332 research outputs found

    Fast and accurate Slicewise OutLIer Detection (SOLID) with informed model estimation for diffusion MRI data

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    The accurate characterization of the diffusion process in tissue using diffusion MRI is greatly challenged by the presence of artefacts. Subject motion causes not only spatial misalignments between diffusion weighted images, but often also slicewise signal intensity errors. Voxelwise robust model estimation is commonly used to exclude intensity errors as outliers. Slicewise outliers, however, become distributed over multiple adjacent slices after image registration and transformation. This challenges outlier detection with voxelwise procedures due to partial volume effects. Detecting the outlier slices before any transformations are applied to diffusion weighted images is therefore required. In this work, we present i) an automated tool coined SOLID for slicewise outlier detection prior to geometrical image transformation, and ii) a framework to naturally interpret data uncertainty information from SOLID and include it as such in model estimators. SOLID uses a straightforward intensity metric, is independent of the choice of the diffusion MRI model, and can handle datasets with a few or irregularly distributed gradient directions. The SOLID-informed estimation framework prevents the need to completely reject diffusion weighted images or individual voxel measurements by downweighting measurements with their degree of uncertainty, thereby supporting convergence and well-conditioning of iterative estimation algorithms. In comprehensive simulation experiments, SOLID detects outliers with a high sensitivity and specificity, and can achieve higher or at least similar sensitivity and specificity compared to other tools that are based on more complex and time-consuming procedures for the scenarios investigated. SOLID was further validated on data from 54 neonatal subjects which were visually inspected for outlier slices with the interactive tool developed as part of this study, showing its potential to quickly highlight problematic volumes and slices in large population studies. The informed model estimation framework was evaluated both in simulations and in vivo human data.Peer reviewe

    Microstructural imaging of the human brain with a 'super-scanner': 10 key advantages of ultra-strong gradients for diffusion MRI

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    The key component of a microstructural diffusion MRI 'super-scanner' is a dedicated high-strength gradient system that enables stronger diffusion weightings per unit time compared to conventional gradient designs. This can, in turn, drastically shorten the time needed for diffusion encoding, increase the signal-to-noise ratio, and facilitate measurements at shorter diffusion times. This review, written from the perspective of the UK National Facility for In Vivo MR Imaging of Human Tissue Microstructure, an initiative to establish a shared 300 mT/m-gradient facility amongst the microstructural imaging community, describes ten advantages of ultra-strong gradients for microstructural imaging. Specifically, we will discuss how the increase of the accessible measurement space compared to a lower-gradient systems (in terms of Δ, b-value, and TE) can accelerate developments in the areas of 1) axon diameter distribution mapping; 2) microstructural parameter estimation; 3) mapping micro-vs macroscopic anisotropy features with gradient waveforms beyond a single pair of pulsed-gradients; 4) multi-contrast experiments, e.g. diffusion-relaxometry; 5) tractography and high-resolution imaging in vivo and 6) post mortem; 7) diffusion-weighted spectroscopy of metabolites other than water; 8) tumour characterisation; 9) functional diffusion MRI; and 10) quality enhancement of images acquired on lower-gradient systems. We finally discuss practical barriers in the use of ultra-strong gradients, and provide an outlook on the next generation of 'super-scanners'

    Physiological effects of human body imaging with 300 mT/m gradients

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    Purpose The use of high-performance gradient systems (i.e., high gradient strength and/or high slew rate) for human MRI is limited by physiological effects (including the elicitation of magnetophosphenes and peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS)). These effects, in turn, depend on the interaction between time-varying magnetic fields and the body, and thus on the participant’s position with respect to the scanner’s isocenter. This study investigated the occurrence of magnetophosphenes and PNS when scanning participants on a high-gradient (300 mT/m) system, for different gradient amplitudes, ramp times, and participant positions. Methods Using a whole-body 300 mT/m gradient MRI system, a cohort of participants was scanned with the head, heart, and prostate at magnet isocenter and a train of trapezoidal bipolar gradient pulses, with ramp times from 0.88 to 4.20 ms and gradient amplitudes from 60 to 300 mT/m. Reports of magnetophosphenes and incidental reports of PNS were obtained. A questionnaire was used to record any additional subjective effects. Results Magnetophosphenes were strongly dependent on participant position in the scanner. 87% of participants reported the effect with the heart at isocenter, 33% with the head at isocenter, and only 7% with the prostate at isocenter. PNS was most widely reported by participants for the vertical gradient axis (67% of participants), and was the dominant physiological effect for ramp times below 2 ms. Conclusion This study evaluates the probability of eliciting magnetophosphenes during whole-body imaging using an ultra-strong gradient MRI system. It provides empirical guidance on the use of high-performance gradient systems for whole-body human MRI

