35 research outputs found

    Strategic directions of sustainable development of the tourism industry

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    Today, in the conditions of global restructuring and reorientation of economic sectors, the growth of people's needs and motives for tourism is important. Tourism as a branch of the economy is gradually taking leadership positions in many countries of the world, as well as in Ukraine in the future. Therefore, we have significant unrealized human, natural-resource, historical-cultural, tourist-recreational and scientific-technical potential, a good geographical location, and a favorable climate. Also, the peculiarity of the current situation in the country, economic and political instability, the conditions of the military conflict, insist on the further development of our state, which must necessarily include the creation of conditions for the development of the tourism industry. At the same time, the formation of a highly developed tourism industry and its integration into the world market of tourist services are connected with the need to solve acute socio-economic problems and attract international experience. The article reveals that the phenomenon of the 21st century. determine today - the hospitality industry, which has become one of the leading directions of socio-economic activity. It has been proven that this is the business of the 21st century. which contributes to the creation of new jobs, the search for methods of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises at the global level, the popularization of the country on the international market of services and, as a result, raising the level of the national economy. However, in recent years, the tourism industry in Ukraine has been in a state of stagnation, therefore, the determination of factors influencing the development of the hospitality industry is relevant, because with the help of the acquired knowledge, it is possible to prevent the degradation of one of the most promising branches of international business. The article examines the influence of factors on the sustainable development of the tourism industry, economic studies of the potential opportunities of this industry within the general strategy of the socio-economic development of the world in general and Ukraine in particular


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    The marketing opportunities to gastronomy tourism are being developed by the countries given importance to that issue. Tourists' wishes to experience the local tastes in the destinations and accommodation facilities have prepared the ground for the development of gastronomy tourism. Tourism businesses that realized the importance to gastronomy tourism given by local and foreign tourists have featured the gastronomic factors in their facilities. Therefore, it is ensured that to take attention for gastronomy, tourism should be managed in coordination with all tourism- related foundations and civil society organizations and with the encouragement of relevant ministries. In addition, the promotional activities are required to be taken in measurable ways by gastronomic tourism developers

    Use of information support for marketing in tourist enterprises

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    Every year Ukraine integrates more and more into the world economic economy. Tourist services are one of the most important socio-economic sectors of the world economy. However, Ukraine, having a variety of tourism resources, has little experience in this area. For these reasons, the relevance of the article on the promotion of tourist services is determined. The article investigates the means of promoting tourist services, determining the theoretical and methodological principles of building an effective process of marketing communications at the enterprises of the tourist sphere. It is proved that in order to achieve the effect of synergy, the main principle when deciding on the use of several means of communication is the choice of one means as the main and several - auxiliary. The main thing is to be able to independently and effectively influence consumers. Auxiliary - should fill possible gaps in the reach of the target audience, supporting the main means of communication

    The impact of digital communications on tourism marketing

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    The influence of digital communications on marketing in the field of tourism is investigated. The need to develop strategies for the formation of business communications in the field of tourism and indicators that allow to evaluate their effectiveness and risks is emphasized. Attention is paid to the feasibility in applying strategies of differentiated, differentiated and concentrated marketing. The relevant indicators were proposed to assess the economic effectiveness of business communication strategies: income multipliers, breakeviate level assessment formula, methodology for checking the stability of the performance indicator to change factors, and Hurwitz criterion. The considered formulas and strategies for the formation of business communications in tourism create the necessary basis for scientifically justified strategic planning of the travel company's relations with counterparties

    Roughening transition as a driving factor in the formation of self-ordered one-dimensional nanostructures

