37 research outputs found

    Non-Hermitian engineering of synthetic saturable absorbers for applications in photonics

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    We explore a type of synthetic saturable absorber based on quantum-inspired photonic arrays. We demonstrate that the interplay between optical Kerr nonlinearity, interference effects, and non-Hermiticity through radiation loss leads to a nonlinear optical filtering response with two distinct regimes of small and large optical transmissions. More interestingly, we show that the boundary between these two regimes can be very sharp. The threshold optical intensity that marks this abrupt “phase transition” and its steepness can be engineered by varying the number of the guiding elements. The practical feasibility of these structures as well as their potential applications in laser systems and optical signal processing are also discussed

    Robustness and mode selectivity in parity-time (PT) symmetric lasers

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    We investigate two important aspects of PT symmetric photonic molecule lasers, namely the robustness of their single longitudinal mode operation against instabilities triggered by spectral hole burning effects, and the possibility of more versatile mode selectivity. Our results, supported by numerically integrating the nonlinear rate equations and performing linear stability analysis, reveals the following: (1) In principle a second threshold exists after which single mode operation becomes unstable, signaling multimode oscillatory dynamics, (2) For a wide range of design parameters, single mode operation of PT lasers having relatively large free spectral range (FSR) can be robust even at higher gain values, (3) PT symmetric photonic molecule lasers are more robust than their counterpart structures made of single microresonators; and (4) Extending the concept of single longitudinal mode operation based on PT symmetry in millimeter long edge emitting lasers having smaller FSR can be challenging due to instabilities induced by nonlinear modal interactions. Finally we also present a possible strategy based on loss engineering to achieve more control over the mode selectivity by suppressing the mode that has the highest gain (i.e. lies under the peak of the gain spectrum curve) and switch the lasing action to another mode

    Topological tight-binding models from nontrivial square roots

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    We describe a versatile mechanism that provides tight-binding models with an enriched, topologically nontrivial band structure. The mechanism is algebraic in nature, and leads to tight-binding models that can be interpreted as a nontrivial square root of a parent lattice Hamiltonian—in analogy to the passage from a Klein-Gordon equation to a Dirac equation. In the tight-binding setting, the square-root operation admits to induce spectral symmetries at the expense of broken crystal symmetries. As we illustrate in detail for a simple one-dimensional example, the emergent and inherited spectral symmetries equip the energy gaps with independent topological quantum numbers that control the formation of topologically protected states. We also describe an implementation of this system in silicon photonic structures, outline applications in higher dimensions, and provide a general argument for the origin and nature of the emergent symmetries, which are typically nonsymmorphic

    Non-Hermitian engineering of single mode two dimensional laser arrays

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    A new scheme for building two dimensional laser arrays that operate in the single supermode regime is proposed. This is done by introducing an optical coupling between the laser array and lossy pseudo-isospectral chains of photonic resonators. The spectrum of this discrete reservoir is tailored to suppress all the supermodes of the main array except the fundamental one. This spectral engineering is facilitated by employing the Householder transformation in conjunction with discrete supersymmetry. The proposed scheme is general and can in principle be used in different platforms such as VCSEL arrays and photonic crystal laser arrays

    Non-Hermitian engineering of single mode two dimensional laser arrays

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    A new scheme for building two dimensional laser arrays that operate in the single supermode regime is proposed. This is done by introducing an optical coupling between the laser array and lossy pseudo-isospectral chains of photonic resonators. The spectrum of this discrete reservoir is tailored to suppress all the supermodes of the main array except the fundamental one. This spectral engineering is facilitated by employing the Householder transformation in conjunction with discrete supersymmetry. The proposed scheme is general and can in principle be used in different platforms such as VCSEL arrays and photonic crystal laser arrays

    Light transport in PT-invariant photonic structures with hidden symmetries

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    We introduce a recursive bosonic quantization technique for generating classical PT photonic structures that possess hidden symmetries and higher order exceptional points. We study light transport in these geometries and we demonstrate that perfect state transfer is possible only for certain initial conditions. Moreover, we show that for the same propagation direction, left and right coherent transports are not symmetric with field amplitudes following two different trajectories. A general scheme for identifying the conservation laws in such PT-symmetric photonic networks is also presented

    Experimental Realization of Multiple Topological Edge States in a 1D Photonic Lattice

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    Topological photonic systems offer light transport that is robust against defects and disorder, promising a new generation of chip-scale photonic devices and facilitating energy-efficient on-chip information routing and processing. However, present quasi one dimensional (1D) designs, such as the Su–Schrieffer–Heeger and Rice–Mele models, support only a limited number of nontrivial phases due to restrictions on dispersion band engineering. Here, a flexible topological photonic lattice on a silicon photonic platform is experimentally demonstrated that realizes multiple topologically nontrivial dispersion bands. By suitably setting the couplings between the 1D waveguides, different lattices can exhibit the transition between multiple different topological phases and allow the independent realization of the corresponding edge states. Heterodyne measurements clearly reveal the ultrafast transport dynamics of the edge states in different phases at a femtosecond scale, validating the designed topological features. The study equips topological models with enriched edge dynamics and considerably expands the scope to engineer unique topological features into photonic, acoustic, and atomic systems

    Laser self-termination in trimer photonic molecules

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    We have recently investigated lasing behavior in two-cavity photonic molecules and demonstrated that the phenomenon of laser self-termination is a purely linear effect associated with exceptional points or avoided crossings. Here we show that under the appropriate conditions, this effect can also exist in more complex discrete structures made of three-cavity photonic molecule lasers. Furthermore, our simulations show that the behavior predicted here is persistent when gain saturation nonlinearity is taken into account

    Mode selectivity in PT symmetric lasers

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    © OSA 2017. We introduce a general scheme for controlling mode selectivity in PT symmetric lasers via inhomogeneous loss engineering

    Efficient computation of spontaneous emission dynamics in arbitrary photonic structures

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    Defining a quantum mechanical wavefunction for photons is one of the remaining open problems in quantum physics. Thus quantum states of light are usually treated within the realm of second quantization. Consequently, spontaneous emission(SE) in arbitrary photonic media is often described by Fock space Hamiltonians. Here, we present a real space formulation of the SE process that can capture the physics of the problem accurately under different coupling conditions. Starting from first principles, we map the unitary evolution of a dressed two-level quantum emitter onto the problem of electromagnetic radiation from a self-interacting complex harmonic oscillator. Our formalism naturally leads to an efficient computational scheme of SE dynamics using finite difference time domain method without the need for calculating the photonic eigenmodes of the surrounding environment. In contrast to earlier investigations, our computational framework provides a unified numerical treatment for both weak and strong coupling regimes alike. We illustrate the versatility of our scheme by considering several different examples