45 research outputs found

    An innovative integrated approach based on DNA walking to identify unauthorized GMOs

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    &lt;p&gt;In the next coming years, the frequency of unauthorized genetically modified organisms (GMOs) being present in the European food/feed chain will increase significantly. Rice already constitutes a challenge for laboratories developing methods to detect unauthorized GMOs. Indeed, in 2012, several genetic modified rices were detected in products imported from Asia, mainly from China. Therefore, we have developed a strategy to identify unauthorized GMOs containing a pCAMBIA family vector, frequently present in transgenic plants. The presented integrated approach is performed in two main successive steps on Bt rice grains. First, the potential presence of unauthorized GMOs is assessed by the qPCR SYBR&amp;reg;Green technology targeting the terminator 35S (t35S) pCAMBIA element, which allows discriminating pCAMBIA family vectors. Second, its presence is confirmed via the characterization of the junction between the transgenic cassette and the rice genome. To this end, a DNA walking strategy is applied using a first reverse primer followed by two semi-nested PCR rounds using primers that are each time nested to the previous reverse primer. The sensitivity of the method was assessed. This innovative approach allows to rapidly identifying the transgene flanking region and presents the advantage to be easily implementable in GMO routine analysis by the enforcement laboratories.&lt;/p&gt;</p

    Integrated DNA walking system to characterize a broad spectrum of GMOs in food/feed matrices

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    Background: In order to provide a system fully integrated with qPCR screening, usually used in GMO routine analysis, as well as being able to detect, characterize and identify a broad spectrum of GMOs in food/feed matrices, two bidirectional DNA walking methods targeting p35S or tNOS, the most common transgenic elements found in GM crops, were developed. These newly developed DNA walking methods are completing the previously implemented DNA walking method targeting the t35S pCAMBIA element. Results: First, the newly developed DNA walking methods, anchored on the sequences used for the p35S or tNOS qPCR screening, were tested on Bt rice that contains these two transgenic elements. Second, the methods were assessed on a maize sample containing a low amount of the GM MON863 event, representing a more complex matrix in terms of genome size and sensitivity. Finally, to illustrate its applicability in GMO routine analysis by enforcement laboratories, the entire workflow of the integrated strategy, including qPCR screening to detect the potential presence of GMOs and the subsequent DNA walking methods to characterize and identify the detected GMOs, was applied on a GeMMA Scheme Proficiency Test matrix. Via the characterization of the transgene flanking region between the transgenic cassette and the plant genome as well as of a part of the transgenic cassette, the presence of GMOs was properly confirmed or infirmed in all tested samples. Conclusion: Due to their simple procedure and their short time-frame to get results, the developed DNA walking methods proposed here can be easily implemented in GMO routine analysis by the enforcement laboratories. In providing crucial information about the transgene flanking regions and/or the transgenic cassettes, this DNA walking strategy is a key molecular tool to prove the presence of GMOs in any given food/feed matrix

    Current and new approaches in GMO detection: challenges and solutions

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    In many countries, genetically modified organisms (GMO) legislations have been established in order to guarantee the traceability of food/feed products on the market as well as to protect the consumer freedom of choice. Therefore, several GMO detection strategies, mainly based on DNA, have been developed to implement these legislations. Due to its numerous advantages, the quantitative PCR (qPCR) is the method of choice for the enforcement laboratories in GMO routine analysis. However, given the increasing number and diversity of GMO developed and put on the market around the world, some technical hurdles could be encountered with the qPCR technology, mainly owed to its inherent properties. To address these challenges, alternative GMO detection methods have been developed, allowing faster detections of single GM target (e.g. Loop-mediated isothermal amplification), simultaneous detections of multiple GM targets (e.g. PCR capillary gel electrophoresis, microarray and Luminex®), more accurate quantification of GM targets (e.g. digital PCR) or characterization of partially known (e.g. DNA walking and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)) or unknown (e.g. NGS) GMO. The benefits and drawbacks of these methods are discussed in this review

    Development of an LC-MS/MS method for the detection of traces of peanut allergens in chili pepper

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    The recent detection of nuts (including peanut) in spices across the globe has led to enormous recalls of several spices and food products in the last two years. The lack of validated detection methods specific for spices makes it difficult to assess allergen presence at trace levels. Because of the urgent need for confirmation of possible peanut presence in chili peppers, an LC-MS/MS method was optimized and developed for this particular food matrix. Although several studies optimized LC-MS detection strategies specific for peanuts, the presence of complex components in the spices (e.g., phenolic components) makes method optimization and validation necessarily. Focus was laid on validation of the method with real incurred chili peppers (whereby a known amount of peanut is added) at low concentrations, to deal with possible matrix interferences. LC-MS/MS proves to be a good alternative to the currently most applied methods (ELISA and RT-PCR) and can be used as a complementary method of analysis when results are unclear. Peanut marker peptides were selected based on their abundancy in digested incurred chili peppers. The limit of detection was determined to be 24 ppm (mg peanut/kg), a level whereby the risk for potential allergic reactions is zero, considering the typical portion size of spices. The chili pepper powder under investigation proved to contain low levels of peanuts after LC-MS/MS, ELISA, and RT-PCR testing

    Development and implementation of strategies for GMO quantification in an evolving European context

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    Influence of plant developmental stage on DNA yield and extractability in MON810 maize

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    The amount and extractability of DNA in different parts of MON810 GM hybrid was studied during different developmental stages. To quantify GM contents, an evaluation was performed of the effect of plant development stage on DNA density. To this end, the evolution of weights, absolute DNA yields, DNA densities and ratios of endosperm and embryo relative to total maize kernel were studied. Sampling at four stages during the growth shows an influence on relative GM quantification based on haploid genome equivalents, due to the specific maize seed composition and differences in DNA extractability from different seed tissues. During plant growth, plant parts with potential GM genes (embryo in kernel and cob on total plant) increase in importance on weight and DNA concentration level, while the endosperm drops in relative importance. Expected % GM maize values are calculated for a whole field harvest of grain maize

    Detection of allergenic ingredients using real-time PCR: a case study on hazelnut (Corylus avellena) and soy (Glycine max)

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    Compliance with the European allergen labeling legislation (Directive 2007/68/EC) is only possible when coupled with appropriate methods to detect allergens in food. The aim of the current study was to develop new real-time PCR assays for the detection of hazelnut and soy and evaluate these assays via comparison with commercially available kits. Although the new assays were not as sensitive as the commercial qualitative assays, they proved to be more specific. Moreover, the cross-reactivity study indicated contamination of some of the food products used with either hazelnut or soy, which presents a risk for the allergic consumer. The assays were able to quantify as few as 5-15 genome copies. This unit, used to express analytical results for allergen detection by means of PCR, needs to be converted to a unit expressing the amount of allergenic ingredient in order to be informative. This study emphasizes that the use of real-time PCR for allergen quantification is complicated by the lack of appropriate reference materials for allergens