14 research outputs found

    XAI: Using Smart Photobooth for Explaining History of Art

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    The rise of Artificial Intelligence has led to advancements in daily life, including applications in industries, telemedicine, farming, and smart cities. It is necessary to have human-AI synergies to guarantee user engagement and provide interactive expert knowledge, despite AI’s success in "less technical" fields. In this article, the possible synergies between humans and AI to explain the development of art history and artistic style transfer are discussed. This study is part of the "Smart Photobooth" project that is able to automatically transform a user’s picture into a well-known artistic style as an interactive approach to introduce the fundamentals of the history of art to the common people and provide them with a concise explanation of the various art painting styles. This study investigates human-AI synergies by combining the explanation produced by an explainable AI mechanism with a human expert’s insights to provide reasons for school students and a larger audience

    Modèle dynamique multiniveau et holonique pour la simulation d'un système complexe à grande échelle avec environnement spatial : Application à la simulation du trafic routier

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    De nos jours, avec l’émergence d’objets et de voitures connectés, les systèmes de trafic routier deviennent de plus en plus complexes et présentent des comportements hiérarchiques à plusieurs niveaux de détail. L'approche de modélisation multiniveaux est une approche appropriée pour représenter le trafic sous plusieurs perspectives. Les modèles multiniveaux constituent également une approche appropriée pour modéliser des systèmes complexes à grande échelle comme le trafic routier. Cependant, la plupart des modèles multiniveaux de trafic proposés dans la littérature sont statiques car ils utilisent un ensemble de niveaux de détail prédéfinis et ces représentations ne peuvent pas commuter pendant la simulation. De plus ces modèles multiniveaux considèrent généralement seulement deux niveaux de détail. Très peu de travaux se sont intéressés à la modélisation dynamique multiniveau de trafic.Cette thèse propose un modèle holonique multiniveau et dynamique du trafic à grande échelle.La commutation dynamique des niveaux de détail lors de l’exécution de la simulation permet d’adapter le modèle aux contraintes liées à la qualité des résultats ou aux ressources de calcul disponibles.La proposition étend l'algorithme DBSCAN dans le contexte des systèmes multi-agents holoniques. De plus, une méthodologie permettant la commutation dynamique entre les différents niveaux de détail est proposée. Des indicateurs multiniveaux basés sur l'écart type sont aussi proposés afin d'évaluer la cohérence des résultats de la simulation.Nowadays, with the emergence of connected objects and cars, road traffic systems become more and more complex and exhibit hierarchical behaviours at several levels of detail. The multilevel modeling approach is an appropriate approach to represent traffic from several perspectives. Multilevel models are also an appropriate approach to model large-scale complex systems such as road traffic. However, most of the multilevel models of traffic proposed in the literature are static because they use a set of predefined levels of detail and these representations cannot change during simulation. Moreover, these multilevel models generally consider only two levels of detail. Few works have been interested on the dynamic multilevel traffic modeling.This thesis proposes a holonic multilevel and dynamic traffic model for large scale traffic systems. The dynamic switching of the levels of detail during the execution of the simulation allows to adapt the model to the constraints related to the quality of the results or to the available computing resources.The proposal extends the DBSCAN algorithm in the context of holonic multi-agent systems. In addition, a methodology allowing a dynamic transition between the different levels of detail is proposed. Multilevel indicators based on standard deviation are also proposed in order to assess the consistency of the simulation results

    Modèle dynamique multiniveau et holonique pour la simulation d'un système complexe à grande échelle avec environnement spatial : Application à la simulation du trafic routier

