378 research outputs found

    La enseñanza del ciberperiodismo en las materias de producción periodística de las licenciaturas de Periodismo

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    El presente artículo estudia las posibilidades de las materias de producción periodística en el proceso de inclusión curricular del periodismo on-line en las licenciaturas de Periodismo. A partir de una investigación sobre el estado actual de la enseñanza del ciberperiodismo, se analizan las amplias posibilidades que introducen las asignaturas centradas en el estudio de los procesos de producción de los mensajes periodísticos, especialmente dentro del ámbito de la comunicación on-lineThis article studies the possibilities of the journalistic production subjects in the process of the curricular inclusion of the digital journalism in journalism degree level studies. From a research based in the present situation of the journalism teaching, we analyze the broad possibilities that introduce the subjects about the production process of the journalistic messages. We emphasize the subjects from on-line communicatio


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: Marcos PALACIOS ; Javier DÍAZ NOCI, Online Journalism : research Methods. A Multidisciplinary Approach in Comparative Perspective. Ciberperiodismo : métodos de investigación. Una aproximación multidisciplinar en perspectiva comparada

    Periodismo «mashup». Combinación de recursos de la web social con una finalidad ciberperiodística

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    El presente artículo reflexiona en torno al denominado periodismo «mashup», concebido como un sitio web o una aplicación web que usa contenido de más de una fuente para crear un nuevo servicio completo. El artículo reflexiona sobre las aplicaciones en el escenario ciberperiodístico de los productos informativos resultantes de esta convergencia de contenidos procedentes de terceros y estructurados en torno a una interfaz pública o API. La propuesta cuestiona el concepto tradicional de multimedia en virtud de innovadoras «creaciones» ciberperiodísticas que potencien el carácter colaborativo, cooperativo y horizontal que promueve la web 2.0.This article discuss about the so-called «mash-up journalism», which is conceived as a website or web application that uses content from different sources to create a complete new service. It refers to the applications of such new contents being the result of the convergence of third part contents and built upon a public interface or API. It is argued that these new cyberjournalist creations question the traditional multimedia concept while encouraging the horizontal, collaborative and cooperative character of Web 2.0

    Ciberperiodismo y universidad : diagnósticos y retos de la enseñanza del periodismo on-line

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    Los periodistas (analógicos y digitales) necesitan Internet en su desempeño diario. Del mismo modo, Internet necesita periodistas. La red de redes y, concretamente, los medios de comunicación on-line exigen unos profesionales dotados de unas competencias y de unas habilidades específicas. En este sentido, la formación de profesionales de la comunicación on-line preparados para responder a los retos del nuevo escenario laboral que establece la red de redes se convierte en un hito fundamental para las facultades de ciencias de la comunicación. Éstas han de ser capaces de formar a los futuros profesionales en las nuevas destrezas y conocimientos que exige Internet. Sin embargo, la universidad no ha logrado, por el momento, salvo algunas iniciativas excepcionales, incorporar con éxito el ciberperiodismo en sus planes de estudios. El presente artículo propone algunas recomendaciones y directrices para su correcta inclusión curricular en los planes de estudios.Both analogue and digital journalists need Internet in their daily work. In the same way, Internet needs journalists. The network of networks, and specifically, online media requires professionals with specific skills and abilities. In this sense, the training of online communication professionals in order to meet the challenges of the new labour arena established by the network of networks has become a central issue for communication sciences faculties. They have to be able to teach future professionals the new skills and knowledge demanded by the Internet. However, universities have yet to achieve, apart from a few exceptional initiatives, the successful incorporation of cyberjournalism in syllabi. The present article proposes some recommendations and directives for the proper inclusion of it in syllabi and study plans

    Exo Journalism : a conceptual approach to a hybrid formula between journalism and artificial intelligence

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    The irruption of artificial intelligence (AI) and automated technology has substantially changed the journalistic profession, transforming the way of capturing, processing, generating, and distributing information; empowering the work of journalists by modifying the routines and knowledge required by information professionals. This study, which conceptualizes the "exo journalism" on the basis of the impact of AI on the journalism industry, is part of a research project of the Observatory for Information Innovation in the Digital Society (OI2). The results, derived from documentary research supported by case studies and in-depth interviews, propose that AI is a source of innovation and personalization of journalistic content and that it can contribute to the improvement of professional practice, allowing the emergence of a kind of "exo journalist", a conceptual proposal that connects the possibilities of AI with the needs of journalism's own productive routines. The end result is the enhancement of the journalist's skills and the improvement of the news product. The research focuses on conceptualizing a kind of support and complement for journalists in the performance of their tasks based on the possibilities of AI in the automatic generation of content and data verification

    "Africa does not fit in Europe" : a comparative analysis of anti-immigration parties' discourse in Spain and Italy

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    The politicization of immigration has moved the debate about immigration at the center of the run-up of elections, creating the breeding ground for the electoral breakthrough and success of right-wing populist parties. This article aims at disclosing the narrative of immigration and its politicization in VOX's discourse, comparing it to the Italian Lega party. Clause-based semantic text analysis reveals that both parties share the classic characteristics of nativist populism: the representation of a virtuous and hardworking people, threatened by the invasion by some "others", immigrants, who intrude the sovereign, antispace of natives to exploit and commit crimes. In both cases, the concept of space is manipulated, representing countries as limited spaces, allowing to depict immigrants as a threat to legitimize negative political responses. The study also identifies a novelty: the construction of the rescue NGOs as the new antagonist actor.La politización de la inmigración ha llevado el tema la inmigración al centro del debate político-electoral, creando el caldo de cultivo para el éxito de los partidos populistas de derecha. Este artículo tiene como objetivo estudiar la narrativa de la inmigración y su politización en el discurso de VOX, comparándola con el partido italiano Lega. El análisis revela que ambos partidos comparten las características clásicas del populismo nativista: la representación de un pueblo virtuoso y trabajador, amenazado por la invasión de algunos "otros", los inmigrantes, que se entran en el espacio soberano de los nativos para explotar y cometer crímenes. En ambos casos, se manipula el concepto de espacio, representando a los países como espacios limitados y a los inmigrantes como una amenaza, para legitimar las respuestas políticas negativas. El estudio también identifica una novedad: la construcción de las ONG de rescate como el nuevo actor antagonista

    What kind of islamophobia? Representation of muslims and islam in Italian and Spanish media

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    News media play a crucial role in the production and reproduction of stereotypes, in-fluencing public opinions regarding different groups and minorities. Thus, acquiring a deeper understanding of media coverage of Muslims and Islam is decisive for understanding the sources of public attitudes towards Muslims. This study aims at displaying how Muslims and Islam are represented in Italian and Spanish media. Focusing on the online version of the two most influential newspapers in each country (El Mundo and El País for Spain and Il Corriere della Sera and La Repubblica for Italy) from 2015 to 2020, the results show how Muslims in both countries are mostly framed either related to terrorism or within the general discourse on immigration. In both cases, they are portrayed as "others". The article also presents a novelty, defining and observing two different types of Islamophobia, Banal and Ontological Islamophobia