1,229 research outputs found

    Development of laboratory information management system

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    Results of the actual direction of work of Scientific Research Institute of HV on development of the program complex LIS/LIMS «Chemist - analysts» for automatization of activity of analytical laboratories are presented. Functions of the complex and methodological principles of its development are considered, comparison with foreign analogues is carried out. The model of the industrial analytical control with use of concepts of a life cycle of a laboratory, technique and test is described

    Dynamic phase portrait: New possibilities of detecting changes in populations

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    This paper demonstrates the possibilities of detecting changes in populations of animals, based on the analysis of their dynamic phase portrait. This method allowed us to clarify the periodization of the process of naturalization of the Black Sea sprat (Clupeonella cultriventris) in the Rybinsk Reservoir and in detail describe the changes in the main dynamic characteristics of the population. On the example of zander (Sander lucioperca) in Lake Vozhe, the state was observed in which intra-population mechanisms activate which slow the increase in population (distribution of individuals from regions with high density). Use of this method allowed us to describe the new stable state of the population of grayling (Thymallus thymallus), which it entered as a result of increase in sport fishing. The data on time of presence of a population in equilibrium state allowed us to correctly unify the materials used for the analysis of changes in its age group

    Conductance oscillations and zero-bias anomaly in a single superconducting junction to a three-dimensional Bi2Te3Bi_2Te_3 topological insulator

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    We experimentally investigate Andreev transport through a single junction between an s-wave indium superconductor and a thick film of a three-dimensional Bi2Te3Bi_2Te_3 topological insulator. We study Bi2Te3Bi_2Te_3 samples with different bulk and surface characteristics, where the presence of a topological surface state is confirmed by direct ARPES measurements. All the junctions demonstrate Andreev transport within the superconducting gap. For junctions with transparent InBi2Te3In-Bi_2Te_3 interfaces we find a number of nearly periodic conductance oscillations, which are accompanied by zero-bias conductance anomaly. Both effects disappear above the superconducting transition or for resistive junctions. We propose a consistent interpretation of both effects as originating from proximity-induced superconducting correlations within the Bi2Te3Bi_2Te_3 topological surface state

    Theory of magnetoelastic resonance in a mono-axial chiral helimagnet

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    We study magnetoelastic resonance phenomena in a mono-axial chiral helimagnet belonging to hexagonal crystal class. By computing the spectrum of coupled elastic wave and spin wave, it is demonstrated how hybridization occurs depending on their chirality. Specific features of the magnetoelastic resonance are discussed for the conical phase and the soliton lattice phase stabilized in the mono-axial chiral helimagnet. The former phase exhibits appreciable non-reciprocity of the spectrum, the latter is characterized by a multi-resonance behavior. We propose that the non-reciprocal spin wave around the forced-ferromagnetic state has potential capability to convert the linearly polarized elastic wave to circularly polarized one with the chirality opposite to the spin wave chirality.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    The stable state of aquatic assemblage

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    Проаналізовано багаторiчну динамiку різноманіття рибного населення близько 70 великих озер і водосховищ Росiї та країн СНД. Запропоновано метод відшукування стану рівноваги водних угруповань. Установлено, що індекс домінування рибного населення у стабільному стані найчастіше дорівнює 0,3. Виявлено фактори, якi визначають різноманіття рибного населення озер і водосховищ. Проанализирована многолетняя динамика разнообразия рыбного населения около 70 крупных озер и водохранилищ России и стран СНГ. Предложен метод поиска равновесного состояния водных сообществ. Установлено, что индекс доминирования рыбного населения в стабильном состоянии чаще равен 0,3. Выявлены факторы, определяющие разнообразие рыбного населения озер и водохранилищ.Long-term dynamics of fish assemblage diversity of more than 70 lakes and reservoirs of Russia and the CIS countries were analyzed. The method of revealing of stable state of aquatic assemblages is offered. It is established, that most often the index of domination of the stable fish assemblage is equal 0.3. The factors determining a diversity of the fish assemblage of lakes and reservoirs are revealed

    Executive Summary: Young people, education, employment and ESOL

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    The report, ‘Young people, education, employment and ESOL’ reviewed 47 studies1 to examine how current ESOL provision2 meets the needs of young people aged 16-25 years who use English as an Additional Language (EAL)3, and who need time and support to develop their English language skills in order to progress in education, training and employment

    Вихрова динаміка сполучених течій

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    Group constructions of bluff bodies are widely used in bridge construction practice. The junction flows of such structures are characterized by considerable complexity, nonstationarity and instability. In the vicinity of bluff bodies, systems of horseshoe vortex structures, shear layers, separated regions, jet flows, wake vortices and vortex Karman’s streets are formed. The study of the features of the generation and evolution of vortex and jet flows, the mechanisms of interaction of these flows with streamlined surfaces requires considerable effort during numerical and physical modeling. The purpose of the work is to determine the features of vortex and jet flow in the region of junction of three-row pile grillage with a rigid flat surface. Experimental studies were carried out in laboratory conditions in a hydrodynamic channel, where the three-row group of cylinders was installed on the hydraulically smooth rigid surface. Visual investigations and measurements of the velocity field were carried out inside and around the three-row grillage. The features of the formation and evolution of vortex and jet flows inside and near the cylindrical group were established. Integral and spectral characteristics of the velocity fluctuation field were obtained. Pages of the article in the issue: 25 - 28 Language of the article: UkrainianГрупові конструкції погано обтічних тіл широко використовуються у мостобудівній практиці. Сполучені течії таких конструкцій характеризуються значною складністю, нестаціонарністю та нестійкістю. В околі погано обтічних тіл формуються системи підковоподібних вихрових структур, зсувні шари, відривні області, струменеві течії, слідні вихори та вихрові доріжки Кармана. Мета роботи – визначення особливостей вихрової та струменевої течії в області сполучення трирядного пального ростверку з жорсткою пласкою поверхнею. Проведені експериментальні дослідження в лабораторних умовах за допомогою візуалізації та вимірювання полів швидкості сполученої течії. Визначено механізм генерації та еволюції вихрових і струменевих течій. Отримані інтегральні та спектральні характеристики поля швидкості в околі передньої групи циліндрів трирядного ростверку

