41 research outputs found

    Variabilitas musiman terhadap hasil tangkapan Tuna Madidihang (Thunnus albacares): Seasonal variability of catch results of madidihang tuna (Thunnus albacares)

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    Fishermen in North Buru often depend on seasonal changes in tuna madidihang abundance to plan their fishing operations. However, a more comprehensive understanding of how this seasonal variability affects catches and its implications for fisheries management is still an important research subject. The research was conducted in Wailihang Village, Waplau District, North Buru Regency, between October and December 2022. The observational method was used for this study, where available and precise time series data owned by the Indonesian Community and Fisheries Foundation (MDPI) was collected. The collected data is the number of catch productions (kg) and the total length of fish (cm) from each haul. Yellowfin tuna production tends to fluctuate, with the highest catch (CPUE) occurring in September (63.8%) and the lowest in June (34.2%). The west season and east seasons have a total catch of 556 fish (45.42%), with 382 fish (31.21%) caught during the east season and 174 fish (14.22%) caught during the west season. The distribution of fish length varies in the east season compared to the west season. The west season catches more fish, but they are generally small-sized, while during the east season, large fish dominate, with the highest presentation (38.67%)

    Penerbitan SKPI sebagai Indikator Ekspor Hasil Tangkapan Madidihang di PPN Ambon

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    The Fish Landing Certificate (SKPI) is an indicator for small-scale fishermen in exporting their catch. In accordance with article 2 of Permen No.13/MEN/2012 SKPI is an instrument derived from SHTI which aims to facilitate trade activities to eradicate IUU Fishing and ensure traceability of fish catches and ensure the conservation of sustainable management of fisheries resources. This study aims to analyze the amount of yellowfin tuna production based on fishing time and fishing area (DPI), analyze trends and distribution patterns of yellowfin tuna exports based on SKPI data at the Ambon Archipelago Fishery Port. Methods Data collection was carried out through observation and interviews with quantitative descriptive analysis and trend analysis. The results showed that the highest amount of yellowfin tuna production based on DPI was in WPP 715 and the fishing area with the least production was in WPP 718. The percentage of development trends in production of yellowfin tuna catches based on SKPI data showed that the highest percentage of production was in August and the lowest percentage of production was in May. Furthermore, for the flow of distribution of tuna exports from small-scale fishermen, they usually take care of the SKPI directly at the Ambon PPN harbor. After the required documents have been validated for completeness, the harbormaster will immediately issue an SKPI. After requirements documents are validated furthermore used to be sent to America, Vietnam and Japan


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    Nelayan mengetahui sumberdaya laut secara rinci, juga lingkungan mereka dan aktifitas penangkapan yang mereka lalukan, dan pengetahuan ini jarang dikoleksi secara sistimatik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji persepsi nelayan terhadap perubahan hasil tangkapan dan penyebabnya. Kami mewawancarai nelayan pantai Haive Besar dengan menggunakan kuisioner yang sifatnya semi terstruktur. Informasi pribadi nelayan seperti umur dan pengalaman menangkap ikan, aktifitas penangkapan seperti alat yang digunakan dan daerah penangkapan, serta pengetahuan mereka tentang perubahan ekosistem menjadi topik pertanyaan di dalam kuisioner. Nelayan dengan usia karir menengah (21-35 tahun) lebih banyak dibandingkan nelayan usia karir muda dan karir tua. Nelayan mendeteksi perubahan pada ekosistem daerah penangkapan mereka seperti banyaknya sampah, limbah minyak, rusak dan berkurangnya habitat karang dan lamun serta kekeruhan. Dampak yang nelayan rasakan adalah hasil tangkapan yang semakin berkurang bahkan tidak ada lagi. Persepsi nelayan terhadap perubahan ekosistem dan hasil tangkapan mereka menjadi dasar bagi penelitian selanjutnya seperti fisheries assessment. FISHERS’ PROFILE AND PERCEPTION ON THE SHIFTING OF CATCH ON THE COAST OF AMBON BAY. Fishers have detailed knowledge of their resources, their environment, and their fishing practices that is rarely systematically collected. This study was undertaken to examine perceptions of fishers on the shifting of catch and the occasion of the changing. We conducted an interview with coastal Hative Besar fishers using a semi-structured questioner. Fishers’ profiles such as age and years at fishery, gears and fishing grounds was one part of the questions. Other part was fishers’ ecological knowledge focused on environmental condition and shifting catch. More fishers with middle career (21-35 year in fishery) than young and old careers were interviewed. Environmental changes included waste in the water, oil, corals and seagrasses degradation, and turbidity affected the catch of fishers. Fish became difficult to be found. We learn from this study that fishers’ perception is an important tool for further fisheries assessment study

