574 research outputs found

    Loose and baled corn cob management and storage in field effects on subsequent crop growth and soil health

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    Companies in the U.S have started using corn (Zea mays L.) residue as feedstock for cellulosic ethanol production. However, concerns including field storage and removal methods effects on crop growth and development, soil health, and environmental quality have been raised requiring the investigation of management and strategies to mitigate such effects. In the Mid-west corn cob have being utilized as feedstock material for cellulosic ethanol production in addition to corn residue. Nevertheless, there are many management issues that need to be addressed in order to efficiently store and remove corn cob from the field with minimum damage to subsequent crops and soil health. The current practices include the storage of loose corn cob mixed with corn residue as piles and bales at the edge of harvested fields over winter for later use in ethanol production. The corn cob residue refers to the mixture of corn cob and corn stover in the loose and baled corn cob treatments used in this experiment. Unfavorable plant growth responses have been observed after storing corn cob residue in the field. The objectives of this study were 1) to investigate the effects of loose and baled corn cob residue storage methods and management practices on plant development and crop yield, 2) evaluate and understand the effects of both methods on soil health, and 3) determine the effects of different amounts of loose corn cob residue left after removal and management practices on greenhouse gas (CO2 and N2O) emission and management practices to mitigate such effects. The study investigated two storage methods at two different sites that were established in fall of 2010. Trials ran through the fall 2012. The loose corn cob residue study was conducted at the Agronomy Research Farm at Iowa State University located near Ames, Iowa (AC site). The soil type is Canisteo silty clay loam (Fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, calcareous, mesic Typic Endoaquolls) and Harps loam (Loam, mixed, superactive, mesic Typic Calciaquolls). The treatments for the loose corn cob residue method consisted of two randomized tillage systems conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT), which represented the main treatment. Each tillage system was split into five corn cob residue treatments as Control, Removed Residue (7.5 cm applied in the fall and completely removed early spring), 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 cm corn cob residue depths randomly assigned at each tillage treatment and replication. Then each corn cob residue treatment was split to receive four N fertilizer rates of 0, 90, 180, and 270 kg N ha-1 randomly assigned at each corn cob residue treatment and replication. The N fertilizer was 32% liquid UAN (NH4NO3), which was side-dressed and injected in May after planting using a spoke point injector. The AC site was planted on 6th May, 2011 and 14th May, 2012 using a 111 day maturity corn variety (P33W84) with a seeding density of 79,000 seeds ha-1. The second study was established at a Northwest Iowa farmer\u27s field near Emmetsburg and near the POET, Biorefinery plant (ENW site). The soil type is Clarion loam (Fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, mesic Typic Hapludolls). The ENW site used a square corn cob residue bale as a storage method, in which bales were placed in the field after harvest and stored over winter, but removed in the spring before planting. The main treatment consisted of corn cob residue left after bales removal: 1) Corn cob residue left after bales removal as a result of breakdown of bales if any, 2) corn cob residue completely cleaned or removed from each plot, and 3) the control treatment, where no bales were placed on plots. Each of the corn cob residue treatments were split into four N fertilizer rates of 0, 90, 180, and 270 kg N ha-1 and randomly assigned at each corn cob residue treatments. The different N fertilizer rates were hand applied using granular urea in May after planting. The ENW site was planted on 5th May, 2011 and 25th April, 2012 using a 111 day maturity corn variety (P0448AM1), with a seeding density of 89,000 seeds ha-1. Field data collection and measurements for plant, soil, and other parameters were conducted at both sites on weekly, monthly, and seasonal basis. These measurements included plant growth and development parameters, soil physical, chemical, and biological properties such as, soil organic carbon (SOC), soil total nitrogen (STN), microbial biomass (MBC), soil pH, organic acids (only at the AC site), soil penetration resistance (SPR), water stable aggregates (WSA), soil bulk density (ρb), and soil water infiltration rate (Ir only at the AC site only). Also, measurements of greenhouse gas emission (CO2 and N2O) were monitored along with soil mineral N (NO3-N and NH4-N), soil temperature, and moisture at the AC site only. The findings of the loose corn cob residue study suggest that plant growth and development were negatively affected by the presence of loose corn cob residue. In general, the emergence rate index (ERI), extended plant leaf heights, above-ground biomass and grain yield are negatively affected when corn cob residue is left on the soil surface after pile removal. Tillage systems show no difference in preventing the effects of corn cob residue, but it was observed that NT showed a slight advantage over CT, for plant growth and development. As expected N fertilizer at the agronomic rate (180 kg/ha) helped plant development and