42 research outputs found

    Expansion of the Cello Repertoire in the 21st Century: A Collaboration with Composers Paul Eddison Lewis, Thomas L. Wilson, Austin Franklin, and Alex Shanafelt and the Resulting New Compositions for Cello and Electronics - Examined and Recorded by the Performer

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    Electroacoustic music has been one of the fastest growing genres in classical art music since the middle the twentieth century. Thanks to the pioneers of the genre such as American composer John Cage, Halim El-Dabh, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Morton Subotnick, Iannis Xenakis, as well many others composers and enthusiasts of the twentieth and the twenty-first century the repertoire of electronic and electroacoustic music has grown tremendously withing the last hundred years. Even today it is still a growing art form as contemporary composers are working with yet to be developed and explored electroacoustic programming and equipment. The purpose of this project was to commission original electroacoustic works for cello and electronics and to include interpretative discussions from the performer’s point of view. Additionally, this paper presents biographical and stylistic references surrounding the lives and careers of the four composers. The commissioned pieces include original works for cello and electronics: Xenon by Paul Eddison Lewis, Duality by Thomas L. Wilson, Bloom by Austin Franklin, and waveForm by Alex Shanafelt. The implementation of this project was multifaceted. The author was proudly responsible for the commissions and the selection of the composers represented here (all of whom he respects enormously); for the interpretation, performance, and video documentation of these four new works, and most gratifyingly for the ability and opportunity to have the dialog and shared experience of experimenting with various options and compositional techniques during the collaborative process. The paper is divided into four chapters. Each chapter presents one of four works along with information about the composer, analysis of the piece, and examination and discussion of the electronic components of these compositions. The author hopes that this project will stimulate increased interest and enjoyment of such works among cellists, and hopes to present these works in a ”performer-friendly” manner

    Social Genome – An Imperative of Human and Society Self-Organization

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    Generalizing the biosocial development of human population the author discovers the consequential pattern of sophistication of the inside-outside heritage in which education training and social activity are represented as structural and functional parts of establishing sociogenome The logic of social transformations covering with its explanatory power all the areas and levels of society structure formation of a single social organism is reveale

    Новые подходы к оценке состояния изоляционного материала тяговых электродвигателей электровозов

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    Increasing the efficiency of functioning of railway transport in the field of cargo and passenger transportation, reducing operating costs are immediately related at present to the cost of maintaining and restoring traction rolling stock. Optimization of operating costs is possible on the basis of the transition from a scheduled preventive system of repair of traction rolling stock, based on assessment of the average statistical level of its technical condition without considering peculiarities of the operating range, to a system of repair and maintenance based on the actual technical condition, objectively determined on the basis of creation and implementation of onboard, portable and stationary means of technical diagnostics of units and assemblies, of development of a data bank on the current state of electric locomotives and their units. Power plants belong to the basic elements and units of traction rolling stock structures. The reliability and service life of traction electric motors of electric locomotives, especially winding insulation, does not meet modern requirements, and the existing systems for diagnosing the state of winding insulation do not allow providing the required level of failure detection at an early stage. To qualitatively determine the wear category of the insulating material, new approaches have been developed. They are based on the method of IR spectrophotometry based on relative rate of transmittance of electromagnetic radiation in a gas atmosphere removed from the traction motor winding. This is the basis for development and implementation of onboard system for automated monitoring of the current state of the electric motor insulation and assessment of the residual resource.Повышение эффективности функционирования железнодорожного транспорта в сфере грузовых и пассажирских перевозок, снижение эксплуатационных расходов в настоящее время непосредственно связаны с расходами на содержание и восстановление тягового подвижного состава. Оптимизация эксплуатационных расходов возможна на основе перехода от планово-предупредительной системы ремонта тягового подвижного состава, основанной на оценке среднестатистического уровня его технического состояния без учёта особенностей полигона эксплуатации, к системе ремонта и обслуживания по фактическому техническому состоянию, объективно определяемому на основе создания и внедрения бортовых, переносных и стационарных средств технического диагностирования узлов и агрегатов, формирования банка данных о текущем состоянии электровозов и их узлов. Энергосиловые установки относятся к базовым элементам и узлам конструкций тягового подвижного состава. Надёжность и ресурс тяговых электродвигателей электровозов, особенно изоляции обмоток, не отвечает современным требованиям, а существующие системы диагностики состояния изоляции обмоток не позволяют обеспечить необходимый уровень выявления отказов на ранней стадии. Для качественного определения категории износа изоляционного материала разработаны новые подходы на основе метода ИК-спектрофотометрии по относительному коэффициенту пропускания электромагнитного излучения в газовой атмосфере, отводимой от обмотки тягового электродвигателя, что является основой для создания и внедрения бортовой системы автоматизированного мониторинга текущего состояния изоляции электродвигателя и оценки остаточного ресурса

