The lactose content as indicator of extraneous water in milk


Utvrđena je statistička veza između % laktoze i % vode u mlijeku. Promijenjeni sastav mlijeka, zapažen kod rutinskog određivanja kompleksnog sastava mlijeka pomoću aparata Milko-Scan, prije svega mala količina laktoze - manja od 4,00 %, omogućuje brzo otkrivanje dodate vode u mlijeku, koje svakako moramo potvrditi propisanim analitičkim postupcimaA statistical connection between the percentage of lactose and the percentage of water in milk has been established. The changed composition of milk observed in routine definition of the complex milk composition by the Milko-Scan apparatus, first of all its small connect of lactose - smaller than 4,00 % - anables quick detecting of extraneous water in milk which must necessarily be certified by prescribed analytical procedures

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