98 research outputs found

    When invasion biology meets taxonomy: Clavelina oblonga (Ascidiacea) is an old invader in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Taxonomic issues often confound the study of invasive species, which sometimes are unrecognized as introduced in newly colonized areas. Clavelina oblonga Herdman, 1880 is an abundant ascidian species along the southeastern coast of the United States and the Caribbean Sea. It was introduced into the eastern Atlantic and Brazil decades ago. In the Mediterranean Sea, a similar species had been described as C. phlegraea Salfi 1929 and reported from southern Italy and Corsica. In the last few years a species of Clavelina has proliferated in the embayments of the Ebro Delta (NW Mediterranean), a zone of active bivalve culture industry where it has smothered mussel spat, leading to economic loss. We here report the morphological and genetic identity of this species, synonymizing the Atlantic C. oblonga and the Mediterranean C. phlegraea (the latter therefore is a synonym of the former). Thus, C. oblonga has existed in the Mediterranean for over 80 years, but was known under a different name. We also found this species in natural habitats in the Iberian Atlantic coast close to the Strait of Gibraltar, raising concerns about an ongoing expansion. In order to obtain information relevant for management, we monitored growth, reproductive cycles and settlement patterns of this ascidian on bivalve cultures in the Ebro Delta. Its biological cycles were markedly seasonal, with peak abundance and reproduction during the warmest months, followed by regression during the cold season. The settlement period was short, mostly concentrated in a single month each year. Avoidance of mussel and oyster seeding during late summer and early autumn can readily reduce the damage caused by this species

    Seasonal patterns of settlement and growth of introduced and native ascidians in bivalve cultures in the Ebro Delta (NE Iberian Peninsula)

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    Ascidians are important both as invasive species and as a fouling group in artificial marine habitats, causing negative impacts in aquaculture settings and the surrounding environment. The Ebro Delta is one of the major centres of bivalve production in the Mediterranean and is affected by proliferation of ascidian species (mostly introduced forms). Knowledge of the patterns of settlement and growth of the fouling species is mandatory to attempt mitigation measures. Settlement PVC plates were deployed from May to September 2015 at different depths (0.2, 1 and 2 m) in the Ebro Delta oyster aquaculture facilities. The occurrences of all species and the area cover of a selected subset of 6 species were monitored on a monthly basis from June 2015 to December 2016. Fifteen species were found, of which 10 are introduced. There were some differences between the deployed plates and the oyster ropes in species abundance and composition, likely due to differences in substrate complexity. For instance, Didemnum vexillum and Clavelina oblonga occurred in few plates in contrast to their abundance on oysters. The most abundant species were Styela plicata and Clavelina lepadiformis, which together with Ecteinascidia turbinata showed a preference to grow on plates deployed in May and June. Most of the species grew more at 0.2 m depth than at deeper plates. Thus, to minimise fouling on bivalves, spat immersion during fall and below 1 m depth is recommended. The number of occurrences and cover of the species was found to be similarly informative; suggesting that a periodic monitoring of species occurrence on replicate plates is sufficient for detecting new introduced species as soon as possible and will provide information useful for management

    Management of hyponatremia associated with acute porphyria-proposal for the use of tolvaptan

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    Hyponatremia is a common feature during the neurovisceral acute attacks which characterize hepatic porphyrias, as well as a sign of its severity. Therapeutic options for first-line acute attacks are intravenous administration of glucose and/or exogenous heme. The former treatment can aggravate hyponatremia by dilution and cause seizures; thus, the correction of hyponatremia must be carried out with extreme caution. This review summarizes recommendations for the management of hyponatremia during acute episodes of porphyria. Hyponatremia should be corrected slowly and seizures treated with medications in order to not exacerbate motor and sensory axonal neuropathy. The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) is considered a frequent cause of hyponatremia in acute porphyrias and must be identified as a symptom of an acute porphyria attack. Tolvaptan produces aquaresis and is considered a safe drug in porphyria. However, its use has only been reported in isolated cases during a porphyria attack. The convenience and usefulness of this drug in acute porphyria are discussed

    Immunomodulatory properties of carvone inhalation and Its effects on contextual fear memory in mice

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    A complex network of interactions exists between the immune, the olfactory, and the central nervous system (CNS). Inhalation of different fragrances can affect immunological reactions in response to an antigen but also may have effects on the CNS and cognitive activity. We performed an exploratory study of the immunomodulatory ability of a series of compounds representing each of the 10 odor categories or clusters described previously. We evaluated the impact of each particular odor on the immune response after immunization with the model antigen ovalbumin in combination with the TLR3 agonist poly I:C. We found that some odors behave as immunostimulatory agents, whereas others might be considered as potential immunosuppressant odors. Interestingly, the immunomodulatory capacity was, in some cases, strain-specific. In particular, one of the fragrances, carvone, was found to be immunostimulatory in BALB/c mice and immunosuppressive in C57BL/6J mice, facilitating or impairing viral clearance, respectively, in a model of a viral infection with a recombinant adenovirus. Importantly, inhalation of the odor improved the memory capacity in BALB/c mice in a fear-conditioning test, while it impaired this same capacity in C57BL/6J mice. The improvement in memory capacity in BALB/c was associated with higher CD3+ T cell infiltration into the hippocampus and increased local expression of mRNA coding for IL-1β, TNF-α, and IL-6 cytokines. In contrast, the memory impairment in C57BL/6 was associated with a reduction in CD3 numbers and an increase in IFN-γ. These data suggest an association between the immunomodulatory capacity of smells and their impact on the cognitive functions of the animals. These results highlight the potential of studying odors as therapeutic agents for CNS-related diseases