growth. Above-ground biomass and grain organic C and N concentrations were affected by the increase of N fertilizer rates, but not by other management practices such as tillage or corn cob residue treatments. Additionally, soil biological and chemical properties such as, SOC, STN, soil pH, and organic acids were not affected by different management practices. Changes in MBC values were affected at different times in the growing season by corn cob residue treatments. The highest soil MBC concentration was observed at the 2.5 cm and 7.5 cm corn cob residue treatments, especially in June and July (mid-summer) compared to the control and removed corn cob residue treatments. Also, soil organic acids concentrations of oxalic and butyric were the most detectable in the soil with all residue treatments in 2011 only. However, the findings suggest that soil physical properties such as, WSA, ρb, SPR, and Ir were affected by the amounts of corn cob residue left on the soil surface. The results showed a decrease in soil macro-aggregates percentage across all corn cob residue treatments due to seasonal variability as moisture condition changed. The SPR was affected by the amount of corn cob residue left on the soil surface and the degree of residue removal, where machinery and human traffic led to increase in soil compaction. Soil ρb was lower at the 0-7.5 cm soil depth in general compared with lower soil depths, and Ir was also affected by corn cob residue under the CT tillage system, where 2.5 cm and 7.5 cm corn cob residue showed higher Ir than that under control and removed at all N fertilizer rates. At the AC site soil CO2 and N2O were monitored along with soil mineral N (NO3-N and NH4-N), soil moisture, and soil temperature. The findings from the study suggested that soil CO2 and N2O emission were higher under the 2.5 cm and 7.5 cm corn cob residue treatments than the control and removed treatments. Soil moisture and soil temperature were also affected by the level of corn cob residue treatments covering the soil surface, which subsequently affected soil CO2 and N2O emission. Also, soil N2O emission was affected by N fertilizer rates, where higher N fertilizer rates caused higher soil N2O emission. It was also observed that dry conditions in 2012 decreased soil CO2 and N2O emission across all management practices, due to lower soil moisture and high soil temperatures. The soil CO2 and N2O emission were affected by corn cob residue left after removal, where areas with excessive amounts of corn cob residue on soil surface showed greater CO2 and N2O emission rates than clean areas. In the corn cob residue bale study, findings suggest that plant growth and development are not greatly impacted by the presence of corn cob residue left after bale removal from the site. It was observed that a minimum amount of corn cob residue was left on the soil surface after bales removal. In general, ERI, extended plant leaf heights, plant population, vegetative growth stages, above-ground biomass, and grain yield for clean and left corn cob residue treatments were slightly lower than control where no corn cob residue bales were placed. Over the study period no changes were observed in organic C and N concentrations of the above-ground biomass and grain. Nonetheless, corn cob residue bale storage on the field showed some changes in the SOC and STN contents at different soil depths. In general, changes in SOC and STN contents were similar across all corn cob residue treatments within each soil depth. However, at the top 7.5 cm soil depth greater SOC and STN content were observed compared to lower soil depths across all corn cob residue treatments. Also, soil pH at the top 7.5 cm soil depth was lower than that at lower soil depths across all corn cob residue treatments. Soil MBC concentration was also monitored during the corn cob residue bales study, where in general no corn cob residue treatment effect on MBC was observed within each soil sampling period for both years. However, greater MBC values were observed in the fall for both years across all corn cob residue treatments than early spring. The increase in MBC concentrations can be due to increase in organic matter and its decomposition when left on the soil surface after harvest and removal of corn cob residue bales. At the ENW site physical properties were affected by the storage of corn cob residue bales, where soil macro-aggregates stability and associated C content across all corn cob residue treatments showed a decline by the end of the experiment. While an increase for those parameters associated with micro-aggregates was observed, changes in ρb were mostly found at the top 7.5 cm soil depth across all corn cob residue treatments which are consistent with the increase in SPR values at the same depth. The greatest SPR values are observed in areas where corn cob residue bales were stored. The most effective practices in mitigating corn cob residue effects on plant growth and development, soil physical and chemical properties, and soil CO2 and N2O emission are adequate control of field machinery traffic for corn cob residue removal and corn cob residue cleaning. Field machinery for removal of loose and baled corn cob residue should be conducted under suitable conditions (i.e. dry soil condition) to minimize soil compaction during the removal of corn cob residue left on the soil surface. Such management practices can reduce corn cob residue effects on corn productivity and soil health (physical, biological, and chemical optimum functions). Also, an adequate application of N fertilizer rates will help reduce corn cob residue effect of N-immobilization and subsequent effects on plant development

