240 research outputs found

    Música, Dança, Mindfulness e Inflexibilidade Psicológica

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    Contexto. Vários estudos sugerem que o treino musical e a dança possuem o potencial para modificar positivamente algumas capacidades cognitivas, despertar emoções, e até alterar a morfologia do cérebro. A prática de mindfulness, por sua vez, também já mostrou evidências de que altera morfologicamente várias regiões cerebrais. Acresce que algumas dessas regiões são igualmente afetadas pela música e pela dança. Objetivo. Desta forma, procurámos verificar se existe uma relação entre o treino de música/dança, competências de mindfulness, e os níveis de fusão cognitiva e evitamento experiencial (componentes inerentes ao mindfulness). Métodos. Este estudo envolveu 113 crianças e adolescentes entre os 9 e os 16 anos de idade, 64,6% do sexo feminino. Trinta e nove sujeitos usufruíram de treino musical, 33 tiveram treino de dança (ballet) e os restantes (n = 41) não tiveram qualquer tipo de treino. Os dados foram recolhidos através da Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM) para as competências de mindfulness, e do Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth (AFQ-Y) para os níveis de evitamento experiencial e fusão cognitiva. Resultados. Os três grupos não se distinguiram nas pontuações do CAMM [F(110) = 0,41; p = 0,67; n2 = 0,01], mas foram diferentes no AFQ-Y [F(110) = 3,14; p = 0,047; n2 = 0,05]. Os meses de treino musical e os meses de dança não se correlacionaram com o CAMM. Os meses de treino musical não se correlacionaram com o AFQ-Y em contraste com os meses de dança (r = 0,21; p = 0,027). Discussão/conclusão. Estes achados sugerem a existência de uma variável desconhecida que poderá influenciar a forma como os jovens praticantes de dança (ballet) contactam com a experiência do momento presente, evitando esse mesmo contacto. Assim sendo, futuros estudos que insiram a temática da dança aliada ao mindfulness devem controlar outras variáveis, como por exemplo, o tipo de dança, práticas alimentares, traços de personalidade, nível de ansiedade, tipos de família, estilos parentais, ou o grau de exigência e tipo de treino. / Background. Several studies suggest that musical and dance training have the potential to positively modify some cognitive abilities, evoke emotions, and even change the brain’s morphology. The practice of mindfulness has also shown evidences of morphological changes in various brain regions. Moreover, some of these regions are equally affected by music and dance. Objective. Therefore, we tried to discover if there is a relationship between music/dance training, mindfulness skills, and the levels of cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance (inherent components of mindfulness). Methods. This study involved 113 children and adolescents with ages between 9 to 16 years old, where 64.6% were of the feminine gender. Thirty-nine subjects had musical training; 33 had dance training (ballet), and the rest (n = 41) didn’t have any training. The data were collected from the Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM) for the mindfulness skills, and through Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth (AFQ-Y) for the levels of experiential avoidance and cognitive fusion. Results. The three groups didn’t stand out in CAMM scores [F(110) = 0.41; p = 0.67; n2= 0.01], but showed different results in the AFQ-Y [F(110) = 3.14; p = 0.047; n2 = 0.05]. The months of musical and dance training didn’t correlate with CAMM. The months of musical training didn’t correlate with AFQ-Y in contrast with the months of dance training (r = 0.21; p = 0.027). Discussion/conclusion. These findings suggest the existence of an unknown variable that can influence how the young dance practitioners (ballet) contact with the experience of the present moment, avoiding that contact. Therefore, future studies that link the dance training with mindfulness measurements should control other variables, such as the type of dancing, eating habits, personality traits, anxiety level, family types, parenting styles, or the type of training and its demands

    Sistema de monitoreo y control remoto para un generador de electricidad con un concentrador Fresnel

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objeto describir el diseño, construcción y puesta a punto de un sistema de monitoreo y control remoto para instalaciones solares complejas. El sistema utiliza para la adquisición de datos un microcontrolador pie 18f4550, para el control del sistema un chip BCM2835 y para la transmisión a distancia distintos sistemas de conectividad por internet: wifi y 3g.This paper aims to describe the design, construction and development of a system for remote monitoring and control for complex solar systems. The system uses a pic18f4550 microcontroller for data acquisition, a BCM2835 chip for system control and different systems of internet connectivity for remote transmission.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Sistema de monitoreo y control remoto para un generador de electricidad con un concentrador Fresnel

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objeto describir el diseño, construcción y puesta a punto de un sistema de monitoreo y control remoto para instalaciones solares complejas. El sistema utiliza para la adquisición de datos un microcontrolador pie 18f4550, para el control del sistema un chip BCM2835 y para la transmisión a distancia distintos sistemas de conectividad por internet: wifi y 3g.This paper aims to describe the design, construction and development of a system for remote monitoring and control for complex solar systems. The system uses a pic18f4550 microcontroller for data acquisition, a BCM2835 chip for system control and different systems of internet connectivity for remote transmission.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Sistema de control para generadores de vapor utilizando concentradores solares tipo Fresnel