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    Nowadays, with the emergence of connected objects and cars, road traffic systems become more and more complex and exhibit hierarchical behaviours at several levels of detail. The multilevel modeling approach is an appropriate approach to represent traffic from several perspectives. Multilevel models are also an appropriate approach to model large-scale complex systems such as road traffic. However, most of the multilevel models of traffic proposed in the literature are static because they use a set of predefined levels of detail and these representations cannot change during simulation. Moreover, these multilevel models generally consider only two levels of detail. Few works have been interested on the dynamic multilevel traffic modeling.This thesis proposes a holonic multilevel and dynamic traffic model for large scale traffic systems. The dynamic switching of the levels of detail during the execution of the simulation allows to adapt the model to the constraints related to the quality of the results or to the available computing resources.The proposal extends the DBSCAN algorithm in the context of holonic multi-agent systems. In addition, a methodology allowing a dynamic transition between the different levels of detail is proposed. Multilevel indicators based on standard deviation are also proposed in order to assess the consistency of the simulation results.De nos jours, avec l’émergence d’objets et de voitures connectés, les systèmes de trafic routier deviennent de plus en plus complexes et présentent des comportements hiérarchiques à plusieurs niveaux de détail. L'approche de modélisation multiniveaux est une approche appropriée pour représenter le trafic sous plusieurs perspectives. Les modèles multiniveaux constituent également une approche appropriée pour modéliser des systèmes complexes à grande échelle comme le trafic routier. Cependant, la plupart des modèles multiniveaux de trafic proposés dans la littérature sont statiques car ils utilisent un ensemble de niveaux de détail prédéfinis et ces représentations ne peuvent pas commuter pendant la simulation. De plus ces modèles multiniveaux considèrent généralement seulement deux niveaux de détail. Très peu de travaux se sont intéressés à la modélisation dynamique multiniveau de trafic.Cette thèse propose un modèle holonique multiniveau et dynamique du trafic à grande échelle.La commutation dynamique des niveaux de détail lors de l’exécution de la simulation permet d’adapter le modèle aux contraintes liées à la qualité des résultats ou aux ressources de calcul disponibles.La proposition étend l'algorithme DBSCAN dans le contexte des systèmes multi-agents holoniques. De plus, une méthodologie permettant la commutation dynamique entre les différents niveaux de détail est proposée. Des indicateurs multiniveaux basés sur l'écart type sont aussi proposés afin d'évaluer la cohérence des résultats de la simulation

    Development of a Human-Agent Interaction System including Norm and Emotion in an Evacuation Situation (Student Abstract)

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    Agent-based modeling and simulation can provide a powerful test environment for crisis management scenarios. Human agent interaction has limitations in representing norms issued by an agent to a human agent that has emotions. In this study, we present an approach to the interaction between a virtual normative agent and a human agent in an evacuation scenario. Through simulation comparisons, it is shown that the method used in this study can more fully simulate the real-life out come of an emergency situation and also improves the au thenticity of the agent interaction

    A Cyber-Physical System for Semi-autonomous Oil & Gas Drilling Operations

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    International audienceIn Oil&Gas drilling operations and after reaching deep drilled depths, high temperature increases significantly enough to damage the down-hole drilling tools, and the existing mitigation process is insufficient. In this paper, we propose a Cyber-Physical System (CPS) where agents are used to represent the collaborating entities in Oil\&Gas fields both up-hole and down-hole. With the proposed CPS, down-hole tools respond to high temperature autonomously with a decentralized collective voting based on the tools' internal decision model while waiting for the cooling performed up-hole by the field engineer. This decision model, driven by the tools' specifications, aims to withstand high temperature. The proposed CPS is implemented using a multiagent simulation environment, and the results show that it mitigates high temperature properly with both the voting and the cooling mechanisms

    Human-agent Explainability: An Experimental Case Study on the Filtering of Explanations

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    International audience12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2020), Valletta, Malta, 1970.The communication between robots/agents and humans is a challenge, since humans are not typically capable of understanding the robot's state of mind. To overcome this challenge, this paper relies on the recent advances of the domain of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) to trace the decisions of the agents and increase the human's understandability of the agents behaviour, and hence improve efficiency and user satisfaction. In particular, we propose a Human-Agent EXplainability Architecture (HAEXA) to model human-agent explainability. HAEXA filters the explanations provided by the agents to the human user to reduce the user's cognitive load. To evaluate HAEXA, a human-computer interaction experiment is conducted, where participants watch an agent-based simulation of aerial package delivery and fill in a questionnaire that collects their responses. The questionnaire is built according to XAI metrics as established in the literature. The significance of the results is verified using emph{One-tailed Mann-Whitney U} tests. The results show that explainability increases the understandability of the simulation by human users. However, too many details in the explanations overwhelms them; hence, in many scenarios it is preferable to filter the explanations

    Metrics for Evaluating Explainable Recommender Systems

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    Recommender systems aim to support their users by reducing information overload so that they can make better decisions. Recommender systems must be transparent, so users can form mental models about the system’s goals, internal state, and capabilities, that are in line with their actual design. Explanations and transparent behaviour of the system should inspire trust and, ultimately, lead to more persuasive recommendations. Here, explanations convey reasons why a recommendation is given or how the system forms its recommendations. This paper focuses on the question how such claims about effectiveness of explanations can be evaluated. Accordingly, we investigate various models that are used to assess the effects of explanations and recommendations. We discuss objective and subjective measurement and argue that both are needed. We define a set of metrics for measuring the effectiveness of explanations and recommendations. The feasibility of using these metrics is discussed in the context of a specific explainable recommender system in the food and health domain.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Interactive Intelligenc

    Towards interactive explanation-based nutrition virtual coaching systems.

