13 research outputs found


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    本研究の目的は,成人看護学実習における中間評価と達成動機との関連要因を明らかにすることである.村象は,本学看護学科3年生で成人看護学実習終了78名に,自記式質問紙調査票にてアンケートによる調査を実施した.その結果,中間評価により,実習の結果に対して自己の努力不足などの原因と今後の方向性を考え,主体的に学習ができた学生は,自らの目標達成そのものをめざす行動を引き起こす動機を高めることができた.また,ソーシャルサポートの影響を考慮すれば,実習中の学生は,他者との交流や家族との関係,友人との関係により,複雑な実習環境の中でも,親しい友人に感情を発散し,自己の世界に寵もることなく,他者との交流や家族からのサポートの影響により,目標達成に向かっていけるのではないかと示唆された.The objective of this study was to clarify factors in the relationship of achievement motivation and the results of midway evaluations of practical training by adult nursing students. The subjects of the study were 78 third-year nursing students at this school who completed adult nursing practical training. They were given a questionnaire to fill out themselves. The results showed that students who were satisfied at their midway evaluations were highly achievement-motivated and that the students need the ability to judge the validity of their own self-evaluations. The results further suggest that students should also be able to determine what objectives they can practically achieve. The results also suggested that students who pursue some kind of activity out of personal interest, maintain active contacts with others, have two close friends or have good family relationships are highly motivated, while students not having strong personal networks require extra advice and guidance

    課題別看護における授業効果の検討 : ラベル新聞の活用を試みて

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    課題別看護においてラベル新聞を活用し,授業効果の検討を行った.結果,毎回の学びのラベル新聞を活用することで,学生はグループの学びを共有し,学習の方向性が明確になり,次回の学習課題が明確になることや,教員はラベル新聞の報告を受けることで,話し合いの内容や参加状況の把握ができ,指導方向が明確になることがわかった.また,中間報告会は,学生の自主的な企画・運営・積極的な意見交換の場となり,授業効果が見られ,参画学習への発展の場となることが考えられた. We utilized labeling newspaper in nursing classes for each task, and assessed the effectiveness of the classes. From the assessment we obtained the following outcomes; by using labeling newspaper in each class, students could share the information with other groups, identify the direction and the purpose of learning, and have a clear understandings of next objectives for the following classes, through the report in the labeling newspaper, instructors were able to understand the content of the class discussions and the status of the students' participation, and determine the teaching strategies to facilitate students' learning. Furtherer more, the session for the interim reports, that was voluntarily organized and conducted by student provided the opportunities for students to exchange ideas and opinions actively, and for teachers to observe the effectiveness of the class. We also found that the session provided the opportunities to develop the learning in which involves in planning, organizing and conducting projects

    課題別看護における授業効果の検討 : コメントラベルの活用を試みて

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    課題別看護の授業の中で中間報告会時にコメントラベルを活用し,授業効果の検討を行った.結果,学生自ら積極的に授業に参画する姿勢が形成された.中間報告会は,学生の自主的な企画・運営,積極的な意見交換の場となりコメントラベルでの新たなラベルケーションが生まれ,個々の学びとグループの学びを共有でき,お互いの学びを尊重しあう結果となった.また,質問ラベルへの返答は誠実性・思いやり・責任感の態度形成に効果的であった.学びの自覚化にも効果的であり,更なる参画学習への発展の場となることが考えられた.We utilized labeling newspaper in nursing classes for each task, and assessed the effectiveness of the classes. From the assessment we obtained the following outcomes by using labeling newspaper in each class, students could share the information with other groups, identify the direction and the purpose of learning, and have a clear understanding of next objectives for the following classes, through the report in the labeling newspaper, instructors were able to understand the content of the class discussions and the status of the student participation, and determine the teaching strategies to facilitate student's learning. Further more, the session for the interim reports, that was voluntarily organized and conducted by student provided the opportunities for students to exchange ideas and opinions actively, and for teachers to observe the effectiveness of the class. We also found that the session provided the opportunities to develop the learning in which involves in planning, organizing and conducting projects