    Oxidative Stress and Cellular Senescence Are Involved in the Aging Kidney

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) can be considered as a clinical model for premature aging. However, non‐invasive biomarkers to detect early kidney damage and the onset of a senescent phenotype are lacking. Most of the preclinical senescence studies in aging have been done in very old mice. Furthermore, the precise characterization and over-time development of age-related senes-cence in the kidney remain unclear. To address these limitations, the age-related activation of cellular senescence-associated mechanisms and their correlation with early structural changes in the kidney were investigated in 3- to 18-month-old C57BL6 mice. Inflammatory cell infiltration was ob-served by 12 months, whereas tubular damage and collagen accumulation occurred later. Early activation of cellular-senescence-associated mechanisms was found in 12-month-old mice, character-ized by activation of the DNA-damage-response (DDR), mainly in tubular cells; activation of the antioxidant NRF2 pathway; and klotho downregulation. However, induction of tubular-cell-cycle-arrest (CCA) and overexpression of renal senescent-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) components was only found in 18-month-old mice. In aging mice, both inflammation and oxidative stress (marked by elevated lipid peroxidation and NRF2 inactivation) remained increased. These findings support the hypothesis that prolonged DDR and CCA, loss of nephroprotective factors (klotho), and dysfunctional redox regulatory mechanisms (NRF2/antioxidant defense) can be early drivers of age-related kidney-damage progressionThis research was funded by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); Fondos FEDER European Union (PI17/00119, PI20/00140; and DTS20/00083 to M.R.-O.; PI18/01133 to A.M.R.); Sara Borrell’ program from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (grant number CD20/00042 to R.R.R.-D.); Red de Investigación Renal REDINREN: RD16/0009/0003 and RICORS program to RICORS2040 496 (RD21/0005), to M.R.-O., Sociedad Española de Nefrología; “NOVELREN-CM: Enfermedad renal crónica: nuevas Estrategias para la prevención, Diagnóstico y tratamiento” (B2017/BMD3751 to M.R.-O.); “Convocatoria Dinamización Europa Investigación 2019” MINECO (EIN2019-103294 to M.R.-O.); Juan de la Cierva incorporacion grant: IJC2018-035187-I to S.R.-M.; innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 (IMProvePD ID: 812699) to M.R.-O.; and Fundacion Conchita Rabago to L.T.-

    IMAGINE study protocol of a clinical trial: a multi-center, investigator-blinded, randomized, 36-month, parallel-group to compare the effectiveness of motivational interview in rehabilitation of older stroke survivors

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    Background: Rehabilitation pathways are crucial to reduce stroke-related disability. Motivational Interviewing (MI), as a person-centered complex intervention, aimed to empower and motivate, and could be a resource to improve rehabilitation outcomes for older stroke survivors. The IMAGINE project aims to assess the impact of MI, as a complement to standard geriatric rehabilitation, on functional improvement at 30 days after admission, compared to standard geriatric rehabilitation alone, in persons admitted to geriatric rehabilitation after a stroke. Secondary objectives include assessing the impact of MI on physical activity and performance, self-efficacy, safety, cost-utility, participants' experiences and functional status at 3 months. Methods: We will conduct a multicenter randomized clinical trial in three geriatric rehabilitation hospitals in Spain. Older adults after mild-moderate stroke without previous severe cognitive impairment or disability will be randomized into the control or intervention group (136 per group, total N = 272). The intervention group will receive 4 sessions of MI by trained nurses, including the design of a personalized rehabilitation plan agreed between stroke survivors and nurses based on stroke survivors´ goals, needs, preferences and capabilities. Main outcome will be the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). In-hospital physical activity will be measured through accelerometers and secondary outcomes using validated scales. The study includes a process evaluation and cost-utility analysis. Discussion: Final results are expected by end of 2020. This study will provide relevant information on the implementation of MI as a rehabilitation reinforcement tool in older stroke survivors. A potential reduction in post-stroke disability and dependence would increase person's health-related quality of life and well-being and reduce health and social care costs. IMAGINE has the potential to inform practice and policymakers on how to move forward towards shared decision-making and shared responsibilities in the vulnerable population of older stroke survivors

    Rebleeding prophylaxis improves outcomes in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. A multicenter case-control study

