426 research outputs found

    Recovering 3D structural properties of galaxies from SDSS-like photometry

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    Because of the 3D nature of galaxies, an algorithm for constructing spatial density distribution models of galaxies on the basis of galaxy images has many advantages over surface density distribution approximations. We present a method for deriving spatial structure and overall parameters of galaxies from images and estimate its accuracy and derived parameter degeneracies on a sample of idealised model galaxies. The test galaxies consist of a disc-like component and a spheroidal component with varying proportions and properties. Both components are assumed to be axially symmetric and coplanar. We simulate these test galaxies as if observed in the SDSS project through ugriz filters, thus gaining a set of realistically imperfect images of galaxies with known intrinsic properties. These artificial SDSS galaxies were thereafter remodelled by approximating the surface brightness distribution with a 2D projection of a bulge+disc spatial distribution model and the restored parameters were compared to the initial ones. Down to the r-band limiting magnitude 18, errors of the restored integral luminosities and colour indices remain within 0.05 mag and errors of the luminosities of individual components within 0.2 mag. Accuracy of the restored bulge-to-disc ratios (B/D) is within 40% in most cases, and becomes worse for galaxies with low B/D, but the general balance between bulges and discs is not shifted systematically. Assuming that the intrinsic disc axial ratio is < 0.3, the inclination angles can be estimated with errors < 5deg for most of the galaxies with B/D < 2 and with errors < 15deg up to B/D = 6. Errors of the recovered sizes of the galactic components are below 10% in most cases. In general, models of disc components are more accurate than models of spheroidal components for geometrical reasons.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in RA

    Gamma Lines without a Continuum: Thermal Models for the Fermi-LAT 130 GeV Gamma Line

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    Recent claims of a line in the Fermi-LAT photon spectrum at 130 GeV are suggestive of dark matter annihilation in the galactic center and other dark matter-dominated regions. If the Fermi feature is indeed due to dark matter annihilation, the best-fit line cross-section, together with the lack of any corresponding excess in continuum photons, poses an interesting puzzle for models of thermal dark matter: the line cross-section is too large to be generated radiatively from open Standard Model annihilation modes, and too small to provide efficient dark matter annihilation in the early universe. We discuss two mechanisms to solve this puzzle and illustrate each with a simple reference model in which the dominant dark matter annihilation channel is photonic final states. The first mechanism we employ is resonant annihilation, which enhances the annihilation cross-section during freezeout and allows for a sufficiently large present-day annihilation cross section. Second, we consider cascade annihilation, with a hierarchy between p-wave and s-wave processes. Both mechanisms require mass near-degeneracies and predict states with masses closely related to the dark matter mass; resonant freezeout in addition requires new charged particles at the TeV scale.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Axion-mediated dark matter and Higgs diphoton signal

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    We consider axion-mediated dark matter models motivated by Fermi gamma ray line at 130 GeV, where anomaly interactions of an axion-like scalar mediate a singlet Dirac fermion dark matter (DM) to electroweak gauge bosons. In these models, extra vector-like leptons generate anomaly interactions for the axion and can also couple to the SM Higgs boson to modify the Higgs-to-diphoton rate. We can distinguish models by the branching fraction of the DM annihilation into a photon pair, favoring the model with a triplet fermion. From the condition that the lighter charged extra lepton must be heavier than dark matter for no tree-level DM annihilations, we also show that the ratio of Higgs-to-diphoton rate to the SM value is constrained by vacuum stability to 1.4(1.5) for the cutoff scale of 10(1) TeV.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures, references adde

    The ALHAMBRA survey : BB-band luminosity function of quiescent and star-forming galaxies at 0.2z<10.2 \leq z < 1 by PDF analysis

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    Our goal is to study the evolution of the BB-band luminosity function (LF) since z=1z=1 using ALHAMBRA data. We used the photometric redshift and the II-band selection magnitude probability distribution functions (PDFs) of those ALHAMBRA galaxies with I24I\leq24 mag to compute the posterior LF. We statistically studied quiescent and star-forming galaxies using the template information encoded in the PDFs. The LF covariance matrix in redshift-magnitude-galaxy type space was computed, including the cosmic variance. That was estimated from the intrinsic dispersion of the LF measurements in the 48 ALHAMBRA sub-fields. The uncertainty due to the photometric redshift prior is also included in our analysis. We modelled the LF with a redshift-dependent Schechter function affected by the same selection effects than the data. The measured ALHAMBRA LF at 0.2z<10.2\leq z<1 and the evolving Schechter parameters both for quiescent and star-forming galaxies agree with previous results in the literature. The estimated redshift evolution of MBQzM_B^* \propto Qz is QSF=1.03±0.08Q_{\rm SF}=-1.03\pm0.08 and QQ=0.80±0.08Q_{\rm Q}=-0.80\pm0.08, and of logϕPz\log \phi^* \propto Pz is PSF=0.01±0.03P_{\rm SF}=-0.01\pm0.03 and PQ=0.41±0.05P_{\rm Q}=-0.41\pm0.05. The measured faint-end slopes are αSF=1.29±0.02\alpha_{\rm SF}=-1.29\pm0.02 and αQ=0.53±0.04\alpha_{\rm Q}=-0.53\pm0.04. We find a significant population of faint quiescent galaxies, modelled by a second Schechter function with slope β=1.31±0.11\beta=-1.31\pm0.11. We find a factor 2.55±0.142.55\pm0.14 decrease in the luminosity density jBj_B of star-forming galaxies, and a factor 1.25±0.161.25\pm0.16 increase in the jBj_B of quiescent ones since z=1z=1, confirming the continuous build-up of the quiescent population with cosmic time. The contribution of the faint quiescent population to jBj_B increases from 3% at z=1z=1 to 6% at z=0z=0. The developed methodology will be applied to future multi-filter surveys such as J-PAS.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 25 pages, 20 figures, 7 table