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    医療技術の進歩による在宅死の減少に伴い,病院死の割合は著しく増加している.自らの終末期の迎え方についての感心が以前に比べ高まってきている現代において,人が最期を迎える場所としての霊安室は,グリーフケアにおける重要な役割を持つ.これまで,看護師の霊安室に対するイメージを調査している研究は見られるが,看護学生のイメージについての研究は見当たらない.一般に,霊安室については否定的イメージが強く,冷たい印象を持たれていることが多い.そこで,看護学生は,霊安室に対してどのようなイメージを持っているのかを明らかにすることを目的とし,短期大学看護学科の新入生92名,2年生100名,3年生78名,卒業生73名,総計343名に自記式質問紙調査票を配付し調査した.その結果,否定的イメージの強い霊安室であるが,看護学生は霊安室に対しては,安らかで明るいという肯定的で,感覚的な印象を持っていることが明らかになった.また,霊安室は生から死への準備室の空間と想像し,生と死を分離する場で,悲しみや思いを表現できると考えていることが明らかになった.以上により,看護学生への死の準備教育への示唆の一助を得ることができた.With the decrease in in-hospital mortality rate due to advance in medical technology, out-of-hospital mortality rate has been significantly increased. In comparison with past days, people have shown great interest in end of life issues (how they prepare themselves to have peaceful end of life) at the present days. Accordingly, a mortuary plays important role in the grieving care process. The studies on mortuary images of nurses are available, but no study has been conducted on the image of nursing students. Generally, most people have strong negative image and cold impression on mortuaries. Therefore, we conducted this survey aim at clarifying how nursing students picture mortuaries. Self-questionnaire sheets were distributed to total 343 subjects of 92 freshmen, 100 sophomores, 78 seniors and 73 alumni belonging to nursing department of junior college. From the survey, it has become clear that the subjects have positive and sensuous image (peaceful and clear) on a mortuary, although a mortuary gives strong negative image. The survey also indicate that the subjects imagine mortuaries as the transition state from life to death and as the boundary of life and death in which grieves, feelings and considerations can be expressed. The result of this survey suggests the importance of providing death preparatory education for nursing students

    実習前後の看護学生の不安の変化について : STAIXを用いての分析

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    臨地実習は,看護学生が学内で学習した知識・技術を臨床の場において提供することで,看護の実践的能力を身につけるために行われている.3年次の各論実習は,学生にとって未知の世界であり,さまざまな不安を抱いている.今回STAIXを用いて学生の不安の程度を測定した結果,実習前は状態不安の高い学生が多く,実習後は減少していることが明らかとなり,自由記述での不安の要因については,「臨床の場」,「指導者について」,「実習記録について」「コミュニケーションについて」で,実習前はネガティヴであった反応が,実習後にはポジティヴな反応へと変化した.このことから,学生は実習に村して不安を抱えているが,STAIXで測定した,状態不安の結果から実習を繰り返すことで徐々に緊張もとれ,臨床の場という環境になれて,順応していることがわかった.しかし一方で順応できない学生は,実習が大きなストレスに変化してしまうことも明らかになった.そこで,実習開始時に学生自身が自分の不安の傾向を知ることが必要であることがわかった.学生が不安を抱えて実習に臨む時,指導方法として実習前のオリエンテーションの工夫や,演習でのかかわりで緊張を和らげることで不安が軽減できることがわかった.教員は,学生の不安傾向を知ることで実習中の学生への指導方法やメンタルケアに役立ち,学生が不安を感じながらも学習意欲を向上する指導が行えることが示唆された. To acquire practicing ability of nursing by offering knowledge and the technology that the student nurse studied in precincts in a clinical place, the Clinical practice is done. The itemized discussion practice at three annuals is the unknown worlds for the student, and various anxiety is held. Decreasing became clear, and it had changed into a positive reaction about the factor of anxiety in a free description after the reaction which was Negativ had practiced before it practiced by "Clinical place", "Leader", "Practice record", and "Communications" after the student with a high uneasy state had practiced a lot before it practiced since the level of student's anxiety was measured by using STAIX this time. It has been understood to be able to take the tension gradually by repeating the practice from the result in an uneasy state measured with STAIX, to be able to become an environment of clinical place, and to adapt oneself though the student is holding anxiety from this for the practice. However, it was clarified to change the student who was not able to adapt oneself on the other hand into the stress that independent is big. Then, it has been understood that it is necessary that the student know the tendency to my anxiety when beginning to practice. It has been understood that the student can reduce anxiety by softening the tension as a guidance method by the device of the orientation before it practices and relations in the maneuver when it faces the practice holding uneasiness. It has been anxiety that the teacher can do guidance which improves the willingness to learn though it is useful for the guidance method and the mental caring for the student who is practicing by knowing student's uneasy tendency, and the student feels anxiety


