7 research outputs found

    Formation of Surface and Quantum-Well States in Ultra Thin Pt Films on the Au(111) Surface

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    The electronic structure of the Pt/Au(111) heterostructures with a number of Pt monolayers n ranging from one to three is studied in the density-functional-theory framework. The calculations demonstrate that the deposition of the Pt atomic thin films on gold substrate results in strong modifications of the electronic structure at the surface. In particular, the Au(111) s-p-type Shockley surface state becomes completely unoccupied at deposition of any number of Pt monolayers. The Pt adlayer generates numerous quantum-well states in various energy gaps of Au(111) with strong spatial confinement at the surface. As a result, strong enhancement in the local density of state at the surface Pt atomic layer in comparison with clean Pt surface is obtained. The excess in the density of states has maximal magnitude in the case of one monolayer Pt adlayer and gradually reduces with increasing number of Pt atomic layers. The spin-orbit coupling produces strong modification of the energy dispersion of the electronic states generated by the Pt adlayer and gives rise to certain quantum states with a characteristic Dirac-cone shape.We acknowledge the Tomsk State University competitiveness programme (Project No. and partial support by the Saint Petersburg State University (Project No. I.V.S. acknowledges financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation within governmental program Megagrants (State Task No. 3.9003.2017/Pi 220 or 3.9003.2017/9.10). Y.M.K. acknowledges the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project No. 15-02-02717-a). E.V.C. acknowledges the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Grant No. FIS2016-75862-P). Calculations were performed at the SKIFCyberia supercomputer of Tomsk State University and at the Research park of St. Petersburg State University Computing Center (Russian Federation)

    Hole-Phonon Relaxation and Photocatalytic Properties of Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide: First-Principles Approach

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    First-principles calculations for the temporal characteristics of hole-phonon relaxation in the valence band of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide have been performed. A first-principles method for the calculations of the quasistationary distribution function of holes has been developed. The results show that the quasistationary distribution of the holes in TiO2 extends to an energy level approximately 1eV below the top of the valence band. This conclusion in turn helps to elucidate the origin of the spectral dependence of the photocatalytic activity of TiO2. Analysis of the analogous data for ZnO shows that in this material spectral dependence of photocatalytic activity in the oxidative reactions is unlikely.The authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish MICINN (Grant no. FIS2010-19609-C02-01), the Departamento de Educacion del Gobierno Vasco, the University of the Basque Country (Grant no. GIC07-IT-366-07), and the Presidium of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Grant no. 12-U-3-1001). The help of Professor L. Baker in the preparation of the paper is also greatly acknowledged. The calculations were performed using the URAN cluster of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg

    Acoustic Plasmons in Nickel and Its Modification upon Hydrogen Uptake

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    In this work, we study, in the framework of the ab initio linear-response time-dependent density functional theory, the low-energy collective electronic excitations with characteristic sound-like dispersion, called acoustic plasmons, in bulk ferromagnetic nickel. Since the respective spatial oscillations in slow and fast charge systems involve states with different spins, excitation of such plasmons in nickel should result in the spatial variations in the spin structure as well. We extend our study to NiHx with different hydrogen concentrations x. We vary the hydrogen concentration and trace variations in the acoustic plasmons properties. Finally, at x=1 the acoustic modes disappear in paramagnetic NiH. The explanation of such evolution is based on the changes in the population of different energy bands with hydrogen content variation.Y.M.K. acknowledges support from the Government research assignment for ISPMS SB RAS, project FWRW-2022-0001 (in the part of band structure calculations). I.V.S. acknowledges support from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation within State Task No. FSWM-2020-0033 (in the part of electronic structure and dielectric function calculations). E.V.C. acknowledges support from Saint Petersburg State University (Project ID No. 90383050). V.M.S. acknowledges financial support by Grant No. PID2019-105488GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/

    Superlattices of Gadolinium and Bismuth Based Thallium Dichalcogenides as Potential Magnetic Topological Insulators

