1,135 research outputs found

    Subsídios para integração da gestão das águas com a gestão urbana: desenvolvimento de um modelo conceitual para a conexão de mecanismos e instrumentos de gestão

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    A gestão das águas, a integração de políticas e a sustentabilidade do meio urbano são desafios de enorme complexidade, e também de importância estratégica para o país. Devem ser abordadas, de forma integrada, para o equacionamento sustentável de alternativas e soluções postas à gestão das cidades, onde os recursos hídricos assumem papel de extrema relevância em vários aspectos (ABRH, 2007). Neste trabalho foi proposto o desenvolvimento de um modelo conceitual voltado para auxiliar a conexão entre mecanismos e instrumentos de gestão, visando subsidiar a integração entre a Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos e a Urbana. O procedimento metodológico consistiu de: Fundamentação Teórica, Desenvolvimento e Avaliação do Modelo Conceitual. Esta pesquisa se desenvolve a partir do estudo da inter-relação entre instrumentos de gestão e matriz lógica proposta por Marinato (2008). Para o desenvolvimento do modelo aplicou-se o método 5W1H, com objetivo de estruturar e sistematizar informações compiladas do estudo de cada um dos instrumentos de ambas as políticas, organizadas em matrizes (Instrumento X Respostas 5W1H), e sintetizadas por grupos. Complementarmente, foram adicionados elementos de caráter legal, permitindo, assim, inferir a correlação dos mecanismos com os conjuntos de instrumentos de gestão. Dessa forma, foi possível a representação gráfica da interconexão dos sistemas de gestão de recursos hídricos e de gestão urbana, com perspectiva de integrar os instrumentos agrupados segundo seus objetivos afins, permitindo visualizar, nos propostos diagramas do ciclo de gestão integrada, aspectos espacial, temporal e institucional. O modelo teórico-conceitual elaborado é uma ferramenta de comunicação que permite orientar e alertar os gestores, entre outros, em relação ao potencial de integração, contribuindo para apreender a complexidade do tema, propiciar análises múltiplas com diferentes abordagens, assim como para promoção de articulações intra e interinstitucionais mais eficientes e eficazes

    Dependence of nuclear magnetic moments on quark masses and limits on temporal variation of fundamental constants from atomic clock experiments

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    We calculate the dependence of the nuclear magnetic moments on the quark masses including the spin-spin interaction effects and obtain limits on the variation of the fine structure constant α\alpha and (mq/ΛQCD)(m_q/\Lambda_{QCD}) using recent atomic clock experiments examining hyperfine transitions in H, Rb, Cs, Yb+^+ and Hg+^+ and the optical transition in H, Hg+^+ and Yb+^+

    Risk factors for HBV/HIV/HCV in drug addicts: a survey of attendees of a Department of Pathological Dependence

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    Introduction. This study aims to determine risk factors for the acquisition of HIV, HBV and HCV infections among Injection Drug Users (IDUs) who attended the out-patient clinic of the Department of Pathological Dependence at Bari Hospital in Bari Province (Italy). Methods. The study was conducted in the year 2008 using the information available in the out-patient files of 291 drug addicts who were undergoing treatment. Results. Their average age was 29.3 and 133 (45.7%) of them were affected by HIV/ HBV/ HCV. The use of injected heroin, being separated or divorced, and having committed a crime were found to be risk factors for infection by HIV/ HBV/ HCV, while having a school diploma or a university degree and the use of cannabinoids were negatively associated with the infective diseases. Discussion and conclusions. While the data from the Italian Departments of Pathological Dependence concerning HIV diffusion in treated patients have been showing a reduction in the number of cases of seropositivity, drug addiction in industrialized countries is still the second most important risk factor, after promiscuous sexual behaviour, for infection by parenteral transmission. Correct risk assessment is essential for the planning of effective strategies for primary and secondary prevention

    Simulated Greenland Surface Mass Balance in the GISS ModelE2 GCM: Role of the Ice Sheet Surface

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    The rate of growth or retreat of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets remains a highly uncertain component of future sea level change. Here we examine the simulation of Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance (GrIS SMB) in the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) ModelE2 General Circulation Model (GCM). GCMs are often limited in their ability to represent SMB compared with polarregion Regional Climate Models (RCMs). We compare ModelE2 simulated GrIS SMB for presentday (19962005) simulations with fixed ocean conditions, at a spatial resolution of 2 latitude by 2.5 longitude (~200 km), with SMB simulated by the Modle Atmosphrique Rgionale (MAR) RCM (19962005 at a 25 km resolution). ModelE2 SMB agrees well with MAR SMB on the whole, but there are distinct spatial patterns of differences and large differences in some SMB components. The impact of changes to the ModelE2 surface are tested, including a subgridscale representation of SMB with surface elevation classes. This has a minimal effect on ice sheetwide SMB, but corrects local biases. Replacing fixed surface albedo with satellitederived values and an agedependent scheme has a larger impact, increasing simulated melt by 60100%. We also find that lower surface albedo can enhance the effects of elevation classes. Reducing ModelE2 surface roughness length to values closer to MAR reduces sublimation by ~50%. Further work is required to account for meltwater refreezing in ModelE2, and to understand how differences in atmospheric processes and model resolution influence simulated SMB

    Risk factors for HBV/HIV/HCV in drug addicts: a survey of attendees of a Department of Pathological Dependence

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    Introduction. This study aims to determine risk factors for the acquisition of HIV, HBV and HCV infections among Injection Drug Users (IDUs) who attended the out-patient clinic of the Department of Pathological Dependence at Bari Hospital in Bari Province (Italy). Methods. The study was conducted in the year 2008 using the information available in the out-patient files of 291 drug addicts who were undergoing treatment. Results. Their average age was 29.3 and 133 (45.7%) of them were affected by HIV/ HBV/ HCV. The use of injected heroin, being separated or divorced, and having committed a crime were found to be risk factors for infection by HIV/ HBV/ HCV, while having a school diploma or a university degree and the use of cannabinoids were negatively associated with the infective diseases. Discussion and conclusions. While the data from the Italian Departments of Pathological Dependence concerning HIV diffusion in treated patients have been showing a reduction in the number of cases of seropositivity, drug addiction in industrialized countries is still the second most important risk factor, after promiscuous sexual behaviour, for infection by parenteral transmission. Correct risk assessment is essential for the planning of effective strategies for primary and secondary prevention

    Ellipsoidal Universe Can Solve The CMB Quadrupole Problem

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    The recent three-year WMAP data have confirmed the anomaly concerning the low quadrupole amplitude compared to the best-fit \Lambda CDM prediction. We show that, allowing the large-scale spatial geometry of our universe to be plane-symmetric with eccentricity at decoupling or order 10^{-2}, the quadrupole amplitude can be drastically reduced without affecting higher multipoles of the angular power spectrum of the temperature anisotropy.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, minor changes, reference added, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    MAR-Mediated Dystrophin Expression in Mesoangioblasts for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Cell Therapy

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    A cornerstone of autologous cell therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the engineering of suitable cells to express dystrophin in a stable fashion upon differentiation to muscle fibers. Most viral transduction methods are typically restricted to the expression of truncated recombinant dystrophin derivatives and by the risk of insertional mutagenesis, while non-viral vectors often suffer from inefficient transfer, expression and/or silencing