116 research outputs found


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    Program vokasional yang selama ini diajarkan kepada anak tunagrahita ringan di SLB belum mampu memandirikan anak untuk hidup di masyarakat setelah anak tersebut lulus dari sekolah. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan yang dilaksanakan di SLB Darma Putra Pangandaran ditemukan bahwa sekolah belum melakukan kerjasama dengan perusahaan ataupun tempat penyaluran kerja yang ada. Pelatihan keterampilan yang diberikan di sekolah hanya sebatas pembelajaran di kelas dan belum ada tindak lanjut sebagai bahan evaluasi pihak sekolah mengenai bagaimana sebenarnya kinerja dari pembelajaran yang telah diberikan untuk mempersiapkan siswa tunagrahita ringan bekerja di lapangan. Salah satu cara yang dipandang akan memberikan pengalaman dan keterampilan bagi anak adalah melalui sistem magang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pembelajaran keterampilan melalui sistem magang di home industry yang berada di sekitar sekolah dapat terlaksana sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dalam membuat handicraft berbahan limbah kerang. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan subyek penelitian sebanyak lima orang. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa proses pembelajaran melalui sistem magang dalam membuat handicraft berbahan limbah kerang terlaksana dengan baik dan berdampak positif terhadap peningkatan kemampuan siswa tunagrahita ringan dalam keterampilan tersebut terlihat dari hasil kerajinan yang dinilai telah memenuhi standar home industry tempat dilaksankannya magang.---The vocational programme that learned to mild mental retardation students in Special School can not independence yet the child to life in their society after they graduate from their school. Based on prelimenary study in SLB Darma Putra Pangandaran found that the school didn’t have cooperation with any company or shelter worker. The vocational skills were giving only in class activities and no follow-up yet as evaluation about how their performance at the vocational skills that was given by special school to work after they graduate from there. One of way that will give they more experience and skills are through apprentices system. The purpose of this study is to know how vocational skills learning strategy through apprenticeship system in home industry near from their school done as an effort to increase their skills to make handicraft from shells waste. The study method is descriptive qualitative with five subjects. Data collection techniques through observations, interviews and documentations. The result can be concluded if the learning process through apprenticeship system to make handicraft from waste shells done as well and have a positive impact to increase the mild mental retardation students skill

    Isotropic and Anisotropic Interfaced Lambertian Microfacets

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    Specular microfacet distributions have been successfully employed by many authors for representing materials glossiness, and they are generally combined with a Lambertian term that accounts for the colored aspect. Such a representation makes use of the Fresnel reflectance factor at the interface, but the transmission factor is often ignored. In addition, the generalization to microfacet distributions with a more general reflectance is known to be complex, since it requires to solve an angular integral that has no analytical solution. This paper proposes a complete framework for physically handling both reflection and transmission with microfacet distributions. First, we show how transmission affects reflectance of an interfaced Lambertian model, and provide an analytical description of an individual microfacet reflectance. Second, we describe a method for handling distributions of such microfacets in any physically based Monte-Carlo rendering systems. Our approach generalizes several previous models, including flat Lambertian materials as well as specular and Lambertian microfacets. The result section illustrates the wide range of materials that can be possibly taken into account with this representation

    Functional analysis of Arabidopsis immune-related MAPKs uncovers a role for MPK3 as negative regulator of inducible defences

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    Background : Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) are key regulators of immune responses in animals and plants. In Arabidopsis, perception of microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) activates the MAPKs MPK3, MPK4 and MPK6. Increasing information depicts the molecular events activated by MAMPs in plants, but the specific and cooperative contributions of the MAPKs in these signalling events are largely unclear.[br/] Results: In this work, we analyse the behaviour of MPK3, MPK4 and MPK6 mutants in early and late immune responses triggered by the MAMP flg22 from bacterial flagellin. A genome-wide transcriptome analysis reveals that 36% of the flg22-upregulated genes and 68% of the flg22-downregulated genes are affected in at least one MAPK mutant. So far MPK4 was considered as a negative regulator of immunity, whereas MPK3 and MPK6 were believed to play partially redundant positive functions in defence.[br/] Our work reveals that MPK4 is required for the regulation of approximately 50% of flg22-induced genes and we identify a negative role for MPK3 in regulating defence gene expression, flg22-induced salicylic acid accumulation and disease resistance to Pseudomonas syringae. Among the MAPK-dependent genes, 27% of flg22-upregulated genes and 76% of flg22-downregulated genes require two or three MAPKs for their regulation. The flg22-induced MAPK activities are differentially regulated in MPK3 and MPK6 mutants, both in amplitude and duration, revealing a highly interdependent network.[br/] Conclusions : These data reveal a new set of distinct functions for MPK3, MPK4 and MPK6 and indicate that the plant immune signalling network is choreographed through the interplay of these three interwoven MAPK pathways

