12 research outputs found

    Human Resources Management in The Country’s Border Region Faces Industry 4.0 and The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    This study was to see how much influence mediation of mindset changes has on human resource development and economic growth. The study used questionnaire aids, from which the questionnaire results were processed with Smart PLS 3.0 and the Sobel test, which is used to look at the indirect influence of mediation variables. Respondents involved in this study were the Karimun Regency community, with as many as 120 respondents taken using random sampling techniques. The results of hypothesis testing in this study are: first, human resource development has a significant influence on economic growth with an influence value of 14,407, more significant than the value of t value 1.96; second, human resource development has a significant value in changing mindsets of 40,679, greater than the value of t value 1.96. Third, the variable change mindset significantly influences the economic growth of 11,696 and is greater than the value of t = 1.96. Fourth, there is a significant indirect influence between human resource development and economic growth mediated by a change in the mindset of 306.25, more significant than the value of t values of 1.96

    The Effectiveness of Holistic Marketing and Word-of-Mouth Communication on Purchasing Decision at Pt Asuransi Central Asia Branch Office of Tiang Bendera West Jakarta

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    Holistic marketing is a marketing concept that defines an overall corporate entity. Word-of-mouth communication is one way to spread rumors. Word-of-mouth communication is also the most ancient marketing strategy that is still widely implemented until now. The objectives of this research are: 1) to determine the effect of holistic marketing on purchasing decision, 2) to determine the effect of word-of-mouth communication on purchasing decision, 3) to determine the effect of holistic and word-of-mouth communication on purchasing decision. This research applied quantitative data collection method which was carried out through questionnaire distribution and literature studies. Based on the testing results of hypothesis 1, the holistic marketing variable (X1) and purchasing decision (Y) do not have a significant correlation because the sig. value (p) = 0.000 < 0.01. Based on the testing results of hypothesis 2, word-of-mouth communication (X2) and purchasing decisions (Y) have a significant correlation because the sig. value (p) = 0.000 < 0.01. Based on the testing results of hypothesis 3, holistic marketing (X1) and word-of-mouth communication (X2) variables on the purchasing decision variable (Y) are simultaneously and significantly related. The contribution of holistic marketing and word-of-mouth communication variables on purchasing decision is 86.1% and the remaining 13.9% is affected by other variables

    English lecturers’ beliefs and practices in vocabulary learning

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    Vocabulary has an important role in language learning at the college level, but in teaching practice, various obstacles are experienced by lecturers in implementing effective vocabulary learning. This study took place in Batam, Indonesia, and aims to investigate the English lecturers’ beliefs and practices in vocabulary learning; the phenomena of how they negotiate their teaching practices and what determines their choice of teaching methods when it comes to vocabulary learning. Five English lecturers from different universities were interviewed. The results of the interview were transcribed and analyzed based on the themes that appeared from data. The results showed that a requirement for practicality in class, curriculum, student atmosphere, and lecturers’ confidence in applying the right methods have effects on vocabulary learning. Lecturers have combined vocabulary learning with reading, writing, listening, and speaking in class. The main reference of a coursebook as the main guidance of the vocabulary learning varied between one class and another. All lecturers stated that they should find their own way to adopt external sources such as songs, vocabulary learning programs, and games to combine with their coursebook to beneficially meet the students’ preference. The new technology of teaching and learning is now part of classroom activities. Henceforth, this study concludes that the lecturers’ beliefs in the vocabulary learning approach are important. In practice, the lecturers need to combine them with various methods as the class situation do not always count on academic interests

    Skill, Transformational Leadership, And Competitiveness: Relationships In A Love Triangle

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    This study aims to see the extent to which transformational leadership plays a role in mediating the relationship between personal skills and the competitiveness of private employees in the Karimun district. The total population used was 75 respondents selected based on random sampling techniques. Data analysis techniques use Smart PLS, and the results of this study are: 1) Skills have a direct and significant effect on competitiveness; skills possessed by employees can help increase the competitiveness of companies in a competitive market. 2) Skills have a significant influence on transformational leadership. Good skills can help a leader to set a good example, provide clear direction, motivate the team, solve problems, and build good relationships with his team members. 3) Transformational leadership has a significant positive impact on the company’s competitiveness. Transformational leadership can help increase productivity, drive innovation, increase employee satisfaction, and improve company reputation and competitiveness. 4) Skills have a direct and significant effect on competitiveness through transformational leadership. Skills can help increase productivity, drive innovation, increase employee satisfaction, improve a company's reputation, and enhance a company's overall competitive ability


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    A safe area is certainly not a guarantee that the investment climate will be high. Consumer confidence in investing is one of the factors that can mediate an increase in the investment climate of a region. This study aims to: (1) determine the effect of national security on the regional investment climate, (2) find out the effect of national security on the consumer confidence index, (3) find out the effect of national security on the regional investment climate mediated by consumer confidence index. This study applied the analysis of Structural Equation Model (SEM). The findings showed that national security has a direct effect on the investment climate with a value of t = 3.07 (>1.96). Moreover, the correlation between national security and consumer confidence index is significant with a value of t = 4.35 (>1.96). Next, the correlation between consumer confidence index and investment climate is also significant, with a value of t = 2.51 (> 1.96). The level of security of a Regency/ City in South Sulawesi reflects the absence of a sense of fear and anxiety about the possibility of threats to the soul, property, and honor. If an area is considered safe, it will increase the investment climate because investors will invest in safe and remote areas of conflict. Therefore, it will not disrupt their business process

    Aplikasi Thermocontroller Tipe TZN4S-14R pada Alat Pengering Jagung (Zea mays L.) untuk Pakan Ternak

