286 research outputs found

    Mikrobiološko ispitivanje i prosudba vrsnosti laboratorija za mliječne proizvode

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    This paper considers the main factors in the assessment of microbiological examination of food and discusses a few points related to validation of quantitative and qualitative microbiological methods. Within the scope of accredited methods, the author defines the terms such as conform reference, equivalence of reference method, and in-house method. The paper describes evaluation of a routine method with respect to the official method based on results obtained by automatic epifluorescent microscopy using the BactoScan 8000 instrument for determination of bacteriological quality of milk and provides general guidance for the establishment of a conversion relationship between the two methods. The paper gives an overview of the quality assurance aspects involved in the application of the routine method and concludes with an example of interlaboratory proficiency study for the epifluorescent microscopic method which is regularly applied in dairy laboratories.U ovome su članku prikazani glavni čimbenici u procjeni mikrobiološkog ispitivanja hrane. Prikazano je nekoliko točaka validacije kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih mikrobioloških metoda. Osim toga, definiraju se izrazi "sukladnost" i "istovjetnost" referentne metode s "internom" metodom u smislu akreditacija metoda. Članak opisuje kako evaluirati rutinsku metodu u odnosu na referentne/službene metode s obzirom na rezultate dobivene brojenjem automatskim epifluorescentnim mikroskopom s pomoću uređaja BactoScan 8000 namijenjenog za utvrđivanje bakteriološke kakvoće mlijeka te daje opće upute za usporedbu navedenih metoda. Tu je i pregled aspekata osiguranja kakvoće koji se uzimaju u obzir u primjeni rutinske metode te primjer međulaboratorijske prosudbe vrsnosti uz pomoć epifluorescentne mikroskopske metode koja je uobičajena u laboratorijima za mliječne proizvode


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pembelajaran ansambel gendang telu sendalanen bagi siswa sebagai ekstrakurikuler di SMP Masehi Berastagi. Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di jalan Merdeka No.119 Berastagi., yang merupakan suatu tempat dimana terjadinya proses pembelajaran antara guru sebagai pendidik dan anak sebagai murid.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif-kualitatif, dimana data-data dikumpulkan dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, studi kepustakaan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler ansambel gendang telu sendalanen di SMP Masehi Berastagi yang berjumlah 8 orang, dan yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah ppulasi yang berjumlah 8 orang.Setelah keseluruhan data terkumpul, kemudian dianalisis untuk menjawab seluruh pertanyaan penelitian. Analis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis data kualitatif yang dideskripsikan secara bertahap dalam bentuk tulisan, kemudian diklasifikasikan sesuai dengan isi dan materi data tersebut. Setelah analisis dilakukan, ditemukan hasil penelitian yaitu pembelajaran ekstrakurikuler ansambel gendang telu sendalanen dalam kategori baik, dimana sebagian besar siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler ansambel gendang telu sendalanen di SMP Masehi Berastagi dapat memainkan ansambel gendang telu sendalanen dengan baik

    Analisis Ekonomi Penggunaan Minyak Biji Kapas (MBK) Untuk Bahan Bakar Nabati

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara ekonomi efisiensi penggunaan minyak biji kapas sebagai bahan bakar nabati (BBN) untuk kompor Semawar 203. Perlakuan yang diteliti sebanyak lima perlakuan, yaitu (1) 100% minyak biji kapas, (2) 75% minyak biji kapas dicampur 25% kerosin, (3) 50% minyak biji ka-pas dicampur 50% kerosin, (4) 25% minyak biji kapas dicampur 75% kerosin, (5) 100% kerosin. Hasil pene-litian menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan kompor tekan Semawar tipe 203 dengan bahan bakar campuran antara 50% minyak biji kapas (MBK) dan 50% kerosin menunjukkan efisiensi tertinggi. Dengan biaya sebesar Rp 689,00 mampu untuk mendidihkan 2 liter air dalam waktu 6,20 menit (waktu didihnya pa-ling cepat di antara perlakuan lainnya). Purpose of this study was to analyze the efficiency of cotton seed oil used as a biofuel using Semawar 203 stove. The treatments consist of, i.e.: (1) 100% cotton seed oil, (2) 75% cotton seed oil mixture 25% kero-sene, (3) 50% cotton seed oil mixture 50% kerosene, (4) 25% cotton seed oil mixture 75% kerosene, (5) 100% kerosene. The results showed that by using the stove press Semawar type 203 with a fuel mixture of 50% cotton seed oil and 50% kerosene had the highest efficiency of cost. At a cost of Rp689,00 the mixture was able to boil 2 liters of water in 6.20 minutes (boiling time fastest among other treatments)

