53 research outputs found

    Surface modification of Nd-Fe-B based materials with pulsed helium plasma streams

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    X-ray amorphous Nd₂Fe₂₃B₃ phase have been synthesized under the interaction of accelerated helium plasma with Nd₈Fe₈₇B₅ and Nd₄,₅Fe₇₇B₁₈,₅ alloys. Microstructure and composition of modified layer have been examined.Рентгеноаморфна фаза Nd₂Fe₂₃B₃ синтезована при взаємодії імпульсних потоків гелієвої плазми зі сплавами Nd₈Fe₈₇B₅ і Nd₄,₅Fe₇₇B₁₈,₅. Досліджено мікроструктуру і склад модифікованого шару.Рентгеноаморфная фаза Nd₂Fe₂₃B₃ синтезирована при взаимодействии импульсных потоков гелиевой плазмы со сплавами Nd₈Fe₈₇B₅ и Nd₄,₅Fe₇₇B₁₈,₅,5. Исследованы микроструктура и состав модифицированного слоя

    Peptidyl аrginine deiminаse type 4 in tumor tissue аnd blood of pаtients with different subtypes of breаst cаncer

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    Introduction. Level of peptidyl аrginine deiminаse type 4 (PАD-4) is found to be increased in breast cancer patients with controversial views on its role and no data on distribution between subtypes of the diseaseВведение. Повышение уровня фермента пептидил-аргинин деиминаза 4 типа (PAD-4) при раке молочной железы обнаружено несколькими исследователями с противоречивыми выводами о его роли. Попыток найти различие между подтипами рака не было


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    A method for determining the molar ratio of AlCl3/KCl in the melt ZrCl4-KCl – AlCl3 has been developed. The developed technique was tested on the working melt of the rectification plant of JSC ChMZ. Frozen alloy samples were analyzed by X-ray diffractometry


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    The experience of performing video-assisted thoracoscopic parasternal lymphadenectomy with the use of argon plasma coagulation for breast cancer patients has been presented. The proposed technique is effective in reducing the time of surgery and preventing blood lost. It also provides reliable final hemostatic control.Представлен опыт выполнения видеоторакоскопической парастернальной лимфаденэктомии у больных раком молочной железы с применением аргоноплазменной коагуляции. Предлагаемая модификация позволяет сократить время вмешательства, обеспечивает четкую маркировку зоны операции, профилактику кровотечения и надежный окончательный гемостаз

    Breast cancer associated with pregnancy - our experience

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    Literature survey and local data analisys on breast cancer associated with pregnancy are presented. Risk factors and possible influence of pregnancy on breast cancer treatment results and prognosis are discussed.Представлен литературный обзор, анализ собственных данных по отдаленным результатам лечения рака молочной железы (РМЖ), ассоциированного с беременностью, особенностям лечения РМЖ на фоне беременности. Оценивается влияние факторов риска, беременности на течение и прогноз заболевания

    Breast cancer associated with pregnancy

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    Introduction. The problem of breast cancer associated with pregnancy for a long time attracts close attention. The incidence is relatively increasing, thanks in part to improved detection methods, but also to the growing trend towards late childbearingЦель исследования — оценить влияние беременности на отдаленный прогноз и клиническое течение рака молочной желез

    Investigation of the electrical conductivity of the Moon (results and prospects)

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    The Moon was intensively studied in 1959-1976, when the first geophysical models of the Moon interior was created. Data of lunar seismology, gravity, topography, and selenology yield clear understanding that lunar crust and mantle are substantially not uniform laterally. Nevertheless having quite few seismometers and magnetometers at the Moon, only spherically symmetric 1D preliminary models of seismic velocities and electrical conductivity were obtained. Electromagnetic (EM) sounding of the Moon uses the variations of interplanetary magnetic field (as input inducing field) measured by orbital magnetometer and secondary induced (output) magnetic field measured at lunar surface. From this data, transfer function (in frequency or time domain) of the Moon interior is calculated and inverse problem (lucking for conductivity versus depth distribution) is solved. We consider physical aspects of EM sounding, discuss its limitation and principal source of error - the asymmetry of daytime and nighttime near-the Moon plasma

    The Fourth National Conference of the German Democratic Republic on Plasma and Technology

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    Application of pulsed plasma accelerators for surface modification

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    A pulsed coaxial plasma accelerator was utilized in the experiments discussed in this paper. Plasma streams with ion energy up to 2 keV, plasma density 2-3×1014 cm-3, and plasma energy density 5-40 J/cm-2, were generated. Such a plasma was used for the surface modification of different constructional steels. Experimental results on improvement of physical properties of metal surfaces (first of all tribological characteristics), under their irradiation by pulsed plasma streams are presented. Optimization of the treatment process was carried out varying plasma energy flux, plasma density, and energy of ions. It was shown that microhardness of the steel samples, both non-quenched and previously quenched, was increased by several times after plasma irradiation. The main attention was paid to the analysis of wear resistance of the treated material by using different methods of wear tests. The possibility to achieve a sufficient decrease of the wear rate of the treated samples was demonstrated