    The technique of formation of readiness of future teachers of physicsto conduct full-scale and computing experiments

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    The paper discusses the problem of training future teachers of physics to the formulation and conduct of modern educational physical experiment.В работе обсуждается проблема подготовки будущих учителей физики к по­становке и проведению современного учебного физического эксперимента

    Fundamental and applied education - A new look

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    © 2016 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research. The problem under study is urgent due to the fact that the education sector is regarded as a historically system of human activity evolving both externally and internally. In this context, this article aims to perceive pointed reality in which the philosophical categories of fundamental and applied knowledge are viewed as the two poles between which the design and technological activities are set. The main idea of this study is a sociogenetic approach which allows considering any pedagogical project as a compromise reached by numerous agreements which is showed by great diversity. The article presents a dual biosocial human nature, proves educational activities, including the initial set-up of social channels and their further usage for circulation between individuals of different types of information, sets intravital forming of the Intelligence organ and the basis of personality among newly born human beings. The article information is valuable for both methodologists-theorists and engineers of education

    Ранняя диагностика и лечение синдрома обкрадывания селезеночной артерией после трансплантации печени

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    Objective: to study the incidence of splenic artery steal syndrome (SASS) in our own series of liver transplant surgeries and to determine diagnostic and therapeutic tactics. Materials and Methods. During the 3.5 years of existence of the liver transplant program in the Republic of Tatarstan, 77 cadaveric liver transplantations (LTx) have been performed. Postoperative SASS occurred in 4 cases (5.2%). Among the patients were 3 women and 1 man; mean age was 38 years. Doppler ultrasonography of the liver vessels and celiacography were used for diagnosis. Proximal splenic embolization was used as a way to correct the syndrome. Results. In all clinical cases, SASS was timely diagnosed and corrected by endovascular image-guided intervention. The patients were discharged with good hepatic graft function. The complication did not affect the length of hospital stay. Conclusion. SASS remains a severe vascular complication of LTx, which can lead to graft dysfunction and possible loss. Timely detection and treatment prevent severe consequences for the liver recipient.Цель исследования. Изучить частоту возникновения синдрома обкрадывания селезеночной артерией в собственной серии трансплантаций печени с определением диагностической и лечебной тактики. Материалы и методы. За 3,5 года существования программы трансплантации печени в Республике Татарстан выполнено 77 трансплантаций трупной печени. В послеоперационном периоде синдром обкрадывания селезеночной артерией встретился в 4 случаях (5,2%). Среди пациентов было 3 женщины и один мужчина, средний возраст составил 38 лет. Для диагностики применялись ультразвуковая доплерография сосудов печени и целиакография. В качестве способа коррекции синдрома использовалась проксимальная эмболизация селезеночной артерии. Результаты. Во всех клинических наблюдениях синдром обкрадывания селезеночной артерией был своевременно диагностирован и корректирован посредством рентгенэндоваскулярного вмешательства. Пациенты выписаны с хорошей функцией печеночного графта. Осложнение не повлияло на продолжительность госпитализации. Заключение. Синдром обкрадывания селезеночной артерией остается серьезным сосудистым осложнением трансплантации печени, способным привести к дисфункции и возможной потере графта. Его своевременное выявление и коррекция предотвращают тяжелые последствия для реципиента печени

    2019-03-24 Eduard Teregulov, DMA Cello Concerto Recital

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    This recital is given in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Doctor of Musical Arts degree. Eduard is from the Studio of Dennis Parker


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    This paper is referred to deep educational science, in which the objective reality is associated with peculiarities of perception, how far the beliefs of scientists, emerging stereotypes and language of science can physically and notionally present the origins and mechanisms of personal becoming. It is very difficult to find other burning question for humanity, on which so many arguments are focused and which forces pedagogical community to change their opinion to the contrary so many times. Within this framework, the life-sustaining activity of people is viewed historically as the outer-inner evolving system in which the philosophical categories of biological and social aspects are considered as the two poles between which the educational sphere is formed. The main idea of this study is sociogenetic approach which makes it possible to consider that the life-sustaining activity of people is a compromise solution, which can be found by multiple considerations and manifesting as vast variety. The article gives the grounds for the educational activity, including the initial setting of social channels and then circulation through them among specimens of different information modalities, establishes life-time formation of Intelligence and Personality of newly born specimens of the humanity. Studying Materials are valuable for both methodologists-theoreticians and technologists of education.  Article visualizations

    Relationship between Functional State of Endothelial Function and Cardiovascular System Parameters among Young Men

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