22 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK PT. Rofaca Karalmasih Abadi cabang Surabaya yang berlokasi di Jl. Raya Jemursari no 76 Wonocolo Surabaya adalah salah satu distributor PT. Rofaca Karalmasih Abadi yang berpusat di Jakarta. PT. Rofaca Karalmasih Abadi merupakan industri besar di Indonesia yang bergerak dalam bidang produksi makanan kucing merk Royal Canin. Saat ini kualitas sistem distribusi produk makanan hewan (kucing) pada distributor PT.Rofaca Karalmasih Abadi cabang Surabaya belum maksimal, hal ini ditunjukkan oleh banyaknya pengiriman tidak tepat waktu, pengiriman barang – barang seringkali telat, dan walaupun barang di distributor selalu tersedia, barang tidak selalu ada di agen. Dari sekian banyak permasalahan yang ditemukan, penyebab permasalahan terbesar terdapat pada proses distribusinya yang kurang bagus. Dari permasalahan tersebut maka perlu dianalisis seberapa baik kepuasan pelanggan terhadap layanan distribusi makanan hewan (kucing) dengan pendekatan Physical Distribution Service Quality (PDSQ). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengukur kepuasan konsumen terhadap terhadap kualitas layanan sistem distribusi dan usulan perbaikan terhadap layanan distribusi makanan hewan (kucing) Cara pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan penyebaran kuisioner. Pengolahan data menggunakan uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji hipotesis, dan perhitungan indeks kepuasan pelanggan dengan dimensi physical distribution service quality. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan yang telah dilakukan, untuk memperoleh indeks kepuasan pelanggan berdasarkan distribusi fisik, serta dengan mengevaluasi gap antara harapan dan persepsi terhadap kualitas layanan yang paling besar. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan hasil perhitungan Indeks Kepuasan Pelanggan terhadap dimensi kualitas layanan distribusi fisik adalah sebesar 60,4 % dan Dimensi PDSQ yang mengalami kesenjangan adalah dimensi Timeliness, Availability dan Condition. Atribut yang memiliki kesenjangan tertinggi adalah variabel Timeliness pada atribut frekuensi pengiriman 0,680. Kata kunci : Kualitas layanan distribusi fisik, harapan, persepsi, kepuasan pelangga

    The Effect of Affective Commitment on the Trust of Knowledge Transfer for Family Businesses in Universitas Ciputra

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    This study aims to explore the effect of commitment on the trust of knowledge transfer.The study is conducted using quantitative method on 50 the next generation of family businesses inUniversitas Ciputra. The study result indicates that commitment and trust simultaneously but notpartially affect knowledge transfer. This study suggests the role of knowledge transfer may determinethe success of family business across generation

    Pengaruh Transfer Pengetahuan Tacit Dan Trust Terhadap Successor Innovativeness Perusahaan Keluarga Universitas Ciputra

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    Family business in Indonesia gets good development eventhough in world economy condition that still gets unstable and optimist related to perspective development in coming years. The purpose of this research is to see the effect of tacit knowledge transfer and trust on successor innovativeness of Universitas Ciputra family firm. The method that is used in this research is quantitative with multiple linear regression. The population in this research is ninth batch of Universitas Ciputra family business community member. The sample of this research is determined with sampling purposive technique, uses saturated sampling technique and is obtained respondents of 102 people. Data collection uses questionnaires that are measured by using Likert Scale.. The result of this research indicates that tacit knowledge transfer and trust affect significantly on successor innovativeness.Keywords: tacit knowledge transfer, trust, successor innovativeness


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    The perfume or fragrance business experienced positive growth as seen from the world's perfume exports which experienced a significant increase every year. The existence of this phenomenon is certainly a good opportunity for Artfresh which is a business engaged in the perfume sector in Surabaya. This study aims to determine the effect of price, brand image, and service quality on purchasing decisions on Artfresh consumers. This study uses a quantitative approach using purposive sampling technique. Samoel used in this study as many as 90 respondents. The data collection method uses a questionnaire method that uses a Likert Scale score of 1-5 with multiple linear regression analysis methods with SPSS tools. The results of this study indicate that price has a significant effect on purchasing decisions, brand image does not significantly affect purchasing decisions, service quality has a significant effect on purchasing decisions. &nbsp

    Effects if Autonomy in Joining and Legitimation of Succession on the Family Company Successor’s Commitment