    Experimental analysis of the global energy balance in a DI diesel engine

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    The increasingly stringent internal combustion engines (ICE) emissions regulations, has led to the extended use of after-treatment systems, giving progressively more importance to the engine efficiency optimization. In this context, the experimental methodologies to perform and analyse the energy balance show as a key issue to evaluate the potential of different engine strategies aimed at the consumption optimization and the improvement paths identification. This works deals with the complete description of an experimental energy balance tool, including the comprehensive description of the specific designed experimental installation used to the determination of each energy term involved in the energy balance. After the tool description, a study of the energy balance in the engine map of a DI Diesel engine was carried out, with the objective of determining the engine speed and load influence on each energy term. A subsequent parametric study varying the coolant temperature, the intake air temperature and the start of the injection (SOI) and their influence in the engine efficiency has been performed. The results shows that the variation of the coolant temperature has an almost negligible effect in terms of efficiency whilst cooling the air yields in an improvement about 1% and advancing the SOI about 1.5%.The support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (TRA2013-41348-R) is greatly acknowledged.Payri González, F.; Olmeda González, PC.; Martín Díaz, J.; Carreño, R. (2015). Experimental analysis of the global energy balance in a DI diesel engine. Applied Thermal Engineering. 89:545-557. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2015.06.005S5455578

    Vers où mon corps me mène. Derniers échanges entre Freud et Abraham

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    International audienc

    De la tuberculose herniaire

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    Thèse : Médecine : Université de Bordeaux : 1902N° d'ordre : 8

    Les layas du Pays Basque

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    Tauzia Pierre. Les layas du Pays Basque. In: Journal d'agriculture traditionnelle et de botanique appliquée, 24ᵉ année, bulletin n°2-3, Avril-septembre 1977. pp. 99-105


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    The reduction of pollutant emissions is now a major concern during the design and optimisation of large Diesel engines, especially for marine propulsion. This study deals with this challenge, and with the consequences for general engine behaviour. Due to the size of the engines involved in this study, numerical simulation appears to be a very powerful tool.The examination of the literature reveals the capabilities of two models (a two zone and a multizone phenomenological models) but also the need for a specific adaptation to highly rated engines in order to evaluate the two main pollutant: NOx and smoke.The validation process performed for two medium speed Diesel engines with distinct power ratios (320 kW per cylinder and 615 kW per cylinder) leads to good agreement across the whole range of operating conditions for the two species studied. The comparison with a set of engine modifications in order to limit the NOx emissions (mainly injection timing, fuel injectors diameter, compression ratio and turbocharger geometry definition) shows a good correlation for most cases between calculation results and test bench measurements.Simulation of the principal pollution reduction methods (injection timing, air temperature reduction at engine inlet, exhaust gas recirculation and water injection) for steady state operations illustrates the possibilities of each techniques, for instance as a response to the present regulations. In addition, their consequences on the engines operations (fuel consumption, exploitation limit) are also investigated. The comparison of the results supplied by the two models with published experimental data shows good agreement.Finally, the two zone model (easier to integrate into performance simulation software) is implemented in order to study emissions production during Diesel engine transient operations and to test pollution reduction techniques for two cases (load step and load according to a propeller law). The pollution reduction means used for stationary conditions have limited efficiency during engine transients. However a specific technique, such as turbocharger jet assist, which maintains a good air/fuel ratio, leads to significant emissions reduction whilst improving the engine transient performance.La diminution à la source des émissions polluantes devient un objectif primordial lors de la conception et de l'optimisation des moteurs Diesel de forte puissance, notamment pour les ensembles utilisés en propulsion navale. Le travail présenté dans ce mémoire est centré sur ce point important, et sur les conséquences engendrées sur le fonctionnement général des moteurs. Compte tenu de la taille des ensembles considérés, la simulation apparaît comme un moyen d’étude et d’analyse privilégié.L'étude bibliographique révèle l’existence de deux modèles intéressants (un modèle "deux-zones" et un modèle phénoménologique "multizones") mais aussi la nécessité de les adapter à l'étude des moteurs Diesel de forte puissance, en considérant principalement deux polluants : les NOx et les fumées.La procédure de validation menée sur deux moteurs Diesel semi-rapides présentant des niveaux de puissance distincts (320 kW/cyl et 615 kW/cyl) permet d'obtenir, pour les deux polluants retenus, un accord satisfaisant, sur toute l’étendue du domaine d’exploitation. La prise en compte de modifications visant à limiter les émissions de NOx, relatives à l’avance à l’injection, au diamètre des trous des injecteurs, au taux de compression et à l’adaptation de la suralimentation, traduit également un bon accord entre les calculs et les relevés expérimentaux.La simulation des principaux moyens de dépollution à la source (diminution de l'avance à l’injection, diminution de la température d'admission, recyclage des gaz d'échappement, et injection d'eau) en régime stationnaire met en évidence le potentiel de chacune de ces techniques, notamment pour répondre aux impératifs des réglementations en vigueur. Mais elle fait également ressortir les avantages et les inconvénients liés à leur mise en œuvre, par rapport à d’autres aspects du fonctionnement du moteur (consommation et limites d’exploitation notamment). La comparaison des résultats fournis par les deux modèles avec ceux des travaux expérimentaux disponibles dans la littérature, établit une assez bonne correspondance.Enfin, le modèle deux-zones est retenu, en raison de sa plus grande souplesse, pour étudier les émissions lors des phases de fonctionnement transitoires des moteurs Diesel, et pour évaluer l'efficacité des techniques de dépollution dans deux cas tests : échelon de charge et prise de charge suivant une "loi hélice". Les moyens de dépollution habituellement utilisés en régime stationnaire ont ici une efficacité limitée. En revanche, l’assistance pneumatique des turbocompresseurs, utilisée pour maintenir un excès d’air élevé, conduit à des diminutions d’émissions significatives et à une amélioration des performances du moteur en régime transitoire
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