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    Saat dipanen jagung pipilan umunya mempunyai kandungan air tinggi yaitu berkisar 25-35% (wb). Agar jagung pipilan dapat diolah dan disimpan untuk waktu lama perlu segera dikeringkan sampai kadar air di bawah 14 %. Proses pengeringan di Indonesia pada umumnya dilakukan dengan cara menjemur menggunakan bantuan energi sinar matahari. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi pengeringan adalah suhu. Suhu yang tidak stabil pada saat pengeringan dapat merusak produk. Kontrol suhu dengan umpan balik sinyal PID memberikan kinerja yang dapat memperbaiki dan meningkatkan cara kontrol on-off pada sistem pemanasan untuk alat pengering jagung dengan thermocontroller berbasis PID. Sistem ini dapat mengontrol suhu ruang pengering selama proses pengeringan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengaplikasikan thermocontroller tipe TZN4S-14R pada alat pengering jagung untuk pakan ternak. Proses penelitian ini meliputi tahapan merangkai sistem kontrol suhu, tahapan pemasangan sistem kontrol suhu, tahapan pengujian sistem kontrol suhu dan tahapan pengamatan terhadap sistem kontrol suhu pada alat pengering untuk komoditi jagung. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sistem kontrol untuk alat pengering jagung dengan thermocontroller barbasis PID. Hasil dari pengamatan pada penelitian ini adalah : (1) Penurunan kadar air jagung mencapai + 13%, (2) Sistem ini dapat mengontrol suhu sesuai dengan pengeringan yang diinginkan yaitu set point 40o C, (3) Nilai rata-rata total energi blower yang terpakai sebanyak 3140650 Joule, (4) Nilai energi pengeringan salam waktu pengeringan selama 480 menit sebanyak 5000 kal/g kalor tempurung kelapa. Kata Kunci – jagung pipilan, kadar air, kontrol suhu, pengeringan, PID, thermocontrolle


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    Retribusi pasar merupakan salah satu macam sumber penerimaan Daerah yang penting bagi Kabupaten Ponorogo. Hal ini terbukti selama tahun anggaran 2011- 2013 realisasi penerimaan retribusi pasar mengalami peningkatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung tingkat efektivitas penerimaan retribusi pasar dan menganalisis kinerja penerimaan retribusi pasar di Kabupaten Ponorogo. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder. Metode sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling. Berdasarkan hasil analisis realisasi penerimaan retribusi pasar dari target yang telah ditentukan pada tahun 2011-2013 adalah efektif dengan rata-rata prosentase kenaikan 0,17%. Dan kontribusi retribusi pasar terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Ponorogo tahun 2011–2013 adalah tidak efektif dengan prosentase rata-rata sebesar 1,95%. Kata Kunci : Kinerja Retribusi Pasar, Pendapatan Asli Daera

    Bussu As Online Learning Platform On Vocabulary Learning Motivation Achievement Among Students

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    A robust online learning platform is critical for extending education beyond the classroom and facilitating interactive and individualized learning. Language learning has developed some patterns due to social interactions and independent learning experiences. Vocabulary motivation and achievement are critical components of students' English proficiency. Nonetheless, both variables are recognized as critical by lecturers and students, but receive less attention. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Busuu, an online learning platform, on the motivation and achievement of university students in Indonesia when it comes to vocabulary learning. The platform's use as an independent variable, whereas motivation for vocabulary learning and vocabulary achievement, were dependent variables. This study employed a quantitative methodology. Busuu facilitates the learning experience by keeping track of the number of words learned, the level of fluency, and the duration of the learning day. The researchers refer to fluency as the indicator in the study. The questionnaire and test were adapted and modified from previous research on motivation and achievement in vocabulary learning. There were 98 participants. The research discovered that the Busuu online learning platform's performance significantly contributes to the motivation and achievement of vocabulary learners. The study proposes a new model of English learning that incorporates online learning platforms in order to boost students' motivation and vocabulary achievement

    Pengaruh Human Resorce Practice terhadap Kepuasan Kerja dan Dampaknya Tehadap Komitmen Agen Asuransi

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    Penelitian ini didesain untuk menguji pengaruh secara empiris antara dua atau lebih variabelpenelitian yang telah dirumuskan dalam hipotesis. Variabel penelitian yang digunakan adalahhuman resource practice (reward, training, person-job fit), kepuasan kerja, dan komitmenkaryawan. Variabel eksogen dalam penelitian ini adalah human resource practice (reward,training, person-job fit. Variabel endogen dalam penelitian ini adalah kepuasan kerja dankomitmen karyawan. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan metode analisisdata menggunakan partial least square. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa hanya hipotesis2 dan hipotesis 6 yang tidak signifikan yaitu tidak terdapat pengaruh training terhadap kepuasankerja dan tidak terdapat pengaruh training terhadap komitmen karyawan melalui kepuasan kerja

    Comparative Analysis of Staretegi Traditional Market and Modern Markets of Consumer Valuation

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    The research method used in this research is the quantitative analysis method. While the sample used in the study was as many as 20 respondents, who shopped at The Puan Maimun market in Karimun Regency and some who shopped in minimarkets around the market. The data source that will be utilized in this study is primary data. Secondary data used is written sources such as book sources, scientific magazines, and documents. From the results of analysis and discussion of Comparative Analysis obtained Test Statistics and obtained chi-square value of 6,905 greater than the value of χ² table which is 5,991 so that the hypothesis answered with the acceptance of Ha, and Ho was rejected. This shows that there are differences between traditional and modern markets over consumers' assessments of marketing strategies. Tests taken based on probability values are by comparing significant values (sig) with significant levels (α), from the test statistics table obtained a significant value (sig) of 0.035, so that a significant value of 0.035 < 0.05, so that Ho is rejected, meaning it will be concluded that there is a difference between traditional markets and modern markets in terms of price, product, place and marketing