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    The purpose of this research is to study empirically the effect of autonomy in joining and legitimation of succession towards successors’ commitment to a family business. This research is conducted with a sample of 109 successor family businesses at the UC Family Business Community. The research shows that autonomy or the freedom in making choices has a significant effect on forming affective commitment, while legitimation also has a significant influence at a lower level. Autonomy in joining or freedom in making choices has a significant effect to form normative commitment, while legitimation of succession also has a significant effect at a lower level. Thestudy further shows that legitimation must be supported by autonomy to form an affective commitmentto the successor

    Pemetaan Prioritas Perbaikan Kualitas Layanan Dengan Metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Di Kantor Arsip Dan Perpustakaan Kabupaten Sarolangun

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    Kantor Perpustakaan dan Arsip Kabupaten Sarolangun telah berusaha untuk memberikan layanan dan fasilitas terhadap pengunjung perpustakaan. Namun, berdasarkan hasil observasi dan pengamatanyang dilakukan di lapangan kepada responden masih terdapat keluhan berbagai masalah yaitu kurangnya sumber daya manusia yang menguasai teknologi informasi dan kurangnya bahan pustaka, pengunjung mengeluhkan koleksi buku yang tidak update, dan penataan koleksi buku yang tidak teratur. Penelitian ini bertujuan merumuskan upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan yang ada di Kantor Arsip dan Perpustakaan Kabupaten Sarolangun. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 100 sampel yang dihitung berdasarkan metode Slovin. Penelitian ini menggunakan 5 dimensi parasuraman (Tangible, Reability, Responsiveness, Empathy, dan Assurance) menggunakan teknik sampling Purposive. Hasil dari Customer Satisfaction Index menunjukkan index kepuasan menyeluruh sebesar 71,30% yang berarti kepuasan pengguna terhadap pelayanan Kantor Arsip dan Perpustakaan Kabupaten Sarolangun secara keseluruhan dapat dikatakan puas. Hasil diagram IPA yang menjadi penilaian peningkatan kualitas layanan terdapat 5 atribut pada Kuadran I yang harus dilakukan peningkatan kualitasnya yaitu Perpustakaan menyediakan peralatan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan, perpustakaan memiliki koleksi bacaan sesuai kebutuhan pengunjung, perpustakaan menggelompokkan buku sesuai dengan bidang ilmu, pengguna menerima informasi secara cepat dan tepat, dan perpustakaan melakukan penataan buku sesuai dengan penomoran yang ditentukan

    Penta Helix Model In Local Tourism Development Through “Peken Banyumasan”

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze and describe the Collaborative Penta Helix in the development of local tourism through Peken Banyumasan. The research method used is qualitative. An informant recruitment technique is purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used is an interactive model. The results show that the collaborative pentahelix conducted by the government sector, the private sector, and society as a whole is well coordinated and executed. The stakeholders have a definite role in the establishment of collaboration. The role of each stakeholder involved, such as the district government, as the government sector, has a role as a facilitator and organizer in Peken Banyumasan; academics at ITTP Telkom Purwokerto, as the private sector, have a role as drafters of Peken Banyumasan activities as well as implementers; the arts and culture community, as the private sector, has a role as a supporter of traditional handicrafts and tools to support and promote MSMEs in Banyumas Regency; and the mass media as supporting activities in the field of information and communication as a form of information dissemination in a wide scope

    Implementation of fuzzy logic control system on rotary car parking system prototype

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    Rotary car parking system (RCPS) is one of the effective parking models used in the metropolitan area because the mechanical parking system is designed vertically to conserve the land usage. This paper discussed the implementation of fuzzy logic with the Sugeno Inference Model on the RCPS miniature control system. The research started with kinematics analysis and a mathematical model was derived to determine the slot position and optimal power requirements for each condition. Furthermore, the Fuzzy Inference model used was the Sugeno Model, taking into account two variables: distance and angle. These two variables were selected because in the designed miniature RCPS there will be rotational changes of rotation and rotation in turn. Variable distance was divided into four clusters, such as Zero, Near, Medium and Far. While the angle variables were divided into four clusters as well, such as Zero, Small, Medium, and Big. The test results on a miniature RCPS consisting of six parking slots showed that fuzzy based control provided better results when compared to conventional systems. Step response on the control system without fuzzy control showed the rise time value of 0.58 seconds, peak time of 0.85 seconds, settling time of 0.89, percentage overshoot of 0.20%, and steady state error of 4.14%. While the fuzzy control system provided the rise time value of 0.54 seconds, settling time of 0.83 seconds, steady state error of 2.32%, with no overshoot