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    Based on the Monte Carlo kinetic method, we investigated the formation mechanisms of periodical modulations arising along the length of one-dimensional structures. The evolution of initially cylindrical nanowires/slabs at temperatures lower than their respective melting temperatures can result either in breakup into single nanoclusters or in the formation of stable states with pronounced modulations of cross section. Such configurations, observed in a number of experiments, are excited at wavelengths that are below the critical value for the development of classical Rayleigh instability. We show that the modulation excited in the subcritical mode corresponds to the appearance of roughening transition on the quasi-one-dimensional surface of nanowires/slabs. Since the arise of roughening transition is possible only on certain facets of metals with a given crystal structure, the short-wavelength modulations of one-dimensional systems, as shown in our work, can be realized (i) with the proper orientation of the nanowire/slab axis providing spontaneous appearance of roughening transition on its lateral surface, (ii) by the method of activating the surface diffusion of atoms by external impact (irradiation with an electron beam or contact with a cold plasma), which stimulates roughening transition without significant heating of the nanowire. The results obtained for the cases of BCC and FCC lattices can be used in the controlled synthesis of ordered one-dimensional structures for use in optoelectronics and in ultra-large-scale integrated circuits


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    Recent studies showed that regaining the occlusal contacts is one of the most difficult tasks during the prosthetics remanufacturing process. It often happens, that during prosthetics remanufacturing process misunderstanding between a patient and a doctor may occur. It is related to the removal of expensive structures and manufacturing of new ones that are just as pricey. Thus, the touchstone for achieving optimal functional and esthetic results is not only the repositioning of the mandible that eliminates pain sensation in TMJ, but also regaining of the occlusal contacts is needed for prosthetics remanufacturing. Thereby, by knowing the treatment outcome, the doctor is able to minimize the risk of error in prosthetics re-manufacturing process and improve the doctor-patient relationship.Key words: maxillo-dental apparatus, temporomandibular joint, occlusive correction, masticatory muscles, pharmaceutical construction

    Dynamics of quasi-one-dimensional structures under roughening transition stimulated by external irradiation

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    We studied the striking effect of external irradiation of nanowires on the dynamics of their surface morphology at elevated temperatures that do not destroy their crystal lattice. Numerical experiments performed on the basis of the Monte Carlo model revealed new possibilities for controlled periodic modulation of the cross-section of quasi-one-dimensional nanostructures for opto- and nanoelectronic elements. These are related to the fact that external irradiation stimulates the surface diffusion of atoms. On the one hand, such stimulation should accelerate the development of the well-known spontaneous thermal instability of nanowires (Rayleigh instability), which leads to their disintegration into nanoclusters. On the other hand, this leads to the forced development of the well-known roughening transition (RT) effect. Under normal circumstances, this manifests itself on selected crystal faces at a temperature above the critical one. The artificial stimulation of this effect on the lateral surface of quasi-one-dimensional structures determines many unpredictable scenarios of their surface dynamics, which essentially depend on the orientation of the nanowire axis relative to its internal crystal structure. In particular, the long-wave Rayleigh breakup observed in absence of external irradiation transforms into strongly pronounced short-wave metastable modulations of the cross-section (a chain of unduloids). The effect of the self-consistent relationship between the Rayleigh instability and RT is dimensional and can be observed only at relatively small nanowire radii. The fact is analyzed that, for the manifestation of this effect, it is very important to prevent significant heating of the nanowire when surface diffusion is stimulated. A number of developed theoretical concepts have already found confirmation in real experiments with Au and Ag nanowires irradiated by electrons and Ag+ ions, respectively

    Self-ordering in the dynamics of forming periodic 1D-structures controlled by external irradiation