    Criteria and quality control in dairying

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    Tekst sadrži kriterije i suvremene metode mjerenja kvalitete mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda.In the article the criteria and the up-to-date quality control methods in milk and dairy products are presented

    Milking systems and their effects on the composition of milk

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    Posljedica promijenjenih uvjeta kod proizvodnje mlijeka (primjena strojne muže) su i povrede kemijskih sastojaka mlijeka, osobito mliječne masti te nastanak slobodnih masnih kiselina (proces lipolize). Preveliku količina slobodnih masnih kiselina snižava kvalitetu mlijeka, a može biti i pokazateljem kvalitete opreme i tehnologije muže. U pokusu koji smo izveli, testirali smo utjecaj različitih sistema muže na pojedine sastojke mlijeka i na količinu slobodnih masnih kiselina. Ustanovili smo da sistem muže može jako utjecati osobito na količinu slobodnih masnih kiselina u mlijekuThe consequences of changes in the conditions of milk production (the application of machine milking) are also damage of the chemical components of milk, mostly on milk fat and the formation of free fatty acids (lipolytic process). The enlarged amount of free fatty acids is a criteria of lowering of the milk quality and. it could be also an indicator of quality of the milking equipment and technology of milking. In the trial we tested the influence of various milking systems on milk yield, on the contents of different milk components and even on the contents of free fatty acids. We established that the milking system can have a great influence on the amount of free fatty acids in milk. It has been found out that milking system can have strongest effect on the contents of free fatty acids

    The influence of sample taking frequency on the results of milk components determination

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    U uzorcima mlijeka pojedinih proizvođača analizirali smo sadržaj masti, bjelančevina, laktoze i suhe tvari bez masti. Testirali smo utjecaj ponavljanja uzimanja uzoraka u mjesecu, utjecaj jutarnjeg i večernjeg sabiranja mlijeka, utjecaj mjeseca i utjecaj individualnih proizvođača na pojedine osobine mlijeka. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata utvrdili smo potrebnu učestalost uzimanja uzoraka za objektivno određivanje pojedinih sastojaka mlijeka.Fat, protein, lactose and total solids not fat content were analysed in milk samples of separate producers during one year. The influences of month, individual producers, repetition of sample takings in the month were tested as well as morning and evening milk collection. Required, frequency of sample taking in order to obtain true determination of various milk components was calculated on the basis of gained results

    The lactose content as indicator of extraneous water in milk

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    Utvrđena je statistička veza između % laktoze i % vode u mlijeku. Promijenjeni sastav mlijeka, zapažen kod rutinskog određivanja kompleksnog sastava mlijeka pomoću aparata Milko-Scan, prije svega mala količina laktoze - manja od 4,00 %, omogućuje brzo otkrivanje dodate vode u mlijeku, koje svakako moramo potvrditi propisanim analitičkim postupcimaA statistical connection between the percentage of lactose and the percentage of water in milk has been established. The changed composition of milk observed in routine definition of the complex milk composition by the Milko-Scan apparatus, first of all its small connect of lactose - smaller than 4,00 % - anables quick detecting of extraneous water in milk which must necessarily be certified by prescribed analytical procedures

    Milk quality influence on the quality of final product

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    Na otkupnom području naših sirana kvaliteta mlijeka nije uvijek primjerna za preradu u sir. Mnogi pogoni nisu upoznati sa kvalitetom sirovine, koja ulazi u proces prerade iako bi s time znatno utjecali na prehrambenu vrijednost proizvoda, na sam tehnološki proces prerade mlijeka i na veći ekonomski učinak u proizvodnji.The paper presents the influence of milk quality on the quality and yield of the final product - the cheese "trapist". In the course of one year\u27s investigations (1975/76) 28 samples of milk, 27 of whey and 26 of cheese were analyzed