課題別看護における授業効果の検討 : コメントラベルの活用を試みて


課題別看護の授業の中で中間報告会時にコメントラベルを活用し,授業効果の検討を行った.結果,学生自ら積極的に授業に参画する姿勢が形成された.中間報告会は,学生の自主的な企画・運営,積極的な意見交換の場となりコメントラベルでの新たなラベルケーションが生まれ,個々の学びとグループの学びを共有でき,お互いの学びを尊重しあう結果となった.また,質問ラベルへの返答は誠実性・思いやり・責任感の態度形成に効果的であった.学びの自覚化にも効果的であり,更なる参画学習への発展の場となることが考えられた.We utilized labeling newspaper in nursing classes for each task, and assessed the effectiveness of the classes. From the assessment we obtained the following outcomes by using labeling newspaper in each class, students could share the information with other groups, identify the direction and the purpose of learning, and have a clear understanding of next objectives for the following classes, through the report in the labeling newspaper, instructors were able to understand the content of the class discussions and the status of the student participation, and determine the teaching strategies to facilitate student's learning. Further more, the session for the interim reports, that was voluntarily organized and conducted by student provided the opportunities for students to exchange ideas and opinions actively, and for teachers to observe the effectiveness of the class. We also found that the session provided the opportunities to develop the learning in which involves in planning, organizing and conducting projects

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