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    We have studied the striking effect of external irradiation of nanowires on the dynamics of their surface morphology at elevated temperatures that do not destroy their crystal lattice. Numerical experiments performed on the basis of the Monte Carlo model revealed new possibilities for controlled periodic modulation of the cross section of quasi-one-dimensional nanostructures for opto- and nanoelectronic elements. These are related to the fact that external irradiation stimulates the surface diffusion of atoms. On the one hand, such stimulation should accelerate the development of the well-known spontaneous thermal instability of nanowires (Rayleigh instability), which leads to their disintegration into nanoclusters. On the other hand, Prime Archives in Nanotechnology3 www.videleaf.comthis leads to the forced development of the well-known roughening transition (RT) effect. Under normal circumstances, this manifests itself on selected crystal faces at a temperature above the critical one. The artificial stimulation of this effect on the lateral surface of quasi-one-dimensional structures determines many unpredictable scenarios of their surface dynamics, which essentially depend on the orientation of the nanowire axis relative to its internal crystal structure. In particular, long-wave Rayleigh breakup observed in absence of external irradiation transforms into strongly pronounced short wave metastable modulations of the cross section (a chain of unduloids). The effect of the self-consistent relationship between the Rayleigh instability and RT is dimensional and can be observed only at relatively small nanowire radii. The fact is analyzed that for the manifestation of this effect, it is very important to prevent significant heating of the nanowire when surface diffusion is stimulated. A number of developed theoretical concepts have already found confirmation in real experiments with Au- and Ag-nanowires irradiated by electrons and Ar+ -ions, respectively


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    We brought to the light that one of the the most controversial issues is the moment of adaptation to reconstructive procedures. Often it becomes unclear which and in which order to use medical diagnostic equipment, to training for fixed prosthetic stages. Our studies make it possible to predict not only the treatment time, but the amount of occlusal adjustment in conjunction with the reconstruction of the position of the mandible.One of the most debated issues is the time of adaptation to reconstructive manipulation. Often it becomes unclear how and in what order medical diagnostic equipment should be used in the preparatory stages of the stationary prosthetics. Our studies make it possible to predict not only the treatment time, and the amount of occlusal adjustment in conjunction with the reconstruction of the lower jaw. Keywords: tooth-jaw apparatus, temporomandibular joint, violation functional occlusion, dental surgery, medical diagnostic devices, muscle disorders, adaptation, occlusal splint, occlusal adjustment, chewing muscles, provisional design

    навчальний посібник

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    Законодавче забезпечення правоохоронної діяльності : навч. посіб. / за заг. ред. В. В. Сокуренка. – Харків : Стильна типографія, 2017. – 1164 с. – (до 100-річчя підготовки охоронців правопорядку у Харкові).У навчальному посібнику представлено методичні рекомендації, пропозиції і зауваження до проектів нормативно-правових актів та наукові роз’яснення окремих положень чинного законодавства, розроблені кафедрами факультету № 1 Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. Наукові праці, що включено до навчального посібника, безпосередньо стосуються питань удосконалення форм та методів діяльності слідчих і інших підрозділів органів Національної поліції України. Для працівників органів Національної поліції України, науковців, викладачів, ад’юнктів, аспірантів, докторантів, курсантів, студентів та слухачів навчальних закладів юридичного профілю, а також усіх, хто цікавиться питаннями удосконалення діяльності органів Національної поліції України і інших органів правопорядку.The training manual presents methodological recommendations, suggestions and comments on draft normative legal acts and scientific explanations of certain provisions of the current legislation developed by the departments of the faculty No. 1 of the Kharkov National University of Internal Affairs. Scientific works, included in the textbook, directly relate to issues of improving the forms and methods of activity of investigative and other units of the National Police of Ukraine. For employees of the National Police of Ukraine, scientists, teachers, adjuncts, graduate students, doctoral students, cadets, students and students of legal educational institutions, as well as anyone interested in improving the activities of the National Police of Ukraine and other law enforcement agencies.В учебном пособии представлены методические рекомендации, предложения и замечания к проектам нормативно-правовых актов и научные разъяснения отдельных положений действующего законодательства, разработанные кафедрами факультета № 1 Харьковского национального университета внутренних дел. Научные труды, включен в учебного пособия, непосредственно касаются вопросов совершенствования форм и методов деятельности следственных и других подразделений органов Национальной полиции Украины. Для работников органов Национальной полиции Украины, научных работников, преподавателей, адъюнктов, аспирантов, докторантов, курсантов, студентов и слушателей учебных заведений юридического профиля, а также всех, кто интересуется вопросами совершенствования деятельности органов Национальной полиции Украины и других органов правопорядка