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    peer reviewedThe awareness about healthy lifestyles is increasing, opening to personalized intelligent health coaching applications. A demand for more than mere suggestions and mechanistic interactions has driven attention to nutrition virtual coaching systems (NVC) as a bridge between human-machine interaction and recommender, informative, persuasive, and argumentation systems. NVC can rely on data-driven opaque mechanisms. Therefore, it is crucial to enable NVC to explain their doing (i.e., engaging the user in discussions (via arguments) about dietary solutions/alternatives). By doing so, transparency, user acceptance, and engagement are expected to be boosted. This study focuses on NVC agents generating personalized food recommendations based on user-specific factors such as allergies, eating habits, lifestyles, and ingredient preferences. In particular, we propose a user-agent negotiation process entailing run-time feedback mechanisms to react to both recommendations and related explanations. Lastly, the study presents the findings obtained by the experiments conducted with multi-background participants to evaluate the acceptability and effectiveness of the proposed system. The results indicate that most participants value the opportunity to provide feedback and receive explanations for recommendations. Additionally, the users are fond of receiving information tailored to their needs. Furthermore, our interactive recommendation system performed better than the corresponding traditional recommendation system in terms of effectiveness regarding the number of agreements and rounds

    Towards a multi-agent model to prevent damage caused by cocoa mirids to cocoa pods

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    Co-localisées avec la Plate-Forme Intelligence Artificielle (PFIA 2019)International audienceAgriculture in general and cocoa farm in particular is one of the primary sources of income for several African countries. Although quite useful for the development of Africa, cocoa production is faced with several challenges like the diseases of cocoa trees. Mirid (Sahlbergella singularis) is the worst pest affecting cocoa production across west Africa causing 30% to 40% of damage on cocoa production. It is difficult to control the mirids’ population and its impact on the cacao production. Related works on mirids studied the mirids population as a macroscopic entity without considering local interactions of individual mirids. These models did not consider the behaviours and the environment of mirids which are essential due to their complexity. To overcome these drawbacks, this paper proposes an agent-based model of mirids considering the individual interactions of mirids within the environment. The proposed model consists of agents representing the mirids through their life cycle in cocoa farm environments. It is based on the biological and ecological partial knowledge found in the literature, and is built according to the GAIA methodology. The main assets of this model are the reproduction of the dynamics of the mirids on a cocoa pod and damage caused by them at the micro level for human users (entomologists, agricultural engineers, farmers and decision makers) to thoroughly understand the phenomena and the emergent properties outcomes.L’agriculture en général et la culture du cacao en particulier est l’une des principales sources de revenus de plusieurs pays africains. Cependant, la production du cacao est confrontée à plusieurs défis tels que les maladies et l’attaque des insectes nuisibles. Les mirides (Sahlbergella singularis) sont les insectes les plus préjudiciables à la culture du cacao en Afrique. Avec 30 à 40 % de dommages sur la production, il est difficile de contrôler la population des mirides ainsi que son impact sur la production de cacao. Les travaux précédents sur les mirides, étudient la population de cet insecte selon le point de vue macroscopique sans tenir compte des interactions locales entre les mirides. Ces modèles ne prennent pas en compte les comportements individuels des mirides et leurs interactions avec l’environnement qui sont essentiels en raison de leurs complexités. Pour remédier à ces insuffisances, le présent article propose un modèle de mirides à base d’agents prenant en compte les interactions individuelles des mirides dans leur environnement. Le modéle proposé est constitué d’agents représentant le cycle de vie du miride sur une cabosse de cacao. Il est basé sur les connaissances biologiques et écologiques du miride, et est construit selon la méthodologie GAIA. Ces modèles ainsi que leurs implémentations sont destinés à des utilisateurs tels que les entomologistes, les ingénieurs agronomes, les agriculteurs et les décideurs. Cela leur permettra de mieux comprendre les phénomènes émergents dues aux mirides ainsi que leurs propriétés