125 research outputs found

    Red wine polyphenols prevent cyclosporine-induced nephrotoxicity at the level of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway

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    Flavonoids, polyphenol derivatives of plant origin, possess a broad range of pharmacological properties. A number of studies have found both pro/anti-apoptotic effects for many of these compounds. For these reasons we investigated whether Provinols flavonoids obtained from red wine, have anti-apoptotic properties. The investigations have been carried out in rats treated with Cyclosporine A (CsA). In particular, four groups of rats have been treated for 21 days with either olive oil (control group), with CsA, with Provinols, or with CsA and Provinols simultaneously. Oxidative stress, systolic blood pressure, body weight, biochemical parameters and different markers of pro/anti-apoptotic pathway were measured. CsA produced an increase of systolic blood pressure, a decrease in body weight, serum creatinine levels, urinary total protein concentration and creatinine clearance. Moreover, CsA induced renal alterations and the translocation of Bax and cytochrome c from cytoplasm to mitochondria and vice versa. These changes activated the caspase cascade pathway, that leads to morphological and biochemical features of apoptosis. Provinols restored morphological and biochemical alterations and prevented nephrotoxicity. In conclusion, this study may augment our current understanding of the controversial pro-/anti-apoptotic properties of flavonoids and their molecular mechanisms

    Comparison of two disaster drills' management performed by trained and not-trained students: key times evaluation

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    Introduction The aim of this report is to compare two disaster exercises' management of students with different backgrounds. To our knowledge nobody has ever compared two exercises, probably because of the difficulty in their evaluation. We implemented a tool for an objective evaluation [1] and we used it for this purpose. Methods Both drills represented a ceiling collapse over a crowded room with a similar amount of casualties and similar severity index. The START triage system was used. The trained students (T) were attending the European Master in Disaster Medicine (EMDM), while the not-trained students (NT) were at the beginning of an introductory course in disaster medicine. During the exercises we recorded key victim-provider interaction times [2] using victim-based data collection. Each victim had their own data card to record triage and time information. Results In this preliminary report we present data regarding the scene length of stay (LOS) and triage to collecting area/advanced medical post time (T-AMP). The LOS was 67.5 (50.0 to 111.0) minutes (25 to 75 IQR) for T as compared with 145.0 (110.0 to 150.0) minutes (25 to 75 IQR) for NT (P < 0.001). Stratification according to assigned triage code showed no difference for high-priority codes (reds and yellows) as opposed to the green code (55.0 (47.0 to 75.0) minutes for T vs 145.0 (141.0 to 155.0) minutes for NT with P < 0.01). T-AMP was 10.0 (3.0 to 34.5) minutes for T as compared with 63.5 (19.5 to 104.3) minutes for NT (P < 0.001). Stratification according to triage code showed no difference for red codes between T and NT but showed a difference for yellow codes (36.5 (15.0 to 82.0) vs 71.0 (30.0 to 99.0) minutes) and green codes (7.0 (3.0 to 12.0) vs 85.0 (17.3 to 115.0) minutes) with P < 0.01. Conclusions Both teams evacuated red codes before the yellow ones in similar time. T-AMP was shorter considering global, yellow and green codes for T as opposed to NT. Global and green LOS was also shorter in the T group as opposed to NT. Training seems to influence global exercise management, less affecting red codes but with an impact on yellow and green evacuation strategies

    Characterization of the recovery of mechanical properties of ion-implanted diamond after thermal annealing

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    Due to their outstanding mechanical properties, diamond and diamond-like materials find significant technological applications ranging from well-established industrial fields (cutting tools, coatings, etc.) to more advanced mechanical devices as micro- and nano-electromechanical systems. The use of energetic ions is a powerful and versatile tool to fabricate three-dimensional micro-mechanical structures. In this context, it is of paramount importance to have an accurate knowledge of the effects of ion-induced structural damage on the mechanical properties of this material, firstly to predict potential undesired side-effects of the ion implantation process, and possibly to tailor the desired mechanical properties of the fabricated devices. We present an Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) characterization of free-standing cantilevers in single-crystal diamond obtained by a FIB-assisted lift-off technique, which allows a determination of the Young's modulus of the diamond crystal after the MeV ion irradiation process concurrent to the fabrication of the microstructures, and subsequent thermal annealing. The AFM measurements were performed with the beam-bending technique and show that the thermal annealing process allows for an effective recovery of the mechanical properties of the pristine crystal.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Editors’ choice—4D neutron and X-ray tomography studies of high energy density primary batteries: Part II. multi-modal microscopy of LiSOCl2 cells

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    The ability to track electrode degradation, both spatially and temporally, is fundamental to understand performance loss during operation of lithium batteries. X-ray computed tomography can be used to follow structural and morphological changes in electrodes; however, the direct detection of electrochemical processes related to metallic lithium is difficult due to the low sensitivity to the element. In this work, 4-dimensional neutron computed tomography, which shows high contrast for lithium, is used to directly quantify the lithium diffusion process in spirally wound Li/SOCl2_{2} primary cells. The neutron dataset enables the quantification of the lithium transport from the anode and the accumulation inside the SOCl2_{2} cathode to be locally resolved. Complementarity between the collected neutron and X-ray computed tomographies is shown and by applying both methods in concert we have observed lithium diffusion blocking by the LiCl protection layer and identified all cell components which are difficult to distinguish using one of the methods alone

    Electrospun amplified fiber optics

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    A lot of research is focused on all-optical signal processing, aiming to obtain effective alternatives to existing data transmission platforms. Amplification of light in fiber optics, such as in Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, is especially important for an efficient signal transmission. However, the complex fabrication methods, involving high-temperature processes performed in highly pure environment, slow down the fabrication and make amplified components expensive with respect to an ideal, high-throughput and room temperature production. Here, we report on near infrared polymer fiber amplifiers, working over a band of about 20 nm. The fibers are cheap, spun with a process entirely carried out at room temperature, and show amplified spontaneous emission with good gain coefficients as well as low optical losses (a few cm^-1). The amplification process is favoured by the high fiber quality and low self-absorption. The found performance metrics promise to be suitable for short-distance operation, and the large variety of commercially-available doping dyes might allow for effective multi-wavelength operation by electrospun amplified fiber optics.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure
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