799 research outputs found

    Q Fever Chronic Osteomyelitis in Two Children

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    We report 2 cases of chronic Q fever osteomyelitis in 10- and 5-year-old girls who presented with distal right femoral and left parasternal granulomatous osteomyelitis, respectively. Both were treated with ciprofloxacin and rifampin with good response. Q fever osteomyelitis is a challenging diagnosis in children, and the choice of antimicrobial treatment is difficult because of limited available data.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Roosevelt – Rondon expedition marmoset (Mico marcai) : unveiling the conservation status of a data deficient species

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    The Roosevelt-Rondon Expedition marmoset, Mico marcai, was collected in 1914 and to date, all information on this species comes from three skins brought back by the Expedition and two additional skins collected in the 1990s. It is no surprise then that M.marcai has been classified as Data Deficient (DD). Given that Mico marcai’s suspected range sits on the path of the advancing Brazilian “Arc-of-Deforestation”, it is urgent that relevant data be collected to assess this taxon. Here we present the first comprehensive field data on the distribution, population size and threats on M. marcai with the goal of removing the species from the DD category. From 2012 to 2015, we surveyed for the species in 11 localities, in and around the Marmelos-Aripuanã interfluve, and estimated density using distance sampling on 10 transects. We also used spatial predictive modelling to project the amount of habitat that will be lost within its range in 18 years under different deforestation scenarios. We found marmosets in 14 localities and calculated its Extent of Occurrence to be 31,073 km2. We walked 271 km and detected 30 marmoset groups, allowing us to estimate their density to be 8.31 individuals/km2 and a total population of 258,217.71 individuals. By a “Business as usual” scenario, 20,181 km2 of habitat will be lost in three marmoset generations (~18 years), compromising 33% of the species’ range. Accordingly, M. marcai should be classified as globally Vulnerable under category A3c. Following our study, we propose the Amazonian marmosets, genus Mico, should undergo similar re-assessment as their ranges all fall in the path of the Arc-of-Deforestation. Keywords: Amazonian marmosets, Conservation Status, Data Deficient, Habitat Loss, Southern Amazoni

    The sulfur pathway and diagnosis of sulfate depletion in grapevine

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    Sulfur is an essential nutrient to all plant species. Plants assimilate sulfur in a well-described pathway, which has been taken up by roots. Regulatory mech- anism has been the subject of many research papers. However, recent studies highlighted differences between crop plants and the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Our work focuses on the identification of genes involved in the sulfur metabolism in the Vitis vinifera genome, and their response to sulfur deficiency and other abiotic stress endured by grapevine in the field, namely water stress. Here, we describe the identification and brief characterization of the first assimilation enzymes involved in the sulfur pathway, the enzyme responsible for sulfur activa- tion, ATP sulfurylase (ATPS), and the two enzymes that reduce sulfate to sulfide, Adenosine 50-phosphosulate reductase (APR) and Sulfite reductase (SiR). A reduc- tion was observed in the number of ATPS and APR isoforms identified in V. vinifera genome when compared to A. thaliana or Glycine max genomes. Two ATPS isoforms were present in the Vitis genome, of which only ATPS1 transcript was detected in the tested tissues, and one APR isoform, suggesting an absence of redundancy in the role of both enzymes. ATPS1, APR and SiR transcript level was up-regulated in response to 2 days exposure to sulfur deficiency in V. vinifera cell cultures, which was completely reversed by the addition of GSH to the culture medium. Apparently, oxidative stress triggered GSH has a pivotal role in the regulation of ATPS1, APR and SiR transcription level, since their up-regulation was observed in mRNA from field grapevine berries under water stress, which is known to induce oxidative stress.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Atenção ao idoso na estratégia de Saúde da Família: atuação do enfermeiro

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    Este estudo objetivou descrever a consulta de enfermagem ao idoso realizada na ESF; identificar possíveis dificuldades na atenção à saúde do idoso, bem como os cursos de qualificação profissional realizados e as necessidades de aprendizagem. Os dados foram coletados por meio da entrevista semiestruturada e submetidos à análise descritiva e temática. Foram entrevistadas 12 enfermeiras, a maioria estando na faixa etária de anos de formada (41%) em instituição particular (75%). Emergiram duas categorias temáticas: consulta de enfermagem ao idoso na ESF e qualificação profissional para a atenção à saúde do idoso. Foi considerado como desafio na realização da consulta de enfermagem a obtenção de dados fidedignos, a resolutividade e o apoio familiar. Os cursos para qualificar a atenção ao idoso ocorreram durante o período de graduação, destacando a falta de oportunidade, a pouca oferta e a necessidade de se aprofundar sobre o processo de envelhecimento.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir la consulta de enfermería realizada por el anciano en la ESF; identificar posibles dificultades en la atención a la salud del anciano, así como los cursos de calificación profesional realizados y las necesidades de aprendizaje. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de la entrevista semiestructurada y sometidos al análisis descriptivo temático. Fueron entrevistadas doce enfermeras, estando la mayoría situadas en la faja etaria de 23 a 28 años (66%), con 1-2 años de graduadas (41%) en instituciones particulares (75%). Emergieron dos categorías temáticas: consulta de enfermería del anciano en la ESF y calificación profesional para la atención de la salud del anciano. Fue considerado como desafío en la realización de la consulta de enfermería la obtención de datos fidedignos, la resolutividad y el apoyo familiar. Los cursos para calificar la atención al anciano, tuvieron lugar durante el período de graduación, destacándose la falta de oportunidad, la poca oferta y la necesidad de profundizar sobre el proceso de envejecimiento.This study aimed to describe the nursing consultation for the elderly provided at the Family Health Strategy (ESF, acronym in Portuguese); identify possible difficulties in delivering health care to the elderly, as well as the professional qualification courses performed and the learning needs. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and submitted to descriptive and thematic analysis. Interviews were performed with 12 nurses, most with ages between years since graduation (41%) in private institutions (75%). Two thematic categories emerged from the analysis: nursing consultation for the elderly performed at ESF and professional qualification in health care for the elderly. Obtaining reliable data in the nursing consultation, resolution and family support were considered as challenges. The courses to qualify professionals for elderly care occurred during their graduation course, highlighting the lack of opportunity, the short supply and the need for deeper studies about the aging process