761 research outputs found

    Efficient redistribution policy: an analysis focused on the quality of institutions and public education

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    In this work we intend to study how the quality of the institutional factor may influence the efficiency of redistribution policy specifically associated with human capital accumulation. We develop a conceptual discussion building on the importance of income redistribution for economic growth and the key role of political institutions in securing growth-enhancing redistribution policies. We introduce endogenous growth theory elements into our analysis by considering as a fundamental source of economic growth human capital accumulation, motivated by tax-financed education secured through efficient redistribution policies. We outline crucial insights on the underlying mechanisms, emphasizing however that extensive research on the subject is undoubtedly still required. In particular, we identify the main factors negatively affecting the decisive role of political institutions and, consequently, distorting efficient redistribution policy. We then define a political-economic equilibrium as a combination of intermediately strong state and efficient control-rights institutions, implying simultaneous protection from expropriation and implementation of efficient redistribution policy, conducive to sustained economic growth.redistribution policy, human capital, institutions, taxation, public education, economic growth

    Inequality and Growth: Uncovering the main conclusions from the empirics

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    The theme of the relationship between inequality and economic growth has gained considerable attention among economists over the last two decades. In this paper, we analyse the effect of inequality on growth, whose related literature has been producing inconclusive results. After an exhaustive study of the major empirical works in this specific research area, we are able not only to advance with some potential explanations for the apparent lack of consensus on the empirical assessment of the inequality-growth relationship, but also to achieve a better understanding of the nature of this relationship and the forces underlying it. We conclude that the disparities found in the results of the estimation of the reduced-form relationship are most likely due to three dimensions: differences in the estimation techniques, the countries and the periods included in the sample, and the variable used to measure inequality. The last two aspects have particularly important implications. First, country/region specificities play a crucial role in the relationship between inequality and growth, so more emphasis should be put on the estimation of such a relationship on a national/regional basis, rather than trying to establish universal patterns. Second, the time horizon of the analysis should be carefully chosen, as different transmission channels from inequality to growth tend to operate differently in the short and in the long-run. Third, the fact that inequality in wealth distribution has a stronger negative effect on growth than inequality in income distribution may indicate that the channels through which inequality affects growth are not the same in both distributions. Therefore, we argue that in order to produce an accurate assessment of both the reduced-form relationship and the underlying transmission channels these aspects should be accordingly considered, which has not been the case in most of the empirical literature.inequality, economic growth, transmission channels, income distribution, wealth distribution, taxation

    Senior universities - Portuguese legal framework

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    This article intends to present some fundamental documents, from international organizations and from the Portuguese government, establishing the importance of lifelong learning, purpose that can be achieved, for instance, with the support of senior universities. Promote lifelong learning in particular for seniors is one of the three objectives stated for the International Scientific Conference of Educational Projects for Seniors by its organization.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf

    Regulation of prostitution: guarantee of dignity or legal consecration of indignity

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    This article intends to address a contemporary topic in Portuguese political, social and legislative arenas: the adequacy of keeping the exploitation of prostitution as a crime or, otherwise, the pertinency of making it a legal activity, subject to regulation. The main methodology used will address the analysis of Portuguese internal laws (such as penal, labour and human rights laws) as well as international binding norms, in order to establish the ascertain legal option. In conclusion, the maintenance of the criminalization seems to be the coherent option.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Digital culture – a state of the art

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    Escrever sobre Cultura Digital é, em última, e em primeira instância, escrever sobre a cultura em si mesma. Contemporaneamente os discursos que se produzem são sempre atravessados pelas tecnologias que geraram uma nova lógica para a produção, distribuição e consumo do conhecimento. Negar a omnipresença do digital é negar um facto tão simples como este: as ferramentas que usamos para produzir textos, ou imagens, são, na sua imensa maioria, digitais. O analógico tornou-se objeto de culto, ou de museu, sendo retomado, em novas vagas, motivado às vezes pelo saudosismo, por alguma vontade de resistência ou por necessidade gerada pela investigação. A ideia de cultura, no plural, remete-nos para a polissemia do termo e o sentido que o mesmo adquire através dos usos e dos costumes e, sobretudo, através da difusão pelos media. A cultura assume, paulatinamente, o lugar da civilização, deixando de ser apenas o substrato espiritual e intelectual que identificava um grupo, ou até uma nação, para se converter num bem material, ou num rótulo utilizado para se vender um produto, ou uma ideologia, qualquer que ela seja. O universo digital é recente, mas já bastante vasto e as discussões sobre ele estão a decorrer neste momento, apesar de sabermos que somente a distância temporal nos dará uma verdadeira perspetiva das marcas e do rasto que as criações alfanuméricas deixarão impressas, de forma indelével, na cultura.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Economics of the Firm and Economic Growth. An hybrid theoretical framework of analysis

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    The characterization of individual firms is an essential step toward the study of the behaviour of industries and other more aggregated units of economics, and so to the analysis of economic growth processes. Hence, the main goal of this study is to achieve a critical discussion around the conceptualisation of the firm and its role in the dynamical process of economic growth. The approach to the main topic starts with the construction of a theoretical matrix of the economics of the firm, opening with the two major traditions of institutionalist thought in economics, and evolving then towards some considerations around the contractual and the evolutionary approaches. Another important theoretical stream that deals with organizations in economic and sociological terms also appears, the population ecology approach. After this overview, it is developed a cross-exam of distinct theoretical perspectives and the identification of possible flaws of the neoclassical theory. This confrontation, which goes throughout many imperative and controversial issues within economics such as the nature of the firm and the cognitive capacities of economic agents, results in a systematisation about the impact of this discussion on economic growth. The conclusions appear as crucial to develop further research aiming the construction of economic growth models based on a microeconomics that is closer to the reality of firms.Firm; Economic Growth; Institutionalism; Evolutionary theory; Contractual Theory; Ecology Population Theory.

    The role of actin cytoskeleton downstream of the Src oncogene in the earlier events of breast tumour progression

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    Tumorigenesis is a multistep process, by which cells acquire genetic and epigenetic alterations in oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes, which provide growth and/or survival advantage. Subsequent alterations may condemn these pre-malignant cells into malignant ones with invasive and metastatic abilities. Proto-oncogenes of the Src-family kinases have been linked to tumorigenesis and their over-expression and activation described in breast cancer. Increased Src activity has been associated with increased cell proliferation, survival, epithelialmesenchymal transition (EMT), migration, invasion and metastasis. Although Src is well-known to trigger cancer cell mobility, migration and invasion, through regulation of filamentous actin (F-actin), whether it also uses F-actin to promote proliferation and survival of tumour cells at pre-malignant stages remains unknown. Our lab has demonstrated that Src promotes apical F-actin accumulation in Drosophila epithelia. In turn, F-actin limits Src-induced apoptosis or tissue overgrowth.(...)Fundação Calouste GulbenkianLiga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro/Pfize