    Category theory

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2021, Director: Francisco Belchí[en] The main goal of this project is the investigation of the mathematical structures called categories, looking at their most important features and applications. It will also be see the concept of functors, how they make sense when working with categories and two of the most relevant type of functors, representable and adjoint functors. The development of the study is based on the book Categories by T.S. Blyth

    The Effects of Using Blogs to Develop the Writing Skill in the EFL Classroom

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    Desarrollar la competencia escrita parece ser un desafío para los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera hoy en día en parte porque los docentes y estudiantes no han prestado especial atención a esta importante área de inglés durante el proceso de aprendizaje. Desafortunadamente, las metodologías tradicionales que se han venido usando en los últimos años no ayudan a los estudiantes en el proceso de escritura dando como resultado un bajo nivel de escritura por parte de los estudiantes. Por este motivo, esta síntesis de investigación tiene como objetivo analizar los efectos del uso de blogs en el desarrollo de la habilidad de escritura de los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera. Para este propósito, se seleccionaron y analizaron 15 trabajos de investigación con enfoque cuantitativo, cualitativo, cuasi experimental y de método mixto para determinar si el impacto de la implementación de blogs en el aula es positivo o negativo para los estudiantes. Los hallazgos revelan que (1) el uso de blogs contribuye en gran medida el desarrollo de la habilidad de escritura y que (2) los estudiantes consideran que la implementación de blogs les ha ayudado a mejorar su escritura y que para seguir en su proceso de mejora de escritura elegirían seguir usando blogs debido a que es un recurso moderno que hace uso de recursos digitales.Developing written proficiency seems to be a challenge for students of English as a foreign language today in part because teachers and students have not paid special attention to this important area of English during the learning process. Unfortunately, the traditional methodologies that have been used in recent years do not help students in the writing process, resulting in a low level of writing by students. For this reason, this research synthesis aims to analyze the effects of the use of blogs on the development of the writing ability of students of English as a foreign language. For this purpose, 15 research papers with a quantitative, qualitative, quasi-experimental and mixed method approach were selected and analyzed to determine if the impact of the implementation of blogs in the classroom is positive or negative for students. The findings reveal that (1) the use of blogs greatly contributes to the development of the Writing skill and that (2) students consider that the implementation of blogs has helped them to improve their writing, and to continue enhancing their Writing skill, they would choose to continue using blogs because it is a modern resource that makes use of digital resources.0000-0001-8409-696

