21 research outputs found


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    Abstrak. Representasi pemodelan 3 dimensi dengan metode fotogrametri jarak dekat yang merupakan salah satu cabang dari fotogrametri telah digunakan selama bertahun-tahun dengan prinsip dan teorinya karena dapat menghasilkan visualisasi lebih menarik dalam memberikan informasi. Pemodelan 3D merupakan kebutuhan penting dalam berbagai bidang seperti industri, arkeologi, pembelajaran, konstruksi dan rekonstruksi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisa kualitas jaringan pemotretan rentang dekat yaitu jaringan konfigurasi pemotretan konvergen, normal, dan kombinasi. Ketiga konfigurasi ini digunakan untuk visualisasi 3D modeling jembatan di area Bendungan Selorejo, Desa Pandansari, Kec. Ngantang, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur dengan panjang jembatan ± 65 meter dan lebar jembatan ± 5 meter. Pengambilan data konfigurasi pemotretan konvergen dilakukan dengan satu kali posisi berdiri dapat mengambil banyak gambar, sedangkan pengambilan foto dalam posisi normal mensyaratkan ketegaklurusan antara garis sumbu kamera terhadap objek. Kombinasi dari keduanya merupakan gabungan pengambilan data konvergen dan normal. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dalam aplikasi fotogrametri rentang dekat, penerapan konfigurasi kombinasi sangat sesuai apabila diterapkan dalam visualisasi 3D modelling jembatan karena memiliki kualitas geometri yang baik dari segi visual dan didukung dengan ketelitian ukuran dimensi jembatan atau root mean square error (RMSE) untuk independent control point (ICP) adalah 0,06854 meter dan perbandingan data jarak retro antara di lapangan dan di model 3D adalah 0,01008 meter. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa konfigurasi kombinasi sangat sesuai digunakan dalam dunia fotogrametri rentang dekat. Kata Kunci: Fotogrametri rentang dekat; pemodelan 3 dimensi (3D), konfigurasi pemotreta

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Data Kependudukan Di Dusun Dampyak Berbasis Web

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    Sistem informasi kependudukan adalah salah satu sarana mempermudah petugas mencatat data penduduk Perancangan Sistem Informasi Kependudukan Berbasis Web Pada Dusun Dampyak ini merupakan sebuah layanan Aplikasi berbasis Web, dimana aplikasi ini dibangun untuk memudahkan admin atau Kepala Dusun dalam mengolah dan menyimpan data – data kependudukan warga Dusun. Aplikasi ini terdapat satu akses yang dapat digunakan yaitu admin, dimana akses ini dipergunakan oleh admin pada Web Dusun yang bertujuan untuk menambahkan , mencetak, menghapus, dan memutasi data warga dan keluarga pada Web

    Asymmetric Information Mitigation in Supply Chain: A Systematic Literature Review

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    With the level of competition and consumer demand is changing rapidly, the speed and accuracy of the information flow in the supply chain increasingly necessary. Sharing of information between the parties in a supply chain plays an important role in improving the sustainability of a business, but imperfection information is inevitable because each party in the supply chain has a different objective. This condition increases the importance of a research on the mitigation of asymmetric information in the supply chain, therefore the purpose of this study was to conduct a review of previous studies related to overcoming the asymmetric information and map research trend on mitigating asymmetric information in the supply chain. We used systematic literature review (SLR) methods to analyze the data collected from Web of Science and Scopus database from 2005 to 2016. The results of this study can be used as a guide and a reference for further research related to overcoming the asymmetry of information in the supply chain in every industrial sector

    GIS-Based multi-criteria decision making model for site selection of seaweed farming information centre: A lesson from small islands, Indonesia

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    Seaweed had proven to become a fisheries commodity to provide a significant multiplier economic effect for coastal community in Southeast Maluku District during 2005-2013. However, the declining on the productivity of seaweed has given a direct impact on welfare of farmers and coastal communities in this region during the recent years, due to asymmetric information on seaweed farming associated with prices, latest technology and all pre and post production activities. Thus, forming a dedicated information centre for seaweed farming in the region has become a necessity. As small island regions, in Southeast Maluku district, farmers and all stakeholder have to deal with cliché problems such as insufficient infrastructure, lack of transportation, farmers locations that spread across the islands. This paper focused on the selection of suitable location for the information centre for seaweed farming in Southeast Maluku district, Indonesia. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP), in classical and fuzzy forms, was an approach used on this study for suitability analysis. Moreover, GIS for spatial analysis in addition to AHP was used to compare the best results for the location of information centre for seaweed farmers. The results show that fuzzy AHP could provide more suitability location compared with conventional AHP. Most of suitability locations were located in three sub-districts regions and also most of them were located in Kei Kecil Island and Kei Besar Islands due to the geographical characteristics of the region. The sensitivity analysis was conducted to measure the sensitivity of the results when the weight of each criterion was changed. The outcome of this study was to serve its purpose as an input and comparison study for a recent local government of Southeast Maluku' policy on developing seaweed farming in this region

