11 research outputs found

    Extensões de Linha e suas Pluralidades de identidades na Comunicação

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    Este trabalho se propõe a analisar de que forma as marcas trabalham a pluralidade de identidade das extensões de linha, de forma que isso não crie ambigüidades para a comunicação da marca principal. Isso é discutido através de um panorama inicial dos três principais fatores que geram as mudanças nas estratégias da marca, concorrência, inovações tecnológicas e valores sociais, e como eles interferem na atual fragmentação do mercado, propiciando uma grande formação de nichos, e como a extensão de linha se apresenta como solução para estes nichos. Para tal, foi realizada uma aproximação teórica no marketing, principalmente com Kotler e na sociologia. Para análise da comunicação será utilizado estudo de caso com a marca The Coca-cola compan

    Novos enunciadores da publicidade: perfis fictícios no branded content da cerveja Antarctica

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    Neste trabalho, analisamos as interações estabelecidas na página do perfil fictício Marcelão da BOA, personagem do conjunto de webséries “Coisa boa gera coisa boa”, promovido pela marca de cerveja Antarctica como parte integrante de sua corrente ação de branded content. Para tanto, recuperamos conceitos afeitos à relação entre ciberpublicidade e prossumidores, bem como revisamos algumas perspectivas sobre o branded content. Assim, procuramos investigar as trocas discursivas entre marca e consumidores sob o prisma dos regimes de interação dados pelo ferramental teórico da sociossemiótica

    Novos enunciadores da publicidade: perfis fictícios no branded content da cerveja Antarctica

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    En este trabajo, analizamos las interacciones establecidas en la página del perfil ficticio Marcelão da BOA, personaje del conjunto de series web “Coisa boa gera coisa boa”, promovido por la marca de cerveza Antarctica como parte integrante de su acción de branded content. Para ello, recuperamos conceptos referentes con la relación entre ciberpublicidad y prosumidores, así como revisamos algunas perspectivas sobre el branded content. De este modo, buscamos investigar los intercambios discursivos entre marca y consumidores bajo el prisma de los regímenes de interacción dados por el instrumento teórico de la socio semiótica.In this work, we analyze the interactions established in the fictional profile page Marcelão da BOA, a character from the set of web series “Coisa boa gera coisa boa”, promoted by the Antarctica beer brand as an integral part of its current branded content action. To do so, we recover concepts related to the relationship between cyber advertising and prosumers, as well as review some perspectives on branded content. Thus, we seek to investigate the discursive exchanges between brand and consumers under the prism of the interaction regimes given by the theoretical tool of socio-semiotics.Neste trabalho, analisamos as interações estabelecidas na página do perfil fictício Marcelão da BOA, personagem do conjunto de webséries “Coisa boa gera coisa boa”, promovido pela marca de cerveja Antarctica como parte integrante de sua corrente ação de branded content. Para tanto, recuperamos conceitos afeitos à relação entre ciberpublicidade e prossumidores, bem como revisamos algumas perspectivas sobre o branded content. Assim, procuramos investigar as trocas discursivas entre marca e consumidores sob o prisma dos regimes de interação dados pelo ferramental teórico da sociossemiótica

    A pedagogia do consumo: estratégias da marca guaraná antarctica

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    O artigo tem como objetivo analisar como a publicidade ensina ao consumidor modos de usar os objetos de consumo. Tal abordagem irá privilegiar as transformações ocorridas no aspecto estratégico da comunicação publicitária da marca, tangenciando questões relacionadas a experiência. Para isso, a pesquisa recorre, a título de objeto de análise, à periodização de três momentos da publicidade do Guaraná Antarctica: nos anos 1920, nos anos 1990 e nos anos 2000

