11 research outputs found

    Data_Sheet_1_Assessment of the oceanic channel dynamics responsible for the IOD-ENSO precursory teleconnection in CMIP5 climate models.docx

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    Existed studies have suggested a precursory relation between Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and El Niño and the Southern Oscillations (ENSO) with 1-year time lag. The underlying mechanisms were attributed to atmospheric bridge and/or oceanic channel processes. In this study, the oceanic channel dynamics in 23 climate models of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) are assessed by correlation analyses in comparison with observations. The results show that the lag correlations between the IOD and ENSO anomalies associated with oceanic channel are significant, suggesting important role of oceanic channel dynamics in the cross-basin teleconnection in the analyzed CMIP5 models, consistent with observational analyses. In comparison, the correlations associated with atmospheric bridge are highly dispersive among the models and generally inconsistent with the observational analyses, suggesting model deficiencies. In a single climate model, the lag correlations associated with oceanic channel dynamics are consistent among different ensemble experiments, whereas those associated with atmospheric bridge processes are dispersive.</p

    Two-Step Regulation of a Meristematic Cell Population Acting in Shoot Branching in <i>Arabidopsis</i>

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    <div><p>Shoot branching requires the establishment of new meristems harboring stem cells; this phenomenon raises questions about the precise regulation of meristematic fate. In seed plants, these new meristems initiate in leaf axils to enable lateral shoot branching. Using live-cell imaging of leaf axil cells, we show that the initiation of axillary meristems requires a meristematic cell population continuously expressing the meristem marker <i>SHOOT MERISTEMLESS</i> (<i>STM</i>). The maintenance of <i>STM</i> expression depends on the leaf axil auxin minimum. Ectopic expression of <i>STM</i> is insufficient to activate axillary buds formation from plants that have lost leaf axil <i>STM</i> expressing cells. This suggests that some cells undergo irreversible commitment to a developmental fate. In more mature leaves, <i>REVOLUTA</i> (<i>REV</i>) directly up-regulates <i>STM</i> expression in leaf axil meristematic cells, but not in differentiated cells, to establish axillary meristems. Cell type-specific binding of REV to the <i>STM</i> region correlates with epigenetic modifications. Our data favor a threshold model for axillary meristem initiation, in which low levels of <i>STM</i> maintain meristematic competence and high levels of <i>STM</i> lead to meristem initiation.</p></div

    Conceptual model showing meristematic cells maintenance and up-regulation during AM initiation.

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    <p>Early leaf primordium axils maintain low levels of <i>STM</i> expression, which requires the leaf axil auxin minimum. In more mature leaf primordia, the expression of <i>REV</i>, which is under <i>LAS</i> regulation, up-regulate <i>STM</i> expression to promote AM initiation and subsequent axillary bud formation.</p

    Direct up-regulation of <i>STM</i> expression by REV.

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    <p>(A) RT-qPCR analysis of <i>STM</i> expression in <i>pREV</i>::<i>REV-GR-HA rev-6</i> vegetative shoot apex tissues (with leaves removed) before and after simultaneous Dex and CHX treatment. The vertical axis indicates relative mRNA amount compared with the amount before treatment. Error bars indicate SD. (B) Schematic diagram of the <i>STM</i> genomic region. Vertical red lines indicate the sites containing the consensus REV binding sequence (ATGAT box). ATG denotes the translation start site. The underlying lines represent the DNA fragments amplified in ChIP assays, or used for plant protoplast assays. (C and D) ChIP enrichment test by PCR shows binding of REV-GR-HA to the ATGAT box-containing regions, especially the ones near the start site, in vegetative shoot apex tissues enriched with leaf axil (C) but not mature leaves (>P<sub>10</sub>) without the leaf axil region from 30-d old plants (D) of <i>pREV</i>::<i>REV-GR-HA rev-6</i> plants. A paired design was used, in which each measurement was paired with a corresponding control without antibody. Error bars indicate SD. More controls are shown in <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1006168#pgen.1006168.s004" target="_blank">S4I Fig</a>. (E) Transcriptional activity assays in <i>Arabidopsis</i> protoplasts. A <i>p35S</i>::<i>GFP</i> empty vector was the negative control, and a <i>p35S</i>::<i>GUS</i> line was the internal control. Relative <i>LUC</i> reporter gene expression is shown in the lower panel. The p1-p5 regions (indicated as in B) were assayed. Data are mean ± SD. Error bars are derived from three independent biological experiments, each run in triplicate.</p

    AM initiation requires <i>STM</i>-expressing cells.