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    With this paper research results are presented on a successful e-learning implementation in banking. Previous experience with e-learning, general satisfaction with e-learning, satisfaction with particular elements of e-learning, on-line support, e-learning acceptance by office employees, as well as demanding way of assuring regular office business, indicate the possibility of implementing e-learning not only as a training process, but as a regular business process as well.U ovom radu je opisano istraživanje uspješnosti primjene e-learninga u bankarstvu. Dosadašnje iskustvo s e-learningom, općenito zadovoljstvo e-learningom, zadovoljstvo elementima e-learninga, on-line podrškom, prihvatljivost prakticiranja e-learninga za zaposlenike poslovnica, kao i zahtjevnost osiguranja redovnog rada poslovnica, ukazuju na mogućnost implementiranja e-learninga ne samo kao obrazovnog već i svakodnevnog poslovnog proces

    Exact exchange-correlation potential of a ionic Hubbard model with a free surface

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    We use Lanczos exact diagonalization to compute the exact exchange-correlation (xc) potential of a Hubbard chain with large binding energy ("the bulk") followed by a chain with zero binding energy ("the vacuum"). Several results of density functional theory in the continuum (sometimes controversial) are verified in the lattice. In particular we show explicitly that the fundamental gap is given by the gap in the Kohn-Sham spectrum plus a contribution due to the jump of the xc-potential when a particle is added. The presence of a staggered potential and a nearest-neighbor interaction V allows to simulate a ionic solid. We show that in the ionic regime in the small hopping amplitude limit the xc-contribution to the gap equals V, while in the Mott regime it is determined by the Hubbard U interaction. In addition we show that correlations generates a new potential barrier at the surface

    Centralized Modularity of N-Linked Glycosylation Pathways in Mammalian Cells

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    Glycosylation is a highly complex process to produce a diverse repertoire of cellular glycans that are attached to proteins and lipids. Glycans are involved in fundamental biological processes, including protein folding and clearance, cell proliferation and apoptosis, development, immune responses, and pathogenesis. One of the major types of glycans, N-linked glycans, is formed by sequential attachments of monosaccharides to proteins by a limited number of enzymes. Many of these enzymes can accept multiple N-linked glycans as substrates, thereby generating a large number of glycan intermediates and their intermingled pathways. Motivated by the quantitative methods developed in complex network research, we investigated the large-scale organization of such N-linked glycosylation pathways in mammalian cells. The N-linked glycosylation pathways are extremely modular, and are composed of cohesive topological modules that directly branch from a common upstream pathway of glycan synthesis. This unique structural property allows the glycan production between modules to be controlled by the upstream region. Although the enzymes act on multiple glycan substrates, indicating cross-talk between modules, the impact of the cross-talk on the module-specific enhancement of glycan synthesis may be confined within a moderate range by transcription-level control. The findings of the present study provide experimentally-testable predictions for glycosylation processes, and may be applicable to therapeutic glycoprotein engineering

    Interplay between Fermi gamma-ray lines and collider searches

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    We explore the interplay between lines in the gamma-ray spectrum and LHC searches involving missing energy and photons. As an example, we consider a singlet Dirac fermion dark matter with the mediator for Fermi gamma-ray line at 130 GeV. A new chiral or local U(1) symmetry makes weak-scale dark matter natural and provides the axion or Z 0 gauge boson as the mediator connecting between dark matter and electroweak gauge bosons. In these models, the mediator particle can be produced in association with a monophoton at colliders and it produces large missing energy through the decays into a DM pair or ZZ; Z with at least one Z decaying into a neutrino pair. We adopt the monophoton searches with large missing energy at the LHC and impose the bounds on the coupling and mass of the mediator field in the models. We show that the parameter space of the Z 0 mediation model is already strongly constrained by the LHC 8TeV data, whereas a certain region of the parameter space away from the resonance in axion-like mediator models are bounded. We foresee the monophoton bounds on the Z 0 and axion mediation models at the LHC 14 TeV

    Exploring Nested Identities: Voluntary Membership, Social Category Identity, and Identification in a Community Choir

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    Although scholars theorize that identities are layered or nested within one another, little is understood about whether, how, and what layers are expressed by individuals. Such understanding could offer insight into organizational membership decisions, particularly within voluntary organizations where financial incentives are not involved. This study used semi-structured interviews to explore how individuals articulate identities and identification sources when discussing their desire to join and continue participation in a community choir, a voluntary leisure organization. The findings highlight how specific individual activities and higher order nested family and music identities, in addition to the more traditional organizational identifications, all play into membership decisions. The results also suggest that identity researchers and voluntary organization managers may benefit from focusing more attention on (a) higher order and cross-cutting social category identities, (b) individual activities in the organizations, and (c) the isomorphism among different layers of identity and identification.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline