176 research outputs found

    Recovery of lactose and proteins from cheese whey with poly(ethylene)glycol/sulfate aqueous two-phase systems

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    Cheese whey is an environmental problem as an effluent, but also a source of valuable raw materials, namely proteins and lactose. In this work, Aqueous Two-Phase Systems (ATPS) were studied for the recovery of lactose, BSA, β-lactoglobulin and α-lactalbumin, key components of cheese whey. ATPS formed by PEG (molecular weights: 200–8000 g.mol−1) with sodium or ammonium sulfate were investigated. Partitioning of the selected solutes was experimentally addressed in different ATPS and pH values. Partition behavior showed that ATPS formed by PEG1500/ammonium sulfate is able to separate lactose from proteins, while PEG300/sodium sulfate ATPS may be used for protein fractionation. These separation strategies were then tested with simulated and real cheese whey. Under optimized conditions, PEG 1500/ammonium sulfate ATPS allows efficient recovery of > 95% proteins (precipitate) and 80% of lactose (bottom phase), as confirmed for both simulated and real cheese whey. The results found indicate that the proposed polymer/salt ATPS can be used to design scalable and cost-effective separation strategies to apply in cheese whey and other related wastes.publishe

    Mobile Pollution Data Sensing Using UAVs

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    © ACM 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in ACM, In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (pp. 393-397). http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2837126.2843842Nowadays, the impact of global warming is causing societies to become more aware and responsive to environmental problems. As a result, pollution sensing is gaining more relevance. In order to have a strict control over air quality, the use of mobile sensors is becoming a promising alternative to traditional air quality stations. Mobile sensors allow to easily perform measurements in many different places, thereby offering substantial improvements in terms of the spatial granularity of the data gathered. Pollution monitoring near large industrial areas or in rural areas where transportation facilities are poor or inexistent can complicate the mobile sensing approach. To address this problem, in this paper we propose endowing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with pollution sensors, allowing them to become autonomous air monitoring stations. The proposed solution has the potential to quickly cover a target region at a low cost, and providing great flexibility.This work was partially supported by the “Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, Proyectos I+D+I 2014,” Spain, under Grant TEC2014-52690-R, and by the Generalitat Valenciana, Spain (Grant AICO/2015/113).Alvear, O.; Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM.; Hernández Orallo, E.; Cano Escribá, JC.; Manzoni, P. (2015). Mobile Pollution Data Sensing Using UAVs. ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/2837126.2843842SEuropean Topic Centre for Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation (ETC/ACM). http://acm.eionet.europa.eu/, Accessed: October 3, 2015.United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). http://www.epa.gov/, Accessed: October 3, 2015.A. Adam-Poupart, A. Brand, M. Fournier, M. Jerrett, and A. Smargiassi. Spatiotemporal modeling of ozone levels in Quebec (Canada): a comparison of kriging, land-use regression (LUR), and combined Bayesian maximum entropy--LUR approaches. Environmental health perspectives, 122(9):970, 2014.K. Anderson and K. Gaston. Lightweight unmanned aerial vehicles will revolutionize spatial ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11(3):138--146, 2013.J. Bellvert, P. Zarco-Tejada, J. Girona, and E. Fereres. Mapping crop water stress index in a `pinot-noir' vineyard: comparing ground measurements with thermal remote sensing imagery from an unmanned aerial vehicle. Precision Agriculture, 15(4):361--376, 2014.M. Brković and V. Sretović. Urban sensing--smart solutions for monitoring environmental quality: Case studies from serbia. In 48th ISOCARP International Congress: Fast Forward: Planning in a (hyper) dynamic urban context, Perm, Russia, 2012.Y. Cheng, X. Li, Z. Li, S. Jiang, Y. Li, J. Jia, and X. Jiang. AirCloud: a cloud-based air-quality monitoring system for everyone. In Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems, pages 251--265. ACM, 2014.I. Colomina and P. Molina. Unmanned aerial systems for photogrammetry and remote sensing: A review. {ISPRS} Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 92:79--97, 2014.T. Cox, C. Nagy, M. Skoog, and I. Somers. Civil UAV Capability Assessment. NASA, 2004.R. P. Foundation. Raspberry pi. https://www.raspberrypi.org/, Accessed: October 10, 2015.S. Gupte, P. Mohandas, and J. Conrad. A survey of quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. In Southeastcon, 2012 Proceedings of IEEE, pages 1--6, March 2012.S.-C. Hu, Y.-C. Wang, C.-Y. Huang, and Y.-C. Tseng. Measuring air quality in city areas by vehicular wireless sensor networks. Journal of Systems and Software, 84(11):2005--2012, 2011.C. H. Hugenholtz, B. J. Moorman, K. Riddell, and K. Whitehead. Small unmanned aircraft systems for remote sensing and Earth science research. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 93(25):236--236, 2012.S. Illingworth, G. Allen, C. Percival, P. Hollingsworth, M. Gallagher, H. Ricketts, H. Hayes, P. ÅĄadosz, D. Crawley, and G. Roberts. Measurement of boundary layer ozone concentrations on-board a Skywalker unmanned aerial vehicle. Atmospheric Science Letters, 15(4):252--258, 2014.D. Industries. Grovepi. http://www.dexterindustries.com/grovepi/, Accessed: October 10, 2015.L.-J. S. Liu and A. Rossini. Use of kriging models to predict 12-hour mean ozone concentrations in metropolitan toronto-a pilot study. Environment International, 22(6):677--692, 1996.Q. McFrederick, J. Kathilankal, and J. Fuentes. Air pollution modifies floral scent trails. Atmospheric Environment, 42(10):2336--2348, 2008.M. L. Stein. Statistical Interpolation of Spatial Data: Some Theory for Kriging. Springer, New York, 1999.C. Zhang and J. Kovacs. The application of small unmanned aerial systems for precision agriculture: a review. Precision Agriculture, 13(6):693--712, 2012

