3,554 research outputs found

    Some Notes on the Malayan Law of Negligence

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    In the annals of the spread of the common law to other lands and other ways, Malaya may deserve a modest place, but, as the selection here no doubt shows, so far it has made no significant contribution to the intellectual content of that law. It has neither produced nor harboured a Cardozo or a Dixon. At best, its judges have applied common law principles simply but soundly; they have never, at least in tort, been subtle or illuminating. Its legal history is of interest for its own sake; its legal achievement awaits us in the future, not in the past

    Structural, optical, magnetic and electrical properties of Zn1-x Co (x) O thin films

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    Despite a considerable effort aiming at elucidating the nature of ferromagnetism in ZnO-based magnetic semiconductor, its origin still remains debatable. Although the observation of above room temperature ferromagnetism has been reported frequently in the literature by magnetometry measurement, so far there has been no report on correlated ferromagnetism in magnetic, optical and electrical measurements. In this paper, we investigate systematically the structural, optical, magnetic and electrical properties of Zn1-x Co (x) O:Al thin films prepared by sputtering with x ranging from 0 to 0.33. We show that correlated ferromagnetism is present only in samples with x > 0.25. In contrast, samples with x < 0.2 exhibit weak ferromagnetism only in magnetometry measurement which is absent in optical and electrical measurements. We demonstrate, by systematic electrical transport studies that carrier localization indeed occurs below 20-50 K for samples with x < 0.2; however, this does not lead to the formation of ferromagnetic phase in these samples with an electron concentration in the range of 6 x 10(19) cm(-3) 1 x 10(20) cm(-3). Detailed structural and optical transmission spectroscopy analyses revealed that the anomalous Hall effect observed in samples with x > 0.25 is due to the formation of secondary phases and Co clusters.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    Exact Markovian kinetic equation for a quantum Brownian oscillator

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    We derive an exact Markovian kinetic equation for an oscillator linearly coupled to a heat bath, describing quantum Brownian motion. Our work is based on the subdynamics formulation developed by Prigogine and collaborators. The space of distribution functions is decomposed into independent subspaces that remain invariant under Liouville dynamics. For integrable systems in Poincar\'e's sense the invariant subspaces follow the dynamics of uncoupled, renormalized particles. In contrast for non-integrable systems, the invariant subspaces follow a dynamics with broken-time symmetry, involving generalized functions. This result indicates that irreversibility and stochasticity are exact properties of dynamics in generalized function spaces. We comment on the relation between our Markovian kinetic equation and the Hu-Paz-Zhang equation.Comment: A few typos in the published version are correcte

    Opinion diversity and community formation in adaptive networks

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    It is interesting and of significant importance to investigate how network structures co-evolve with opinions. The existing models of such co-evolution typically lead to the final states where network nodes either reach a global consensus or break into separated communities, each of which holding its own community consensus. Such results, however, can hardly explain the richness of real-life observations that opinions are always diversified with no global or even community consensus, and people seldom, if not never, totally cut off themselves from dissenters. In this article, we show that, a simple model integrating consensus formation, link rewiring and opinion change allows complex system dynamics to emerge, driving the system into a dynamic equilibrium with co-existence of diversified opinions. Specifically, similar opinion holders may form into communities yet with no strict community consensus; and rather than being separated into disconnected communities, different communities remain to be interconnected by non-trivial proportion of inter-community links. More importantly, we show that the complex dynamics may lead to different numbers of communities at steady state with a given tolerance between different opinion holders. We construct a framework for theoretically analyzing the co-evolution process. Theoretical analysis and extensive simulation results reveal some useful insights into the complex co-evolution process, including the formation of dynamic equilibrium, the phase transition between different steady states with different numbers of communities, and the dynamics between opinion distribution and network modularity, etc.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, Journa

    Performance Measure Of Industrial Robotics In Lean Enterprise: A Case Study In Semiconductor Industry

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    Industrial robotics replaced human workers in almost all fields due to their abilities to multitask, flexibility and configurability in any position they involved in. However, implementing industrial robotics is challenging due to their high cost, expert handling, and complexity. The object of this study is to determine the performance measurement using the QCDAC method or (quality, cost, delivery, accountability and continual improvement) then categorized according to lean principles and then identifying seven main areas that the industrial robotics contributes in the semi-conductor company. The performance identification and ranking is done by using Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) methodology to identify the most affected performance of the model and to clarify the industrial robotics performance in these areas in which the industrial robotics fit and compatible with the lean enterprise. Human- robot interaction considered to guarantee the workers' safety working alongside industrial robotics. The result of the ISM method shows the performance measure that affects the industrial robotics to support lean enterprise in terms of quality improvement, cost reduction and efficiency

    Selective interlayer ferromagnetic coupling between the Cu spins in YBa2_2 Cu3_3 O7x_{7-x} grown on top of La0.7_{0.7} Ca0.3_{0.3} MnO3_3

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    Studies to date on ferromagnet/d-wave superconductor heterostructures focus mainly on the effects at or near the interfaces while the response of bulk properties to heterostructuring is overlooked. Here we use resonant soft x-ray scattering spectroscopy to reveal a novel c-axis ferromagnetic coupling between the in-plane Cu spins in YBa2_2 Cu3_3 O7x_{7-x} (YBCO) superconductor when it is grown on top of ferromagnetic La0.7_{0.7} Ca0.3_{0.3} MnO3_3 (LCMO) manganite layer. This coupling, present in both normal and superconducting states of YBCO, is sensitive to the interfacial termination such that it is only observed in bilayers with MnO_2but not with La0.7_{0.7} Ca0.3_{0.3} interfacial termination. Such contrasting behaviors, we propose, are due to distinct energetic of CuO chain and CuO2_2 plane at the La0.7_{0.7} Ca0.3_{0.3} and MnO2_2 terminated interfaces respectively, therefore influencing the transfer of spin-polarized electrons from manganite to cuprate differently. Our findings suggest that the superconducting/ferromagnetic bilayers with proper interfacial engineering can be good candidates for searching the theorized Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state in cuprates and studying the competing quantum orders in highly correlated electron systems.Comment: Please note the change of the title. Text might be slightly different from the published versio

