31 research outputs found

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    stván Burián and the Settling of the Polish Issue during the First World War

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    Between 13th January 1915 and the April of 1916 filled István Burián the charge of the Common Foreign Minister of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In this time culminated the polish question in the policy of the First World War constituting the basis of the relations Austro-Hungarian and Germany. The first period after 5th August 1915 after the troops of the too allied powers had occupied the full territory of the former Polish Kingdom was arising a political pressure to arrange the fate of the Polish Nation: government, political system, education, public supply and so on. The political leadership of the Danube-Monarchy had tried to settle the question in the framework of the so-called Austro-Polish-Project added the liberated Polish Kingdom to Austro-Hungary. In the Austrian policy became this concept the leading governing principle against the German ideas to unit Poland with Germany. This solution of the question was a consequence of the aspirations of Germany to the domination of the world or at least of East-Europe. István Burián had been acting on behalf of the Austro-polish solution very consistent, and what is more, with a doctrinarian determination that was followed from his turn of mind: because he had a lot of political preconceptions, he tried to realize this. The resistance of the German Government on the spite with Bethmann-Hollweg was so hard that the ambitions of Burián proved to be as fighting windmills. Burián had been going on the way of the “sub-dualistic” structure in like manner to the situation of Croatian in the framework of the Danube-Monarchy. In his second period as Common Foreign Minister (April — October 1918) has hindered him the defensive trends of the military situation of the Central Powers to realize his imagines upon the Polish Solution

    Háborús szövetség és vetélkedés: ahogy a lengyelkérdést az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia néhány jelentős politikusa látta (1914–1918) = War-alliance and rivalry: the polish issue regarding by some significant politicians of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (1914–1918)

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    The First World War signified the beginning of a new era also for the Polish society which also belonged to the Monarchy. The study has made effort to give a brief survey about the opinions about the future of Poland of many leading polititical outstanding figures in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The study gives answers of two kind on this remarkable unusual question. On one hand, it gives a detailed description of the main concepts made by the Common Ministry of the Foreign Affaires during the four years of the war, on the other hand is treated in the paper the policy of Germany for and against the rebirth of a new Polish state. The author would like to make the problem of the competition between the two allied powers perfectly clear, why the rivarly in the Polish question led to unsucces. The question was temporarily solved by the antant with the restoration of Polish independence after the War. In the solution of the matter have been played a very important role also the Hungarian politcians as István Tisza and Gyula Andrássy junior. The discus of the two of them is rendered in the study lively and expressiv

    Német-osztrák-magyar szakértői bizottsági konferencia a lengyel vámpolitika kérdéséről, 1916. augusztus 29 - szeptember 1.

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    In my paper I present the discussion between the German Empire and the Austro–Hungarian Monarchy how must be develop the economical system in the Polish Kingdom after the war finished victorious against the entente-mights. The Central Powers had occupied in August 1915 the full teritory of the earlier so-callied Russain-Poland and the sherad the country in two parts, a German and an Austro-Hungarian territory, arranged there two General-Military-Gouvernements: the German part with the capitol of Warsaw and an Autrichian zone with the centre in Lublin. The two great powers had rival in the polish issue during of each of the four war-years. At the high sommer of 1916 – because of the catastrophal defeat against the Russian army – Germany had taken lead over the Danube Monarchy in this rivalisation. As the more powerful partner he vindicated for him self the right to say in the matter: what kind of the custom-system must they arranged in Poland. The Germans wanted Poland to draw into the German custums system. The representant and leader of the Austro-Hungarian delegation, Kajetán Mérey upholded the case of the independent Polish custems system. The conference could finish the discusson without result

    Háborús szövetség és vetélkedés: ahogy a lengyelkérdést az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia néhány jelentős politikusa látta (1914–1918) = War-alliance and rivalry: the polish issue regarding by some significant politicians of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (1914–1918)

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    The First World War signified the beginning of a new era also for the Polish society which also belonged to the Monarchy. The study has made effort to give a brief survey about the opinions about the future of Poland of many leading polititical outstanding figures in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The study gives answers of two kind on this remarkable unusual question. On one hand, it gives a detailed description of the main concepts made by the Common Ministry of the Foreign Affaires during the four years of the war, on the other hand is treated in the paper the policy of Germany for and against the rebirth of a new Polish state. The author would like to make the problem of the competition between the two allied powers perfectly clear, why the rivarly in the Polish question led to unsucces. The question was temporarily solved by the antant with the restoration of Polish independence after the War. In the solution of the matter have been played a very important role also the Hungarian politcians as István Tisza and Gyula Andrássy junior. The discus of the two of them is rendered in the study lively and expressiv

    Disease course, frequency of relapses and survival of 73 patients with juvenile or adult dermatomyositis