    Mendukung Diversifikasi Usaha Kelompok Pengolahan Perikanan Usaha Mikro Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara

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    Following the Covid-19 outbreak, the number of fisheries processing organisations in Southeast Maluku Regency declined significantly. The Sibit group in Loon Village is one of the groups that is still operating and is striving to expand its operation through business diversification. The goal of this service activity is to assist the Sibit group with expanding their business by acquiring product label legality, product quality testing, yesterday product design, and general management competence enhancement. Counseling, training, and direct help to partners in fisheries processing business groups are employed to attain this specific purpose. The business group supported and responded positively to this community service initiative. There is a fundamental concept of management and business management, as well as the growth of expansion through the diversity of processed products generated.Paska pandemi Covid-19, jumlah kelompok pengolahan perikanan di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara mengalami penurunan sangat signifkan, salah satu kelompok yang masih bertahan dan bahkan berusaha melakukan ekspansi usaha lewat diversifikasi usaha adalah kelompok Sibit di Desa Loon. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk membantu kelompok Sibit untuk dapat melakukan ekspansi usaha dengan mendapatkan legalisasi label produk, pengujian mutu produk, desain kemarin produk dan peningkatan kemampuan manajerial secara umum. Untuk mencapai tujuan yang ditargetkan ini maka metode pengabdian yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan, pelatihan dan pendampingan secara langsung kepada mitra kelompok usaha pengolahan perikanan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berjalan dengan baik, mendapat dukungan dan sambutan baik dari kelompok usaha. Terdapat pemahaman yang mendasar pada manajerial dan pengelola usaha dan pengembangan ekspansi melalui diversifikasi produk olahan yang dihasilkan

    Seaweed Micro-Business Enterprises’ Support on Forming the Information Centre of Seaweed Farming

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    Saat ini rumput laut mengalami penurunan dalam jumlah petani maupun produktivitas yang diakibatkan oleh banyak faktor yang mana. Pemicu utamanya adalah adanya asimetris informasi dalam rantai pasok budidaya rumput laut di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara. Salah satu solusi yang dapat ditawarkan adalah pembukaan pusat informasi budidaya rumput laut. Hal ini mengingat kondisi geografis wilayah Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara yang berbentuk kepulauan dan akses jalan, internet serta jaringan telepon seluler yang terbatas. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengestimasi persepsi pelaku usaha mikro rumput laut baik distributor, penjual bibit maupun petani pada gagasan dibentuknya pusat informasi budaya rumput laut. Proses pengumpulan data dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari hingga Mei 2018 menggunakan metode purposive sampling pada 13 desa di 6 kecamatan dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 232 responden. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan regresi logistic. Data-data yang digunakan diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan in-depth interview.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari sisi sosial ekonomi semakin berumur dan semakin tinggi tingkat pendidikan maka tingkat dukungan pelaku usaha mikro rumput laut pada pusat informasi rumput laut semakin rendah. Khusus bagi pelaku usaha, distributor rumput laut di wilayah ini cenderung menolak adanya pusat informasi rumput lat, hal ini terkait kemampuan mereka dalam memanipulasi harga jual dan kualitas produk. Currently, seaweed has decreased in the number of farmers and productivity caused by many factors, the main trigger of which is the asymmetric information in the supply chain of seaweed cultivation in Southeast Maluku District. Thus, one of the solutions that can be offered is by the opening of the seaweed cultivation information center. The objective of the present research was to estimate the perception of micro seaweed business enterprises namely distributors, sellers of seeds and farmers on the idea of forming the seaweed farming information center in Southeast Maluku District. The data collection was conducted from January to May 2018, using purposive sampling on 13 villages spread over 6 districts with a total sample of 232 respondents. Data analysis methods used in this research was descriptive analysis and logistic regression. The Data was obtained by using questionnaires and in-depth interview. The results showed that from social economic factor, the older and higher education level, tend not to support seaweed information center. In addition, based on the role on seaweed, the distributors in this region tend to reject the idea of forming the information center of seaweed farming, because it will weaken their ability to manipulate the selling price and product quality

    Mitigasi Rantai Pasok Rumput Laut dengan Pendekatan House of Risk dan Fuzzy AHP di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara

