522 research outputs found

    Ciudadanía laica: Entre tradición y emancipación

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    El laicismo es la base para comprender la manera de vivir nuestras diferencias sin perder de vista la preeminencia de lo que nos une. Todos los seres humanos somos diferentes, nos identificamos con diferentes tradiciones culturales, filosóficas, religiosas, pero ante todo somos seres humanos. Y es el largo y costoso proceso de descubrimiento de lo que nos une por encima de nuestras diferencias a lo que llamamos “emancipación”. En este artículo analizaremos las complejas relaciones que se establecen entre tradición y emancipación en el proceso por el cual los ciudadanos van construyendo su propia identidad en una misma comunidad política. Intentaremos demostrar cómo a través de una ciudadanía laica se produce una simbiosis en la que, por una parte, la adhesión de los individuos a sus respectivas tradiciones no se ve hipotecada ante la exigencia liberal de emancipación individual, pero por otra parte, tampoco existe el peligro de que la reclusión comunitarista a los diferentes particularismos haga peligrar el proyecto moderno de una humanidad libre y dueña de sus propias decisiones. Tradición y emancipación se unen en el ideal laico del Estado. Sin embargo, no basta con principios de justicia racionales. Es preciso además sentar las bases de una verdadera ciudadanía laica, en la que los individuos se identifiquen a la vez con sus comunidades tradicionales y con el proyecto común de un Estado laico. Este es el reto que afrontan nuestras sociedades democráticas y plurales ante el proceso de la globalización, según el cual los ciudadanos se ven irremediablemente abocados a tener que convivir (y no solo co-existir) con la diferencia.Laicism is the basis to understand the best way to live our differences without losing sight of the preeminence of which join us. All the human beings are diferent, because of our cultural, religious or philosophical traditions, but before that, we all belong to mankind. The long and difficult process of discovering what join us over our diferences can be called ‘emancipation’. This work aims to analize the complex relations between tradition and emancipation in the process in which every citizen builds his own identity in the same political community. It also seeks to demonstrate how laic citizenship involves a symbiosis in which, on the one hand, the membership of individuals to their own traditions is not mortgaged by the liberal requirement of individual emancipation, and on the other hand, furthermore, there is no more danger of the communitarian isolation into the different particularities, which threaten to destroy the modern project of a free humanity in control of its own decisions. Tradition and emancipation merge in the laic notion of the State. However, it is not enough with rational principles of justice, it is also essential to set up the basis of a genuine laic citizenship, whose individuals would identify themselves both with their traditional communities and with the common project of a laic State. That is the challenge of our democratic and pluralist societies regarding the progressive development of globalization that makes citizens innevitably advocated to libe together (cum-vivere) even with their differences (and not only to co-exist)

    La crítica marxista a la religión desde una perspectiva laica

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    La tesis marxista de la religión como opio del pueblo ha sido tergiversada y convertida en uno de los principales argumentos que ha utilizado el pensamiento neoliberal y religioso contemporáneo para denostar en su integridad el pensamiento marxista. En este artículo pretendemos recuperar el sentido genuino de aquella sentencia, intentando ser justos con el propósito emancipador general de la filosofía marxista. Mostraremos la vinculación que existe entre la crítica a la religión de Marx y su defensa de la libertad de conciencia desde una perspectiva laica. Por último, veremos como el planteamiento marxista, leído desde una perspectiva laicista, puede arrojar luz sobre la alianza actual entre el neoliberalismo y el clericalismo religioso.The Marxist statement about religion as ‘the opium of the people’ has been distorted and turned into one of the main arguments utilized by contemporary neoliberal and religious thinkers to deride the entirety of Marxist thougth. The aim of this work is to restore the true meaning of this statement in an attempt to do justice to the generally emancipatory rhetoric of Marxist philosophy. This article will demonstrate the relationship between Marx’s criticism about religion and his advocacy for freedom of conscience from the point of view of philosophy of laicism. Finally, this piece will reveal how Marxist thought, read from a laicist point of view, unveils the current complicit relationship between neoliberalism and religious clericalism

    El asedio del clericalismo eclesiástico a la democracia

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    La libertad de conciencia y la igualdad de trato de todos los ciudadanos son dos características irrenunciables en una democracia. Precisamente son estos dos principios, amen de otros que de ellos se derivan, los que se ven amenazados cuando se permiten vías de legitimidad, tanto sociales como jurídicas, al dominio de una opción espiritual sobre otras. Desde la filosofía de la laicidad, analizamos en este artículo las diferentes figuras de la dominación clerical de orden teológico-político, proyectándolas sobre el marco jurídicopolítico de los principios que fundamentan una democracia laica, prestando especial atención al caso de la democracia en España en los últimos años.Freedom of conscience and equality are two inalienable conditions of a democracy. They are just, besides others that stem from them, the most menaced principles when there is a social or legal domination of a spiritual option as for the others. The aim of this article is to analize the different figures of clerical domination from the point of view of philosophy of laicism, trying to proyect them on the legal and politic principles in wich a laic democracy is based, paying special attention to the case of Spanish democracy nowadays