    Acidente vascular cerebral crônico: reabilitação

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    This study revised articles from the MEDLINE (PubMed) databases and other research sources, with no time limit. To do so, the search strategy adopted was based on (P.I.C.O.) structured questions (from the initials "Patient"; "Intervention"; "Control" and "Outcome". As keywords were used: (stroke OR cerebrovascular disorders OR intracranial arteriosclerosis OR intracranial embolism and thrombosis) AND exercise therapy AND upper extremity; (stroke OR cerebrovascular disorders OR intracranial arteriosclerosis OR intracranial embolism and thrombosis) AND restraint induced therapy; stroke AND exercise therapy AND upper extremity; (intracranial arteriosclerosis OR intracranial embolism and thrombosis OR stroke OR cerebrovascular disorders) AND electric stimulation therapy AND upper extremity; (intracranial arteriosclerosis OR intracranial embolism and thrombosis OR stroke OR cerebrovascular disorders) AND (orthotic devices OR splints) AND upper extremity;knowledge of Results OR biofeedback OR electromyography AND stroke OR cerebrovascular disorders OR intracranial arteriosclerosis OR intracranial embolism and thrombosis AND rehabilitation; stroke AND upper extremity AND functional laterality; stroke AND upper extremity AND robotics AND physical therapy modalities; stroke AND body weight supports treadmill training AND floor walking; stroke AND gait disorders AND (treadmill exercises OR floor walking); stroke AND postural balance AND physical therapy modalities; stroke AND postural balance AND feedback, sensory; (stroke OR hemiplegia) AND gait disorders, neurologic AND orthotic devices; (stroke OR hemiplegia) AND gait disorders, neurologic AND (feedback, sensory OR proprioception). stroke AND (TENS OR transcutaneous electric stimulation); (stroke OR hemiplegic) AND electric stimulation therapy AND muscle spasticity; hemiplegic AND electric stimulation therapy AND spasticity; stroke AND (virtual reality OR wii game); (stroke OR cerebrovascular disorders OR intracranial arteriosclerosis OR intracranial embolism OR thrombosis) AND resistance training AND recovery function; stroke AND biofeedback, psychology AND Electromyography AND gait; (stroke OR cerebrovascular disorders OR intracranial arteriosclerosis OR intracranial embolism and thrombosis) AND biofeedback, psychology AND (gait OR gait disorders, neurologic).Este estudo revisou artigos nas bases de dados do MEDLINE (Pub-Med) e demais fontes de pesquisa, sem limite de tempo. Para tanto, adotou-se a estratégia de busca baseada em perguntas estruturadas na forma (P.I.C.O.) das iniciais: "Paciente"; "Intervençao"; "Controle" e "Outcome". Como descritores utilizaram-se: (stroke OR cerebrovascular disorders OR intracranial arteriosclerosis OR intracranial embolism and thrombosis) AND exercise therapy AND upper extremity; (stroke OR cerebrovascular disorders OR intracranial arteriosclerosis OR intracranial embolism and thrombosis) AND restraint induced therapy; stroke AND exercise therapy AND upper extremity; (intracranial arteriosclerosis OR intracranial embolism and thrombosis OR stroke OR cerebrovascular disorders) AND electric stimulation therapy AND upper extremity; (intracranial arteriosclerosis OR intracranial embolism and thrombosis OR stroke OR cerebrovascular disorders) AND (orthotic devices OR splints) AND upper extremity;knowledge of Results OR biofeedback OR electromyography AND stroke OR cerebrovascular disorders OR intracranial arteriosclerosis OR intracranial embolism and thrombosis AND rehabilitation; stroke AND upper extremity AND functional laterality; stroke AND upper extremity AND robotics AND physical therapy modalities; stroke AND body weight supports treadmill training AND floor walking; stroke AND gait disorders AND (treadmill exercises OR floor walking); stroke AND postural balance AND physical therapy modalities; stroke AND postural balance AND feedback, sensory; (stroke OR hemiplegia) AND gait disorders, neurologic AND orthotic devices; (stroke OR hemiplegia) AND gait disorders, neurologic AND (feedback, sensory OR proprioception). stroke AND (TENS OR transcutaneous electric stimulation); (stroke OR hemiplegic) AND electric stimulation therapy AND muscle spasticity; hemiplegic AND electric stimulation therapy AND spasticity; stroke AND (virtual reality OR wii game); (stroke OR cerebrovascular disorders OR intracranial arteriosclerosis OR intracranial embolism OR thrombosis) AND resistance training AND recovery function; stroke AND biofeedback, psychology AND Electromyography AND gait; (stroke OR cerebrovascular disorders OR intracranial arteriosclerosis OR intracranial embolism and thrombosis) AND biofeedback, psychology AND (gait OR gait disorders, neurologic)