    Irreversible Aging Dynamics and Generic Phase Behavior of Aqueous Suspensions of Laponite

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    In this work we study the aging behavior of aqueous suspension of Laponite having 2.8 weight % concentration using rheological tools. At various salt concentration all the samples demonstrate orientational order when observed using crossed polarizers. In rheological experiments we observe inherent irreversibility in the aging dynamics which forces the system not to rejuvenate to the same state in the shear melting experiment carried out at a later date since preparation. The extensive rheological experiments carried out as a function of time elapsed since preparation demonstrate the self similar trend in the aging behavior irrespective of the concentration of salt. We observe that the exploration of the low energy states as a function of aging time is only kinetically affected by the presence of salt. We estimate that the energy barrier to attain the low energy states decreases linearly with increase in the concentration of salt. The observed superposition of all the elapsed time and the salt concentration dependent data suggests that the aging that occurs in low salt concentration systems over a very long period is qualitatively similar to the aging behavior observed in systems with high salt concentration over a shorter period.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures. Langmuir, in pres

    MKS3/TMEM67 mutations are a major cause of COACH syndrome, a joubert syndrome related disorder with liver involvement

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    The acronym COACH defines an autosomal recessive condition of Cerebellar vermis hypo/ aplasia, Oligophrenia, congenital Ataxia, Coloboma and Hepatic fibrosis. Patients present the “molar tooth sign”, a midbrain-hindbrain malformation pathognomonic for Joubert Syndrome (JS) and Related Disorders (JSRDs). The main feature of COACH is congenital hepatic fibrosis (CHF), resulting from malformation of the embryonic ductal plate. CHF is invariably found also in Meckel syndrome (MS), a lethal ciliopathy already found to be allelic with JSRDs at the CEP290 and RPGRIP1L genes. Recently, mutations in the MKS3 gene (approved symbol TMEM67), causative of about 7% MS cases, have been detected in few Meckel-like and pure JS patients. Analysis of MKS3 in 14 COACH families identified mutations in 8 (57%). Features such as colobomas and nephronophthisis were found only in a subset of mutated cases. These data confirm COACH as a distinct JSRD subgroup with core features of JS plus CHF, which major gene is MKS3, and further strengthen gene-phenotype correlates in JSRDs

    An Ontological Approach to Inform HMI Designs for Minimizing Driver Distractions with ADAS

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    ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) are in-vehicle systems designed to enhance driving safety and efficiency as well as comfort for drivers in the driving process. Recent studies have noticed that when Human Machine Interface (HMI) is not designed properly, an ADAS can cause distraction which would affect its usage and even lead to safety issues. Current understanding of these issues is limited to the context-dependent nature of such systems. This paper reports the development of a holistic conceptualisation of how drivers interact with ADAS and how such interaction could lead to potential distraction. This is done taking an ontological approach to contextualise the potential distraction, driving tasks and user interactions centred on the use of ADAS. Example scenarios are also given to demonstrate how the developed ontology can be used to deduce rules for identifying distraction from ADAS and informing future designs

    Guidelines for diagnosis and management of the cobalamin-related remethylation disorders cblC, cblD, cblE, cblF, cblG, cblJ and MTHFR deficiency

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    BACKGROUND: Remethylation defects are rare inherited disorders in which impaired remethylation of homocysteine to methionine leads to accumulation of homocysteine and perturbation of numerous methylation reactions. OBJECTIVE: To summarise clinical and biochemical characteristics of these severe disorders and to provide guidelines on diagnosis and management. DATA SOURCES: Review, evaluation and discussion of the medical literature (Medline, Cochrane databases) by a panel of experts on these rare diseases following the GRADE approach. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS: We strongly recommend measuring plasma total homocysteine in any patient presenting with the combination of neurological and/or visual and/or haematological symptoms, subacute spinal cord degeneration, atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome or unexplained vascular thrombosis. We strongly recommend to initiate treatment with parenteral hydroxocobalamin without delay in any suspected remethylation disorder; it significantly improves survival and incidence of severe complications. We strongly recommend betaine treatment in individuals with MTHFR deficiency; it improves the outcome and prevents disease when given early


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    Taman Sejarah Hamlet is located in Waesala Village, Huamual Rear District, West Seram. It’s location by the coastline makes it an ideal spot for fishing activities. Most of it’s residents work as fishermen due to their easy access to the sea. However, the fishermen are currently facing a fish resource crisis, with a significant and decline in fish populations every year. Overfishing is one of the main factors causing this crisis. The lack of information and understanding among the fishermen about marine conservation means that fishing and management of marine resources cannot be properly measured or managed. The community service being carried out in Taman Sejarah Hamlet aims to provide enlightenment and positive contributions to the local fishing community about how to manage marine resources well and wisely.   &nbsp