    Physical activity, physical fitness and screen-time among Ecuadorian adolescents

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    Similar to various low and middle income countries (LMICs), in Ecuador, the leading cause death is lifestyle related non-communicable disease (NCDs). Unfortunately preventive action to decrease the incidence of NCDs risk factors during adolescence is scarce. To our knowledge, there are no studies in Ecuador focused on improving the dietary intake, physical activity, physical fitness or sedentary patterns among adolescents. The present doctoral work aims to provide evidence on strategies to promote a healthy lifestyle in Ecuadorian adolescents. For this purpose, first we evaluated the current physical fitness among adolescents, and its association with dyslipidemia as the most prevalent NCD risk factor. Second, we analyzed the effect of a school-based health promotion program on physical fitness, physical activity and sedentary behaviors among adolescents. Finally, we assessed whether adolescents that are already at health risk such as overweight/obese and those with a low fitness level respond differently to the intervention program. In order to study the current state of physical fitness among Ecuadorian adolescents, a cross sectional study in an urban (Cuenca city) and a rural (Nabón canton) area was conducted (Chapter 2.1). In total of 648 adolescents (52.3% boys), attending 8th, 9th and 10th grade of the secondary schools participated in this study. We found that the majority of adolescents (59%) had poor physical fitness according to the FITNESSGRAM standards. Urban participants showed better scores in the majority of EUROFIT tests compared to their rural peers. The physical fitness of the whole population was worse compared to that of adolescents from some other countries e.g. Spain, Belgium, Turkey, Poland and Mexico. These findings indicate the need for specific health promotion programs aiming to improve physical fitness among Ecuadorian adolescents. In this study we also found a weak association between physical fitness and blood lipid profile, even after adjustment for energy intake (Chapter 3). A school-based health promotion program entitled “ACTIVITAL” was designed using the Intervention Mapping protocol and Comprehensive Participatory Planning and Evaluation approach. The program involved an individual and environmental component tailored to the local context and resources. The individual component included the delivery of an educational package organized at classroom level. The environmental component included (i) workshops with parents and staff in school canteens; (ii) social events at school such as an interactive session with famous young athletes and the preparation of a healthy breakfast and (iii) a walking trail that was drawn on the school playground (Chapter 2.2). A total of 1440 from 8th and 9th grade adolescents (intervention: n=700, 48.6%) from 20 schools (intervention: n=10, 50%) participated in the cluster-randomized pair-matched trial that lasted 28 months. Primary outcomes were dietary intake (24 recall questionnaire), physical fitness (EUROFIT battery), physical activity (accelerometers) and sedentary behaviors (screen-time self-reported questionnaire); the BMI, blood pressure, waist circumference were secondary outcomes. Results related to dietary intake, blood pressure and waist circumference were presented in a previous doctoral dissertation. We found that the school-based health promotion program can improve physical fitness, minimize the decline in physical activity levels (Chapter 4) and mitigate the increase in screen-time among Ecuadorian adolescents (Chapter 5). Specifically, the intervention program increased the vertical jump (mean intervention effect=2.5cm; 95%CI 0.8-4.2; P=0.01). Although marginally insignificant, adolescents from the intervention group increased less time for speed shuttle run (mean intervention effect=-0.8s, 95%CI -1.58-0.07; P=0.05). The proportion of students achieving over 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity / day decreased over time with the change in proportion significantly less in the intervention schools (6 vs. 18 percentage points, P<0.01). Adolescents on the intervention group reported watching less television (intervention effect =-14.8 min, 95%CI -27.4 -2.5; P=0.02) and they also showed decreased total screen-time (intervention effect =-25 min, 95%CI -47.9 -2.8; P=0.03) on a weekend day. Our results also suggest that the school-based health promotion program might improve the speed and muscular strength fitness components among low-fit and overweight/obese adolescents (Chapter 6). Specifically, the intervention effect on speed shuttle run was higher in overweight (intervention effect=-1.9 s, 95%CI -3.62 -0.08; P=0.04) adolescents compared to underweight (intervention effect =-1.7 s, 95%CI -6.31 to 2.97; P=0.5) or normal weight (intervention effect =-0.4s, 95%CI -1.63 to 0.93; P=0.6) peers. The intervention effect on vertical jump was higher in adolescents with poor physical fitness (intervention effect =3.7 cm, 95%CI 1.15; 6.28; P=0.005) compared to their fit (intervention effect =1.3 cm, 95%CI -1.77 to 4.32; P=0.4) peers. We conclude that a school-based health promotion program with relatively few intervention objectives, strategies and activities, but refined with stakeholder participation could have an effect on physical fitness, physical activity and screen-time behaviors of Ecuadorian adolescents. Future interventions should try to include the health education program as a part of the official school curriculum as well as try to identify the barriers to parents’ participation in order to improve the effectiveness of the program (Chapter 7)

