Milking systems and their effects on the composition of milk


Posljedica promijenjenih uvjeta kod proizvodnje mlijeka (primjena strojne muže) su i povrede kemijskih sastojaka mlijeka, osobito mliječne masti te nastanak slobodnih masnih kiselina (proces lipolize). Preveliku količina slobodnih masnih kiselina snižava kvalitetu mlijeka, a može biti i pokazateljem kvalitete opreme i tehnologije muže. U pokusu koji smo izveli, testirali smo utjecaj različitih sistema muže na pojedine sastojke mlijeka i na količinu slobodnih masnih kiselina. Ustanovili smo da sistem muže može jako utjecati osobito na količinu slobodnih masnih kiselina u mlijekuThe consequences of changes in the conditions of milk production (the application of machine milking) are also damage of the chemical components of milk, mostly on milk fat and the formation of free fatty acids (lipolytic process). The enlarged amount of free fatty acids is a criteria of lowering of the milk quality and. it could be also an indicator of quality of the milking equipment and technology of milking. In the trial we tested the influence of various milking systems on milk yield, on the contents of different milk components and even on the contents of free fatty acids. We established that the milking system can have a great influence on the amount of free fatty acids in milk. It has been found out that milking system can have strongest effect on the contents of free fatty acids

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