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    En el presente trabajo se describe la implementación y puesta a punto de un sistema de control que tendrá a su cargo un concentrador solar tipo fresnel. Este sistema involucra el control del movimiento de grupos de espejos, bombas de suministro de agua, bombas de re-correlación de agua, válvula de control de vapor. Para tal fin este sistema utiliza una computadora central que dispone de una placa NI6040E que incluye conversores análogo-digitales, conversores digital/analógicos y puertos digitales. El software de control fue desarrollado utilizando LabVIEW un software de instrumentación virtual del fabricante NATIONAL.This paper describes the implementation and development of a control system that will be responsible for a type fresnel solar concentrator. This system involves controlling the movement of groups of mirrors, water pumps, pumps for re-correlation of water, steam control valve. To this end, this system uses a central computer that has a plate NI6040E including analog-digital converters, converters, digital / analog and digital ports. The control software was developed using LabVIEW virtual instrumentation software NATIONAL manufacturer.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Sistema de control para generadores de vapor utilizando concentradores solares tipo Fresnel

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    En el presente trabajo se describe la implementación y puesta a punto de un sistema de control que tendrá a su cargo un concentrador solar tipo fresnel. Este sistema involucra el control del movimiento de grupos de espejos, bombas de suministro de agua, bombas de re-correlación de agua, válvula de control de vapor. Para tal fin este sistema utiliza una computadora central que dispone de una placa NI6040E que incluye conversores análogo-digitales, conversores digital/analógicos y puertos digitales. El software de control fue desarrollado utilizando LabVIEW un software de instrumentación virtual del fabricante NATIONAL.This paper describes the implementation and development of a control system that will be responsible for a type fresnel solar concentrator. This system involves controlling the movement of groups of mirrors, water pumps, pumps for re-correlation of water, steam control valve. To this end, this system uses a central computer that has a plate NI6040E including analog-digital converters, converters, digital / analog and digital ports. The control software was developed using LabVIEW virtual instrumentation software NATIONAL manufacturer.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Sistema de control para generadores de vapor utilizando concentradores solares tipo Fresnel

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    En el presente trabajo se describe la implementación y puesta a punto de un sistema de control que tendrá a su cargo un concentrador solar tipo fresnel. Este sistema involucra el control del movimiento de grupos de espejos, bombas de suministro de agua, bombas de re-correlación de agua, válvula de control de vapor. Para tal fin este sistema utiliza una computadora central que dispone de una placa NI6040E que incluye conversores análogo-digitales, conversores digital/analógicos y puertos digitales. El software de control fue desarrollado utilizando LabVIEW un software de instrumentación virtual del fabricante NATIONAL.This paper describes the implementation and development of a control system that will be responsible for a type fresnel solar concentrator. This system involves controlling the movement of groups of mirrors, water pumps, pumps for re-correlation of water, steam control valve. To this end, this system uses a central computer that has a plate NI6040E including analog-digital converters, converters, digital / analog and digital ports. The control software was developed using LabVIEW virtual instrumentation software NATIONAL manufacturer.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Music, ballet, mindfulness, and psychological inflexibility

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    Both music and dance training can be conceptualised as mindfulness-like practices due to their focus on the present moment. Mindfulness and music are associated with mental health. However, evidence from dance practice, especially among ballet students, shows an association with mental health problems. Psychological inflexibility involves cognitive fusion, which is an excessive involvement with internal events, leading to experiential avoidance. Since studies analysing these concepts are scarce in music and dance practice, we intended to examine their effects in young music and ballet students. This study involved 113 participants (9 to 16 years old), 64.4% girls, 34.5% with musical training, 29.2% with ballet training, and 36.3% with no training. All participants completed the Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM) and the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth (AFQ-Y). AFQ-Y scores correlated with months of ballet training. Ballet students had greater psychological inflexibility than music students and students without any training. CAMM scores did not correlate with months of any practice, and did not distinguish between groups of practitioners. These data confirm prior findings that practice of ballet can have a potential impact on mental health by showing that young ballet students exhibit greater psychological inflexibility

    Music, ballet, mindfulness, and psychological inflexibility

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    Both music and dance training can be conceptualised as mindfulness-like practices due to their focus on the present moment. Mindfulness and music are associated with mental health. However, evidence from dance practice, especially among ballet students, shows an association with mental health problems. Psychological inflexibility involves cognitive fusion, which is an excessive involvement with internal events, leading to experiential avoidance. Since studies analysing these concepts are scarce in music and dance practice, we intended to examine their effects in young music and ballet students. This study involved 113 participants (9 to 16 years old), 64.4% girls, 34.5% with musical training, 29.2% with ballet training, and 36.3% with no training. All participants completed the Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM) and the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth (AFQ-Y). AFQ-Y scores correlated with months of ballet training. Ballet students had greater psychological inflexibility than music students and students without any training. CAMM scores did not correlate with months of any practice, and did not distinguish between groups of practitioners. These data confirm prior findings that practice of ballet can have a potential impact on mental health by showing that young ballet students exhibit greater psychological inflexibility

    Robô articulado hexápode com acionamento pneumático

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    Serrano, Miguel IgnácioGeremia, GiovaniUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do SulEngenhariaDepositad