344 research outputs found

    Fulfilling the Promise of Palermo? A Political History of the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime

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    UNTOC created a legally binding instrument governing international cooperation between law enforcement and judicial authorities to share evidence and pursue international criminal actors, and a framework for countries to update their legislation to be better able to investigate and prosecute such criminals. Its impact as a step-change in the legal framework against transnational organized crime is widely acknowledged. The paper highlights that the UNTOC did in fact bring those anti-drug and anti-crime efforts at the UN closer together, in spite of their different histories and personnel. However, the disparity between the political momentum and achievements of the late 1990s, compared to the Convention’s journey since its entry into force in 2003 is stark. Further, the level of coordination amongst all UN processes on drugs and crime issues still leave significant room for improvement. This paper analyses the political history of UNTOC, using an array of newly conducted in-depth interviews with key protagonists to understand their views on its development, subsequent implementation and potential future promise. The paper offers some suggestions on how the international community can move forward its collective efforts on achieving the Convention’s aims and thereby fulfilling the promises made in Palermo

    L'autobiographique hors l'autobiographie : le cas du journal personnel

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    International audienceCet article analyse comment le journal personnel permet en son sein la construction de véritables fragments autobiographiques. Est posée la question d'un propre de l'expression de soi qui serait spécifique de l'écriture autobiographique

    Pactes d'intimité : Catherine Pozzi et Helen Hessel

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    International audienceCet article traite des pactes diaristiques et épistolaires qui lient les protagonistes (Pozzi et Valéry, Helen Hessel et Henri-Pierre Roché) et pose la question d'un "pacte d'intimité"

    A study of style and techniques in the music of Elisabeth Lutyens.

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    In 2 volsSIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D95625 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Cartas e diários de mulheres: uma função memorialística?

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    Correspondences and diaries pertain to the domain of private, possibly intimate archives. What role do women ascribe to their private diaries and correspondence? We will examine the case of three women who wrote profusely in their relation to famous men: Juliette Drouet (1806- 1883), Victor Hugo’s companion for fifty years, who wrote 22 000 letters to the great man; Catherine Pozzi (1882-1934), a literary woman, letter and diary writer, whose passionate and intellectual relationship with the poet Paul Valéry left deep traces in her and his works; Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986), the famous intellectual, Sartre’s partner and a writer of letters and diaries. What do these three cases reveal of women’s attention to archives of the self, of their care for conserving them and of the uses they made of them?Cartas e diários íntimos são peças de arquivos privados, ou mesmo documentos da intimidade. Que valor as mulheres atribuem a seus diários e correspondências? Elas se empenham em sua conservação, atribuindo a esses papéis alguma função memorialística? Pretendemos focalizar três mulheres que muito se devotaram à escrita, a exemplo de homens célebres com quem elas conviveram: Juliette Drouet (1806-1883), companheira de Victor Hugo durante 50 anos, endereçou 22.000 cartas ao famoso escritor; Catherine Pozzi (1882- 1934), mulher letrada, epistológrafa e cultora do diário, viveu com o poeta Paul Valéry uma relação amorosa e intelectual, cujos traços ficaram profundamente gravados na obra de ambos; Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986), intelectual renomada, parceira de Sartre, também se dedicou à epistolografia e à escrita de diários. O que nos dizem esses três casos acerca do eventual interesse feminino em relação ao arquivamento de si, ao cuidado na conservação desses escritos pessoais e às suas modalidades de uso

    De l’Égypte à l’Inde, de Jean Cocteau (Maalesh) à Jean-Christophe Bailly (Phèdre en Inde)

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    De mars à mai 1949, Jean Cocteau part avec sa famille d’acteurs, sa famille des Parents terribles, pour une tournée théâtrale dans le bassin méditerranéen (Égypte, Liban, Turquie, Grèce). De cette tournée, il rapporte un Maalesh, Journal d’une tournée de théâtre (Gallimard, 1949). D’août 1989 à janvier 1990, Jean-Christophe Bailly séjourne à trois reprises en Inde pour créer Phèdre avec des acteurs indiens et en revient avec Phèdre en Inde (Plon, 1990). Cocteau et Bailly ne sont pas de simple..

    Jean-Louis Cabanès – Le Journal des Goncourt

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    Françoise Simonet-Tenant – En 2005 a été publié sous votre direction le tome I d’une nouvelle édition du Journal des Goncourt. Quelles raisons vous ont amené à préparer cette nouvelle édition après celle publiée du vivant d’Edmond (premier volume publié en 1887 chez Charpentier) et celle réalisée par Robert Ricatte (Fasquelle et Flammarion, 1956 ; Robert Laffont, 1989) ? Jean-Louis Cabanès – Au départ nous étions partis sur l’idée d’une édition électronique. L’éditeur ayant fait défaut, nous ..

    À la recherche des prémices d’une culture de l’intime

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    À notre époque, qui a transformé tout ce qui est intime en sa propre maxime jusqu’à en perdre toute signification, il est difficile de se représenter l’époque où la culture de l’intimité a fait son apparition. Nous chercherons ici à comprendre cette notion par le biais de son authenticité historique. La culture de l’intimité s’est développée au cours du xviiie siècle : elle a émergé, entre autres, par la sécularisation d’un dialogue de confession comme dans le style de la fermeture, visible dans les limites de la vie privée. L’aspiration à l’intimité caractérisait spécifiquement certaines pratiques d’écriture. Croire que la lettre et le journal intime ont toujours transmis l’intimité de leurs écrivains est un point de vue extrêmement fictif. Nous analyserons comment l’évolution des changements historiques dans les lettres a rencontré celle des journaux intimes, qui sont alors devenus (d’abord la lettre, puis le journal intime) des outils essentiels de la fabrication à petite échelle de l’intimité.In our contemporary era, which turned all that is intimate into its maxim to the point of becoming meaningless, it is difficult to picture the time when the culture of intimacy came into being. Here, we will seek understanding of the notion through its historical authenticity. The culture of intimacy developed during the eighteenth century : it emerged, among others, through the secularisation of a dialogue of confession as in the style of the closing, visible within the confines of private life. Aspiring to intimacy specifically characterised certain writing practices. To believe that the letter and the journal have always conveyed the intimacy of their writers is a largely fictitious view. We will analyse how the path of historical changes in letters met that of personal journals, which then became (first the letter, then the journal) essential tools for the small-scale manufacture of intimacy
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