    The use sensory prompts to improve descriptive writing skills for students with intellectual disability grade 1 in 9th course.

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    Sensory prompts or sensory details are descriptive words used to elicit a mental image or sensation in the readers who engage with the text and improve their comprehension. It is relevant to mention that there is no specific research about this topic related to improving descriptive writing skills for students with special needs. However, it includes academic databases and documents from the Ministry of Education about those students’ rights and their inclusion in the educative system. Also, it mentions the challenges faced by students with intellectual disabilities in written expression and the importance of direct and strategic instruction to practice the writing process. It mentions different strategies to help students write short descriptions using templates that are used to practice the writing process. This approach is flexible and looks for different ways to motivate the students

    Influence of indigestible ingredients on the true metabolizable energy of feedstuffs for poultry

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    Two series of experiments were performed to determine the effect of an indigestible substance (silica gel) and of dietary fiber, supplied by dehydrated alfalfa meal, on the amount of fecal metabolic energy (FMe) and endogenous urinary energy (UEe) excreted by roosters and laying hens. A third series of experiments was performed to measure the additivity of independently determined true metabolizable energies of specific feed ingredients for laying hens;In the first series (3 experiments), the energy excreted by roosters that were force-fed silica gel (SG), corn or SG-corn mixtures was determined and these data were used to calculate the true metabolizable energy (TME) of corn. The regression coefficient, obtained from multiple regression analysis, indicated that each gram of SG caused the excretion of an extra .47 kcal of FMe+UEe per rooster in 24 hr. The TME of corn was 4.05 kcal per g dry matter when the corn was force-fed alone. The energy excreted by roosters force-fed SG-corn mixtures was corrected for the effect of SG on FMe and UEe excretion. The average corrected TME of corn was 3.97 per g dry matter when this grain was fed in combination with SG;In the second series of experiments, the FMe+UEe energy excreted by pullets fed diets containing 2.70, 3.40, 4.10, 5.00 and 5.70% dietary acid detergent fiber (ADF) were determined. Dehydrated alfalfa meal was used to achieve the dietary ADF levels. The average FMe+UEe energy values among diet treatments and across trials varied from 5.79 to 7.25 kcal per kg body weight during this period. Dietary ADF had no significant effect (P \u3e .05) on FMe+UEe energy excretions and the amounts of FMe+UEe were not related to body weight of pullets;In a third series of experiments, the TME values of seven feedstuffs corn, soybean meal (SBM), animal-vegetable fat blend (A-Vfat), wheat shorts, meat and bone meal (MBM), dehydrated alfalfa meal, and hydrolyzed feather meal (HFM) and selected mixtures prepared therefrom were determined by using laying hens. TMEs of ingredient mixtures determined experimentally (observed TMEs) were compared with those expected on the basis of the additive contribution of individual TMEs of each ingredient in the mixture. The results showed that in most instances, the observed TMEs of mixtures of corn and SBM, wheat shorts and MBM, and dehydrated alfalfa meal and HFM did not differ significantly from expected TMEs

    Auditoría de gestión a la Compañía Megainmobiliaria Cía. Ltda., de la ciudad de Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo, periodo 2015