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    厚生労働省は,臨地実習において看護学生が行う基本的な看護技術の水準を具体的に示した.それを基に,本学でも,成人看護学実習で行う技術水準表を作成した.本研究に,学生が看護技術水準に基づいた体験ができているかを明らかにし,今後の体験率向上に向けての一助とすることを目的に行った.対象は,短期大学で成人看護学実習1及び成人看護学実習IIを終了した3年生78名である.調査内容は,成人看護学実習において,基本的な看護技術の水準表の体験率である.その結果,体験率が高いのはフィジカルアセスメント技術であった.バイタルサイン測定を患者とのコミュニケーションの一つと考えているため,毎日実施する項目として体験率が高いことが考えられる.また,技術水準1の食事・栄養技術,排泄技術,呼吸・循環調整技術,創傷管理技術については,体験率が低かった.実習中,実際に,体験している項目であるが,技術水準に対する学生の認識が低いため体験率として低くなってしまっていることが示唆された.The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has specified standards for basic nursing techniques to be performed by nursing students in clinical nursing practices. Based on this standard, we have established our nursing technical standards to be acquired by students throughAdult nursing practice Accordingly, this study has conducted to clarify whether or not; the students underwent the training according to the standard for nursing techniques and contribute the findings to improve the rate of experience in future practices. Seventy-eight seniors who completed nursing practice II and I for adult patients in junior nursing college were subjected to this study. We investigated the experience rate of the standards for fundamental nursing technique ofAdult nursing practice nursing The result shows higher rate of experience with physical assessment technique. It is assumed because students considered vital sign measurement as one of communication processes and frequently exercised it as daily routine, which led to the higher experience rate. On the other hand, meals, nutrition, urination and defecation care techniques, respiratory and circulation adjustment techniques and wound care management technique included in the technical standard I resulted in lower experience rate.The findings suggest that the lower rate of experience with abovementioned items is resulted from the fact that the students less recognized the technical standard although those items were actually experienced through nursing practice

    短期大学看護学生における死に対する態度 : 学年別による比較

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    看護学生が死をどのように認識しているか,また,さまざまな要因が死に対する態度とどのような関連をもっているか,学年別に明らかにすることを目的とし,短期大学看護学生343名に対しアンケート調査を実施した.死への態度を明らかにするためにGesserらが開発し,河合が作成した死に対する態度尺度を用いた.新入生は,中立的受容が有意に低く,卒業生は回避的受容が有意に高かった.この結果から,新入生は死を人間の死と捉えにくく,自然の出来事として受け入れにくい.卒業生は学年の進行により,死の受け止め方や考えが変わってくると示唆された.We conducted research on how students perceived, and how various factors impact on their attitudes toward death to identify their perspectives from each grade level with using attitude scale. The data showed extremely low score in neutral acceptance toward death by freshmen, and extremely high score in negative acceptance by post graduate students. From the finding, it is suggested that freshmen do not tend to define death as human death and to post graduate students toward death alters as their grade in college advanced