    E-Learning Enhancement through Multidisciplinary Teams in Higher Education: Students, Teachers, and Librarians

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    The societal disturbance created by the rapid outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the entire globe, profoundly affecting all levels of education. The challenge presented by COVID-19 is broad, rapidly evolving, and complex; it threatens everyone’s well-being, the global economy, the environment, and all societal and cultural standards and our daily activities. Throughout the Coronavirus outbreak and any future lockdowns, it is crucial that the needs of students be ultimately and regularly met and that they are supported effectively. We intend to address skill shortages and mismatches, particularly regarding the readiness to teach in an online environment that encourages flexible and innovative learning. The main contribution of this paper is addressing this subject with an integrated vision of three different players in higher education: students, teachers and librarians. Using the Technology Adoption Model (TAM) and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), a conceptual model was developed to explain both the behavior and intentions of users when using e-learning systems. Among Portuguese students, 91% of e-learning satisfaction can be attributed to perceived usefulness, actual use, and personal considerations. For educators, satisfaction appears to be mostly dependent on perceived usefulness and usability, while librarians’ satisfaction is negatively dependent on technological factors. Students’ actual use of technology is 89% dependent on organizational and technological variables. However, the actual use by teachers appears to be primarily dependent on personal and technological factors. Similarly, 91% of the variability of the use of e-learning tools by librarians can be explained by organizational, personal and technological factors, with the personal factors having a negative impact on the actual use.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    What Would a Sociology Applied to Translation be Like?

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    Artigo publicado na revista MonTI em 2010. A presente tradução foi autorizada para ser publicada em português pelo editor da Revista, Juan Antonio Albaladejo (http://www.e-revistes.uji.es/index.php/monti), e pelos autores, Oscar Díaz Fouces e Esther Monzó, aos quais agradecemos imensamente. Referência bibliográfica completa do artigo original: Fouces, Oscar Díaz; Monzó, Esther. “What would a sociology applied to translation be like?”. MonTI 2, 2010, p. 9-18.The main purpose of this paper is to list some of the main sociological aspects to productively associate them with Translation Studies to promote the concept of Sociology Applied to Translation (SAT). This label was chosen because we intend to highlight the opportunity to attract resources, methods, and tools from other epistemological fields (those of the Social Sciences) and make a selective appropriation of them to our disciplinary scope. To do so, we draw a brief overview of studies, such as Wolf's (2002), Inghilleri's (2003), Sapiro’s (2007), Sela-Sheffy's (2005), Thoutenhoofd's (2005) and Gouanvic's (2007) writings, among others. We absorb their analyses on concepts coming from different socio-cultural readings. Thus, we understand that such studies share a methodological structure and allow us to conceive valid hypotheses beyond specific moments in time, territorial spaces or social agents. This proposal will inspire the continuation and replication of research, and we hope that this inspiration will become a collective task undertaken by our area to promote the evolution of the SAT.O presente artigo tem por objetivo elencar algumas das principais vertentes sociológicas a fim de associá-las, de maneira produtiva, aos Estudos da Tradução de forma a promover o conceito de Sociologia Aplicada à Tradução (SAT). Esse rótulo foi escolhido porque buscamos destacar a oportunidade de atrair recursos, métodos e ferramentas de outros campos epistemológicos (os das Ciências Sociais) e realizar uma apropriação seletiva deles para o nosso âmbito disciplinar. Para tanto, traçamos um breve panorama de estudos, como os de Wolf (2002), Inghilleri (2003), Sapiro (2007), Sela-Sheffy (2005), Thoutenhoofd (2005) e Gouanvic (2007), entre outros, os quais fundamentam suas análises em conceitos advindos das diferentes leituras socioculturais. Dessa forma, compreendemos que tais leituras compartilham de uma estrutura metodológica e permitem conceber hipóteses válidas além de momentos específicos no tempo, espaços territoriais ou agentes sociais. Esta proposta irá inspirar a continuação e a réplica de pesquisas, e esperamos que essa inspiração se torne uma tarefa coletiva realizada por nossa área, com o intuito de promover a evolução da SAT