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    La presente investigación Auditoría de Gestión a la Compañía MEGA INMOBILIARIA CÍA. LTDA., de la ciudad de Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo, período 2015., tiene como finalidad conocer la eficiencia, eficacia, economía, ética y uso de los recursos de la entidad. Para el desarrollo de la investigación fue necesaria la aplicación de herramientas tales como cuestionarios de control interno mediante método COSO I, observación directa en las instalaciones de la empresa, las fases de auditoría, permitieron analizar los componentes, las generalidades de la compañía, nivel de cumplimiento de los objetivos institucionales, cumplimiento de políticas, reglamentos internos. Dando a conocer las falencias y debilidades encontradas como son: La secretaria quien tiene a cargo la recepción de documentos autorizados por la adquisición de bienes, servicios, no realiza la respectiva validación para el proceso de pago. El departamento de recurso humano, no ha realizado los cálculos de fondos de reserva en base a los porcentajes establecidos por el Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social; los trabajadores de la entidad no llevan un registro de asistencia a sus labores diarias. Se recomienda a la administración de la Compañía tomar en cuenta lo expuesto en el informe final con el propósito de mejorar y establecer acciones correctivas, mediante una adecuada toma de decisiones, que ayuden a alcanzar una eficiente gestión administrativa.The present audit research to the company “MEGA INMOBILIARIA CIA.LTDA”, from Riobamba, Chimborazo province, during 2015. The aim is to know the effectiveness, efficiency, economy, ethics and use of the resources of the entity. For the development of the investigation was necessary the application of tools such as internal control questionnaires using the method COSO I, direct observation in the installation of the company and the audit phases. It allowed to analyze the components, the generalities of the company, level of fulfillment of the institutional objectives, fulfillment of policies and internal regulations. In addition, it allowed to know the weakness and failings such as the secretary who is in charge of the receipt of documents authorized by the acquisition of goods does not perform the respective validation for the payment process. The human resources department has not performed the reserve funds calculations based on the percentages established by the “Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social”. The workers of the entity do not keep a record of attendance of their daily tasks. It is recommended that the company`s management take into account the information presented in the final report with the purpose of improving and establishing corrective actions by means of an adequate decision-making that will help to achieve an efficient administrative management

    Impacto de los factores socioeconómicos y culturales en el estado nutricional del adulto mayor, que acude al Centro de Salud el Valle. Cuenca 2016

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    Antecedentes: el proceso de envejecimiento evidencia una serie de cambios anatómicos, hormonales, funcionales, con un consecuente desequilibrio de órganos y sistemas (1); que sumados a factores socioeconómicos y culturales deficientes disminuye de manera progresiva su calidad de vida, incrementando así el riesgo de desnutrición (2) (3). Objetivo: determinar el impacto de los factores socioeconómicos y culturales en el estado nutricional del adulto mayor, que acude al centro de salud El Valle. Cuenca, 2016. Metodología: se realizó una investigación cuantitativa tipo descriptiva, se trabajó con un una muestra de 159 adultos mayores, como técnica se utilizó una encuesta elaborada por las autoras y como instrumento la escala de valoración Mini Nutritional Assessment. La recolección y organización de la información se realizó a través del programa SPSS versión 22 y Microsoft Excel y presentados en tablas descriptivas. Conclusión: de los 159 adultos mayores, 64 usuarios cumplieron con el puntaje necesario para aplicar la escala de valoración nutricional MNA global; estableciéndose que, la prevalencia de desnutrición fue del 9,4% y el 62,5% presentó riesgo de desnutrición, por lo cual determinamos que el conjunto de factores socioeconómicos influyen directamente en el estado nutricional, ya que el 70,3% de los adultos mayores adquieren un ingreso mensual económico bajo comprendido entre 0-99 dólares; y el 78,1% tienen una escolaridad de primaria incompleta. No se relaciona estadísticamente la influencia cultural en alteraciones del estado nutricionalBackground: The aging process manifests a number of changes in the body as anatomical, hormonal, functional, causing imbalance of various organs and systems (1); coupled with poor socio-economic and cultural factors, progressively decreases their quality of life, thus increasing the risk of malnutrition (2)(3). Objective: To determine the impact of those factors socio-economic and cultural in the nutritional status of them elderly, who came to “El Valle” Health Center. Cuenca 2016. Methodology: A descriptive quantitative research was carried out, a sample of 159 older adults was used, as a technique was used a survey elaborated by the authors and as an instrument the scale of assessment Mini Nutritional Assessment. The collection and organization of the information was done through the program SPSS version 22 and Microsoft Excel and presented in descriptive tables. Conclusion: Of the 159 older adults, 64 users met the necessary score to apply the global MNA nutritional assessment scale. It was established that the prevalence of malnutrition was 9.4% and 62.5% presented a risk of malnutrition. Therefore, we determined that all socioeconomic factors directly influence nutritional status, since 70.3% of the Older adults studied earn a low monthly income of between 0-99 dollars; and 78.1% had incomplete primary school education. The cultural influence in nutritional status is not statistically relatedLicenciado en EnfermeríaCuenc

