700 research outputs found

    Objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs), psychiatry and the clinical assessment of skills and competencies (CASC) : same evidence, different judgement

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    Background: The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), originally developed in the 1970’s, has been hailed as the "gold standard" of clinical assessments for medical students and is used within medical schools throughout the world. The Clinical assessment of Skills and Competencies (CASC) is an OSCE used as a clinical examination gateway, granting access to becoming a senior Psychiatrist in the UK. Discussion: Van der Vleuten’s utility model is used to examine the CASC from the viewpoint of a senior psychiatrist. Reliability may be equivalent to more traditional examinations. Whilst the CASC is likely to have content validity, other forms of validity are untested and authenticity is poor. Educational impact has the potential to change facets of psychiatric professionalism and influence future patient care. There are doubts about acceptability from candidates and more senior psychiatrists. Summary: Whilst OSCEs may be the best choice for medical student examinations, their use in post graduate psychiatric examination in the UK is subject to challenge on the grounds of validity, authenticity and educational impact

    Tracking radar studies of bird migration

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    The application of tracking radar for determining the flight paths of migratory birds is discussed. The effects produced by various meteorological parameters are described. Samples of radar scope presentations obtained during tracking studies are presented. The characteristics of the radars and their limitations are examined

    Space Shuttle main engine, powerhead structural modeling, stress and fatigue life analysis. Volume 4: Summary of investigation of unscheduled events and special tasks

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    Low pressure fuel turbopump turbine labyrinth send tip rubbing analysis, gas dynamic analysis, and HPFTP blade crack and blade impact are presented

    Successful innominate thromboembolectomy of a paradoxic embolus

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    AbstractA 54 year-old man had symptoms of acute right hemispheric cerebral ischemia. He was initially considered for participation in a trial of early thrombolysis in stroke, but an innominate artery embolus was found with no apparent arterial source. The embolus was removed by means of a combined brachial and carotid bifurcation approach to protect the cerebral vasculature from embolic fragmentation during extraction. Further investigation revealed deep venous thrombosis, evidence of pulmonary emboli, and a patent foramen ovale, supporting a diagnosis of paradoxic embolus. Additional treatment included anticoagulation and placement of an inferior vena caval filter. The unusual condition of paradoxic embolus is reviewed, and the management of this patient is discussed. (J Vasc Surg 1998;28:742-5.

    Automated lithological mapping using airborne hyperspectral thermal infrared data: A case study from Anchorage Island, Antarctica

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    The thermal infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum has considerable potential for mineral and lithological mapping of the most abundant rock-forming silicates that do not display diagnostic features at visible and shortwave infrared wavelengths. Lithological mapping using visible and shortwave infrared hyperspectral data is well developed and established processing chains are available, however there is a paucity of such methodologies for hyperspectral thermal infrared data. Here we present a new fully automated processing chain for deriving lithological maps from hyperspectral thermal infrared data and test its applicability using the first ever airborne hyperspectral thermal data collected in the Antarctic. A combined airborne hyperspectral survey, targeted geological field mapping campaign and detailed mineralogical and geochemical datasets are applied to small test site in West Antarctica where the geological relationships are representative of continental margin arcs. The challenging environmental conditions and cold temperatures in the Antarctic meant that the data have a significantly lower signal to noise ratio than is usually attained from airborne hyperspectral sensors. We applied preprocessing techniques to improve the signal to noise ratio and convert the radiance images to ground leaving emissivity. Following preprocessing we developed and applied a fully automated processing chain to the hyperspectral imagery, which consists of the following six steps: (1) superpixel segmentation, (2) determine the number of endmembers, (3) extract endmembers from superpixels, (4) apply fully constrained linear unmixing, (5) generate a predictive classification map, and (6) automatically label the predictive classes to generate a lithological map. The results show that the image processing chain was successful, despite the low signal to noise ratio of the imagery; reconstruction of the hyperspectral image from the endmembers and their fractional abundances yielded a root mean square error of 0.58%. The results are encouraging with the thermal imagery allowing clear distinction between granitoid types. However, the distinction of fine grained, intermediate composition dykes is not possible due to the close geochemical similarity with the country rock

    Data availibility for the fisheries impact assessment of the FIMPAS project

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    The project Fisheries Measures in Protected Areas (FIMPAS) aims to introduce fisheries measures in the marine Natura 2000 sites within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Dutch part of the North Sea by the end of 2011. The FIMPAS project covers three such areas, the Dogger Bank and the Cleaver Bank (both to be designated for protection under the Habitats Directive) and the Frisian Front (to be designated for protection under the Birds Directive). These sites are beyond the Dutch 12 nm zone and several EU Member States fish within these areas. Therefore fisheries measures must be implemented through the Common Fisheries Policy. These marine protected areas, as well as the potential fisheries measures, are a consequence of the implementation of the European Birds and Habitats Directives and will be proposed to the European Commission by the Dutch government. The Dutch Ministry for Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV), together with Dutch environmental NGOs and the Dutch fishing industry, are cooperating within the FIMPAS project to develop the necessary fisheries measures to achieve the conservation objectives for the Dutch Natura 2000 sites of the North Sea. LNV has asked the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) to organize the necessary scientific processes and give advice on the desired fisheries measures involving the relevant stakeholders in this process

    Effects of elevated [CO2 ] on maize defence against mycotoxigenic Fusarium verticillioides.

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    Maize is by quantity the most important C4 cereal crop; however, future climate changes are expected to increase maize susceptibility to mycotoxigenic fungal pathogens and reduce productivity. While rising atmospheric [CO2 ] is a driving force behind the warmer temperatures and drought, which aggravate fungal disease and mycotoxin accumulation, our understanding of how elevated [CO2 ] will effect maize defences against such pathogens is limited. Here we report that elevated [CO2 ] increases maize susceptibility to Fusarium verticillioides proliferation, while mycotoxin levels are unaltered. Fumonisin production is not proportional to the increase in F. verticillioides biomass, and the amount of fumonisin produced per unit pathogen is reduced at elevated [CO2 ]. Following F. verticillioides stalk inoculation, the accumulation of sugars, free fatty acids, lipoxygenase (LOX) transcripts, phytohormones and downstream phytoalexins is dampened in maize grown at elevated [CO2 ]. The attenuation of maize 13-LOXs and jasmonic acid production correlates with reduced terpenoid phytoalexins and increased susceptibility. Furthermore, the attenuated induction of 9-LOXs, which have been suggested to stimulate mycotoxin biosynthesis, is consistent with reduced fumonisin per unit fungal biomass at elevated [CO2 ]. Our findings suggest that elevated [CO2 ] will compromise maize LOX-dependent signalling, which will influence the interactions between maize and mycotoxigenic fungi

    Biodiversity hotspots on the Dutch Continental Shelf: a marine strategy framework directive perspective

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    This report presenst hotspots of biodiversity for benthos, fish, birds, marine mammals and habitats on the Dutch Continental Shelf. These hotspots are based on a spatial application of biodiversity metrics developed in this study for the GES(Good Environmental Status)-descriptor 1 ‘Biological diversity is maintained’ of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) (EU 2008). The choice of the biodiversity metrics is based on the proposed indicators of biodiversity in the Commission Decision (EU 2010). The purpose of this study is to provide insight in possibilities for spatial protection measures in the framework of the MSFD. This report feeds information and ideas into further work for the MSFD in the Netherlands. IMARES has compiled this report for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation (Ministry of EL&I) and the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (I&M)
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