

厚生労働省は,臨地実習において看護学生が行う基本的な看護技術の水準を具体的に示した.それを基に,本学でも,成人看護学実習で行う技術水準表を作成した.本研究に,学生が看護技術水準に基づいた体験ができているかを明らかにし,今後の体験率向上に向けての一助とすることを目的に行った.対象は,短期大学で成人看護学実習1及び成人看護学実習IIを終了した3年生78名である.調査内容は,成人看護学実習において,基本的な看護技術の水準表の体験率である.その結果,体験率が高いのはフィジカルアセスメント技術であった.バイタルサイン測定を患者とのコミュニケーションの一つと考えているため,毎日実施する項目として体験率が高いことが考えられる.また,技術水準1の食事・栄養技術,排泄技術,呼吸・循環調整技術,創傷管理技術については,体験率が低かった.実習中,実際に,体験している項目であるが,技術水準に対する学生の認識が低いため体験率として低くなってしまっていることが示唆された.The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has specified standards for basic nursing techniques to be performed by nursing students in clinical nursing practices. Based on this standard, we have established our nursing technical standards to be acquired by students throughAdult nursing practice Accordingly, this study has conducted to clarify whether or not; the students underwent the training according to the standard for nursing techniques and contribute the findings to improve the rate of experience in future practices. Seventy-eight seniors who completed nursing practice II and I for adult patients in junior nursing college were subjected to this study. We investigated the experience rate of the standards for fundamental nursing technique ofAdult nursing practice nursing The result shows higher rate of experience with physical assessment technique. It is assumed because students considered vital sign measurement as one of communication processes and frequently exercised it as daily routine, which led to the higher experience rate. On the other hand, meals, nutrition, urination and defecation care techniques, respiratory and circulation adjustment techniques and wound care management technique included in the technical standard I resulted in lower experience rate.The findings suggest that the lower rate of experience with abovementioned items is resulted from the fact that the students less recognized the technical standard although those items were actually experienced through nursing practice

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