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    <p>(A) Schematic representation of axillary bud formation in leaf axils of Col-0 wild-type plants and the <i>stm-bum1</i> mutant plants. The thick black horizontal line represents the border between the youngest rosette leaf and the oldest cauline leaf. For Col-0, each column represents a single plant, and each square within a column represents an individual leaf axil. For <i>stm-bum1</i>, each column represents a single main branch, and branches from a single plant are grouped together. The bottom row represents the oldest rosette leaf axils, with progressively younger leaves above. Green indicates the presence of an axillary bud, yellow indicates the absence of an axillary bud, red indicates the presence of a single leaf in place of an axillary bud, and orange indicates the presence of a terminated axillary bud in any particular leaf axil. (B, C, E and F) Leaf axils (as shown in <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1006168#pgen.1006168.g001" target="_blank">Fig 1B</a>) showing cells with STM-Venus (green) expression before laser ablation (B and E) and after laser ablation (C and F). The regions bordered by the white dotted line (in C and F) are subject to laser ablation. (D and G) Axillary bud formation 12 d after laser ablation, as shown in (C and F). Arrows show presence (D) and absence (G) of an axillary bud. Note axillary buds formed only when <i>STM</i>-expressing cells remain intact (B-D). Arrowheads highlight the approximate center of the incision lines. Bars = 50 μm in (B, C, E, and F) and 1 mm in (D and G).</p

    Epigenetic modification of the <i>STM</i> locus.

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    <p>(A) RT-PCR with primers amplifying the <i>REV</i>, <i>STM</i>, or <i>ACT2</i> coding regions on cDNAs generated from mRNA isolated from Col-0 wild-type inflorescence, stem, mature leaf (without the leaf axil region), root, and petal, respectively. <i>ACT2</i> was used as a loading control. (B and C) Results of ChIP-qPCR performed on IP with antibodies against H3K27me3 (B) and H3K4me2/3 (C) on chromatin samples extracted from Col-0 wild-type inflorescences and mature leaves. The a-e regions (indicated as in <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1006168#pgen.1006168.g005" target="_blank">Fig 5B</a>) were assayed. Error bars indicate SD. More controls are shown in (D). (D) ChIP enrichment test by PCR with an anti-H3K27me3 antibody and an anti-H3K4me2/3 antibody using Col-0 wild-type inflorescences and mature leaves, together with total DNA input (input) and no-antibody (mock) controls. An <i>ACT2</i> promoter region was used as a negative control. (E) Up-regulation of <i>STM</i> expression in mutants affecting PRC1 and PRC2 requires <i>REV</i>. RT-qPCR analysis of <i>STM</i> in whole seedlings of Col-0 wild type and mutants affecting PRC1 and PRC2 w/ or w/o <i>rev-6</i>. The vertical axis indicates relative mRNA amount compared with the amount in wild-type plants. Error bars indicate SD.</p

    Existence of a meristematic cell population with a fixed developmental fate in leaf axils.

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    <p>(A) Schematic flow showing isolation of a rosette leaf primordium for AM live imaging. The black square at the end of the petiole disproportionately highlights the region of imaging. (B-G) Reconstructed view of the L1 layer of a P<sub>9</sub> leaf axil with STM-Venus (green) expression and FM4-64 stain (red) showing location and lineage of AM progenitor cells, with (B) being the first time point and elapsed time in (C-G). Selected progenitor cells are color-coded, and the same color has been used for each progenitor cell and its descendants. The white line indicates the incision line at the leaf axil. Arrowheads highlight the approximate center of the incision line. Insert in (B) shows scanning electron micrograph of a rosette leaf axil of similar stage. The box bordered by the black dotted line roughly corresponds to the region imaged by confocal microscopy, and the white dotted lines marks incision line. (H-J) Longitudinal sections through <i>pSTM</i>::<i>STM-Venus</i> leaf axils of vegetative SAMs stained with DAPI (blue) showing a <i>STM</i>-expressing cell population. STM-Venus (green) was initially expressed in 6 files of cells at stage P<sub>3</sub> (H), later decreased to 4 files at P<sub>8</sub> (I), and then expanded to more cells at P<sub>11</sub> prior to AM initiation (J). The arrow in (J) highlights the bulged meristem. Note the expression of <i>STM</i> was substantially higher in the boundary than in the SAM, as shown before [<a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1006168#pgen.1006168.ref030" target="_blank">30</a>]. (K-M) Continuous transverse sections through a vegetative shoot apex, showing expression of STM-Venus (green) in leaf axils (arrowheads). Sections are ordered from most apical (K) to most basal (M); approximate distance (in micrometers) from the summit of the SAM to section is given in the bottom left-hand corner of each image. Note a significant increase in STM-Venus signal between P<sub>9</sub> and P<sub>10</sub> (L and M). (N) Relative fluorescence intensity of STM-Venus at leaf axils from P<sub>1</sub> to P<sub>12</sub>. 3 replications were done by analysis the transverse sections like in (K-M). Arrows highlight the lowest value at P<sub>8/9</sub>. Bars = 50 μm.</p