    Practical considerations of diffusion-weighted MRS with ultra-strong diffusion gradients

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    Introduction: Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance spectroscopy (DW-MRS) offers improved cellular specificity to microstructure—compared to water-based methods alone—but spatial resolution and SNR is severely reduced and slow-diffusing metabolites necessitate higher b-values to accurately characterize their diffusion properties. Ultra-strong gradients allow access to higher b-values per-unit time, higher SNR for a given b-value, and shorter diffusion times, but introduce additional challenges such as eddy-current artefacts, gradient non-uniformity, and mechanical vibrations. Methods: In this work, we present initial DW-MRS data acquired on a 3T Siemens Connectom scanner equipped with ultra-strong (300 mT/m) gradients. We explore the practical issues associated with this manner of acquisition, the steps that may be taken to mitigate their impact on the data, and the potential benefits of ultra-strong gradients for DW-MRS. An in-house DW-PRESS sequence and data processing pipeline were developed to mitigate the impact of these confounds. The interaction of TE, b-value, and maximum gradient amplitude was investigated using simulations and pilot data, whereby maximum gradient amplitude was restricted. Furthermore, two DW-MRS voxels in grey and white matter were acquired using ultra-strong gradients and high b-values. Results: Simulations suggest T2-based SNR gains that are experimentally confirmed. Ultra-strong gradient acquisitions exhibit similar artefact profiles to those of lower gradient amplitude, suggesting adequate performance of artefact mitigation strategies. Gradient field non-uniformity influenced ADC estimates by up to 4% when left uncorrected. ADC and Kurtosis estimates for tNAA, tCho, and tCr align with previously published literature. Discussion: In conclusion, we successfully implemented acquisition and data processing strategies for ultra-strong gradient DW-MRS and results indicate that confounding effects of the strong gradient system can be ameliorated, while achieving shorter diffusion times and improved metabolite SNR

    The Intentional Use of Service Recovery Strategies to Influence Consumer Emotion, Cognition and Behaviour

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    Service recovery strategies have been identified as a critical factor in the success of. service organizations. This study develops a conceptual frame work to investigate how specific service recovery strategies influence the emotional, cognitive and negative behavioural responses of . consumers., as well as how emotion and cognition influence negative behavior. Understanding the impact of specific service recovery strategies will allow service providers' to more deliberately and intentionally engage in strategies that result in positive organizational outcomes. This study was conducted using a 2 x 2 between-subjects quasi-experimental design. The results suggest that service recovery has a significant impact on emotion, cognition and negative behavior. Similarly, satisfaction, negative emotion and positive emotion all influence negative behavior but distributive justice has no effect

    Consumer Complaints and Company Market Value

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    Consumer complaints affect company market value and common sense suggests that a negative impact is expected. However, do complaints always negatively impact company market value? We hypothesize in this study that complaints may have a non-linear effect on market value. Positive (e.g. avoiding high costs to solve complaints) and negative (e.g. speedy and intense diffusion) tradeoffs may occur given the level of complaints. To test our non-linear hypothesis, a panel data was collected from cell phone service providers from 2005 to 2013. The results supported our tradeoff rationale. Low levels of complaints allow for companies to increase market value, while high levels of complaints cause increasing harm to market value. The sample, model and period considered in this study, indicates a level of 0.49 complaints per thousand consumers as the threshold for a shift in tradeoffs. The effects on market value become increasingly negative when trying to make reductions to move below this level, due to negative tradeoffs

    The paediatric flat foot and general anthropometry in 140 Australian school children aged 7 - 10 years

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many studies have found a positive relationship between increased body weight and flat foot posture in children.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From a study population of 140 children aged seven to 10 years, a sample of 31 children with flat feet was identified by screening with the FPI-6. Basic anthropometric measures were compared between subjects with and without flat feet as designated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results of this study, in contrast to many others, question the association of flat feet and heavy children. A significant relationship between foot posture and weight (FPI (L) r = -0.186 (p < 0.05), FPI(R) r = -0.194 (p < 0.05), waist girth (FPI (L) r = -0.213 (p < 0.05), FPI(R) r = -0.228 (p < 0.01) and BMI (FPI (L) r = -0.243 (p < 0.01), FPI(R) r = -0.263 (p < 0.01) was identified, but was both weak and inverse.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study presents results which conflict with those of many previous investigations addressing the relationship between children's weight and foot posture. In contrast to previous studies, the implication of these results is that heavy children have less flat feet. Further investigation is warranted using a standardized approach to assessment and a larger sample of children to test this apparent contradiction.</p
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