensive and potentially important for chlorine cycling in general, which must be taken into account if one wishes to increase the understanding of the cycling of anthropogenic chlorine compounds in the environment.On the day of the public defence the status of article IV was: Accepted.</p

    Is chloride a conservative ion in forest ecosystems?

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    Abstract Chloride (Cl -) has often been assumed to be relatively unreactive in forest ecosystems, and is frequently used as a conservative tracer to calculate fluxes of water and other ions. Recently, however, several studies have detailed cycling of Cl -in vegetation and soils. In this study Cl -budgets are compiled from 32 catchment studies to determine the extent to which Cl -is conserved in the passage through forest ecosystems. Chloride budgets from these sites vary from net retention (input&gt;output) to net release (output&gt;input). In the overall data set

    Individual Reflection Paper – Supporting Students’ Learning in the Critical Phase of Self-directed Learning in PBL

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    Supporting and assessment of students’ preparation and learning process in problem-based learning (PBL) tutorials has long been a challenge. We present a modified PBL model focussing on the specific critical phase in the PBL process, the self-directed learning phase in between tutorial meetings. The modified seven step PBL model including an Individual reflection paper (IRP) is presented as well as students’ perspectives on the implementation of IRP and information literacy, knowledge gathering, and PBL tutorial work. The assessment of PBL work is complex, and the ways in which IRPs support the tutor’s role as an examiner is beyond the scope of the current study. However, it seems that the students experienced assessment of the IRPs as part of their as a positive driving force in their learning process

    Svensk KÀrnbrÀnslehantering AB Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co Box 250, SE-101 24 Stockholm Phone +46 8 459 84 00 Chlorine cycling and fates of 36 Cl in terrestrial environments Chlorine cycling and fates of 36 Cl in terrestrial environments

