103 research outputs found

    The development-security nexus and security sector reform

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    The thesis investigates the link between development and security - the ‘development-security nexus’- which emerged during the 1990s, facilitated by the formulation of human development and human security. It examines how this development-security nexus has evolved over time and has influenced the interrelated significance of development and security for international relations. The thesis questions this interdependence and analyses the theory and practice that see development and security issues as reciprocally reinforcing each other, in particular through a set of policies called Security Sector Reform (SSR). The research includes three main areas of interest related to the different meanings of development and security focusing in particular on human development and human security; the various interpretations of the development-security nexus since the 1990s; and the analysis of how Security Sector Reform, publicised as development-security nexus policies, are designed to translate it into practice. The thesis argues that the nexus between development and security is under-theorised, and the originality of this research is to investigate the link between its theories and practices. The critical view of this thesis towards current dominant theoretical and operational orientations of the development-security nexus is based on an analysis of literature on Critical Security Studies, Post- Development, and Non-mainstream International Relations approaches. The thesis contributes to existing scholarship by unpacking the different meanings of development and security embedded in Security Sector Reform policies and reveals the need to contextualise the significance of their interlinkages within each policy scenario. In particular the three case studies on Defence Reform of Armenia, SSR Afghanistan and SSR Guinea-Bissau highlight respectively: 1) the novelty of concerns raised by SSR and the complexity to categorise concerns on security within a single, even if inclusive, policy discourse. 2) the need to go beyond the narrow view of a militarised view of security and its inadequacy to support the implementation of development objectives and 3) that the link between development and security is still very much dependent on a vision of security linked to the state’s armed forces, and of development which is focused on state security governance capacity

    The Development-Security Nexus Policies In Afghanistan: Feasible Or Fashionable?

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    I investigate the changing conceptual relation between development and security from the 1950s to nowadays, and their coming together in a nexus. The latest interpretation of this nexus is exemplified by Security Sector Reform (SSR) policies. Through an analysis of SSR in Afghanistan, I contend that the implementation of these policies does not reflect their conceptual richness constituted by the concept of human security and human development, but it addresses only state’s military security concerns. Despite this partial implementation, SSR policies have become fashionable because they frame military-security concerns within development polices, and they avoid answering to the development question. The consensus among international policy makers is indeed to postpone the tacking of the development question to an unknown future

    Serão todos mourinho?Perceção de desempenho, personalidade e Inteligência cultural dos treinadores portugueses de futebol expatriados e não expatriados

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    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade em Psicologia Social e das OrganizaçõesA presente investigação teve como principal objetivo verificar de que modo a personalidade e a inteligência cultural têm impacto na perceção de desempenho dos treinadores portugueses de futebol expatriados. Desse modo foi recolhida uma amostra de 131 treinadores portugueses (68 expatriados e 63 não expatriados), com idades compreendidas entre os 31 e os 57 anos e com uma média de 12.03 anos de experiência como treinadores. De modo a avaliar a variável inteligência cultural foi utilizada a escala de Cultural Intelligence adaptada para a população portuguesa por Sousa, Gonçalves, Reis e Santos; já para avaliar a variável perceção de desempenho foram feitas algumas perguntas; por fim avaliar a variável personalidade foi utilizada a escala Big Five Inventory adaptada para a população portuguesa por Coelho. Os resultados vêm a confirmar que existem diferenças entre a inteligência cultural dos expatriados e dos não expatriados, a relação positiva entre as dimensões amabilidade e abertura à experiência dos Big five e a inteligência cultural (total e metacognitiva, cognitiva, e comportamental), a relação negativa entre a perceção de desempenho e o neuroticismo, a relação positiva entre a inteligência cultural e a perceção de desempenho, a relação positiva entre a dimensão motivacional da inteligência cultural e a perceção de desempenho.ABSTRACT: The present research had as main objective to verify how personality and cultural intelligence have an impact in the perception of performance in Portuguese expatriate football coaches. A sample of 131 Portuguese coaches (68 expatriates and 63 non-expatriates), aged between 31 and 57 years and with an average of 12.03 years of coaching experience. In order to evaluate the cultural intelligence, the Cultural Intelligence scale adapted for the Portuguese population by Sousa, Gonçalves, Reis and Santos were used; for evaluate the variable perception of performance were made some questions. To assess the personality variable of the study, was used the Big Five Inventory test adapted for the Portuguese population by Coelho The results confirmed that differences in cultural intelligence between expatriates and non-expatriates exist. A positive linear relationship between Cultural Intelligence (total and metacognitive, cognitive, and behavioral) and agreeableness and openness in the Big Five score was observed, whilst a negative linear relationship between perception of the performance and neuroticism. A positive linear relationship was observed between high cultural intelligence scores and perception of the performance. A positive linear relationship was also seen between the motivational dimension of Cultural Intelligence and perception of the performance

