2,830 research outputs found

    Risk-cost optimization of buried pipelines using subset simulation

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    On the basis of time-dependent reliability analysis, a computational framework called subset simulation (SS) has been applied for risk-cost optimization of flexible underground pipeline networks. SS can provide better resolution for rare failure events that are commonly encountered in pipeline engineering applications. Attention in this work is devoted to scrutinize the robustness of SS in risk-cost optimization of pipelines. SS is first employed to estimate the reliability of flexible underground pipes subjected to externally applied loading and material corrosion. Then SS is extended to determine the intervention year for maintenance and to identify the most appropriate renewal solution and renewal priority by minimizing the risk of failure and whole life-cycle cost. The efficiency of SS compared to genetic algorithm has been demonstrated by numerical studies with a view to prevent unexpected failure of flexible pipes at minimal cost by prioritizing maintenance based on failure severity and system reliability. This paper shows that SS is a more robust method in the decision-making process of reliability-based management for underground pipeline networks

    Injury incidence and characteristics in South African school first team rugby: A case study

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    Background: Despite its apparent popularity, participation in the sport of rugby union is accompanied by a significant risk of injury. Concerned parties have recently questioned whether this risk is acceptable within school populations. This is difficult to assess within the South African schools’ population as no recent longitudinal injury studies exist. Objectives: To determine the training habits, rugby-related exposure and injury risk within a population of South African high school first team rugby players. Methods: Training and match exposure in both school and provincial competition examined and the resultant injuries were longitudinally observed for the duration of a South African high school rugby season. Results: Match (79, 95%CI 52-105 injuries/1 000 h) and training (7, 95%CI 3-11 injuries /1000h) injury incidences were demonstrated to be greater than previously reported incidences in similar populations in England and Ireland. Weeks where players were exposed to both school and provincial competition (34, 95%CI 19-49 injuries /1 000 h) had significantly (p<0.05) greater injury incidences than during school competition alone (19, 95%CI 12-26 injuries /1 000 h). Conclusions: The injury risk demonstrated was greater than expected and represents reasons for concern. Possible reasons for the high injury incidence recorded may be the frequency of games played within the season, and the overlap of school and provincial competitions. It should be noted that these results were taken from one school over one season and might not be representative of the incidence of school rugby injuries overall. However, this research demonstrates the need for a multischool longitudinal study within South African schools rugby to determine the overall risk

    Risk-based inspection on highway assets with category 2 defects

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    This paper presents a study piloted on highway assets Category 2 defects. Imminent hazards on high-way road networks are significantly accelerated by structural deterioration of highway infrastructures. The inspection and maintenance strategy for highway infrastructure requires continuous improvements to reduce high occurrence of defective highway assets. Combined risk-based inspection (RBI) and stochastic (STOC) techniques is considered in this investigation to give an in-depth understanding of highway asset maintenance response. Appropriate data information is extracted from Network Maintenance Management System and complementary information elicited from maintenance experts as well as recommended standards. Safety inspections piloted within the period of 5 years is evaluated using the projected RBI-STOC approach. The RBI incorporates the consequences and likelihood of the defects and the combined STOC techniques utilised defines the actual maintenance interval operated. The RBI-STOC approach proposes reclassification of highway asset defect repair intervals, appropriate maintenance task response and efficient maintenance prioritisation of highway assets in equivalence with contribution to system average mean time to repair and downtime

    Characterizing anomalies in distributed strain measurements of cast-in-situ bored piles

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    This paper describes the method of identifying typical defects of bored cast-in-situ piles when instrumenting using Distributed Optical Fiber Strain Sensing (DOFSS). The DOFSS technology is based on Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analyses (BOTDA), which has the advantage of recording continuous strain profile as opposed to the conventional discrete based sensors such as Vibrating Wire strain gauges. In pile instrumentation particularly, obtaining distributed strain profile is important when analysing the load-transfer and shaft friction of a pile, as well as detecting any anomalies in the strain regime. Features such as defective pile shaft necking, discontinuity of concrete, intrusion of foreign matter and improper toe formation due to contamination of concrete at base with soil particles, among others, may cause the pile to fail. In this study, a new technique of detecting such defects is proposed using DOFSS technology which can potentially supplement the existing non-destructive test (NDT) methods. Discussion on the performance of instrumented piles by means of maintained load test are also presented

    Mathematical study of the effects of applied stress, T-stress and back stress in photoelastic fringe patterns