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    This report concerns a study which was conducted for SKB. The conclusions and viewpoints presented in the report are those of the authors. SKB may draw modified conclusions, based on additional literature sources and/or expert opinions. A pdf version of this document can be downloaded from www.skb.se. 3 Abstract Cl), a radioisotope of chlorine (Cl) with a half-life of 301,000 years, is present in some types of nuclear waste and is disposed in repositories for radioactive waste. As the release of 36 Cl from such repositories to the near surface environment has to be taken into account it is of interest to predict possible fates of 36 Cl under various conditions as a part of the safety assessments of repositories for radioactive waste. This report aims to summarise the state of the art knowledge on Cl cycling in terrestrial environments. The view on Cl cycling in terrestrial environments is changing due to recent research and it is clear that the chloride ion (Cl -) is more reactive than previously believed. We group the major findings in three categories below according to the amount of data in support of the findings. From the result presented in this report it is evident that: ‱ There is an ubiquitous and extensive natural chlorination of organic matter in terrestrial ecosystems. ‱ The abundance of naturally formed chlorinated organic compounds (Cl org ) frequently exceeds the abundance of Cl -, particularly in soils. Thereby Cl org in many cases dominates the total Cl pool. ‱ This has important implications for Cl transport. When reaching surface soils Cl -will not be a suitable tracer of water and will instead enter other Cl pools (Cl org and biomass) that prolong residence times in the system. ‱ Cl -dominates import and export from terrestrial ecosystems while Cl org and biomass Cl can dominate the standing stock Cl within terrestrial ecosystems. ‱ Both Cl and Cl org pools have to be considered separately in future monitoring programs addressing Cl cycling. Further, there are also indications (in need of confirmation by additional studies) that: ‱ There is a rapid and large uptake of Cl -by organisms and an accumulation in green plant parts. A surprisingly large proportion of total catchment Cl (up to 60%) can be found in the terrestrial biomass. ‱ Emissions of total volatile organohalogens could be a significant export pathway of Cl from the systems. ‱ Some of the Cl org may be very persistent and resist degradation better than average organic matter. This may lead to selective preservation of some Cl org (with associated low bioavailability). ‱ There is a production of Cl org in tissues of e.g. plants and animals and Cl can accumulate as chlorinated fatty acids in organisms. Most other nevertheless important aspects are largely unknown due to lack of data. Key unknowns include: ‱ The development over time of major Cl pools and fluxes. As long as such data is lacking we cannot assess net changes over time. ‱ How the precesses behind chlorination, dechlorination and transport patterns in terrestrial systems are regulated and affected by environmental factors. ‱ The ecological roles of the chlorine cycling in general. ‱ The ecological role of the microbial chlorination in particular. ‱ The chlorine cycling in aquatic environments -including Cl -and Cl org pools in sediment and water, are largely missing. Given the limited present information available, and particularly the lack of data with a temporal dimension and the lack of process understanding, predictive models are challenging. We also summarize currently available methods to study Cl in the environment. SKB TR-13-26 Sammanfattning 36 Cl), en radioisotop med en halveringstid pĂ„ 301 000 Ă„r, förekommer i vissa typer av radioaktivt avfall. För att kunna förutse vad som hĂ€nder om 36 Cl nĂ„r markytan Ă€r det viktigt att veta hur klor kan omvandlas och transporteras i olika ekosystem. Denna rapport syftar till att sammanfatta kunskapslĂ€get om klor i naturmiljöer med fokus pĂ„ landmiljöer. Synen pĂ„ klor i naturen Ă€r under omfattande förĂ€ndring till följd av de senaste decenniernas forskning. Det stĂ„r nu helt klart att klorid (Cl -) som tidigare betraktats som icke-reaktiv och totalt dominerande, istĂ€llet Ă€r i hög grad reaktiv och inte alltid utgör den dominerande klorformen. UtifrĂ„n de studier som presenteras i rapporten Ă€r det tydligt att: ‱ Det sker en omfattande naturlig klorering av organiskt material i mĂ„nga miljöer och inte minst i ytliga marklager. ‱ MĂ€ngden organiskt bunden klor (Cl org ) Ă€r i mĂ„nga miljöer betydligt högre Ă€n mĂ€ngden Cl -. DĂ€rmed dominerar Cl org ofta det totala klorförrĂ„det i exempelvis mark. ‱ Detta har stor inverkan pĂ„ transporten av klor eftersom Cl org till stor del finns i partikulĂ€rt organiskt material medan Cl -Ă€r mycket vattenlösligt. Cl -som nĂ„r ytliga marklager Ă€r t ex inte lĂ€mpligt som spĂ„rĂ€mne för markvattenflöden sĂ„som tidigare antagits. Cl -kommer till stor del att bindas in till Cl org -förrĂ„det och dĂ€rmed förlĂ€nga uppehĂ„llstiden i ekosystemen. ‱ Cl -dominerar bĂ„de importen och exporten frĂ„n terrestra ekosystem medan Cl org kan dominera stationĂ€ra klorförrĂ„d i systemen. ‱ Framtida mĂ€tningar med syfte att klargöra kloromsĂ€ttning och klorflöden behöver beakta Cl -och Cl org separat. DĂ€rtill finns ett antal troligen viktiga indikationer som skulle behöva bekrĂ€ftas av ytterligare studier. Dessa inkluderar att: ‱ Det sker ett snabbt och omfattande upptag av Cl -av organismer och klor tycks ackumuleras i grön vĂ€xtbiomassa. En stor andel av den totala klormĂ€ngden i avrinningsomrĂ„den (upp till 60% i en studie) har pĂ„trĂ€ffats i den terrester biomassa. ‱ AvgĂ„ng av flyktiga klorerade kolvĂ€ten kan vara en stor okĂ€nd exportvĂ€g för klor frĂ„n ekosystem. ‱ En del Cl org verkar vara betydligt mer motstĂ„ndskraftigt mot nedbrytning Ă€n det genomsnittliga organiska materialet. Detta kan leda till att Cl org bevaras selektivt i mark och dĂ€rmed ocksĂ„ mindre tillgĂ€ngligt för mikroorganismer. ‱ Det sker en klorering av organiskt material i levande biomassa och klor kan ansamlas som klorerade fettsyror i organismer. Övriga aspekter pĂ„ klor i naturen Ă€r till stora delar okĂ€nda. Centrala okĂ€nda aspekter inkluderar: ‱ Hur klor-förrĂ„den utvecklas över tid. Detta Ă€r centralt för att förstĂ„ förĂ€ndringar över tid och reglering i förrĂ„den. ‱ Reglering av klorerings-, deklorerings-och transportprocesser, samt hur dessa pĂ„verkas av olika miljövariabler och miljöförhĂ„llanden. ‱ Den ekologiska förklaringen till varför sĂ„ mĂ„nga organismer utför klorering av organiskt material. ‱ OmsĂ€ttning av klor i akvatiska system. HĂ€r saknas separata data gĂ€llande Cl -och Cl org bĂ„de i sediment och i vattenfasen. Rapporten fokuserar framför allt pĂ„ terrestra aspekter av klorcykeln och innehĂ„ller ocksĂ„ information om vanliga metoder för mĂ€tning av olika klorföreningar