    The next million names for Archaea and Bacteria

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    Latin binomials, popularised in the 18th century by the Swedish naturalist Linnaeus, have stood the test of time in providing a stable, clear, and memorable system of nomenclature across biology. However, relentless and ever-deeper exploration and analysis of the microbial world has created an urgent need for huge numbers of new names for Archaea and Bacteria. Manual creation of such names remains difficult and slow and typically relies on expert-driven nomenclatural quality control. Keen to ensure that the legacy of Linnaeus lives on in the age of microbial genomics and metagenomics, we propose an automated approach, employing combinatorial concatenation of roots from Latin and Greek to create linguistically correct names for genera and species that can be used off the shelf as needed. As proof of principle, we document over a million new names for Bacteria and Archaea. We are confident that our approach provides a road map for how to create new names for decades to come

    Draft Genome Sequence of a Preterm Infant-Derived Isolate of <i>Candida parapsilosis</i>

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    Candida parapsilosis is a human fungal pathogen of increasing incidence and causes invasive candidiasis, notably in preterm or low-birthweight neonates. Here, we present the genome sequence of C. parapsilosis NCYC 4289, a fecal isolate from a preterm male infant.</p


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    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the relationship between agricultural diversification and land productivity in the Northeast region. Through panel data regression, which makes it possible to control for the fixed effects of time and individuals, several variables are related to the value of land productivity in the years 2006 and 2017, with agricultural diversification in the microregion being one of the explanatory variables used. In addition, as a complementary analysis, it was verified the occurrence of convergence of land productivity in the geographic microregions belonging to that region, between 2006 and 2017, thus using productivity growth in the period as a dependent variable. From the results, it was possible to verify a positive relationship of agricultural diversification on land productivity in the region. In addition, it was possible to verify the existence of convergence, and also that agricultural diversification was correlated to productivity growth.O objetivo do presente artigo é avaliar a relação da diversificação agrícola e produtividade da terra na região Nordeste. Através da regressão via painel de dados, que possibilita controlar para os efeitos fixos de tempo e indivíduos, relaciona-se diversas variáveis com o valor da produtividade da terra nos anos 2006 e 2017, sendo uma das variáveis explicativas utilizadas a diversificação agrícola da microrregião. Além disso, como análise complementar verificou-se a ocorrência de convergência da produtividade da terra nas microrregiões geográficas pertencentes à tal região, entre 2006 e 2017, utilizando assim como variável dependente, o crescimento da produtividade no período. A partir dos resultados foi possível verificar relação positiva da diversificação agrícola sobre a produtividade da terra na região. Além disso, foi possível constatar a existência de convergência, e também, que a diversificação agrícola foi correlacionada ao crescimento da produtividade


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    This work verified the influence of internal and external income, exchange rate and commercial opening on the behavior of beef and chicken trade balances for Brazil in the period 2000-2015. Due to the existence of a cointegration vector in the beef and chicken trade balance models, the vector error correction model was used. Results indicated that the exchange rate, degree of commercial opening and external income contributed positively to the balances of the two sectors. It was also observed, concerning substitutability ratio between the products, the chicken meat as inferior good and bovine meat as normal good.Este trabalho verificou a influência da renda interna e externa, taxa de câmbio e abertura comercial sobre o comportamento dos saldos comerciais de carne bovina e de frango para o Brasil no período 2000-2015. Devido à existência de um vetor de cointegração nos modelos de balança comercial de carne bovina e de frango, utilizou-se o modelo de correção de erro vetorial. Os resultados indicaram que a taxa de câmbio, o grau de abertura comercial e a renda externa contribuíram positivamente para os saldos dos dois setores. Também foi observado, quanto à relação de substituibilidade entre os produtos, a carne de frango como bem inferior e a carne bovina como bem normal