    Functional conservation of a forebrain enhancer from the elephant shark (Callorhinchus milii) in zebrafish and mice

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    Background: The phylogenetic position of the elephant shark (Callorhinchus milii ) is particularly relevant to study the evolution of genes and gene regulation in vertebrates. Here we examine the evolution of Dlx homeobox gene regulation during vertebrate embryonic development with a particular focus on the forebrain. We first identified the elephant shark sequence orthologous to the URE2 cis -regulatory element of the mouse Dlx1/Dlx2 locus (herein named CmURE2). We then conducted a comparative study of the sequence and enhancer activity of CmURE2 with that of orthologous regulatory sequences from zebrafish and mouse. Results: The CmURE2 sequence shows a high percentage of identity with its mouse and zebrafish counterparts but is overall more similar to mouse URE2 (MmURE2) than to zebrafish URE2 (DrURE2). In transgenic zebrafish and mouse embryos, CmURE2 displayed enhancer activity in the forebrain that overlapped with that of DrURE2 and MmURE2. However, we detected notable differences in the activity of the three sequences in the diencephalon. Outside of the forebrain, CmURE2 shows enhancer activity in areas such as the pharyngeal arches and dorsal root ganglia where its' counterparts are also active. Conclusions: Our transgenic assays show that part of the URE2 enhancer activity is conserved throughout jawed vertebrates but also that new characteristics have evolved in the different groups. Our study demonstrates that the elephant shark is a useful outgroup to study the evolution of regulatory mechanisms in vertebrates and to address how changes in the sequence of cis -regulatory elements translate into changes in their regulatory activity

    Algorithms for 3D rigidity analysis and a first order percolation transition

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    A fast computer algorithm, the pebble game, has been used successfully to study rigidity percolation on 2D elastic networks, as well as on a special class of 3D networks, the bond-bending networks. Application of the pebble game approach to general 3D networks has been hindered by the fact that the underlying mathematical theory is, strictly speaking, invalid in this case. We construct an approximate pebble game algorithm for general 3D networks, as well as a slower but exact algorithm, the relaxation algorithm, that we use for testing the new pebble game. Based on the results of these tests and additional considerations, we argue that in the particular case of randomly diluted central-force networks on BCC and FCC lattices, the pebble game is essentially exact. Using the pebble game, we observe an extremely sharp jump in the largest rigid cluster size in bond-diluted central-force networks in 3D, with the percolating cluster appearing and taking up most of the network after a single bond addition. This strongly suggests a first order rigidity percolation transition, which is in contrast to the second order transitions found previously for the 2D central-force and 3D bond-bending networks. While a first order rigidity transition has been observed for Bethe lattices and networks with ``chemical order'', this is the first time it has been seen for a regular randomly diluted network. In the case of site dilution, the transition is also first order for BCC, but results for FCC suggest a second order transition. Even in bond-diluted lattices, while the transition appears massively first order in the order parameter (the percolating cluster size), it is continuous in the elastic moduli. This, and the apparent non-universality, make this phase transition highly unusual.Comment: 28 pages, 19 figure

    Simulation of Internal Undular Bores Propagating over a Slowly Varying Region

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    Internal undular bores have been observed in many parts of the world. Studies have shown that many marine structures face danger and risk of destruction caused by internal undular bores due to the amount of energy it carries. This paper looks at the transformation of internal undular bore in two-layer fluid flow under the influence of variable topography. Thus, the surface of the bottom is considered to be slowly varying. The appropriate mathematical model is the variable-coefficient extended Korteweg-de Vries equation. We are particularly interested in looking at the transformation of KdV-type and table-top undular bore over the variable topography region. The governing equation is solved numerically using the method of lines, where the spatial derivatives are first discretised using finite difference approximation so that the partial differential equation becomes a system of ordinary differential equations which is then solved by 4th order Runge-Kutta method. Our numerical results show that the evolution of internal undular bore over different types of varying depths regions leads to a number of adiabatic and non-adiabatic effects. When the depth decreases slowly, a solitary wavetrain is observed at the front of the transformed internal undular bore. On the other hand, when the depth increases slowly, we observe the generation of step-like wave and weakly nonlinear trailing wavetrain, the occurrence of multi-phase behaviour, the generation of transformed undular bore of negative polarity and diminishing transformed undular bore depending on the nature of the topography after the variable topography

    Thermodynamics of AdS/QCD

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    We study finite temperature properties of four dimensional QCD-like gauge theories in the gauge theory/gravity duality picture. The gravity dual contains two deformed 5d AdS metrics, with and without a black hole, and a dilaton. We study the thermodynamics of the 4d boundary theory and constrain the two metrics so that they correspond to a high and a low temperature phase separated by a first order phase transition. The equation of state has the standard form for the pressure of a strongly coupled fluid modified by a vacuum energy, a bag constant. We determine the parameters of the deformation by using QCD results for TcT_c and the hadron spectrum. With these parameters, we show that the phase transition in the 4d boundary theory and the 5d bulk Hawking-Page transition agree. We probe the dynamics of the two phases by computing the quark-antiquark free energy in them and confirm that the transition corresponds to confinement-deconfinement transition.Comment: 1+19 pages, 6 figures, references added, section 3 improve