    Incidência da síndrome pré-menstrual na prática de esportes: aspectos atuais: Incidence of pre-menstrual syndrome in sports: current aspects

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    A síndrome pré-menstrual (SPM) é uma constelação complexa de alterações de humor, comportamentais e físicas que se limitam à fase pré-menstrual. Esses sintomas se recuperam dentro de alguns dias após o início da menstruação.  Assim, o objetivo desse estudo é demonstrar a incidência da síndrome pré-menstrual na prática de esportes a partir de uma revisão integrativa sobre o tema. Para isso, foi realizado uma revisão integrativa sobre o tema, onde foi considerado textos publicados desde 2010, em inglês e português e que estejam disponíveis para leitura, no PUBMED, LILACs e Scielo. Esta revisão sistemática fornece algum suporte adicional para diretrizes clínicas que recomendam o exercício como um tratamento eficaz para a TPM. As análises secundárias realizadas também fornecem novas evidências de que o exercício pode ser útil no alívio de sintomas psicológicos, físicos e comportamentais específicos associados à TPM, além de auxiliar no gerenciamento do perfil global de sintomas

    Appropriation du discours de représentation par le discours publicitaire : recherche sur le discours publicitaire contemporain et ses stratégies de représentation de minorités symboliques au Brésil

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    This thesis consists of a study on the representation of symbolic minorities in Brazilian advertising, specifically gender, social class and racial minorities. In Brazil, although these social groups represent the majority of the population, their symbolic representation in advertisements is usually emptied This phenomenon is the result of a type of symbolic injustice, which has been the subject of growing debate over the last few years, in the historical-social context marked by neoliberalism. Once the concept of advertising is understood as a symbolic space of wide social reach, it also becomes a place of reproduction of these representations and concealments. With that in mind, in order to understand the strategies adopted in Brazilian advertising, this work analysis focused on the social role possibly played by advertising, both from a theoretical perspective, and from a practical point of view. The analysis was conducted under the semiotic methodology, adopted in order to provide a more efficient approach in decoding the different possibilities of meaning produced. For this purpose, the beauty segment was select as the unit of study aiming towards leading market share groups and their main brands: O Boticário, Natura and Avon. In essence, the work proposes a broad view of advertising as an essentially commercial activity, characterizing itself as a space of possible affirmative recognition for minorities. The thesis seeks to bring a concrete contribution towards the practical application of semiotics as an advertising analysis tool, promoting reflections capable of combining the local particularities with theoretical concepts that are globally understood.Cette thèse est une étude sur la représentation des minorités symboliques dans la publicité brésilienne, en particulier les minorités de genre, de classe sociale et de race. Au Brésil, bien que ces groupes sociaux représentent une majorité de la population, leur représentation symbolique dans les publicités est absente. Ce phénomène relève d'une forme d'injustice symbolique, qui fait l'objet d'un débat croissant depuis quelques années, dans le contexte historique et social marqué par le néolibéralisme. Comprenant la publicité comme un espace symbolique de grande portée sociale, elle devient aussi un lieu de reproduction de ces représentations et masquages. Dans ce sens, pour comprendre les stratégies adoptées dans la publicité brésilienne, ce travail analysé le rôle social éventuellement exercé par la publicité, tant dans une perspective théorique que pratique. Pour l'analyse du contenu publicitaire, nous avons opté pour une méthodologie sémiotique, plus efficace pour décoder les possibilités de signification produites. Le corpus à étudier, était le segment de la beauté, avec l'analyse des principaux groupes de parts de marché et de leurs principales marques: O Boticário, Natura et Avon. Enfin, ce travail propose une vision large de la publicité en tant qu'activité essentiellement commerciale, caractérisée comme un espace de reconnaissance positive possible pour les minorités majoritaires. Nous cherchons à apporter une contribution concrète aux avancées de l'application pratique de la sémiotique comme outil d'analyse publicitaire, en promouvant des réflexions capables de combiner les particularités locales avec des concepts théoriques de compréhension globale