    Revival of classic affixes in Spanish through English

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    The increasing impact of English upon Spanish pervades not only its lexicon, but also its morphology. The goal of the article is to see if the revival of several affixes in Spanish is likely due to English influence. These affixes, available in the classic languages, have mainly come down to us through Latin, even though some of them are Greek in origin. This article focuses on the revival of several of these classic affixes that are highly productive in PresentDay Spanish. The data have been retrieved from a corpus containing twenty-first-century written texts in European Spanish and have been compared to information from other corpora and several lexicographic works both in English and Spanish. The resources that are mentioned enable the chronological order of the recording of the items to be traced. This timeline will help to establish the influence of the English lexical units in the coinage of their Spanish counterparts

    Chicken or hen?: Domestic fowl metaphors denoting human beings

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    The native Anglo-Saxon vocabulary related to domestic animals denominations has been increased throughout the centuries and enriched with borrowings from different languages, like French, but also with loanwords from other languages. This work discusses some of the reasons that have traditionally been adduced to explain word loss and semantic change, and see how they can be applied to the field of generic denominations of fowl. It also investigates the various ways in which the introduction of new items has an influence on the recipient language and to what extent native words are affected. In the first section of the paper, we will basically deal with the straight meanings and the ways in which the field was stratified in the formative centuries, while in the second section we will discuss how some of these terms are applied to human beings in a figurative sense to denote a quality shared by humans and animals or rather a characteristic which does not seem to be present in the animal, but it is attributed to it, as there is a tendency to understand human behaviour in terms of human features. Thus, we attempt at providing a panoramic overview of the field concentrating on the most frequently used units and especially on those that underwent a metaphorization process

    EMI and Intercultural Competence at University of Alcalá: The case of the Master's Degree in Teacher Training

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    The use of English as a Medium of Instruction to teach subjects other than English is widely spread across European higher education institutions. The University of Alcalá has been working on the implementation of English-Medium Instruction (EMI) for decades now. The internationalisation process accounts for the increasing number of studies both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels taught in English. The response of international students has been positive considering the University of Alcalá one of their favourite Spanish destinations. The interaction of local and foreign students evidences the need to raise awareness towards the intercultural competence as part of the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training, so that learners will feel comfortable in a different language and culture and contribute significantly not only to the labour market but also to dialogue and living together. In this article, the authors report on how this is done in one of the compulsory courses of this specific Master’s Degree: Complementary Training in English Studies.El uso del inglés como medio de instrucción (EMI en inglés) para enseñar asignaturas que no son propiamente lengua inglesa está ampliamente extendido en las instituciones europeas de educación superior. La universidad de Alcalá lleva décadas trabajando en la implementación del inglés como medio de instrucción. El proceso de internacionalización es responsable del número creciente de estudios que se imparten en inglés tanto a nivel de grado como de postgrado. La respuesta de los estudiantes internacionales ha resultado positiva al considerar la Universidad de Alcalá como uno de sus destinos preferidos. La interacción entre estudiantes locales y foráneos pone de manifiesto la necesidad de concienciar sobre la competencia intercultural como parte del Máster en Formación del Profesorado, de forma que los estudiantes se sientan cómodos en una lengua y una cultura diferentes y aporten de manera significativa, no solo al mercado laboral sino al diálogo intercultural y a la convivencia. En este artículo, las autoras explican cómo se ha llevado a cabo en concreto en una de las asignaturas obligatorias de este máster: Complementos para la Formación en Estudios Ingleses.L’ús de l’anglés per a l’ensenyament d’assignatures diferents a l’anglés està molt estés en les institucions d’educació superior europees. La Universidad de Alcalá porta dècades treballant en la implantació de l’anglés com a mitjà d’instrucció (EMI). El procés d’internacionalització explica l’augment del nombre d’estudis, tant de grau com de postgrau, impartits en anglés. La resposta dels estudiants internacionals ha estat positiva, i han considerat a la Universidad de Alcalà com una de les destinacions preferides. La interacció dels estudiants locals i estrangers posa de relleu la necessitat de sensibilitzar cap a la competència intercultural com a part del Màster de Formació del Professorat, per a que els alumnes se senten còmodes en una llengua i cultures diferents i contrubuïsquen significativament no sols al mercat laboral sinó també al diàleg i la convivència. En este article, els autors detallen com implementar-ho en una assignatura en concret d’este màster: Formació Complementària en Estudis Anglesos

    EMI and intercultural competence at University of Alcalá: the case of the Master's Degree in Teacher Training

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    The use of English as a medium of instruction to teach subjects other than English is widely spread across European higher education institutions. The University of Alcalá has been working on the implementation of English-Medium Instruction (EMI) for decades now. The internationalisation process accounts for the increasing number of studies both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels taught in English. The response of international students has been positive considering the University of Alcalá one of their favourite Spanish destinations. The interaction of local and foreign students evidences the need to raise awareness towards the intercultural competence as part of the Master's Degree in Teacher Training, so that learners will feel comfortable in a different language and culture and contribute significantly not only to the labour market but also to dialogue and living together. In this article, the authors report on how this is done in one of the compulsory courses of this specific Master's Degree: Complementary Training in English Studies

    La gammaangiografía isotópica en el estudio de los componentes arterial y portal de la perfusión hepática

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    Fac. de MedicinaTRUEProQuestpu