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    Objective Our aim is to present the disease course, frequency of relapses and survival of juvenile and adult dermatomyositis (JDM/DM) patients. Methods Analysis was performed using data on 73 patients. The median follow-up for 38 JDM patients was 32 months and 78 months for 35 adult DM patients. Results 23/38 JDM patients (60%) had monophasic, 12/38 (31.6%) had polycyclic and 3138 (7.9%) had chronic disease. Among children treated only with glucocorticoids, 12/20 (60%) had monophasic and 8/20 (40%) had polycyclic disease. 10/17 (58.8%) children, who required second-line immunosuppressive agents, had monophasic and 4/17 (23.5%) had polycyclic disease. 18/35 DM (51.4%) patients had monophasic, 13/35 (37.1%) had polycyclic, 1/35 (2.9%) had chronic disease and 3135 (8.6%) had fulminant myositis. Among DM patients requiring only glucocorticoids, 12/20 (60%) were monophasic and 8/20 (40%) were polycyclic. In patients requiring second-line immunosuppressive agents, 6/15 patients (40%) had monophasic and 5/15 (33.3%) had polycyclic disease. Among patients with polycyclic disease, the risk of relapse was higher during first year than later in the disease course. None of the JDM patients have died, while 4 disease-specific deaths occurred in adult patients. There was no significant difference between the survival of JDM and DM patients. Discussion There was no correlation between relapse-free survival and the initial therapeutic regimen. Many of our patients had polycyclic or chronic disease. As relapses can occur after a prolonged disease-free interval, patients should be followed for at least 2 years. Although we found a favourable survival rate, further investigations are needed to assess functional outcome


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    In my paper I present the discussion between the German Empire and the Austro–Hungarian Monarchy how must be develop the economical system in the Polish Kingdom after the war finished victorious against the entente-mights. The Central Powers had occupied in August 1915 the full teritory of the earlier so-callied Russain-Poland and the sherad the country in two parts, a German and an Austro-Hungarian territory, arranged there two General-Military-Gouvernements: the German part with the capitol of Warsaw and an Autrichian zone with the centre in Lublin. The two great powers had rival in the polish issue during of each of the four war-years. At the high sommer of 1916 – because of the catastrophal defeat against the Russian army – Germany had taken lead over the Danube Monarchy in this rivalisation. As the more powerful partner he vindicated for him self the right to say in the matter: what kind of the custom-system must they arranged in Poland. The Germans wanted Poland to draw into the German custums system. The representant and leader of the Austro-Hungarian delegation, Kajetán Mérey upholded the case of the independent Polish custems system. The conference could finish the discusson without result

    Evidence-based hydro- and balneotherapy in Hungary-a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Balneotherapy is appreciated as a traditional treatment modality in medicine. Hungary is rich in thermal mineral waters. Balneotherapy has been in extensive use for centuries and its effects have been studied in detail. Here, we present a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials conducted with Hungarian thermal mineral waters, the findings of which have been published by Hungarian authors in English. The 122 studies identified in different databases include 18 clinical trials. Five of these evaluated the effect of hydro- and balneotherapy on chronic low back pain, four on osteoarthritis of the knee, and two on osteoarthritis of the hand. One of the remaining seven trials evaluated balneotherapy in chronic inflammatory pelvic diseases, while six studies explored its effect on various laboratory parameters. Out of the 18 studies, 9 met the predefined criteria for meta-analysis. The results confirmed the beneficial effect of balneotherapy on pain with weight bearing and at rest in patients with degenerative joint and spinal diseases. A similar effect has been found in chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. The review also revealed that balneotherapy has some beneficial effects on antioxidant status, and on metabolic and inflammatory parameters. Based on the results, we conclude that balneotherapy with Hungarian thermal-mineral waters is an effective remedy for lower back pain, as well as for knee and hand osteoarthritis. © 2013 The Author(s)

    EQ-5D in Central and Eastern Europe : 2000-2015

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    Objective: Cost per quality-adjusted life year data are required for reimbursement decisions in many Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. EQ-5D is by far the most commonly used instrument to generate utility values in CEE. This study aims to systematically review the literature on EQ-5D from eight CEE countries. Methods: An electronic database search was performed up to July 1, 2015 to identify original EQ-5D studies from the countries of interest. We analysed the use of EQ-5D with respect to clinical areas, methodological rigor, population norms and value sets. Results: We identified 143 studies providing 152 country-specific results with a total sample size of 81,619: Austria (n=11), Bulgaria (n=6), Czech Republic (n=18), Hungary (n=47), Poland (n=51), Romania (n=2), Slovakia (n=3) and Slovenia (n=14). Cardiovascular (20%), neurologic (16%), musculoskeletal (15%) and endocrine/nutritional/metabolic diseases (14%) were the most frequently studied clinical areas. Overall 112 (78%) of the studies reported EQ VAS results and 86 (60%) EQ-5D index scores, of which 27 (31%) did not specify the applied tariff. Hungary, Poland and Slovenia have population norms. Poland and Slovenia also have a national value set. Conclusions: Increasing use of EQ-5D is observed throughout CEE. The spread of health technology assessment activities in countries seems to be reflected in the number of EQ-5D studies. However, improvement in informed use and methodological quality of reporting is needed. In jurisdictions where no national value set is available, in order to ensure comparability we recommend to apply the most frequently used UK tariff. Regional collaboration between CEE countries should be strengthened