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    Seaweed is among fishery commodities with great potential economy prospect. Southeast Maluku District is one of the main producers in Eastern region of Indonesia. Despite the high production since 2012, the number of farmers and the product has declined due to inadequate supply chain coordination and information dissemination among members. Therefore, this study aimed to mitigate the assymetric information in the region using the house of risk (HOR) to identify the risks to be addressed, and also provide response on the source of supply chain risk. Furthermore, Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) with fuzzy approach was used to determine the major factor, and then choose the best alternative to mitigate asymmetric information in the supply chain. Results showed there were five factors that contributed 70% risks. The results also indicated that dependence on local distributor was a factor that had to be prioritized and addressed. In addition, to mitigate the operational risks, findings showed it is necessary to establish seaweed farmers forum, which is the best approach based on the cost and effectiveness. This study also stated that local ,government of Southeast Maluku District was the main actor that helps to overcome the risks and asymmetric information problem. Therefore, the best alternative was to form an information center for seaweed cultivation, which will provide the knowledge of prices and potential buyer outside the region


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    Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara memiliki potensi sumberdaya rumput laut yang cukup besar. Ketersediaan bahan baku yang berlimpah akan mendorong pengembangan agroindustri rumput laut. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelayakan usaha agroindustri rumput laut secara finansial. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei, yang dilakukan pada bulan Maret hingga Oktober 2013 dengan menggunakan data primer dan sekunder. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa aspek finansial usaha pengolahan rumput laut layak untuk dijalankan. Secara finansial usaha agroindustri rumput laut dikatakan layak karena memiliki NPV lebih dari nol (NPV>0) dengan NPVtertinggi pada usaha chip atau tepung rumput laut sebesar Rp.120.607.320,00 dan yang terendah pada usaha puding rumput laut sebesar Rp. 302.982,00, Net B/C lebih dari satu (Net B/C>1) dengan nilai Net B/C terbesar pada usaha bakso rumput laut sebesar 1,80 sedangkan yang terkecil pada usaha sirup rumput laut yakni sebesar 1,24. IRR yang diperoleh lebih dari tingkat discount rate (IRR>DR) didapatkan nilai IRR terbesar pada usaha bakso rumput laut sebesar 50 persen, sedangkan yang terkecil pada usaha sirup rumput laut sebesar 28 persen. Payback period kurang dari umur usaha (PP<Umur usaha) dimana usaha pengolahan rumput laut yang memiliki jangka waktu pengembalian modal tercepat adalah bakso rumput laut yakni selama satu tahun lima bulan, sedangkan yang terlama adalah sirup rumput laut yakni dua tahun delapan bulan. Pengembangan usaha agroindustri rumput laut perlu dilakukan dengan cara pengembangan pasar, peningkatan modal dalam usaha, pengembangan inovasi dan kreativitas usaha, serta peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas produk. Selain itu untuk pengembangan usaha agroindustri rumput laut perlu ada kebijakan dari pemerintah daerah yakni pendampingan yang intensif dari dinas instansi terkait, regulasi dan campur tangan pemerintah dalam menarik investor. (Feasibility Analysis of Seaweed Agroindustry in the Southeast Maluku Regency)Southeast Maluku regency has a plenty resource potential of seaweed. The availability of abundant raw materials will encourage the development of agroindustries seaweed. This study aims to analyze the feasibility of seaweed agroindustrial financially. The method used is the method of the survey, conducted from March to October 2013 by using primary and secondary data. The data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Results showed that the financial aspects of seaweed processing enterprises eligible to run. Agroindustrial enterprises is a financially viable because seaweed is said to have more than zero NPV (NPV> 0) with the highest NPV efforts on seaweed chips or flour for Rp120.607.320, 00 and the lowest in seaweed pudding efforts of Rp 302,982.00, Net B / C is more than one (Net B / C> 1) with the value of Net B / C meatballs largest seaweed on the business at 1.80 while the smallest in the syrup business seaweed which is equal to 1.24. IRR obtained over discount rate (IRR> DR) obtained the largest IRR meatballs seaweed on business by 50 percent, while the smallest in seaweed syrup business by 28 percent. The payback period is less than the age of the business (PP <Age of business) where the seaweed processing enterprises that have the fastest payback period is the seaweed meatballs for one year and five months, while the oldest is seaweed syrup that is two years and eight months. The development of agro-industry effort seaweed needs to be done by way of market development, the increase in venture capital, innovation and creativity development efforts, as well as improving the quality and quantity of products. In addition to the development of agro-industry enterprises seaweed needs to be a policy of the local government offices intensive assistance from relevant agencies, regulation and government interference in attracting investors