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    Outcome of variceal bleeding (VB) in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is unknown. We compared outcomes after VB in patients with and without HCC. All patients with HCC and esophageal VB admitted between 2007 and 2010 were included. Follow-up was prolonged until death, transplantation, or June 2011. For each patient with HCC, a patient without HCC matched by age and Child-Pugh class was selected. A total of 292 patients were included, 146 with HCC (Barcelona Classification of Liver Cancer class 0-3 patients, A [in 25], B [in 29], C [in 45], and D [in 41]) and 146 without HCC. No differences were observed regarding previous use of prophylaxis, clinical presentation, endoscopic findings, and initial endoscopic treatment. Five-day failure was similar (25% in HCC versus 18% in non-HCC; P = 0.257). HCC patients had greater 6-week rebleeding rate (16 versus 7%, respectively; P = 0.025) and 6-week mortality (30% versus 15%; P = 0.003). Fewer patients with HCC received secondary prophylaxis after bleeding (77% versus 89%; P = 0.009), and standard combination therapy was used less frequently (58% versus 70%; P = 0.079). Secondary prophylaxis failure was more frequent (50% versus 31%; P = 0.001) and survival significantly shorter in patients with HCC (median survival: 5 months versus greater than 38 months in patients without HCC; P < 0.001). Lack of prophylaxis increased rebleeding and mortality. On multivariate analysis Child-Pugh score, presence of HCC, portal vein thrombosis, and lack of secondary prophylaxis were predictors of death. Conclusions: Patients with HCC and VB have worse prognosis than patients with VB without HCC. Secondary prophylaxis offers survival benefit in HCC patient

    Statins: Could an old friend help the fight against COVID-19?

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: "Statins: Could an old friend help the fight against COVID-19?" . British Journal of Pharmacology (2020): 19 June, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/bph.15166. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versionshe COVID-19 pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has overwhelmed healthcare systems requiring the rapid development of treatments, at least, to reduce COVID-19 severity. Drug repurposing offers a fast track. Here, we discuss the potential beneficial effects of statins in COVID-19 patients based on evidence that they may target virus receptors, replication, degradation, and downstream responses in infected cells, addressing both basic research and epidemiological information. Briefly, statins could modulate virus entry, acting on the SARS-CoV-2 receptors, ACE2 and CD147, and/or lipid rafts engagement. Statins, by inducing autophagy activation, could regulate virus replication or degradation, exerting protective effects. The well-known anti-inflammatory properties of statins, by blocking several molecular mechanisms, including NF-κB and NLRP3 inflammasomes, could limit the "cytokine storm" in severe COVID-19 patients which is linked to fatal outcome. Finally, statin moderation of coagulation response activation may also contribute to improving COVID-19 outcomesThis work and data discussed here were supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and Fondos FEDER European Union (PI17/00119 and Red de Investigación Renal (REDINREN): RD16/0009, to M.R-O, PI17/01495 to J.E, PI18/01133 to AMR, PI19/00815 to A.O); Comunidad de Madrid (“NOVELREN” B2017/BMD3751 to M.R-O, B2017/BMD-3686 CIFRA2-CM to A.O); Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness MINECO (DTS17/00203, DTS19/00093) to J,E; “Convocatoria Dinamización Europa Investigación 2019” MINECO (EIN2019-103294 to M.R-O and SR-M); ERA-PerMed-JTC2018 (KIDNEY ATTACK AC18/00064 and PERSTIGAN AC18/00071) and DTS18/00032 to A.O; The “Sara Borrell” postdoctoral training program of the ISCIII supported the salary of SR-M (CD19/00021), IMPROVE-PD project (“Identification and Management of Patients at Risk–Outcome and Vascular Events in Peritoneal Dialysis”) funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 812699 to M.R.O

    Comparative study of three different routes of experimental inoculation of the orf virus

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    Three different methods of inducing experimental infection of lambs with orf virus (ORFV), the cause of Contagious Ecthyma, were examined in nine animals; intradermal inoculation, subcutaneous injection and epithelial scarification. The objective was to identify the most appropriate experimental method to reproduce the disease with lesions of similar severity in all infected animals. Subcutaneous inoculation failed to reproduce orf lesions in two of the three infected animals, whereas both the groups that were inoculated by intradermal and scarification routes, respectively, displayed a significantly higher number of lesions at 12 dpi than the group inoculated subcutaneously. However, the lesions following scarification spread from the inoculation site with no ORFV-associated lesions found in other areas of the mucous membrane or skin. Finally, following intradermal inoculation, ORFV-associated lesions developed homogeneously in all infected animals, with lesions progressing from the point of inoculation in different areas of the skin of the lips, yet also spreading to the interior of the mouth, gums, palate and tongue, as occurs in natural infections. Thus, it was concluded that for studies investigating the efficacy of new approaches to treatment and vaccination for improved welfare of affected animals and control of ORFV transmission, the most appropriate route for experimental ORFV infection is intradermal inoculation.This research was supported by funding from the Australian company Animal Ethics Pty Ltd. The work was also supported by the Aragón Government and the European Social Fund (A15_17R, Construyendo Aragón 2016–20) and Project CONECTIM funded by Gobierno de Navarra (PC052–053).Peer reviewe