    Appropriation of the representation discourse by the advertising discourse : research on contemporary advertising discourse and their strategies of representation of symbolic minorities in Brazil

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    Cette thèse est une étude sur la représentation des minorités symboliques dans la publicité brésilienne, en particulier les minorités de genre, de classe sociale et de race. Au Brésil, bien que ces groupes sociaux représentent une majorité de la population, leur représentation symbolique dans les publicités est absente. Ce phénomène relève d'une forme d'injustice symbolique, qui fait l'objet d'un débat croissant depuis quelques années, dans le contexte historique et social marqué par le néolibéralisme. Comprenant la publicité comme un espace symbolique de grande portée sociale, elle devient aussi un lieu de reproduction de ces représentations et masquages. Dans ce sens, pour comprendre les stratégies adoptées dans la publicité brésilienne, ce travail analysé le rôle social éventuellement exercé par la publicité, tant dans une perspective théorique que pratique. Pour l'analyse du contenu publicitaire, nous avons opté pour une méthodologie sémiotique, plus efficace pour décoder les possibilités de signification produites. Le corpus à étudier, était le segment de la beauté, avec l'analyse des principaux groupes de parts de marché et de leurs principales marques: O Boticário, Natura et Avon. Enfin, ce travail propose une vision large de la publicité en tant qu'activité essentiellement commerciale, caractérisée comme un espace de reconnaissance positive possible pour les minorités majoritaires. Nous cherchons à apporter une contribution concrète aux avancées de l'application pratique de la sémiotique comme outil d'analyse publicitaire, en promouvant des réflexions capables de combiner les particularités locales avec des concepts théoriques de compréhension globale.This thesis consists of a study on the representation of symbolic minorities in Brazilian advertising, specifically gender, social class and racial minorities. In Brazil, although these social groups represent the majority of the population, their symbolic representation in advertisements is usually emptied This phenomenon is the result of a type of symbolic injustice, which has been the subject of growing debate over the last few years, in the historical-social context marked by neoliberalism. Once the concept of advertising is understood as a symbolic space of wide social reach, it also becomes a place of reproduction of these representations and concealments. With that in mind, in order to understand the strategies adopted in Brazilian advertising, this work analysis focused on the social role possibly played by advertising, both from a theoretical perspective, and from a practical point of view. The analysis was conducted under the semiotic methodology, adopted in order to provide a more efficient approach in decoding the different possibilities of meaning produced. For this purpose, the beauty segment was select as the unit of study aiming towards leading market share groups and their main brands: O Boticário, Natura and Avon. In essence, the work proposes a broad view of advertising as an essentially commercial activity, characterizing itself as a space of possible affirmative recognition for minorities. The thesis seeks to bring a concrete contribution towards the practical application of semiotics as an advertising analysis tool, promoting reflections capable of combining the local particularities with theoretical concepts that are globally understood

    Ciberpublicidade: diferentes táticas de uma narrativa de marca

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    A proposta deste trabalho é analisar dois filmes publicitários, um online veiculado no YouTube e outro off-line veiculado na TV, a partir do conceito de ciberpublicidade, observando os pontos de contato e diferenciação entre eles e de que forma constroem uma narrativa única de marca. Assim, procuramos entender os aspectos da ciberpublicidade, principalmente, a mudança do papel do receptor na construção do posicionamento de marca. Para isso, foram utilizados como estudo de caso dois filmes da Coca-Cola que integraram sua estratégia de comunicação da Copa do Mundo da FIFA 2014. Dessa forma, foi possível observar a ciberpublicidade como um conceito que amplifica os alcances e possibilidades da publicidade tradicional