    GaAs(111)A and B in hydrazine sulfide solutions : extreme polarity dependence of surface adsorption processes

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    Chemical bonds formed by hydrazine-sulfide treatment of GaAs(111) were studied by synchrotron photoemission spectroscopy. At the B surface, the top arsenic atoms are replaced by nitrogen atoms, while GaAs(111)A is covered by sulfur, also bonded to underlying gallium, despite the sulfide molar concentration being 103 times smaller than that of the hydrazine. This extreme dependence on surface polarity is explained by competitive adsorption processes of HS- and OH- anions and of hydrazine molecules, on Ga- adsorption sites, which have distinct configurations on the A and B surfaces

    VHF scintillations, orientation of the anisotropy of F-region irregularities and direction of plasma convection in the polar cap

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    Scintillation data recorded at the polar cap station Barentsburg are shown to occasionally exhibit two or more peaks in the latitudinal profiles of the amplitude dispersion. Comparison with concurrent SuperDARN radar convection maps indicates that multiple peaks occur when Barentsburg is located within the area of strong changes in the plasma flow direction. When parameters of the ionospheric irregularities are inferred from the scintillation data, the orientation of the irregularity anisotropy in a plane perpendicular to the magnetic field is found to coincide well with the <I><b>E</b></I>×<I><B>B</B></I> flow direction, individually for each peak of the scintillation data. The differences were found to be mostly less than 20° for a data set comprised of 104 events. The conclusion is made that analysis of scintillation data allows one to infer the direction of plasma flow with a certain degree of detail


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    The handwritten Ukrainian heritage as a unique phenomenon of intangible culture is analyzed. The author has developed a new program that is associated with the revival and preservation of Ukrainian handwritten heritage. In some samples it is shown the effect of the program, manuscripts presented as intangible culture phenomenon.Turning to development, and most importantly preservation of intangible culture in Ukraine, attention is focused on such concepts as heritage or handwritten manuscript heritage of Ukraine. It seems to be manuscript artefacts. You can see, pick up, move from place to place, but there is another side of this issue, it is the knowledge of the manuscript which forms a field of research. This sphere in Ukraine is studied by scientists, but as something intangible culture considered insufficient. Therefore this research topic is relevant and meaningful.Addressing the issues associated with the revival and preservation of national heritage Ukraine is an urgent need to form a picture of reciting information about them. Manuscripts heritage in general is the genetic code of the nation and the best and most truthful for manuscript nobody can tell that historic event and do not show cultural traditions and achievements of this nation. However, the formation of knowledge about the manuscript heritage of a country needs a system.The presence of a certain number of documents that are designed to recovery, growth, preservation of manuscripts and cultural heritage not only Ukraine and Greece, but also around the world, indicates the existence of endless problem of white spots that remain on not address the issues of return and preservation national heritage of different countries. And Ukraine is not an exception, but rather one of the most affected countries of modern Europe. This is a permanent removal, colouring Ukrainian values, but also the transformation of history and attempts to destroy Ukraine for centuries as state as a nation.The program UNESCO "Memory of the World" aims to promote the conservation of world heritage manuscript. The author of this work offers its own, narrower version of the study, it is the identification and preservation of Ukrainian manuscripts in Slavic and Greek collections in Europe. Name of the program, "Manuscripts Ukrainika. European practice".Identifying manuscript, its belonging to one or another tradition are researched by using the aforementioned semiotic methods. All this forms are a system and rather discipline handwriting heritage of Ukraine. It, in turn, provides the basis and principles of manuscripts, attributed to the unique phenomena of intangible culture.Availability manuscript, even as precious sample material culture, is characterized as a unit, property, inheritance pattern of ancient manuscripts. These manuscripts are as unique monuments that belong to one or another tradition that has typical or not typical structure that belongs to a hierarchical type in a hierarchical structuring of manuscript heritage that has certain domestic content differences manuscript etc. In the presence of the aforementioned complex knowledge manuscript receives individual assessment, description, introduction to the catalogue, filming, digitization and, uniqueness publication. After that, heand the intangible value again becomes a financial update memo, which will be preserved for future generations.В статье говорится о украинском рукописном наследии как об уникальном явлении нематериальной культуры. Автором разработана новая программа, связанная с возрождением и сохранением украинского рукописного наследия. На примере отдельных образцов показано действие программы, а рукописи представлены как явление нематериальной культуры.У статті йдеться про українську рукописну спадщину як унікальне явище нематеріальної культури. Автором розроблена нова програма, пов’язана з відродженням та збереженням українського рукописного надбання. На окремих зразках показано дію цієї програми, а рукописи представлені як явище нематеріальної культури