    Estudio exploratorio de la técnicaTimming Attack en el criptosistema RSA

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    This paper&nbsp;makes an exploratory bibliographic analysis of the Timing Attack (TA) technique on the Side&nbsp;Channel Attacks (SCA) in RSA. The information assets,&nbsp;operation modes and countermeasures of 22 papers were analyzed. Findings show that smartcards are&nbsp;the most attacked&nbsp;information assets (32%),&nbsp;blinding is&nbsp;the most applied&nbsp;countermeasure (33%) and the&nbsp;Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) or Montgomery Multiplication (MM) with&nbsp;CRT&nbsp;are&nbsp;the&nbsp;most frequent operation modes&nbsp;(41%). Furthermore, just one&nbsp;attack was executed in&nbsp;telecom&nbsp;unication systems, this opens the possibilty for future work, analyzing the same technique using the tecnologies WiMAX and the SIP VoIP protocol. &nbsp;El presente trabajo realiza un análisis bibliográfico exploratorio del tipo de ataque Timing Attack (TA) de On The Side Channel Attack (SCA) en RSA. Para lo cual, se analizaron los activos de información, los modos de operación y las contramedidas efectuadas de 22 artículos. Los resultados evidencian que el activo de información que más ataques tuvo son las tarjetas inteligentes (32%), la contramedida mayormente aplicada es el cegamiento (33%) y los modos de operación más utilizados son el Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) o Montgomery Multiplication (MM) con CRT (41%). Adicionalmente se evidencia que sólo un ataque fue realizado a los sistemas de telecomunicaciones, lo cual permite plantear trabajos futuros en el análisis de la misma técnica con base en las tecnologías WiMAX y el protocolo SIP de VoIP. &nbsp

    Fidelización y retención de clientes en una empresa privada de productos lácteos, Riobamba 2022

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    El presente documento tuvo como objetivo “Determinar la relación entre la fidelización y retención de Clientes en una empresa privada de productos lácteos, Riobamba 2022”, siendo el método de estudio de carácter Básica con un diseño No Experimental. Se utilizaron como herramientas de levantamiento de información la encuesta, la entrevista y la observación documental y la para el análisis de datos se trabajó bajo Correlación de Pearson a través del software Gretl. Entre los resultados se identificó que la relación de la información con la retención de clientes es de 0,73 siendo esta directa alta, entre la dimensión incentivos y retención existe una relación de 0,52 la cual es positiva moderada, con la experiencia de cliente la relación es 0,64 positiva moderada, con la comunicación la relación es de 0,69 siendo esta directa alta y con la Fidelización la relación es de 0,649 siendo esta directa alta. Se concluyó que existe una relación directa alta entre las variables independientes con la dependiente. Se recomienda mejorar la metodología del levantamiento de la misma realizada a los clientes actuales, además de invertir en estudiar al mercado constantemente para conocer sus necesidades, invertir en desarrollo e innovación, sea en producto, servicio, entre otros