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    This work is an attempt at developing a novel mathematical model to describe the stresses near the crack tip, taking into consideration the effects of plasticity. The focus is on describing how the applied stress normal to the crack, herein referred to as the K-stress, Tstress and ‘back stress’ induced by plasticity along the crack flank and in the crack tip plastic zone influence the crack tip elastic stress fields. The important features emerging from this study are that the sign and magnitude of each term can substantially alter the crack tip stress fields, and hence influence the photoelastic fringe patterns. To validate the mathematical model, polycarbonate compact tension specimens have been used and observed in a transmission polariscope in order to study the single effect of a pure ‘back stress’ (acting as an interfacial shear stress at the elastic-plastic boundary) and combination effects of K-stress, Tstress and ‘back stress’. It is observed that the fringe patterns obtained through experiment show good agreement with those derived by mathematical modelling

    The level of Marzano higher-order thinking skills among polytechnic students

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    This study aims to identify polytechnic students' level of Marzano Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) based on two dimensions, 'Extension and Refinement of Knowledge' and 'Meaningful Use of Knowledge,' and to analyze the difference in the students' level of Marzano HOTS based on these two dimensions depending on the students' demographic factors. This study design was a survey using quantitative methods. A total of 313 students were randomly selected as the survey sample. A questionnaire in the form of closed-ended questions was used as the research instrument. Data were analyzed using frequency percentage and MANOVA test. The findings showed no significant differences in the eight HOTS in the dimension of 'Extension and Refinement of Knowledge' with the gender and socio-economic status (SES) factors. However, there were significant differences in the eight HOTS with the academic achievement factor. Meanwhile, based on the dimension of 'Meaningful Use of Knowledge,' the findings showed no significant differences in the five HOTS in this dimension with the gender and academic achievement factors. The paper includes implications of the Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) for students to improve their academic performance. In future research, the authors can further identify university students' HOTS levels in the technical area

    Comparative study of selected indoor concentration from selective laser sintering process using virgin and recycled polyamide nylon (pa12)

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) stands out as one of the promising technologies that have huge potential towards manufacturing industry. The study on additive manufacturing impact on the environment and occupational exposure are attracting growing attention recently. However, most of the researcher focus on desktop and fused deposition modelling type and less attention given to the industrial type of AM. Usually, during the selective laser sintering process, recycle powder will be used again to reduce cost and waste. This article compares the PM 2.5, carbon dioxide (CO2) and total volatile organic compound (TVOC) concentration between virgin and recycles powder using polyamide-nylon (PA12) towards indoor concentration. Four phases of sampling involve during air sampling accordingly to the Industry Code of Practice on Indoor Air Quality 2010 by DOSH Malaysia. It was found that PM 2.5 and CO2 concentration are mainly generated during the pre-printing process. The recycle powder tended to appear higher compared to virgin powder in terms of PM 2.5, and CO2. The peak value of PM 2.5 is 1452 μg/m3 and CO2 is 1218 ppm are obtained during the pre-printing process during 8 hours of sampling. TVOC concentration from recycling powder is slightly higher during the post- printing phase where confirm the influence of the powder cake and PA12 temperature from the printing process. In summary, this work proves that elective laser sintering (SLS) machine operators are exposed to a significant amount of exposure during the SLS printing process. Mitigation strategies and personal protective equipment are suggested to reduce occupational exposure

    An analytical model of transducer array arrangement for guided wave excitation and propagation on cylindrical structures

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    Ultrasonic guided wave (GW) inspection is one of the non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques available for the engineering structures. Compared with other NDT techniques, guided waves can propagate a long distance with a relatively high sensitivity to defects in the structure. In order to increase the performance for pipe inspections to meet higher requirements under different conditions, the optimisation of piezoelectric transducer array design is still a need, as the technique is currently subject to a complex analysis due to wide number of guided wave modes generated. This can be done by optimising the transducer array design. In this paper, it is described an analytical mode of a set of piezoelectric transducer arrays upon torsional wave mode T(0,1) excitation in a tubular structure. The proposed analytical model for predicting signal propagation is validated by using finite element analysis in ABAQUS and three-dimensional laser vibrometer experiments for transducer array characterisations. The proposed analytical model works well and very fast for simulating transducer excitation and wave propagation along cylindrical structures. This will significantly reduce the complexity of guided wave analysis, enhancing effectively the structural health of structures and subsequently reducing the industry maintenance cost