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    Using relativistic spin-polarized density functional theory calculations we investigate magnetism, electronic structure and topology of the ternary thallium gadolinium dichalcogenides TlGdZ2 (Z= Se and Te) as well as superlattices on their basis. We find TlGdZ2 to have an antiferromagnetic exchange coupling both within and between the Gd layers, which leads to frustration and a complex magnetic structure. The electronic structure calculations reveal both TlGdSe2 and TlGdTe2 to be topologically trivial semiconductors. However, as we show further, a three-dimensional (3D) magnetic topological insulator (TI) state can potentially be achieved by constructing superlattices of the TlGdZ2/(TlBiZ2)n type, in which structural units of TlGdZ2 are alternated with those of the isomorphic TlBiZ2 compounds, known to be non-magnetic 3D TIs. Our results suggest a new approach for achieving 3D magnetic TI phases in such superlattices which is applicable to a large family of thallium rare-earth dichalcogenides and is expected to yield a fertile and tunable playground for exotic topological physics.M.M.O. and M.B. acknowledge the support by Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Grant No. PID2019-103910GB-I00) and the University of the Basque Country (Grant no. IT1527-22). A.Yu.V. and E.K.P. acknowledge support from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation within State Task No. FSWM-2020-0033 (in the part of bulk and surface electronic structure calculations). E.V.C. acknowledges support from Saint Petersburg State University (Grant ID No. 90383050). Yu.M.K. acknowledges support from the Government research assignment for ISPMS SB RAS, project FWRW-2022-0001 (in the part of the topological classification of bulk band structure)

    Spin-texture inversion in the giant Rashba semiconductor BiTeI

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    Semiconductors with strong spin-orbit interaction as the underlying mechanism for the generation of spin-polarized electrons are showing potential for applications in spintronic devices. Unveiling the full spin texture in momentum space for such materials and its relation to the microscopic structure of the electronic wave functions is experimentally challenging and yet essential for exploiting spin-orbit effects for spin manipulation. Here we employ a state-of-the-art photoelectron momentum microscope with a multichannel spin filter to directly image the spin texture of the layered polar semiconductor BiTeI within the full two-dimensional momentum plane. Our experimental results, supported by relativistic ab initio calculations, demonstrate that the valence and conduction band electrons in BiTeI have spin textures of opposite chirality and of pronounced orbital dependence beyond the standard Rashba model, the latter giving rise to strong optical selection-rule effects on the photoelectron spin polarization. These observations open avenues for spin-texture manipulation by atomic-layer and charge carrier control in polar semiconductors.This work was supported by DFG (through SFB 1170 'ToCoTronics') and through FOR1162 (P3). We acknowledge the support by the Basque Departamento de Educacion, UPV/EHU (Grant Number IT-756-13), Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO Grant Number FIS2013-48286-C2-2-P), Tomsk State University Academic D.I. Mendeleev Fund Program in 2015 (Research Grant Number, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant Numbers 15-02-01797 and 15-02-589 02717). Partial support by the Saint Petersburg State University (Grant Number is also acknowledged

    Role of occupied d bands in the dynamics of excited electrons and holes in Ag

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    The role that occupied d bands play in the inelastic lifetime of bulk and surface states in Ag is investigated from the knowledge of the quasiparticle self-energy. In the case of bulk electrons, sp bands are taken to be free-electron-like. For surface states, the surface band structure of sp states is described with the use of a realistic one-dimensional Hamiltonian. The presence of occupied d states is considered in both cases by introducing a polarizable background. We obtain inelastic lifetimes of bulk electrons that are in good agreement with first-principles band-structure calculations. Our surface-state lifetime calculations indicate that the agreement with measured lifetimes of both crystal-induced and image-potential-induced surface states on Ag(100) and Ag(111) is considerably improved when the screening of d electrons is taken into account

    First-principles calculations of hot-electron lifetimes in metals

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    First-principles calculations' of the inelastic lifetime of low-energy electrons in Al, Mg, Be, and Cu are reported. Quasiparticle damping rates are evaluated from the: knowledge of the electron self-energy, which we compute within the GW approximation of many-body theory. Inelastic lifetimes are then obtained along various directions of the electron wave vector, with full inclusion of the band structure of the solid. Average lifetimes are also reported, as a function of the electron energy. In Al and Mg, splitting of the band structure over the Fermi level yields electron lifetimes that are smaller than those of electrons in a free-electron gas. Larger lifetimes are found in Be, as a result of the characteristic dip that this material presents in the density of states near the Fermi level. In Cu, a major contribution from d electrons participating in the screening of electron-electron interactions yields electron Lifetimes that are well above those of electrons in a free-electron gas with the electron density equal to that of valence (4s(1)) electrons